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Old 01-03-2011, 04:22 PM   #1

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Default "control your dog!"
That's what was yelled to us on Saturday after walking our dogs. Let me rephrase...that's what was yelled to us on Saturday as we were walking our fully-leashed, 100% in control, dogs in our neighborhood.

We went for a walk, and we live in an "interesting" neighborhood when it comes to pets. We took our two dogs for a walk. Gidget is GREAT walking. She gets her little bulldog waddle, wears her harness, and she doesn't pull...at all (unless she sees a squirrel, but she's easily redirected back to me.) Grimm, eh, he's okay. He's always on patrol.

As we walk on the street behind ours, we see a three-legged dog just kind of sniffing at mailboxes, marking them, etc. There are four people outside: one guy across the street, two teenagers, and another adult across from him. NO ONE MAKES AN EFFORT to get their three-legged dog (no tags, no collar, nothing) as we approach. Before we got anywhere near to them, I said, "let's turn around, and walk back." With saying that, the three-legged dog's tail raises in an aggressive and "WTF?!" position, his hair raises, he barks, and then lowers his head, and charges at us (three-legged dogs can hop pretty damn fast.)

With that, and our dogs looking over their shoulders like, "what's going on?!" the man starts screaming, "GET THE DOG! GET THE DOG!" Instead of actually, I don't know, running out and restraining his wandering dog. The three people across the street just look at him like, "There's no way I'm chasing after a growling and aggressive dog I don't own!" We continue to walk away with the three-legged dog slowing dog but still chasing us.

That's when I hear it, "CONTROL YOUR DOG!" I *think* it's someone telling the guy who owns the three-legged dog, but when I look, the guy has a rope around his dog's neck, and he's pointing at US. When my fiancé turns around, the guy says, "YOU HEARD ME! CONTROL YOUR DOG!" and shakes his finger at us. My fiancé yells out, "there's a leash law in this area against wandering dogs, just an FYI," and leaves it at that. The last thing we need is to cause problems in our neighborhood with neighbors. Instead, we'll just walk on another street.

What an idiot.
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Old 01-03-2011, 04:48 PM   #2

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well, I guess you need to control your dog
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Old 01-03-2011, 05:40 PM   #3

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ha! sumone said that to me just recently i was walking Eagle and this guy comes along with a husky pulling at the end of the leash trying to get at Eagle i moved Eagle to my other side and kept her at my heel. Eagle paid the dog no attention at all. the guy is yelling "get your dog!". im like wtf my dog is fine mr. smh.
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Old 01-03-2011, 09:25 PM   #4

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I've had this happen haha. My sister and I took Kuda in a pet supplies store, and we were in the food section, looking at food. Kuda at the end of her (short) leash, sitting at my sisters feet, who is standing right next to me. And this chick comes down the same aisle, stops when she gets near us, throws her hands in the air and says "UGH! Control your dog!" And I looked around, down at Kuda, and she is still at my sister's feet, just looking at the girl, wagging her tails." I tell the chick.. "Uh. you're alright o_O" So she walks pass us. >_> Damn was this bitch hallucinating or something? Hahha.
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Old 01-03-2011, 09:48 PM   #5

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How could you be so irresponsible
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Old 01-03-2011, 10:04 PM   #6

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How could you be so irresponsible
I ask myself that everyday
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Old 01-03-2011, 10:11 PM   #7

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I alwways yell at people when I see their dogs off leash, I will tell them to please bring their dog's inside. I had some lady walking her dog and her 5 year old son was the one holding the leash. The dog ripped off the boy's hand and ran across the street to confront Bernie. I tried to kick the dog away and I kept telling the lady to get her dog. As soon as I tried to kick the dog away he snapped and strated growling. Meanwhile I am screaming at her to get her dog, and thankfull Bernie was just standing there doing nothing, that dog is lucky as hell. Never again will I walk the chiwawa and Bernie at the sametime, next time I will carry my dog if I ever see something like that.
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Old 01-03-2011, 10:16 PM   #8

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I was walking my moms English mastiff, all 125lbs of her, and if she wanted she could jerk away and take me for a ride.

Anyway, I was walking her and these two vicious mutt Shepard dogs came charging out of a lady's house, through the open gate and were coming straight for me, and Lola puffed up so big stepped her whole body in front of me and let out on hell of a bark, hackles all standing up, and the stupid lady AFTER a neighbor came out and went into her house to get her, had the nerve to try and yell at me about it!

All of the neighbors who were out started on her about how this wasn't the first time they have charged at someone, with or without a dog. I just dont understand how people can be so careless about their pets.
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Old 01-03-2011, 11:16 PM   #9

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Gosh Southern... I never knew you were so irresponsible

Yep, I've heard that before.. Someone walking an off-leash pit bull, it came abounding up to me and my very hot bulldog.. She went berserk and their dog didn't catch the clue that she didn't like him and wouldn't back off, whilst I was keeping her head away from the poor, dumb dog who thought she wanted to play or something... the owner walked over, chased her dog in circles around me, then told me to control MY damn dog (she never did get a hold of him, she whacked him and he ran home).
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Old 01-03-2011, 11:21 PM   #10

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Wow. People are special.

My dogs like to show off if we see another dog while we're out and usually I take the opportunity to drill on OB since its good practice for the drama queens. And if its a path I pull over irregardless of how the other dog is acting they have to sit/lay and wait until its past.
Anywho my favorite was the night I saw a guy with a loose JRT and he seemed to have no concept of why I was trying to avoid him. He finally picked the damn dog up after Scout got frustrated at not being able to say hi and started in with the obnoxious shepherd bark and walked away. Of course little does this guy know I'm more worried about his damn terrier biting my dog than vice versa. Then we saw some lady with a tiny poofball thing that was off leash and wouldn't listen to her. Thank everything holy my dogs love small dogs and are gentle with them. And then the icing on the cake was the jackass we saw by the soccer field. Oversized lunging lab on a damn flexi lead!!!! That dog had to be 100lbs if he was an ounce... that lead was cracking horribly as the was lunging toward us, luckily was a good 50ft away and we were going in different directions. I still yelled that maybe he should think about getting a real leash though.
There's a good reason I've been running them at night when I get off work at like 10ish!
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Old 02-03-2011, 02:20 PM   #11

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I was walking my moms English mastiff, all 125lbs of her, and if she wanted she could jerk away and take me for a ride.
Your post made me think of a radio commercial for QuickTrip (a gas station/convenience store in our area.)

Meet "George" (I can't remember the dog's name in the commercial.) George is part English Mastiff, part Great Dane, and part Kodiak bear. At six months, George is already the size of a small moose. So when George takes Walter for a walk around the neighborhood, Walter needs to make sure he has enough energy, a QuickTrip breakfast. *woof! woof!* -- announcer whispers -- "Squirrel!" Sorry, Walter. QuickTrip....
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Old 02-03-2011, 04:37 PM   #12

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Hand them a hammer and tell them to control there dogs
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Old 02-03-2011, 08:14 PM   #13

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the guy is yelling "get your dog!". im like wtf my dog is fine mr Sometimes it is better to err on the side of caution and expect the other person to have no control of their dog. I would rather suffer the indignity of moving well clear of poorly controlled dogs than trying to be high and mighty and relying on being "in the right". Most times if you encounter an aggressive out of control dog, even if your dog can handle itself, there is a good chance of a vet visit which soon eats up your disposable income.
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Old 02-03-2011, 08:22 PM   #14

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I agree skippy. I generally always operate on that assumption. I get a lot of looks like I must have vicious beasts because I always pull over well clear of oncoming people with dogs. I'm probably vicious myself because I'm always prepared to boot and stone a charging dog too. Rather avoid any unexpected vet bills and drama queens' in pain thanks!
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Old 02-03-2011, 09:50 PM   #15

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Your post made me think of a radio commercial for QuickTrip (a gas station/convenience store in our area.)

Meet "George" (I can't remember the dog's name in the commercial.) George is part English Mastiff, part Great Dane, and part Kodiak bear. At six months, George is already the size of a small moose. So when George takes Walter for a walk around the neighborhood, Walter needs to make sure he has enough energy, a QuickTrip breakfast. *woof! woof!* -- announcer whispers -- "Squirrel!" Sorry, Walter. QuickTrip....
Right I think his name is peanut lol She was such a good dog though, she could run off with anyone attached to her, but she just wanted to walk along like a little poodle or something but she wouldn't hesitate to mess someones random threatening dog up in an instant.
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Old 02-03-2011, 09:58 PM   #16

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Sometimes, it's not the dogs that are the "aggressive" ones....

People sometimes drive me nuts!
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Old 02-03-2011, 10:14 PM   #17

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lol, wow, I just had an issue like this today, had my dogs out in a field (not a park.. there are none here) to play fetch, half way through the game a random husky mix comes running up to us, I immediatly pick up Pandora and try to hide her face from the dog, Chai of course starts to play with the dog but the dog is more interested in Pandora, the guy comes up (walking) holding a leash and collar, yelling that his dog is ok and not to worry the dog likes small dogs, I yell back that my small dog is aggressive, in the end, after him chasing his dog and yelling at it to come, I put chai in a down stay and retrieve his dog for him
irresponsible owners
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Old 02-03-2011, 11:48 PM   #18

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This made me LOL, "three-legged dogs can hop pretty damn fast".

I get that a lot. Either when walking the dogs, or when we're out in the yard and someone walks by and gets the standard greeting of BARKBARKBARKBARKBARKHEYHEYHEYBARKBARKTHERE'SAPERSO NBARKBARKBARK. All I can say when people go by the yard is that there's a fence there for a reason and if they're so worried, they can walk on the other side, or the far edge of the street.
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Old 02-03-2011, 11:55 PM   #19

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I would have told him "I'll control you"! Doesn't make a bit of sense,but thats the point.
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Old 02-04-2011, 02:22 AM   #20

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I live on the access road to a little state park, so we get a fair amount of walkers here. I was walking Xanny one day when she was younger. I hear voices from behind me yelling "No Ginger, come Ginger, No Ginger!" An older looking Shepherd cross is headed our way at a slow run looking aggressive. The dog isn't that fast, but it was clearly faster than it's owners. I picked up Xanny, because she does not tolerate crap from other dogs. Eventually the woman and her kids are able to catch their dog. She sees Xanny and says, kind of snidely "Oh, is she scared?" I said "No, disappointed."

I do believe, and I've seen no evidence to contradict this, that I own the only leashes for at least a mile around.
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