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Old 01-01-2011, 06:10 PM   #1

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Default Plan would treat animal abusers like sex offenders
The idea of this makes me so HAPPY!

Plan would treat animal abusers like sex offenders
Rockets owner Alexander backs registry for felons
Jan. 1, 2011, 7:53AM

AUSTIN — People convicted of felony animal cruelty offenses would have to register just like sex offenders do under a proposal being pushed by Houston Rockets owner Les Alexander.

Alexander is one of the advocates hoping lawmakers take time to focus on animal welfare in the upcoming legislative session.

"A predator is a predator, if it's against a human or it's against an animal," said Alexander, who in 2007 put muscle behind toughening Texas' animal-cruelty law.
The registry proposal hasn't yet been filed. Four Houston lawmakers plan to carry it forward: Democratic Senate Criminal Justice Committee Chairman John Whitmire, Republican Sen. Joan Huffman, Democratic Rep. Senfronia Thompson and Republican Rep. Beverly Woolley.

Among other pet-related proposals is a revival of the so-called puppy mill bill, which would create a state regulatory program to license and set minimum standards for commercial breeders. The measure's still being drafted.

Thompson plans to carry it as she did in 2009, when it died after being opposed by veterinarians and a group including hobby breeders. This time, the Texas Veterinary Medical Association has helped work on a new version of the measure, which is a priority of the Texas Humane Legislation Network.

"I want to make sure the puppies that are being sold are healthy animals, that they are being treated in a humane way," Thompson said.

A separate bill that has already been filed would allow pets to be added to protective orders in family violence cases.

Tally is not complete
Some of the measures have been tried before, but the registry effort is new. Lobbyist Bill Miller, pushing the idea for Alexander, said no other state has passed it. A registry has been approved in New York State's Suffolk County.

The idea would work like the Texas registry that makes information public about sex offenders, though it might be tiny in comparison.

Texas has 62,971 registered sex offenders. Since the animal cruelty law was toughened in 2007, just 24 people have been sent to the Texas Department of Criminal justice for cruelty to non-livestock animals.

But that tally is incomplete. It doesn't include those simultaneously serving time for an animal-cruelty felony and another crime with a longer sentence. It also doesn't include those who receive deferred adjudication, who also would be required to register. Those figures couldn't be obtained Thursday.

"A list has to start somewhere, with someone," Miller said. "It will be a deterrent and a valuable tool" for checking on potential pet owners.

Backers cited a connection between animal abuse and violence toward people.
"As a former prosecutor and judge, I am aware that those with a history of animal abuse may potentially commit future violent acts," Huffman said in a statement.
In a bow to the tough fiscal times, it's envisioned as being funded by donations and gifts. Alexander said he'll "be chipping in big."

Woolley in a statement called the registry "another step toward stopping some child predators. Studies show that child predators begin as animal abusers. … To be the first state to achieve this, without using general revenue, relying solely on private donations, makes this bill a good way to usher good feelings into the Legislature."

'High-tech Scarlet Letter'
Jim Harrington of the Texas Civil Rights Project, however, called it "one of the more inane legislative ideas I've heard."

"The idea of criminal justice is you commit the crime, you pay the penalty. Why do you have this ongoing punishment with the registry? It becomes like a high-tech Scarlet Letter," Harrington said.

The so-called puppy mill measure would set up state licensing and regulation for commercial breeders. The U.S. Department of Agriculture currently oversees breeders who sell wholesale, but there's no regulation of those who sell retail.

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Old 01-01-2011, 06:15 PM   #2

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You are screwed up in the damn head if this makes you happy. They need to spend the time and money to get the sex offender registry working right and actually protecting our kids before they do some dumb shit like this.
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Old 01-01-2011, 06:18 PM   #3

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They need to spend the time and money to get the sex offender registry working right and actually protecting our kids before they do some dumb shit like this.
Seriously, I saw something the other day, the man's daughter was kidnapped, raped, and murdered (buried alive) by a man living across the street. He had been in and out of prison 24 times for child molestation reasons, and he was registered but not in that town.

My question on it would be who all would have to register. It could be up in the air. Like would it just be those that are a real danger to animals, or anyone who might have gotten a citation. I.e. if tethering is illegal, would someone who gets caught tethering their dog have to be put on the "animal cruelty" list?
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Old 01-01-2011, 06:19 PM   #4

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So many things wrong with this, just like there are so many things wrong with the sex offender registry. Why should an 18 year old guy who had consentual sex with a 17 year old girl be in the same group as 40 year old pedophiles, just as a person who may have matched a few dogs doesn't need to be in the same category as some sicko who gets off on burning cats alive...
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Old 01-01-2011, 06:22 PM   #5

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So many things wrong with this, just like there are so many things wrong with the sex offender registry. Why should an 18 year old guy who had consentual sex with a 17 year old girl be in the same group as 40 year old pedophiles, just as a person who may have matched a few dogs doesn't need to be in the same category as some sicko who gets off on burning cats alive...
I agree with every word of this. a friend of mine met a 16 year old girl in a BAR he was 22 and long story short hes a sex offender now, hes as good of a person who has ever walked this earth and now hes fucked for life.
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Old 01-01-2011, 07:16 PM   #6

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So many things wrong with this, just like there are so many things wrong with the sex offender registry. Why should an 18 year old guy who had consentual sex with a 17 year old girl be in the same group as 40 year old pedophiles, just as a person who may have matched a few dogs doesn't need to be in the same category as some sicko who gets off on burning cats alive...
Im with blau on this one. It would take a lot of work to even make it work.
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Old 01-01-2011, 07:26 PM   #7

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Sounds good but the problem is animal cruelty is to vague with its definition. If it was true animal cruelty thats one thing but once we give this type of power it will get out of control and Innocent people would end up on the list due to technicality
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Old 01-02-2011, 02:28 AM   #8

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Agree, Hogar. Like many law (ideas), have good intentions, but end up being more harmful than good.
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Old 01-02-2011, 02:39 AM   #9

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While I agree that those who have been convicted of serious animal abuse (starving a dog to death, beating the life out of a cat, etc) should be somehow registered to NEVER be able to own a pet again, I also agree with the fact that they need to get their shit together with the sex offender registry. IMO, we should ship all the child rapists to a newly-reopened Alcatraz. They can go be sick somewhere that is NOT in the general population.
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Old 01-02-2011, 02:42 AM   #10

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You are nice. I think we should the kill the mo-fos (child molesters/rapist). lol.
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Old 01-02-2011, 02:48 AM   #11

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Hey now, we could use those kid diddlers for toxic waste clean up or some other horrid labor with a high rate of cancer.
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Old 01-02-2011, 02:50 AM   #12

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You are nice. I think we should the kill the mo-fos (child molesters/rapist). lol.
I certainly wouldn't complain about a firing squad for them...
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Old 01-02-2011, 02:56 AM   #13

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"A predator is a predator, if it's against a human or it's against an animal," said Alexander. IMHO those are the ramblings of a radical idiot.I'll be sure to be against the Rockets from here on out.
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Old 01-02-2011, 03:03 AM   #14

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"A predator is a predator, if it's against a human or it's against an animal," said Alexander. IMHO those are the ramblings of a radical idiot.I'll be sure to be against the Rockets from here on out.
No shit, in that case, my cat is completely SCREWED! Seriously with the amount of dead shit he's dragged home, I better go hide him in the basement until all of this is over so nobody tries to throw him in jail with all those child molesters .
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Old 02-01-2011, 12:45 PM   #15

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This pisses me off. In what sort of mentally ill,deranged head does abusing animals(anything you do today is considered cruelty) equate to being a child molester or the crime being even in the same league. I think it shows the shit state things are in that children are protected only to the same level as dogs are.

I don't have kids but I would be going nuts if I did if someone decided that instead of protecting my kid,a human,they were putting laws in place so that some puppy,a dog,wouldn't be tied up or some other bullshit.
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Old 02-01-2011, 01:28 PM   #16

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Why does this not surprise me.
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Old 02-01-2011, 02:02 PM   #17

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You are nice. I think we should the kill the mo-fos (child molesters/rapist). lol.
A comment that make s sense !!!!!
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Old 02-01-2011, 06:40 PM   #18

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There is already a website/database in place. It's from pet-abuse.com
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Old 07-02-2011, 06:05 AM   #19

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You are screwed up in the damn head if this makes you happy. They need to spend the time and money to get the sex offender registry working right and actually protecting our kids before they do some dumb shit like this.
Sure, I maybe "screwed up in the damn head" but they may be because I'm also someone who was abused as a child & can tell you that there ISN'T much of a difference between people who abuse animals & abuse kids. Also, it a FACT that MANY of these people START with animals & MOVE UP to people.

Really good example, Jeffery Dahmer: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeffrey_Dahmer

---------- Post added at 12:47 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:42 AM ----------

So many things wrong with this, just like there are so many things wrong with the sex offender registry. Why should an 18 year old guy who had consentual sex with a 17 year old girl be in the same group as 40 year old pedophiles, just as a person who may have matched a few dogs doesn't need to be in the same category as some sicko who gets off on burning cats alive...
I really do agree that the sex offender laws are messed up! But what looks hopeful with this is that the Texas Veterinary Medical Association is working with them on this law. And it's not just some "Law Maker" that's doesn't have a good understanding on owning different breeds of animals.

---------- Post added at 12:59 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:47 AM ----------

"A predator is a predator, if it's against a human or it's against an animal," said Alexander. IMHO those are the ramblings of a radical idiot.I'll be sure to be against the Rockets from here on out.
Really?? It's a well documented FACT that MANY Serial Killers STARTED OUT on animals. I can tell you FIRST HAND as someone who was abused, that animals where NOT exclude from violence.

We all agree that it would be GREAT to STOP child abusers BEFORE they start.

This maybe a way to "flag" these people BEFORE they move up to children.

Can any parent tell me that they would be OKAY with living next door to the guy: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/arti...ffocation.html ?

There is a pretty good chance that this ISN'T the first time that guy has done something like that. And I'm willing to BET that is just a "Warm Up" for bigger things.

---------- Post added at 01:05 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:59 AM ----------

This pisses me off. In what sort of mentally ill,deranged head does abusing animals(anything you do today is considered cruelty) equate to being a child molester or the crime being even in the same league. I think it shows the shit state things are in that children are protected only to the same level as dogs are.

I don't have kids but I would be going nuts if I did if someone decided that instead of protecting my kid,a human,they were putting laws in place so that some puppy,a dog,wouldn't be tied up or some other bullshit.
I'm a parent & a pet owner and can tell you that they have ALLOT in common.

They are both completely helpless & dependent on their care givers. They both will love you no matter what you may have done wrong.

All sick predators started out somewhere, that most of the time that's with animals.
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Old 07-02-2011, 06:18 AM   #20

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Agreed with much of the above; when we already have a sex offender registry that does NOT serve to protect children and also ruins the lives of many innocent people, it would be unconscionable and illogical to try to duplicate that effed-up system in regards to animals.

A somewhat separate vent; I have only recently realized that CHILD sexual abuse / abduction / MURDER is so widespread that most of these cases (even if the monsters are caught and convicted) do not even make the news
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