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Old 12-19-2011, 10:37 AM   #1

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Default Please pray/send good vibes to Sunny, please.
Please , I'm begging you, send good vibes to Sunny.

If some people remember I posted a thread awhile back that Sunny had been peeing in my room. This has been happening for 4 or so months Sunny had randomly decided to pee in my room but very randomly. once a month so I didn't think. This was not like him though. I didn't think it was a medical problem but after he pee'd in my room twice within 20minutes the other day and again today after 20mins of being inside.. I knew something wasn't right. I've just taken him to the vet and his pee was dilated. They found out he had Hyposthenuria which can mean many things but the main things are; Renel disease, Hepatic disease, liver disease, tumours which are all bad news and fatal. The two which are the least dangerous are hormonal and diabetes. There is a risk of cushings disease but I don't know how bad that is.

I've already bawled my eyes out. I've calmed myself down now. I know it may not be fatal but it might. I'm just scared because of the things i've heard through my animal communication and it could have been Sunny.

Please, pray/send good vibes, please. I'm so scared it will be fatal. He's my baby. I've had him while I had Guage, I picked him over Guage. He's my noofnut, my easy dog. My heart. It may not be bad, I know, I'm just afraid. Please send good thoughts his way, please. Worst of all; my mum had a go at me for paying to help him, saying it was a waste of money and he wasn't worth it. I hate her right now.. I wish she understood. I'm glad people on these forums can understand the money was well worth spent.

He's only 5..

I get the blood results back in 48hours.
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Old 12-19-2011, 10:55 AM   #2

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Sending prayers for you and Sunny. Hang in there.
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Old 12-19-2011, 10:59 AM   #3

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Keeping Sunny in my thoughts and prayers, Tahlia.
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Old 12-19-2011, 11:08 AM   #4

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Thank you, it means a lot to me. Thank you.
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Old 12-19-2011, 11:28 AM   #5

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I am sorry Tahlz, but these things happen with no fault at all by you. Its part of a dog getting older.

I would not use the word hate towards your mother, she did pay for it right? Thats not something deserving of hate, even though she said unkind words about it she still took money out of her pocket and paid to find out whats wrong with him. So be thankful and try and forgive your mother. You dont need any negativity because you putting those vibes and energy out about someone who helped you can only come back to you 10fold and possibly hurt you or your dogs chances. I am a firm believer in Karma and energy, so really think before you say things like that, I know it sucks but try and be positive.

I hope its nothing to serious, did they make sure it wasnt a UTI? I am sure they would have but I didnt see anything about that. I hope all is well, and if not, dont beat yourself up about it. He wouldnt want you to be upset
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Old 12-19-2011, 11:36 AM   #6

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NOTE: In case my words sound snarky, they arn't. I re-read it and my reply sounds a bit snarky but it isn't meant that way at all.

5 is just so young to me, for a dog to have something wrong. I had to give Guage up, I have Serenity who already causes emotional stress, Sunny is just my easy going, fun loving mutt. I couldn't imagine just having Serenity in my life. I just hope whatever is wrong, it's simple and he will have many years ahead of him.

I don't really hate mum, I just dislike her a lot right now. Of course I love her. I am also a huge believer in karma and energy, thats why I am trying to settle down now and think positive. I have gone inside and had a nice word with mum. Also, she didn't pay for it, I did. I had money aside because deep inside me I knew something was wrong with Sunny. I'll think positive, I know what good thinking positive does.

Yes, they checked for a UTI. I am actually forcing myself to think he wouldn't want me to be upset, I know he wouldn't want me to be upset. Thank you Pookie, what you said was appreciated.
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Old 12-19-2011, 12:38 PM   #7

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Okay, I didnt mean to try and make you feel bad or be a bitch though so please dont think I was

5 is young, but with unknown lineage and unknown problems in the parents, grandparent, etc you never know what he could ahve had passed down from his family line.
My family has two sister Chi mixes, and my aunt had the Mother of them both. You know how long that small dogs like them live, looong time. Well the mother died at about 5. She had to be put down due to kidney failure. Both of the sisters now have diabetes, bone, kidney, liver, diabetes, etc issues. Even though they are young. Poor BYB breeding can cause things like this to pop up way to early in dogs.
Its sad, and really not fair to the dog. But it happens :/

Thats good Tahlz, dont let her saying hurtful things get you wound up and stress yourself and your dog out. Okay, I must have misread, I thought she payed, sorry for that.
Thats really great you had some money aside so you could take him in. You are very right, thinking positive can help out both of you a ton, I mean if something is wrong with him seriously he is going to not need to be stressed out because you are overly upset. Stressing him out could make whatever is going on worse for him.

Okay so its not a UTI. Has he lost any weight? Does he drink more water than what he used to? I know that accidents and the weight and over drinking is a sign of diabetes, I have seen it in the two Chi's and one of our cats. If you catch it early its not very hard to keep the dog healthy. Both of my families Chi's are on insulin and get shots, the one is all the way blind now and the other is losing her sight, but they are both happy as can be! They dont even know anything is wrong. So even though Sunny may be sick, dont think the worst automatically, it could be somewhat okay and he might be able to still live a very happy life
I hope if anything is wrong its nothing serious. He is a very young dog and I am sure he could live many many more years with you.

I can about guarantee he wont want you to be overly upset. Dogs could care less about whats going to happen tomorrow, or the next day, or next week! Dogs live in the moment, its always RIGHT NOW to them. Being upset and thinking to far ahead does nothing but cause stress and make you focus on things out of your control, when you could be focusing on the here and right now with your pet.

I know I am a bitch a lot of the time, but you caught me on a nice night and I know how much you care about your dogs and it is sad to see someone upset over their pet when they would do anything for them. I am sending some good vibes and happy thoughts in hopes he will be okay or have something simple and easily fixed or delt with going on. Just remember, deal with the right now, try not to let tomorrow or farther ahead worry you to much until it gets here.
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Old 12-19-2011, 01:20 PM   #8

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I didn't think you were trying to be a bitch, lol. I just wanted to make it clear mum didn't pay because I wouldn't even bother asking her, he's my responsibility. I keep telling myself 'He'll be fine, he'll be healthy and live till he's old'. I really don't need him stressing because I am.

Now I can see why some people want to go to breeders. I am sorry about the Chihuahua's, I can imagine the pain of loosing the mum so early. I'm glad the pups are happy, it's sad to hear all about the medical issues they have though.

I never noticed the water drinking until the vet said something. I haven't fully noticed him drinking a lot but when he does drink, he drinks for good long few minutes. He may leave for a few seconds and come back. So, he drinks A LOT more, yes. He probably does drink a lot more then I think and I just don't see it.

I guess I'll know soon if it's serious or not. Something will be wrong, no matter what, as long as it's not fatal and it's manageable, I'll be happy. I was looking at him, doing his normal things and I was thinking 'Ha, he is just acting like Sunny, he's happy and isn't worried'. I like seeing that.

Again, thank you. I'll try distracting myself somehow tomorrow. Shame I don't do much hard work at work so I have a lot of time to think. I'll just keep imagine him being healthy and happy and I'm sure I'll find something else to think about.

I'm headed to bed now with the mutts now but thank you. Sunny as always, curled up beside me. For a dog I never wanted because he was black and a Lab x, he's made a big impact on me. You've made my night, it felt good to have a small talk. Thank you. Have a good day?. Give Bear a pet for me, I think he's a handsome boy.
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Old 12-19-2011, 01:23 PM   #9

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O, and, yes, he looses weight very quickly if he isn't fed properly. If he misses a meal; he starts to drop weight slowly. What scares me is with his weight, he's been like this for awhile. His weight has always been a issue. People have thought I wasn't feeding him properly when I was.
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Old 12-19-2011, 01:38 PM   #10

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That could be a sign of the diabetes, as well as the weight issue, but the good thing is its so easy to just give him shots and he probably wont even know anything happened. He might/probably will go blind but our blind dog is feisty and if something is moved and she runs into it she will growl and snap and puff lol but she still plays with her toys and does everything a normal dog does.

He doesnt sound to sick, so whatever it could be is getting caught really early. Which is very good! You would think anything "life threatening" would make him very ill, and you would be worried about him dying already? From the sound of it he might not have the worst wrong and it could be hormonal or something less severe!
Just try and think like him, if he doesnt feel sick and doesnt seem to be dwelling on anything being wrong with him, take that as a great sign and do the same and just go about and be happy like him!

Off topic a little but, I watched some show recently about a dog who had serious cancer, his owners were told he had a very large tumor and he would only live something like 3 months, and maybe 4 is chemo was given. They decided that since he showed no sign of sickness, they would not treat him as if he was sick, and they quit their jobs and took him on his "end of life journey" hiking and going to different states and being outdoors just enjoying life. They did that for something like over 2 years or so, and the dog was only given those 3 months to live. So having positive vibes and not dwelling on him being sick, I believe, can greatly effect the way your dog feels and can help keep things from taking over because if your living life in the NOW and not stressing so it stresses him, he can go a lot longer with a terminal issue without any effects..

Just try and relax and cuddle him. I am glad I could ease your mind a little I for sure will give Bear a pet for you, and thank you, he is a very handsome dog

I hope all goes well with him!
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Old 12-19-2011, 01:53 PM   #11

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Hes soo worth it. I would do the same for both my furbabies. Lots of wags and kisses for you and your sweets.
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Old 12-19-2011, 04:50 PM   #12

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So he's not concentrating well. What was his specific gravity? What are his kidney values? Did they run a urine/protein creatinine ratio (a urine test)? What other bloodwork has he had done? Did they do an in-house blood glucose test?

Low concentration really doesn't tell you anything other than the urine isn' concentrated. You should go in have them get a sterile urine sample, preferably the first urine of the day. Or, catch the first urine of the day, then bring him in for a sterile sample for them to run a culture on.
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Old 12-19-2011, 05:18 PM   #13

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I'll keep you guys in my thoughts!
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Old 12-19-2011, 05:19 PM   #14

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Hang in there Sunny and get better soon !!! Very nice picture of Sunny. He looks so good !!!
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Old 12-19-2011, 06:00 PM   #15

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Any word yet? Hows Sunny doing?
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Old 12-19-2011, 06:07 PM   #16

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I'll be praying for Sunny. Sounds like whatever it is, he doesn't sound too bad off right now. So maybe it will be an easy fix. Like you said it could be many things.

Keep us updated.
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Old 12-19-2011, 07:08 PM   #17

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We're all praying for good news for Sunny.
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Old 12-20-2011, 02:56 AM   #18

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Pookie; I can live with him going blind, at least he'll be alive, healthy and happy. It's much better then dead. Giving needles to him wouldn't be fun but I'm sure I'd adjust!. Lol. I find that quite interesting about the show you watched, it just goes to show you how strong dogs can be, how much they can prove vets wrong and keep stay strong. That story gave me hope, I'll be keeping this story in mind for any future events.


The gravity number, I'm not sure if I'm about to give you the right thing but the vet said his pee thing was meant to be at 130, maybe a tad over but his was at 106. So, it was very low. I'm not sure how his kidneys are. Yes, they ran a urine test as far as I know. The blood work that they did yesterday was meant to cover everything. The in-house blood glucose test; I'm not sure what that is so I'd have to ask them.

Thanks Joe!. I've always liked that pic. Thank you everyone.

Ok, so I rung the vet today. I'm confused to sorry if I confuse any of you.

So, I rung the vet nurse today. The results are in and she said I couldn't hear the results today because my vet wasn't in. I am going to ring back and try and see another vet this arvo to tell me what the results are. I did ask; what was wrong. She said a very long word; ether hyperthyroidism or hyperthyroidism. I think it was the first one, I don't know. Unless she said the word my vet told me in the first place. When I asked her to repeat it, she just said Thyroid'.

So, I don't understand if Thyroid is a shorter term for the longer word or what the deal is. Some one did tell me Thyroid can mean many things.

I am ringing the vet later today again in hopes I can hear the results today.

Can anyone explain this Thyroid thing to me better, please?.
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Old 12-20-2011, 03:26 AM   #19

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I'll keep Sunny in my praryers! In a simple version..Hyperthyroidism is more common in cats than dogs..a thyroid is a gland in your neck. It can over or under produce thyroid hormone which keeps the bodies metabolism in check. Hyper = too much, Hypo = too little. Animals that have hyperT are usually thin and can't put on weight and can be hyperactive, dogs that are HypoT are usually heavy set and cannot lose much weight no matter the diet/exercise.

I truly hope Sunny has many more years to come!
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Old 12-20-2011, 04:12 AM   #20

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I'm not sure I'm familiar with urine values in those degrees. Specific Gravity is measured using a scale of anything between 1.020 (or less) and 1.050 (or more). Anything around 1.040 and up is usually good; dropping below 1.030 is where we start to worry.

In the urinalysis, your vet needs to be looking for a) protein content (should be none), b) leukocytes primarily, c) pH (high or low pH can cause peeing issues). I would be less concerned with liver values at this point until we know the kidneys are ok. Leukocytes would help you know if there is an infection present. But that's what the culture is for; the culture has to be sterile. You should also ask your vet about sending out a Urine Protein Creatinine ratio with the urine; you'll probably need to bring in another sample, it does not have to be sterile. For liver issues, ask your vet about bilirubin levels present in the urine (there should be none).

The in-house glucose test tests the blood glucose level of your dog at that time. It shouldn't be over 140; having blood sit overnight can alter the values, thus, if you're really testing to see if glucose levels are elevated, an in-house test is the way to go.

In the blood, you need to ask your vet about: creatinine (kidney function), BUN (kidney function), ALT (liver function), AST (liver function), AlkPhos (liver function), T4 (for thyroid) and if you're truly interested in the thyroid results especially if they're borderline, you'll need to add a test called a cTSH, which tests the thyroid stimulating hormone itself, not the T4 thyroid hormone.

For renal issues, there is also a test by a company called Heska called an E.R.D. (Early Renal Detection test) that has been, in my experience, pretty dead on with diagnosing the stages of renal failures (from none to high positive). It is not completely quantitative in that it does not tell you what is affected, but if the bloodwork and urinalysis results dictate that there should be some level of renal failure, the ERD will help determine the stage.

And, for the record, my dog is hypothyroid and was losing weight prior to the diagnosis.
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