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Old 10-16-2011, 10:14 AM   #21

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Alex; That's fair and I respect your view. I know a dog can live outside, I also know why I don't fully love the idea but that's just how I see it. I know some dogs that would much prefer to be outside but I do feel for those one's who want to be inside at least sometimes but I get some people won't allow that.BarabaraClark; I understand some dogs are like that. It would suck to put them outside of you wanted them inside, that's for sure. I once owned a dog who hated being inside and only wanted to be outside.*My current two, ya, they'd much prefer to be inside. The fur/dirt they drag in drives me nuts at times but I can't say no to them.
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Old 10-16-2011, 10:18 AM   #22

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thank you, i could understand if she had an italian greyhound lol that thing wouldnt last a min outside
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Old 10-16-2011, 10:20 AM   #23

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The dog I had was a little terrier mutt. Didn't know how to keep it's teeth off of ANYTHING. Drove me nuts.
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Old 10-16-2011, 04:44 PM   #24

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if your a bad owner so am I...Goren is a house broken, fully aware to not chew on anything, well behaved outside dog...my dad does not want my dogs inside, its his house so I respect that (well when Logan is old enough to go in his outside kennel run hehe) I have never had an issue with Goren inside but because of my father's wishes I do not have him inside (he is highly allergic so I don't want him to not be able to be in my house because of the fur and dander) so I have him outside. He is outside unless its well below freezing and he looks like he is cold (has a nice doghouse and access to the outside part of the furnace that keeps that spot a lot warmer in winter) he is only in the house in summer if its ungodly hot because if he is in to long he will regulate to the inside air and its worse on his body when he goes back out, also the reason I only bring him in in the winter when its really bad out because he pants really bad and is in more distress the poor boy.
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Old 10-16-2011, 07:13 PM   #25

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so he takes your dogs out of the house and puts them outside, whats next.... getting rid of the dishwasher and telling you to do them by hand,.....
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Old 10-16-2011, 07:52 PM   #26

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At least there are some reasonable people here. No I never thought I was a bad dog owner. I care for both my dogs very dearly. But I just thought I'd share my experience and see what other people thought. I love my Boyfriend very much and though I love snow, she will never be the reason I leave the man I love. Snow was very unhappy when I left her in the kennel and I went to work. She is Much happier now. I'm fixing to start taking her swimming again. Fun stuff!! HAHA
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Old 10-16-2011, 08:43 PM   #27

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A piece of unsolicited relationship advice... The person you share your life with should be willing to compromise and to share your loves and interests. You should be willing to do the same for him. So, if you want your dogs in the house, you should be able to have them in the house. It's your house,too.

My husband was raised with no pets of any kind. His dad was an old farm boy and firmly believed animals in the home stank and that they were filthy creatures who belong outside. Hubby kinda had the same view. When we were dating I had an old Toy Poodle mix. He wanted me to get rid of my dog when we moved in together. I explained that my dog had been around longer than him, would stay with me for its entire life, there was no guarantee he would do that,and that I liked sharing my life with my dog, so if one of them had to go it would not be the dog.

It wasn't because my dog meant more than a human, it was more making a point. I didn't tell him to give up gaming. I even started to game with him. So, he could damn sure start caring for my dog.

Many years later, we have 4 dogs, a cat, a bird and a tortoise. The hubby gave in and not only started walking and spending time with my original dog (now deceased) but he understood my love for dogs in general, the happiness and comfort their presence gives me, and he has learned to love them, too. The newest family joke is that without the dogs he would have killed me by now.

"Damn, woman! You make me crazy!" *enter Rita and her loving licking*
"You, umm..." *lick lick lick wag*
"Never mind."

For my end, the dogs keep me from filing for divorce some days. We'd fight over who has to take the kids and who gets​ to keep the dogs, rofl.
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Old 10-16-2011, 08:59 PM   #28

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Good posting MJ. I would personally have a really hard time suddenly putting a born and raised inside dog outside because of a new relationship....
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Old 10-17-2011, 12:03 AM   #29

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See, that's the thing. If I wanted to put my dog outside, even after years of living in the house, I would do it and know the dog could adjust. But if I wanted my dogs in the house and my SO said he did not, well... Love ya, babe, but my opinion matters and I am not giving up something I love and enjoy for anyone. Either love and enjoy it with me or I'll find someone who does.
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Old 10-17-2011, 12:23 AM   #30

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Maybe them being outside IS compromise? Maybe he wanted the dogs gone and outside was the "meet in the middle"...you never know.
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Old 10-17-2011, 01:47 AM   #31

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A piece of unsolicited relationship advice... The person you share your life with should be willing to compromise and to share your loves and interests. You should be willing to do the same for him. So, if you want your dogs in the house, you should be able to have them in the house. It's your house,too.
That's kinda the sticking point for me to; and what it comes down to isn't the dog or whatever the issue is...it's the disparity of power in the relationship if one person gets to make the "rules".

It is one thing as MJ says if you want the dogs outside because for whatever reason you decided you don't want inside dogs anymore; it's another matter entirely if you are combining households and preparing to share your life with someone and that someone gets to unilaterally make the rules about how things will go, discounting your preferences and feelings.

I guess it comes down to how strongly you feel about the dogs in or out; if it's no big deal either way...then I could see how you wouldn't think much about it. My concern would be what if the next decision that has to be made is a big deal to me; but I still don't get a say and compromises aren't made?

Just some things to think about from the unsolicited advice department.

---------- Post added at 07:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:46 PM ----------

Maybe them being outside IS compromise? Maybe he wanted the dogs gone and outside was the "meet in the middle"...you never know.
Maybe...to me that just doesn't feel like a satisfactory compromise; it still feels like one person is more influential than the other in the decision making. Maybe it's me and I just don't compromise well.
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Old 10-17-2011, 02:20 AM   #32

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A piece of unsolicited relationship advice... The person you share your life with should be willing to compromise and to share your loves and interests. You should be willing to do the same for him. So, if you want your dogs in the house, you should be able to have them in the house. It's your house,too.

My husband was raised with no pets of any kind. His dad was an old farm boy and firmly believed animals in the home stank and that they were filthy creatures who belong outside. Hubby kinda had the same view. When we were dating I had an old Toy Poodle mix. He wanted me to get rid of my dog when we moved in together. I explained that my dog had been around longer than him, would stay with me for its entire life, there was no guarantee he would do that,and that I liked sharing my life with my dog, so if one of them had to go it would not be the dog.

It wasn't because my dog meant more than a human, it was more making a point. I didn't tell him to give up gaming. I even started to game with him. So, he could damn sure start caring for my dog.

Many years later, we have 4 dogs, a cat, a bird and a tortoise. The hubby gave in and not only started walking and spending time with my original dog (now deceased) but he understood my love for dogs in general, the happiness and comfort their presence gives me, and he has learned to love them, too. The newest family joke is that without the dogs he would have killed me by now.

"Damn, woman! You make me crazy!" *enter Rita and her loving licking*
"You, umm..." *lick lick lick wag*
"Never mind."

For my end, the dogs keep me from filing for divorce some days. We'd fight over who has to take the kids and who gets​ to keep the dogs, rofl.
^^^good post
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Old 10-17-2011, 02:39 AM   #33

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Maybe them being outside IS compromise? Maybe he wanted the dogs gone and outside was the "meet in the middle"...you never know.
This is what I was thinking. It doesn't sound unfair to me, unless perhaps you were talking about a weak, elderly, or otherwise not fit to be outdoors animal.
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Old 10-17-2011, 02:48 AM   #34

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My boyfriend lives in a small trailor with his two elderly parents.
Sounds like pretty cramped quarters for high energy dogs. I know when I was planning on having my mum come stay with us, I figured the younger spazzier dogs would spend more time outside so as not to overwhelm or injure her. Even with Raven and her spleen issues... if I'm not RIGHT THERE Salem has to be on an inside tie up because she's a total tard. Raven has to be sitting on the couch if she's loose and I have to orchestrate the whole deal. I wish I had better dog houses.. mine would no doubt spend more time outside...
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Old 10-17-2011, 03:08 AM   #35

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Most of my dogs stay outside 24/7 no matter the weather. They are hunting and working dogs, outside dogs and will stay that way. If one is inside there is probably a medical reason for it. It doesn't make you a bad owner. They need food, fresh water, shelter, and shade and they'll be fine.
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Old 10-17-2011, 03:29 AM   #36

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All in all, the compromise seems reasonable.

And there is NOTHING wrong with outside dogs. Some dogs like the outside better, like my little Chevelle. Don't let stupid people get to you.
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Old 10-17-2011, 06:34 AM   #37

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Very good post.

And I do want to point out that IF I so strongly wanted snow and koi in the house, He would work with me to try and figure out how to do it. I don't want anyone to think that he said absolutely no animals. He did tell me he would work with me. I decided and he agreed that for now, with the small living space and his parents, it would be best for the dogs to be outside because they are very young hyper dogs.

And I was going to type something else and forgot LOL. It probably not important.
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Old 10-17-2011, 07:40 AM   #38

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Of course, I am going to agree with everyone and say that there is nothing wrong with outside dogs! The little mutt dog Lyric that is here refuses to be inside, no matter what the weather... she just hates it! She's not civilized enough for that "indoors, pet" crap lol

I also very strongly agree that being in a relationship means the things that are important to you should be recognized by the other person. But, it sounds like yall worked it out nicely.. which is great
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Old 10-17-2011, 12:11 PM   #39

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Very good post.

And I do want to point out that IF I so strongly wanted snow and koi in the house, He would work with me to try and figure out how to do it. I don't want anyone to think that he said absolutely no animals. He did tell me he would work with me. I decided and he agreed that for now, with the small living space and his parents, it would be best for the dogs to be outside because they are very young hyper dogs.

And I was going to type something else and forgot LOL. It probably not important.
Ok...well then that is different.

I was going off your first post that said your husband to be "didn't allow dogs"...and my first reaction was...what's he going to be your husband or your father? Glad that's not the case! I would run like hell from any man that thought he was even going to verbalize thoughts about I might be allowed or not allowed to do (after I cracked him upside the head with a frying pan)

---------- Post added at 06:11 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:59 AM ----------

I was also missing the part about his parents.

If it is their house; then they do get to make the rules and I wouldn't have a problem with them deciding what they would allow or not; unless my husband and I were paying our way...in which case that gives us equal say and we're back to negotiating.

But anyway, it sounds like you and your husband are working as equal partners, so that is what matters.
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Old 10-17-2011, 03:17 PM   #40

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Very good post.

And I do want to point out that IF I so strongly wanted snow and koi in the house, He would work with me to try and figure out how to do it. I don't want anyone to think that he said absolutely no animals. He did tell me he would work with me. I decided and he agreed that for now, with the small living space and his parents, it would be best for the dogs to be outside because they are very young hyper dogs.

And I was going to type something else and forgot LOL. It probably not important.
Is this temporary while you are living with elderly parents and in a small place? If you plan on having them in the house in the future, when you have a bigger place or what have you, I'd suggest training them every day in manners and occasionally taking them in the house for brief visits so they don't forget how to act like civilized dogs.

My neighbors outdoor dog is very well behaved because he is worked with. He's a Husky, though, and would rather be shot in the leg than in the house. It's pitiful. When she brings him in on the bitterly cold days (below 0) or when we have particularly bad storms he just sits at the back door, crying to get outside where he's happy.

---------- Post added at 09:17 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:16 AM ----------

Ok...well then that is different.

I was going off your first post that said your husband to be "didn't allow dogs"...and my first reaction was...what's he going to be your husband or your father? Glad that's not the case! I would run like hell from any man that thought he was even going to verbalize thoughts about I might be allowed or not allowed to do (after I cracked him upside the head with a frying pan)

---------- Post added at 06:11 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:59 AM ----------

I was also missing the part about his parents.

If it is their house; then they do get to make the rules and I wouldn't have a problem with them deciding what they would allow or not; unless my husband and I were paying our way...in which case that gives us equal say and we're back to negotiating.

But anyway, it sounds like you and your husband are working as equal partners, so that is what matters.
Me, too!
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