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Old 03-05-2012, 02:41 AM   #1

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ok so i decieded a couple of days ago that im not going to get him they just werent socilizing them well so i just didnt feel good about them.

---------- Post added at 08:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:35 PM ----------

ok so i decieded a couple of days ago that im not going to get him they just werent socilizing them well so i just didnt feel good about them. but am going to go to see a boy that is in a rescue this week he is super cute and the foster lady said he is so sweet and gets along with dogs and people alike. so we will see about him. fingers crossed i am really hoping he is a good fit for me.
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Old 03-05-2012, 03:56 AM   #2

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Good luck finding the right dog for you.
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Old 03-05-2012, 04:01 AM   #3

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thank you im hoping this puppy is right for me. the foster parent seems like she is very good. he will be 5 months when i get him if i deciede to get him. cant wait to see him this weekend friday cant come fast enough. they said they can hold him if i deciede for a small fee a day. i will see him and take lots of pics so i can post my new puppy if he is right for me.
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Old 03-05-2012, 04:17 AM   #4

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Just keep in mind that because a puppy currently gets along with all dogs doesn't necesarily mean it will always be so. Hope you find the right one for you!
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Old 03-27-2012, 09:30 PM   #5

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Default some more questions
ok i have been alot of the posts on here about crating. i have never crated dogs before but have decieded to do it this time around. but my question is about crating is and i know every one of you has there own opinon, but do you guys crate your puppy at night or let him/her sleep on the bed with you? i am in between on wether to crate during the day when i have to step out of the house and to feed and at night or just during the day. im sure ill more questions here soon and will probably just keep them on this thread so i dont over take the whole forum with all my questions
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Old 03-27-2012, 09:35 PM   #6

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When I first got my dog I crated him at night, mostly so he wouldn't leave any fun surprises on the floor. Now he just sleeps in my room with the door closed, kept separated from the other dogs. The dogs really only go in their crates when we leave the house now.

Prepare to ignore ALOT of crying the first couple nights lol. I just stuck earplugs in when I went to sleep when I started crate training
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Old 03-27-2012, 09:45 PM   #7

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yea ive read that they cry alot the first few nights. it will be hard if i deceide to crate her or him at night untill the pup stops crying at night. because ill feel bad but i know its not mean.
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Old 03-27-2012, 09:49 PM   #8

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Make the crate a fun place to be. Feed your pup in there and make sure they have toys. During housebreaking it will be a lifesaver as long as the crate is small enough that they can't use one corner as a bathroom.

Our puppy slept in his crate for the first few weeks. We just started letting him sleep on the bed with us because he will sleep through the night if he's with us. If he's in his crate he will wake up a couple times during the night and need to go outside. In the interests of sleep we decided it was better to let him sleep with us for now.

Regardless of whether you let your pup sleep with you now, do teach him that crates are fun places to be and it is a safe spot for him. You will thank yourself when he's older and you need to crate him for any reason. Plus, crating when you're gone, especially during the puppy stage, will save your house from being chewed up :-)

One other thing - once you put him in his crate do not let him out or talk to him until he's quiet. If you give in and let him out while he's crying he will learn that all he needs to do is make enough noise to get out. It doesn't have to be long, a few seconds for a baby, just make sure he knows he was let out when he was quiet.
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Old 03-27-2012, 10:33 PM   #9

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With any dog I've had I made them sleep in bed with me, I find they usually sleep through out the night and if they dont they wake you up trying to play or whatever and you let them out.
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Old 03-27-2012, 10:42 PM   #10

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thats kinda why i want the pup to sleep in my bed but im worried she or he might pee or poop on it at night. would not putting them in the crate at night make it harder to housebrake the puppy?
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Old 03-27-2012, 10:52 PM   #11

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I find they usually have no problem holding their bladder all night, crating them wouldnt make it harder.
I might have been lucky with all my pups though.
Do it for a night and see how it goes, if the pup has a accident in the bed or whatever then you know to put him in the crate at night till hes fully trained.
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Old 03-27-2012, 11:28 PM   #12

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It's better to have a tool and not need it than need it and not have it. Get all the training and good habits done when they're pups if you can. You may never need to crate him when he gets older, but you'll never regret having that option.
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Old 03-28-2012, 12:15 AM   #13

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I tried crating my newest puppy at night when I first got him. Because he was uncomfortable in the crate and would sleep then wake/sleep then wake, he had to pee often... So he woke me up every two hours. It was difficult to juggle the "I won't let you out until you're quiet, but if I wait too long you'll pee in your crate" so I finally stuck him in bed with me one night, hoping he'd sleep longer... And he did! He slept through the entire night. He's slept with me ever since, except on occasion I'll stick him in his crate. He's also slept in his crate when I've left him with the pup sitter, and is crated when I have to leave the house.
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Old 03-28-2012, 01:31 AM   #14

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thanks guys. i will train her in the crate during the day when needed and also feed her in there i will try having her sleep on the bed and see what happens when i get her or him 37 more days. am super excited but anxious at the same time because its been since i was a kid since i had a puppy so i dont want to screw it up. but i am doing alot of research so hopefully i wont

---------- Post added at 07:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:07 PM ----------

ok so went and visited the pits, couldnt wait, didnt have a pic uploaded in last post but now i do here is the pup i settled on she is a sweety. im going to name her jazmin, or jazzy for short,
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Old 03-28-2012, 01:33 AM   #15

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Cute pup, Jazzy is a nice name.
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Old 03-28-2012, 01:39 AM   #16

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thanks i did this temperment test temperament test and she was responsive in all parts except the leash she was shy in that one
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Old 03-28-2012, 01:39 AM   #17

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Where are you getting this pup from? Tell them to clip their nails! Now is the time to be handling and getting them used to everything.
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Old 03-28-2012, 01:43 AM   #18

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yea i mentioned that when i seen them. ive had a dog that never had her nails clipped till she was 4 months old when we got her and she ALWAYS hated it and it was a fight every time. she got to where she would let me do one or two each time before pulling her paw back and hiding the paws under her body or head
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Old 03-28-2012, 02:07 AM   #19

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Your pup is adorable. My dog was in the crate at night when I first got him. Not getting on my bed until he is fully house broken.
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Old 03-28-2012, 04:40 AM   #20

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For me it depends on the pup.

The female Pits would sleep with me no problem. Rita is allowed to roam the house and sleep with either me and the hubby or my oldest daughter.

The Basset always wanted to get off the bed and would cry until he was let down. Since he was a pup I couldn't very well leave him to his own devices, so I put him in his crate.

Ike is my oldest dog and was an only dog for a bit, so I actually wanted him to sleep with me. Unfortunately, he also liked to wake in the middle of the night and chew my stuff. Anything on the bed or the night tables was his for the taking even when I would spread toys all over his side of the bed. So, he went to the crate at night until he was old enough to sleep with me and not get into trouble.

All the dogs but Ike get crated when we are going to be away from home, even if it's just a trip to the corner store.
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