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Old 05-25-2012, 07:42 PM   #1

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Default An embarassment during nail clippings lol
I was reading about dogs flipping out during nail clippings on another thread and I think its such a funny topic. Sam has never really needed her nails clipped as we walk on a lot of concrete during her walks and it keeps them well filed. BUT my sisters dog is just a HUGE embarassment. This is a big 55/60 lb dog.. When she takes him to petsmart, we leave and look around while they clip his nails. And aaalll the way in the toy section we can hear him SCREAMING. It sounds like a dog is being tortured lol. He is SUCH a big baby and its so embarassing! Do your dogs embarass you like this? during nail clippings or other things?
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Old 05-25-2012, 07:44 PM   #2

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I've clipped my fair share of nails and man, some dogs are just the biggest wimps! That's why I prefer to dremel the nail down instead. Have yet to have any dog wail like a banshee over that
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Old 05-25-2012, 07:46 PM   #3

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that was one of my least favorite activities when i worked at a vet. i had dogs shoot anal glands across rooms and other try to eat faces off. lol.
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Old 05-25-2012, 07:49 PM   #4

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I dont know WHY they think its SO terrible lol. My sister even tried the electric file PediPaws but her dog was just as terrified of that. He didnt want her near his feet and definitely not with something that made noise like that electic filer did!
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Old 05-25-2012, 07:55 PM   #5

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Lol well Ruger is completely fine with us clipping his nails because were always touching his feet to get him used to it, but... he is HORRIBLE with shots. I mean to the point where the vet brought out a small kitten needle he said he wouldn't really be able to feel at all and Ruger screamed and screamed and they had 3 male vets there holding him keeping him still and feeding him treats the entire time lol.
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Old 05-25-2012, 07:57 PM   #6

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Piper as a puppy SCREAMED her head off the first few nail trimmings. Ugh. Luckily she was only 8lbs., so I basically sat on her

Sako has started being a little wussy boy when I dremel him. If I even get remotely close to his quick he'll yelp. But he's a total drama queen so it's not surprising LOL.
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Old 05-25-2012, 07:58 PM   #7

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lol! Thats funny Erwinhead, 3 men just to hold down a pup haha. Ive never had to clip Sams nails yet, but I play with her feet all the time in hopes that shell be fine with it when I finally do.
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Old 05-25-2012, 08:17 PM   #8

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I have to sit on Boo and wrestle to do her nails. Hopefully things will get better. She is a screamer.

When she was dumped here her nails were about 4 inches long. I have never seen worse nails! But every few days we wrestle and I trim. They are starting to look normal.

And I groomed for years, I have good sharp trimmers and know how not to quick. She is just a ninny. I brought out the dremel and I think she almost had a stroke, so for now I use trimmers.

My friend has a papillon that starts wailing when it sees the trimmers. I am sure the neighbors think we are killing the fluffy lil spoiled shit.
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Old 05-25-2012, 08:29 PM   #9

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Easiest way to clip B.A.'s toenails is to let him in the house and wait until he goes to sleep on the couch and he'll sleep through the whole thing. Then you wake him up and he'll go back outside. Easiest dog I've ever had to mess with.
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Old 05-25-2012, 08:53 PM   #10

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I walk Mason's nails down on pavement. I've never had to try and clip them.

Sugar doesn't mind nail clipping at all. Heck, I think she enjoys the attention ... just like brushing.
I would rather use a dremel on Sugar's nails, but she WOULD protest that whirling, buzzing evil racket making thing attacking her paws
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Old 05-25-2012, 09:13 PM   #11

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My embarrassing moment was when a tea cup Chihuahua as big as Kiara's head ran her into a brick wall.

My sister was like "wow some 'bully' dog you got there" and some people passing by were laughing and said "I hope you weren't planning on using him as a guard dog" (you'd think they'd know she's a girl when she had a purple collar and pink leash)
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Old 05-25-2012, 10:46 PM   #12

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Nail dremeling is one of Hades favourite things. When he sees the dremel he follows me around until I sit down and he'll lie down.

I can't think of any situations where my dogs embarassed me (atm), but my cats have embarassed me at the vets multiple times.

The first was Sickey. He had to get the feline leukemia test done which requires a blood draw. For 15 minutes I listened to him wail in the back room. When they brought him back they said he was actually great, just noisy.

The other time, another feline leukemia test (damn stray cats!) was on Nyxi. Kind of the opposite, she didn't make any noise, but they were back there for about 20-30 minutes. People were coming in and asking me where everyone was, there were 3 of them back there for my 5lb, 7 month old kitten. Anyways, she came back to me in bloody gunny sack, they had scratches and bites. I felt terrible, especially because I told them she was such a sweetheart!
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Old 05-25-2012, 11:11 PM   #13

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My two pit mixes are just fine getting their nails done, but my standard poodle is a big wimp. He is better with the dremel than clippers but still starts to pant with nervousness and if I get anywhere near the quick, he starts to try to pull his paws away. But he is still a good sport and will allow me to get it done.
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Old 05-25-2012, 11:30 PM   #14

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My dogs all lay in my lap on their backs to get their nails Dremeled! I bring out the Dremel, and it's a race to get into my lap first lol I used regular clippers until Bukra's nails of friggin steel kept breaking them, so I just switched to the Dremel one day and no one cared.

Zealand at first wanted to pull his paw away, but he never screamed. I'd just hold him in place and do a nail or two at a time.. but buy the second week, he was laying down for the whole thing.

Someone mentioned their pup freaking out for shots and it reminded me when I asked Bukra's breeder to help me give Zealand one of his vaccines. She told me to hold him REALLY tightly and not let him squirm.. I ASSURED her, he wasn't even going to notice, but she didn't believe me (because Salukis are whiny lil bitches lol). When she finally gave him the shot and he didn't notice AT ALL... she just stared at him for a few seconds and was like, "Wow..." lol
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Old 05-25-2012, 11:35 PM   #15

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Someone mentioned their pup freaking out for shots and it reminded me when I asked Bukra's breeder to help me give Zealand one of his vaccines. She told me to hold him REALLY tightly and not let him squirm.. I ASSURED her, he wasn't even going to notice, but she didn't believe me (because Salukis are whiny lil bitches lol). When she finally gave him the shot and he didn't notice AT ALL... she just stared at him for a few seconds and was like, "Wow..." lol
That someone was ME :] lol, and yes Ruger hates his shots. Doesn't try to bite anyone, just screams like a fricken wild jackal or something. It's the weirdest sound I've ever heard and it's really hard to describe. Maybe one of these day's i'll remember to record it lol.
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Old 05-25-2012, 11:45 PM   #16

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That someone was ME :] lol, and yes Ruger hates his shots. Doesn't try to bite anyone, just screams like a fricken wild jackal or something. It's the weirdest sound I've ever heard and it's really hard to describe. Maybe one of these day's i'll remember to record it lol.

When does he start screaming? Have you tried distracting him with treats? I knew someone with a puppy who freaked out during shots... turned out, he was freaking out because 5+ people were surrounding him/holding him down and he didn't have any qualms with the needle when she put a can of wet puppy food in his face! lol (it wasn't an APBT pup)
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Old 05-25-2012, 11:48 PM   #17

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All of my animals lay in my lap upside down for dremeling too.. even the cats LOL.
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Old 05-25-2012, 11:59 PM   #18

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If you have ANYTHING in your hand or even a clinched fist when you go near or touch Bentley's feet, he'll jump up and take off as far as he can get from you. I don't know what happened to him when he was young but he screams bloody murder during bath and nail time. Some random probably thinks I'm trying to kill him or cut off his toes but in reality, I just took one small snip and put the clippers away.

Old 05-25-2012, 11:59 PM   #19

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Boo will get there. It may take a few months, but she is better every time. Probably would have helped if someone had not used wire cutters to trim her nails before they dumped her (they only got 2 done)
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Old 05-26-2012, 12:41 AM   #20

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Rosie used to be great about having her nails done. Then I had her at the vet one day, and the VET quicked her (WHITE nails, where you can see her quick!!). That was about 4 years ago, and we're still working on getting her to be as good as she was before.
I put each dog on the bed, have them lay down and trim away. With Rosie, I have to treat after every couple nails, we're ALMOST up to a full paw before having to treat.
Nick just lays their, happy as a clam, waiting for his treat.
Frankie is kinda squirmy, but it's just a puppy thing, not about having her nails done. She's getting better. I sometimes do her when she's sleeping just to make it easier.

They LOVE their nail clipping treats, so are usually pretty good about it. They only get Yummy Chummies when they get their nails done.
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