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Old 03-13-2012, 10:49 AM   #1

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Yea thats why im here and not there. I love pbc. They put up with my n00b ass. Lol!

I be on the phone.
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Old 03-13-2012, 04:24 PM   #2

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Throwing some fuel on the fire .....

For those that say this is the only forum you are on (for dogs), and that when you travel to other forums you either get flamed or banned for your POV's.... If you can look at it from the outside perspective, is it possible that PBC may be very biased in its thinking. Is it possible that the devout users here have convinced themselves (and other new members that join) that this is the one and only highway?

I mean all other forums that disagree cannot be entirely wrong, as we all have pretty much the same authority on the subject.

cue friendly debate lol
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Old 03-13-2012, 04:28 PM   #3

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I've seen it go the other way especially on this forum. That all pitbulls/bullies are or should be always treated as if they're automatically and unpredictably dog aggressive and should never be allowed to play freely with other dogs. And no one is capable to evaluate K-9 behaviour unless they've written books, etc.

On one hand I understand to give advice to err on the safe side especially when you have no idea who's behind th keyboard. On the otherhand it's dogmatic and can be laughably pompous. The reality is the issue is dynamic and needs to be taken on a thorough case-by-case basis. But you don't want to trust some annonymous person to accurately evaluate a situation when the stakes are high.

I ride sport motorcycles and on those forums they do the same thing. They have a culture of telling newbs a standard line about not to do this or that, especially on the street blah, blah. Well I argue many of their safety err's will actually create neurosis in the rider and can and often does do more harm than good. But it breaks the taboo and starts heated debate. The reality is often there isn't a good clean answer but it's too hard to explain that.
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Old 03-13-2012, 04:38 PM   #4

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I know how this goes. There's one forum I'm kinda infamous on, everyone there knows me as a "dogfighter" (because of my game-bred Doberman I guess?!?!) and about a year ago or so, I was trying to explain how "pit bulls" shouldn't be left alone with other dogs, unsupervised... And one guy (one of the "top guys" of the forum) was saying 'Wow, thanks for explaining to me how vicious pit bulls are, I'll support BSL now, blah blah blah' because obviously if you can't leave a dog ALONE with other DOGS, they deserve to be banned And I'M the crazy/abusive/misunderstanding one?

---------- Post added at 09:38 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:35 AM ----------

I've seen it go the other way especially on this forum. That all pitbulls/bullies are or should be always treated as if they're automatically and unpredictably dog aggressive and should never be allowed to play freely with other dogs. And no one is capable to evaluate K-9 behaviour unless they've written books, etc.

On one hand I understand to give advice to err on the safe side especially when you have no idea who's behind th keyboard. On the otherhand it's dogmatic and can be laughably pompous. The reality is the issue is dynamic and needs to be taken on a thorough case-by-case basis. But you don't want to trust some annonymous person to accurately evaluate a situation when the stakes are high.

I ride sport motorcycles and on those forums they do the same thing. They have a culture of telling newbs a standard line about not to do this or that, especially on the street blah, blah. Well I argue many of their safety err's will actually create neurosis in the rider and can and often does do more harm than good. But it breaks the taboo and starts heated debate. The reality is often there isn't a good clean answer but it's too hard to explain that.
I've been on this forum for... a while... Little over a year I guess... And I have NEVER seen anyone say that you should never let a dog (who has thus far not shown DA of course) play with another dog. I have seen people say never go to DOG PARKS and I stand with that. No matter who starts a fight at a dog park, the bull breed WILL be blamed. Period. I wouldn't take my Doberman there either, even though she gets along very well with most dogs her size, for the same reason. "Vicious breed" dogs get blamed when a Labrador or a Poodle or a terrier starts a fight.
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Old 03-13-2012, 04:48 PM   #5

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I've not been here half as long and I have.
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Old 03-13-2012, 04:51 PM   #6

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Link me to it please... I'd really like to see. MANY longtime members here have bull breed dogs which get along, including myself.
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Old 03-13-2012, 04:55 PM   #7

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People here are to quick repost common ideaology. At the drop of a had someone will repost what was said in the thread before.


Every answer for a problem is not "because genetics dictate it"... yes certain scenario's it can be a genetic thing, but many times it can also can be poor training.... a factor that non of us can truly see from a keyboard.
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Old 03-13-2012, 04:58 PM   #8

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Ive been here on and off for about 2 and im with cliff. Snow has one play date. And she and the other dog is closely monitored for da since they are both still very young. I have never been told not to let her play with other dogs. Been told to watch her. If the dog is indeed da, then yes it shouldnt be around other dogs.

I be on the phone.
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Old 03-13-2012, 05:36 PM   #9

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The ones that piss me off are the ones who act like the DA isnt there and if it is its a problem. I have seen on forums nd in person how many people get rid of or put their dogs down because it shows sign of DA
Personally I'd never "get rid" of my dog if he developed DA but for the average person if they can't properly manage it then I'd rather them rehome the dog to someone who can than have something bad happen. It sucks but most people aren't even willing to do the basics (training, care and containment) with their dogs let alone going the extra mile to deal with DA.

---------- Post added at 11:36 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:30 AM ----------

I've seen it go the other way especially on this forum. That all pitbulls/bullies are or should be always treated as if they're automatically and unpredictably dog aggressive and should never be allowed to play freely with other dogs. And no one is capable to evaluate K-9 behaviour unless they've written books, etc.

On one hand I understand to give advice to err on the safe side especially when you have no idea who's behind th keyboard. On the otherhand it's dogmatic and can be laughably pompous. The reality is the issue is dynamic and needs to be taken on a thorough case-by-case basis. But you don't want to trust some annonymous person to accurately evaluate a situation when the stakes are high.

I ride sport motorcycles and on those forums they do the same thing. They have a culture of telling newbs a standard line about not to do this or that, especially on the street blah, blah. Well I argue many of their safety err's will actually create neurosis in the rider and can and often does do more harm than good. But it breaks the taboo and starts heated debate. The reality is often there isn't a good clean answer but it's too hard to explain that.
^Agreed. People should know their own dog(s) well enough to make the right decisions but it's better safe than sorry.
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Old 03-13-2012, 05:40 PM   #10

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I've seen it go the other way especially on this forum. That all pitbulls/bullies are or should be always treated as if they're automatically and unpredictably dog aggressive and should never be allowed to play freely with other dogs. And no one is capable to evaluate K-9 behaviour unless they've written books, etc.
That's not the message I've gotten in the time I've been here. What I've taken away (and what I pass on) is don't think that just because your dog gets along with others NOW that it won't change. Be aware of your dog's behavior and don't set them up to fail.

The problem comes when you get people who refuse to even consider that a terrier (cause that's what they are) won't be small animal/dog aggressive nor have a high prey drive. It's just asking for trouble! I'd never leave my bird dog alone with the chickens and I'll never leave my bully breed alone with another dog no matter that they get along fine 99% of the time.
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Old 03-13-2012, 05:53 PM   #11

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That's not the message I've gotten in the time I've been here. What I've taken away (and what I pass on) is don't think that just because your dog gets along with others NOW that it won't change. Be aware of your dog's behavior and don't set them up to fail.

Read more: http://www.pitbull-chat.com/showthre...#ixzz1p0q4WWMM
That is exactly it, clearly biglovin and ped you guys are taking it the wrong way and not properly reading what people are saying.

We do try to drill it into peoples heads to always be cautious and if there are signs of DA then to stop all contact with other dogs immediately. That would be due to the stupid ignorant people I just posted about.
People are blind to how these dogs work.
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Old 03-13-2012, 05:53 PM   #12

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"Don't approach a goat from the front, a horse from the back, or a fool from any side"
Lmao love this!!
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Old 03-13-2012, 05:55 PM   #13

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And yes with this breed it is one way or the highway because someone will get hurt.
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Old 03-13-2012, 06:12 PM   #14

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That is exactly it, clearly biglovin and ped you guys are taking it the wrong way and not properly reading what people are saying.

We do try to drill it into peoples heads to always be cautious and if there are signs of DA then to stop all contact with other dogs immediately. That would be due to the stupid ignorant people I just posted about.
People are blind to how these dogs work.
I understand what people are saying, i'm just simply questioning everyones expertise/authority/whatever to say it. Obviously if my dog likes to fight other dogs i'm not going to put it in a situation where it will happen...

One of my issues is... is it possible that people are using APBT proneness towards DA as a crutch for a lack of training the dog receives, and as a result are there stories about dog-dog issues that could potentially never exist? Which would result in a reputation that has a higher number DA cases vs. the animal loving dogs we all wish to have.

I'm just one to question things i'm told. More reason to believe what is said here, the merrier.. right?
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Old 03-13-2012, 06:38 PM   #15

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Yes, some do use it as a crutch or an excuse not to teach a dog manners. They say their dog pulls on a leash because he has high prey drive or whatever instead of just teaching it to walk like it's got some sense or whatever the problem and excuse of the day is, yes that happens.

But even my bulldogs, which are ice cold when it comes to other dogs don't get hauled in the same box as other dogs if it can be avoided. It's just a sensible rule of thumb to haul them alone, not because they may unpredictibly snap but because if somebody else starts a fight it's the bulldog that usually ends it.
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Old 03-13-2012, 06:49 PM   #16

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Many of the people here DO have dogs with excellent training. Boogieman owns Bronson for example who can be around other dogs and behave, because he is well trained. Turn him loose with another dog, though, and you've got a serious problem. It's not an excuse and it's not a lack of training, it's a dog's genetics.
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Old 03-13-2012, 06:50 PM   #17

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Yes, some do use it as a crutch or an excuse not to teach a dog manners. They say their dog pulls on a leash because he has high prey drive or whatever instead of just teaching it to walk like it's got some sense or whatever the problem and excuse of the day is, yes that happens

Read more: http://www.pitbull-chat.com/showthre...#ixzz1p14z9RNz
Agreed. I know there are members who have DA dogs and while they want to rip another og apart they have taught them to ignore them while on walks. But if they ever got close the dog would proceed to rip the other apart.
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Old 03-13-2012, 06:51 PM   #18

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Never said all, just said some
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Old 03-13-2012, 06:51 PM   #19

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Lol woopsie guess we were both posting at the same time and posting the same thing haha
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Old 03-13-2012, 07:51 PM   #20

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I've seen it go the other way especially on this forum. That all pitbulls/bullies are or should be always treated as if they're automatically and unpredictably dog aggressive and should never be allowed to play freely with other dogs.
I've never seen this and if you've been looking at this forum as long as you claim to have, surely you must have noticed that many people here with Bullies, APBTs, and Staffordshire Terriers are often multiple-dog households where dogs do interact with each other, moderators included. Can you find a specific quote of someone saying this?
Can you find a specific quote of someone saying this?
Never seen this either, and I'm one of those folks with a serious dislike of citation upon accusations, so I'm going to have to ask for proof.
Gah, meant "lack of citation". Curse you, editing time limit! *fist shake*
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