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Old 01-09-2012, 01:43 AM   #1

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I bathed Blaze once every two months unless he rolls in poop... Which he has a couple of times lol

I use a hemp seed lavender soap. It organic and the lavender relieves inflammation. And he smells great!
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Old 02-09-2012, 12:32 AM   #2

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i do still have a feeling it might be the wet pedigree food, or is it...
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Old 02-09-2012, 03:36 AM   #3

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I would try a grain free food. Natures maid salmon sweet potato is pretty good and a decent price
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Old 02-09-2012, 06:39 AM   #4

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I would but from where i'm from, dry dog food is limited. Most of the options i have is Loyall (using now), Pedigree, kirkland, and i think River Run. Any suggestions?
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Old 02-09-2012, 06:58 AM   #5

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Where are you from? and have you tried asking supplier if they can get in what you want.
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Old 03-08-2012, 01:21 PM   #6

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Mail order.

Awesome company; local to me...I've seen their warehouse, it's open to the public and it is pristine, you could eat off their floors.

Free shipping on order over $50.

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Old 05-09-2012, 12:02 AM   #7

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I am from Saipan, an island next to Guam. There are limited feeds here just ur typical ones lol its nuts
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Old 07-31-2012, 05:16 AM   #8

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Default Question about baths, baking soda and food
Hey guysWanted to ask you guys if bathing my 16week pup (Perseus) every other day is a good thing or it will harm Perseus. His very active pup, usually after playing and goofing around he would have that doggy smell every other day the most. A friend told me that baking Soda could minimize the doggy smell which in return less frequent bathing. He instructed I sprinkle baking soda on Perseus, rub it into skin then brush it off after couple minutes. Is it safe or has anyone done this?FoodThe breeder recommended Loyal, so that’s what I got. Is it good? Your thoughts? Sorry, from where I live, dry dog food is limited; most grocery stores carry dry/wet Pedigree and from what I’v read it’s not a good chose for ambullies. The only way I could get good food like TOTW is ordering it online, which I’ll do after this bag of Loyal is done. Thinking of going the Raw diet route but gotta figure my finances first lol.Any advice will be appreciated, thanks guys
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Old 07-31-2012, 05:30 AM   #9

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forgot to mention, Breeder also recommended using Head & Sholders shampoo, ur thoughts?
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Old 07-31-2012, 08:09 AM   #10

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Does your pup really smell that much?
My dog apart from swimming has a bath maybe twice a year and does not smell. Have you ruled out any medical issues that might cause the smell ?- ie yeasty ears. I would not bath my pup every other day it would strip the natural oils out of his coat which he needs.
Baking soda has a number of uses - cleaning up puppy messes, cleaning teeth, bee stings and deodorizing their bedding but I don't know about powdering your pup in it.
I don't like human shampoo because the PH level is different for dogs, on some dogs human shampoos work just fine, some have sensitive skin and it will just irritate them (there is a few threads about shampoos on here if you use the search function).
I feed raw so have no experiences with kibbles and the like.
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Old 07-31-2012, 09:06 AM   #11

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I wouldn't be bathing him every other day...why would get a dog is you didn't want to deal with the way they smell?
Order some dog colgones online if pet stores near you don't have them and spray your dog with that everyday.
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Old 07-31-2012, 11:35 AM   #12

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I wouldn't bathe every other day either, I think it's too much.

My dog has allergies so she gets bathed once a week; and her dermatologist did say that when she is very symptomatic bathing her every 4 days would help...but we use a special medicated shampoo - so I assume it is safe to use it that often. If I wanted to bathe frequently and it wasn't already vet recommended for a special reason, I would ask my vet for a gentle shampoo that was formulated for frequent use so it didn't strip all the oils out of the skin and coat.

My breeder also recommended Head and Shoulders but I would not use that for frequent bathing.

And you do have to realize...just like we have a "smell"; dogs have a "smell" - you just have to get used to it. If you keep your dog relatively clean, it's not an offensive smell, it is just the smell of your dog.

Also...since you're into hygiene...brushing your dog's teeth daily with special dog toothpaste, will keep his teeth white and cut down on doggy breath. I use a finger brush and then finish up with a children's electric toothbrush. (I also think it's a good idea, because dogs can have teeth problems the same as humans and bad teeth can get infected and infections in the mouth can become systemic, so it's a health as well as hygiene thing).
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Old 07-31-2012, 03:15 PM   #13

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Hey guysWanted to ask you guys if bathing my 16week pup (Perseus) every other day is a good thing or it will harm Perseus. His very active pup, usually after playing and goofing around he would have that doggy smell every other day the most. A friend told me that baking Soda could minimize the doggy smell which in return less frequent bathing. He instructed I sprinkle baking soda on Perseus, rub it into skin then brush it off after couple minutes. Is it safe or has anyone done this?FoodThe breeder recommended Loyal, so that’s what I got. Is it good? Your thoughts? Sorry, from where I live, dry dog food is limited; most grocery stores carry dry/wet Pedigree and from what I’v read it’s not a good chose for ambullies. The only way I could get good food like TOTW is ordering it online, which I’ll do after this bag of Loyal is done. Thinking of going the Raw diet route but gotta figure my finances first lol.Any advice will be appreciated, thanks guys
Doggie smells are okay, unless your dog has a health issue and actually "stinks", you should not be washing so much. My girl gets a bath once every six months and that is only if she really gets dirty and actually stinks. We brush her everytime she goes outside and comes inside, though, and wipe her feet too.

Also when you do wash you should get a good doggie shampoo. There are quite a few good ones.

Raw bones (not weight bearing) are a good way to allow your dog to clean his teeth. We also give our dog deer antler and bully sticks. If you do go raw, your dogs teeth will stay pretty clean.

Our dog is on EVO for now, and we will go raw once we find good (range fed) resources.

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Old 07-31-2012, 03:29 PM   #14

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While many people feed Loyal and say their dogs do great, I see most of them have outdoor dogs aren't concerned with smell. My neighbors always fed foods of that grade or lower and their dogs always smelled, but they didn't think anything of it b/c they stayed outside 24/7. Also always has yeasty ears which can also make a dog smell (so make sure you check the ears)

I have a very sensitive nose and can not stand a doggie odor. I can stick my nose right down on my dogs and they do not have an unpleasant odor. Of course all things are going to smell to a certain degree, but for lack of a better term, I would say my dogs smell "clean" even weeks after a bath.

I would not bath anymore than once a week. Follow bath with a vinegar and water rinse. Baking soda I wouldn't use directly on the puppy. For shampoo, I just started using a bar soap and I love it. http://www.naturesmuse.biz/"Clean-'n-Fresh".php

Switch to a better food. If you don't want to go raw, include some raw bones at least once a week to keep teeth clean.

Another thing I've noticed with some dogs (and some children) when they go outside and play and get hot and come back in, they do have an odor, almost a metallic odor. It will go away once they cool down. Not all have it, but I've had a few dogs that did and it drove me nuts, but the vet found nothing wrong with them and like I said the smell dissipated as they cooled so we just lived with it.
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Old 07-31-2012, 03:56 PM   #15

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I think most everything is covered already, but I will comment on the head and shoulders, I DO use it on my dogs, it works great, I use main and tail after, let it set in for 5 minutes or so. I wouldn't do this more than 1 time a week and ONLY that much if your doing an OB class, and I also don't use head and shoulders on a dog younger than 6 months, I just don't feel its safe to use anything but puppy shampoo on any dog younger than that.
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Old 08-01-2012, 12:43 AM   #16

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thank for the great advice guys.
His smell dosnt really bother me its just strange that he has a smell after 2-3 days after bathing, not strong but u know its there. wnet to vet couple weeks ago and he checked out fine. I think it could be the food, just realize now it started happening when i mixed his dry food with some wet (pedigree in a can), 70%dry 30%wet, maybe thats the issue.
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Old 09-08-2012, 09:58 PM   #17

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vibes,You can cut down on your doggies body odor by diet alone..feeding a grain free diet for just one example Taste of the Wild will dramatically cut down on the odors.Bathing your baby that often will dry out the natural oils that he needs for a shiney coat as well.I use the "dry"shampoo inbetween baths to keep any just plain ole rolled in something stinky odors down..works great.You spray on,massage in and wipe.
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Old 09-21-2012, 11:14 AM   #18

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also just to throw it out there, if you can find enough variety a Raw diet might be cheaper and work out best for you (take no you don't feed carnivores to carnivores)
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Old 09-21-2012, 12:24 PM   #19

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I agree that raw diets tend to be the best (and cheapest) way to go on places that have little to no grain-free kibble options.
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Old 09-21-2012, 01:31 PM   #20

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I don't know if you can. I wouldn't. That's chemicals that I don't want on my dog. I use sensitive skin baby wipes if I need to.
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