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#1 |
I'll play the other side. I would not want my kid running up to a dog and grabbing its neck either, especially a breed that can harm you pretty good if it wanted to. It's not the dog's fault that the kid ran up on it, it's not the kid's fault that the dog is cute. Shit can just happen though. My son is one that will run up on a dog too and I've shown him plenty of dog bite photos from google to perhaps give him an idea that it isn't all talk.
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#2 |
Most people don't even know Bella is a ''pit bull''.They swear she ''can't be a pit bull'' she's either ''too small''(at 45lbs/2yrs old ) or ''too sweet''.I laugh it off because she will get lovin's instead of a label.You have never seen how horribly depressed and mopey Bella gets if people don't ohh and ahh over her! She looks like someone beat her half to death,if SOMEONE doesn't pet her.She's such a drama queen. lol
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#3 |
I just recently got a new Pit, Storm, and took her out yesterday after noon to get her some toys and treats. We went to Petsmart and I decide to leave Tyson home since he goes nuts in pet stores. As we walk in the store Storm got excited, because of all the little kids in there shopping with their parents. When we got in, one of the employee told me, sorry sir you should put your dog back in the car, because theirs too many kids here. I told him it's too cold in the car and that I would keep a close eye on Storm. He said ok, so I went into the toy section, picking out something for Tyson. Will there was a little kid, about 8, staring at Storm and I can tell he was scared. I told him she's friendly, she wouldn't hurt you. AND out of no where the kids mom says, that's a Pit bull and they bite people. I was piss and decide not to debate about it. All of the kids and adults there kept looking at us in a dishusting way. I ignored it. We went in the collar and leash section, to try some collar on Storm. I saw this little girl, maybe around 5, she kept poking from behind a counter, trying to get a good look at storm. I said hi there. She sad nothing and came closer trying to pet Storm. Her mom screamed, don't touch that dog!! Storm got scared and started barking. The same employee from earlier shout out, I told you to put that dam dog in the car!! I was about ready to leave.The little girl kept coming and she ran straight up to storm. She pet and hugged Storm and it made me felt so happy. Out of all these people in the store, only a 5 yr old girl wanted to pet my Pit. The little girl told me she was a pretty dog. I thanked her and said her name is Storm. She said I love Storm. It really made me happy. Storm was such a good girl just licking her and no bites, not even a scratch on the girl. After that the girls mom came and said, I'm sorry, it just that you have a Pit bull and I'am scared it was going to bite my daughter. I told her it's no problem I get it alot. I continue shopping and to my surprise some of the kids and adult asked if they could
pet Storm. I said Ofcourse you can. It was such a good afternoon for me. I wanted to thank the little girl again but sadly she and her mom left. What I was happy about is that a little girl showed all these other people that a Pit bull is not all about fighting, biting, and killing. She showed them that a Pit bull is just like any other dog and I really thank her for that. Stormy just came to me a few days ago and I do not know her personality, but she loved the pets and hugs. Not a dangerous dog to me if she only kills you by licking you. If only more people were like her it would make me happier. ( the dialogs are not what exactly the people said, but it my memories of what they were saying. I am writing on a iPod wanted to share this with you guys ![]() ---------- Post added at 04:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:23 PM ---------- Sorry for misspelling and errors. It's hard to write a page on an iPod. Can't scroll down when editing it >:/ |
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#4 |
With this breed you just might have to get use to it,.. I lot of members on here have stories like these that don't always turn out as well.
Luckily I can honestly say that I haven't had this problem and hopefully I never will. There's no telling how you will react in a situation until you're actually in it. ![]() |
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#5 |
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#6 |
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#7 |
Im so glad Ive never had situations like this. I dont know how I would handle it. I only get people who TELL me that my dog is a great dog and that they bet hes great with my son... as if I didnt know that
![]() Id take that any day over some of the stories people post here, like yours. Glad it ended up turning out good though. |
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#8 |
That's great that everyone decided to give Storm another shot! It's always good to prove people wrong!
Ruger and I did some of that at the coffee shop today. Ruger approached a customer who came in, and when he removed his hand from his pocket Ruger reached his head towards it because he'll literally put his head in your hand so you can pet him... and the guy made a comment about Ruger wanting to eat it. Everyone, including the business owner who was working there at the time, commented that Ruger is a huge baby. The customer watched as another customer came over to say hi to Ruger... he called Ruger a gentleman, and Ruger offered him a paw... the wary customer smiled, and seemed to be much less wary of him after that. You will encounter people that are scared of your dog no matter what, and people who easily succumb to a sweet dog's nature! |
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#9 |
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#10 |
What's even more fun, (or rediculous...either way) is when folks will see your dog, get down on the ground and start a mutual make out fest with him...THEN ask what breed he is, and when you tell them "pit bull" they jump up and away screaming like the dog just grew a second head.
It's like minute the dog is awsome, cute, and lovable, but as soon as they realize what it actually's like the affection they just exchanged was a devious trick to get them close enough to eat. |
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#12 |
This kinda makes me happy to be living where I do. I get some prejudice, but mostly people are very friendly with my dogs. My local PetSmart, Tractor Supply and Pet Supplies Plus stores have never said a single thing about my APBT or Am Bulldog. The employees at Pet Supplies and Tractor Supply are great! They always greet the dogs and ask if its ok to give them treats. All in all, where I live, the general public is fine with my breeds. Its some of my family and a couple neighbors who give me grief and even the neighbors have lightened up since none of their babies have been eaten.
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