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Old 06-14-2012, 11:07 PM   #1

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Just as some said before me. "Harsh words prevent harsh realities". Luckily she isn't thinking about it anymore. Thank God...for common sense. (Sorry for the extended abscense).
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Old 06-14-2012, 11:13 PM   #2

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I've been spoken too this way before and trust me. I am not much of a fun person so people know what expect from me.
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Old 06-14-2012, 11:21 PM   #3

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Btw I appreciate your agreement (MjJean, DieselDawg, and the others) for agreeing with me on speaking my mind and getting straight to the point.
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Old 06-15-2012, 12:45 AM   #4

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Dick all the way. If I was your friend I would of tuned you out right away. I don't ask friends for advice to get talked down to in a condescending way, whether they think it is stupied or not. She had enough respect for you to ask your opinion. You should of been just as respectful in your answer. If you answered me like that I would never ask your opinion about anything again a
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Old 06-15-2012, 04:01 AM   #5

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I have great friends that I love and trust. If I wanted to do something and ask for their opinion and they went all intense on me I would think "Whoa! My friend is freaking out! My idea must be insanely stupid!" After emotions cooled off I would ask them to speak with me on the matter again, informing them I'm very open to hearing what they have to say. I can deal with intense stuff as long as were not punching on each other
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Old 06-15-2012, 04:30 AM   #6

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I've been spoken too this way before and trust me. I am not much of a fun person so people know what expect from me.
i grew up with family that talks like this. i usually have tuned those family members out but the ones that speak to me like a person i have a better bond with and am more apt to taking their advice.
i am a very nice easy going person.

I am glad your friend listened to you though. i do fully agree with your position on the subject but for me personally the approach was too much but if your friend is used to that then i suppose it wasn't a dick move, especially if she is still your friend
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Old 06-15-2012, 05:21 PM   #7

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I think you were a little bitchy, but whatever.

I try to find the argument that most appeals to the person in question. For an animal lover, I will point out how many millions of dogs die in shelters each year because of irresponsible breeders. The world doesn't need more dogs. I have a wonderful mutt of a shelter dog, and wouldn't trade her for the world. But I certainly don't need to be making more puppies.

For someone motivated by profit, I'd explain the low likelihood that anyone will pay much for mutts, and explain the high costs of breeding, and potential damage to her own beautiful adult dog.

Just depends on the motivation. Shitty breeders make me mad.
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Old 06-15-2012, 07:40 PM   #8

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I say "f" it. Bitch all the way. My friends know who I am and how I feel about this kind of stuff. If they respect me enough to ask they know I'm not going to sugar coat it and give it to them straight. With just acquaintances or strangers I take a toned down approach. I was pleasant with a family member about this kind of thing and now an unproven bitch just gave birth to 7 pups with a sire who has known congenital defects. SMH Plus I hear they want to get $2,500 per pup because both sire and dam are UKC registered. I'm thinking if I would have really let my passion about this come out they may not have gone ahead with it. Oh who am I kidding, they're all about the $$$.
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Old 06-15-2012, 07:50 PM   #9

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Extreme? All I saw was honesty

Agreed but its not what you say its how you say it. Im working on this problem too i have a problem with expression as well. ESPECIALLY when im irritated lol but id rather set it off and tell the truth and hurt someones feelings a little bit, then to shy off and just say whats easier to say which is 'Yes'. Essentially if she/ he was an unfit mother then consider it your good deed for the day. Because those puppies could have been back yard bred like the pup I rescued! 5 weeks he was separated from his litter! Hes now 7 weeks and I thought him about 80% of his bite inhibition lesson his mother never got too! I wish I wasn't such a do gooder all the time or i would have gotten a pure bred american pit! lol but i felt obligated to save at least one of those pups! Enough back yard breeding and peddling live creatures for money. Its one thing to sell drugs for cash, or other things that are illegal because you don't screw with anyone's life besides your own. Dogs is animal cruelty in my opinion they are never given a fair chance.
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Old 06-16-2012, 02:20 AM   #10

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truth be told my migrane got the best of me...but thanks for your thoughts on subject guys. I really appreciate it.
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Old 06-16-2012, 06:44 AM   #11

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If your friend is used to you talking to her this way, and apparently she wasn't put off by it because she listened, then I guess in the long run that's all that matters. She listened, and you've helped save the world from another litter of puppies. That in itself, is awesome!!

I grew up in a family that did nothing but yell and scream at each other, and God forbid you got in my fathers way when he was swinging his fists or the buckle end of a belt. I hated it... I hated being talked to like I was stupid, being patronized and yelled at for unimportant stupid stuff. I always swore when I grew up and had kids, I would never yell at them. My daughter turns 25 this November and my son will be 23 in January, and I have yelled at them less than probably 5 times in their life. They are so not used to it that when I do yell at them, my daughter to this day will start tearing up. She's just not used to her mom yelling. As a result, she doesn't yell at her friends. I pray she will be a good mom one day and not yell at her kids, and I feel fairly certain that she won't.

Some people are used to being talked to that way and it doesn't phase them, and some are not. As long as you know who is and who isn't, and talk to each accordingly, you should get through to both kinds of people... the yellers and the whisperers

I can sympathize with the migraines, I have had a bad case of migraines since I was 10 years old, they are NOT fun and can really deplete your bowl full of cherries sometimes. There are sometimes, I just simply have to walk away because I know if I open my mouth, I might end up in the back of a police car headed to my first night in jail.... and no matter how much I want to "tell them off", they aren't worth an overnight stay in the clink.
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Old 06-16-2012, 06:48 AM   #12

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If your friend is used to you talking to her this way, and apparently she wasn't put off by it because she listened, then I guess in the long run that's all that matters. She listened, and you've helped save the world from another litter of puppies. That in itself, is awesome!!

I grew up in a family that did nothing but yell and scream at each other, and God forbid you got in my fathers way when he was swinging his fists or the buckle end of a belt. I hated it... I hated being talked to like I was stupid, being patronized and yelled at for unimportant stupid stuff. I always swore when I grew up and had kids, I would never yell at them. My daughter turns 25 this November and my son will be 23 in January, and I have yelled at them less than probably 5 times in their life. They are so not used to it that when I do yell at them, my daughter to this day will start tearing up. She's just not used to her mom yelling. As a result, she doesn't yell at her friends. I pray she will be a good mom one day and not yell at her kids, and I feel fairly certain that she won't.

Some people are used to being talked to that way and it doesn't phase them, and some are not. As long as you know who is and who isn't, and talk to each accordingly, you should get through to both kinds of people... the yellers and the whisperers
good post.
i completely agree with everything here.
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Old 09-22-2012, 09:01 AM   #13

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it's not that serious bro
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Old 09-22-2012, 09:01 AM   #14

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Maybe could have been nicer about it, but Im glad you told her straight how it is!
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Old 09-23-2012, 09:01 AM   #15

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Default Me being a dick, yes, but I'm sure it was for her own good...what do you guys think?
Seriously. I mean this is one of My pet Peevs!!! (pun intended). So here's the case. My friend has a pitbull (as she calls it which pisses me off every time). Which may I add is in no way registered or tested or has been up to date on shots and more than likely is a mix bred cur not a cross bred mutt. Though all of this is true she asks me if she should breed her dog. So me course me being the ASS I am I told her straight. I asked her about all of the listed requirements. She said no to all.

So of course being the smart ASS I am I told her this. "What in the hell do you want to breed her for. Its a DAMN mutt for gods sake. You dnt even know if its pure!!! She has no papers no recognition no checks and no reason to be bred. I mean its like asking me when you should have sex!!! If you gotta ask someone else then dnt do it!!! I mean she's not even f***ing two.!!!" and she says "Well she's a good looking dog" i say "Dude you need temperament, durability, medical background, and genetics plus much more. You have none!!!. Plus there's enough DAMN dogs....no mutts in this world as it is!!! You need to forget this whole thing.

Your aren't even fit to breed a DAMN goldfish!!! Id been planning on getting a American pitbull terrier puppy weeks ago. And ya know what I dnt have it. Because I looked up just about everything about this magnificent breed and realized Im not ready yet. Id rather wait until Im done with school before taking on the responsibility of a breed which requires advanced ownership and training and restraint. You need to drop this and do your homework before you end up as one of the many two bit owners who've screwed up this wonderful breeds reputation In the first place." and she says "Well you dnt have to be such a Bitch about it "and I say

"Apparently I do because your just as f***ed up in the head as the rest of em all you care about is making money off piss poor puppies than improving the breed." and she says "Well you have a dog you we're going to breed before." and I tell her "That was 2 years ago and he is nine now so I wouldn't dream of it. Im tired of having this fruitless argument with you. Just remember what I said and think about your next step. And to make it clear remember this quote to."

"Good medicine often leaves a bitter taste." "In other words, advice may seem harsh to the ears, but it is for our own good." (The quote is from Okami btw its my fav videogame eveeeer!!! x3) But back on topic. Was i too harsh or do you think my...how do you say... "words of wisdom" will knock some sense into the idiotic girls head??? Man im pissed rite now... -_-'
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Old 09-24-2012, 09:01 AM   #16

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I dnt tolerate that kind of question or thought from anyone in my circle and she knows this. So as any natural leader I straightened her out an made my rejection and retaliation clear.

---------- Post added at 09:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:36 PM ----------

I just hope the...ya know "words of wisdom" drilled into that head of her's.

---------- Post added at 09:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:41 PM ----------

I just hope the...ya know "words of wisdom" drilled into that head of her's.
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Old 09-24-2012, 09:01 AM   #17

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hahaha this is funny I think you did a good job by speaking your mind.
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Old 09-24-2012, 09:01 AM   #18

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Harsh Words Now...might prevent some Harsh Realities Later

Maybe a bit more tact could have been used but at least there is no guessing what you think of her idea to breed. If it works you are a genius...if it doesn't work, she was probably going to go thru it anyways.
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Old 09-25-2012, 09:01 AM   #19

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You took the words right out of my mouth
Sometimes a kick in the butt at the right moment saves the day. Now if this person STILL breeds the dog, I would cut that person out of my life...
~shows what a ass they are~
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Old 09-25-2012, 09:01 AM   #20

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I would have done the same thing. I actually chewed out my friend's parents yesterday about wanting to breed their weird, unpapered, godawfully structured shepherd thing.
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