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Old 08-27-2010, 06:24 AM   #21

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Anyone who can get my dogs apart with vinegar or by lifting up legs i will happily give them my first born child[when it comes].

And ive never ever seen a person get an apbt off with a choke without doing some serious damage to the internals of a dogs neck afterwards.

I hope this doesnt sound too negative , but the only real sure fire way to remove two APBT's from each other is to break them off with a breaking stick and when done the correct way will get them off quicker than any other method availible.

The most important thing about these situations is that its not the first time youu use the stick when it comes crunch time. A tenacious male using a spring pole with all four feet on the ground is the easiest ways to practice using one and when it comes to crunch time you will be confident enough to use one making the whole task a hell of alot easier.
I had a dog that besides when he got tired he wouldnt ever let go of the springpole without a stick used, so he was easy to use and once i showed my ex partner how to use them she was amazed at the ease and felt quite happy to be left with multipule da dogs on her own[they were ALLWAYS seperated but chains break and accidents happen] without the stress of panic and ignorance.

using a breaking stick is easy and the site should have instructions somewhere im thinking so i wont waste time on that[or google].

The scenario i used with my partner was if she was on her own with no help whatsoever which for a petite woman is the worst case scenario.

Allways, Allways have two leashes minimum on standby preferably more as if tether spots are availible two leashes on one dog is preffered.

I would calmly grab both dogs by the collars and walk them to a spot where one can be tethered with one of the leashes, allways tether the dog you feel is stronger, as a woman it will mean the dog you walk away with is the weaker of the two[may only help 10% but better than nothing] tether the dog by the leash to a spot so said dog has minimal movement options, if possible tie off the second leash on a spot where the dog will have little play to move then tether the dog to the spot.
The reasoning for this is if you are alone once you have broken one dog off there is a loose mouth trying to gain hold again while you are busy trying to break the second dog off and with people on their own this can be the part the most damage is inflicted, a hard mouth dog will puncture with every new hold so the less new holds once broken off are the better.

The next part depends on your confidence with your dogs any dog that shows signs of redirection doesnt last long with me before it is pts.
Because of this i am confident with placing my body inbetween the broken off dogs head and the dog still in hold. I have never ever been bitten doing this but the choice is upto the individual person.
once in position between the tethering limiting stronger dogs movement and me blocking his way it is tenX easier to remove the second dog, now simply break the other dog off the tethered dog and without moving your neck hold drag the weaker dog away and tether elswhere preferably out of sight of the other dog.

the dogs will settle remarkably quicker once they are out of eachothers site.

once dogs are seperated and settled you can move forward and check dogs for any cuts or punctures and treat them.

This is what has pretty much been a fail proof method for me and it was taught to me as a yard hand with a yard with over fifteen gamebred dogs it had worked for the person who told me and it also had worked a couple of times with his wife.
Fortunatly, my partner never had to break any scraps up, but knowing what to do and how to do it built her confidence up so much she use to offer to go work the dogs on her own or help me whenever she would visit.

I hope this with the other posts combined will cover most bases for every type of dog and situation , but i had to add mine as they other methods would not work with anydogs ive ever had on my yard or as a yardy elsewhere.

Multipule leads and breaksticks are a must have, and when i have more than two dogs in my care when walking the yard i allways have a leash in my pocket and a stick in the other , no different to leaving the house with keys and wallet!

Hope this helps, and more so i hope you never have to use it!
CaseyFan is offline

Old 08-27-2010, 10:26 AM   #22

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and if neither dog has a collar on and you are on your own ??

part 2 ??
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Old 08-27-2010, 11:25 AM   #23

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Part Two;

A; your in the position your in right now because you are a irresponsible owner so figure out how to seperate them yourself.

B;Get rid of your dogs as your not fit to own this breed.

part two is over. that was easy.
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Old 08-27-2010, 12:11 PM   #24

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Part Two;

A; your in the position your in right now because you are a irresponsible owner so figure out how to seperate them yourself.

B;Get rid of your dogs as your not fit to own this breed.

part two is over. that was easy.

I CRINGE when I see pictures of multiple dogs around each other with no collars. I've always said it's and accident waiting to happen and a few people that didn't believe me found out the hard way how right I was.
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Old 08-27-2010, 01:28 PM   #25

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it was said somewhat tongue in cheek

but......lets say you have a yard of dogs in runs,which many people have and dont have collars on their dogs......

a dog gets out and gets into another run.......

what then ?....part 2a ?......come on play along with it im dying for the same detailed report as in part 1
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Old 08-27-2010, 02:42 PM   #26

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Ummmmm..... go and grab some damn collars, leashes and breaking sticks and refer to part one.

My friend actually had her dogs euthed by AC because she allowed them to get in a three dog scrap with no collars on IN PUBLIC. Three people struggled for who knows how long to try and break the fight up and it took ME to run home, grab some collars and leashes to get it under control in a matter of SECONDS, literally. Her stupidity about wanting her dogs to have the ''freedom'' of no collars literally lost them their LIFE. We are still friends but she knows not to bring this up as I get FURIOUS as I lectured her endlessly about her slack handling of her dogs telling her it was an accident waiting to happen.
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Old 08-27-2010, 02:53 PM   #27

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Ok. So here is my dads story... he had one of our girls out working with her on leash. The rescue girl we had at the time was kenneled, I don't remember how he said she got out but she did. She was very dog aggressive and came directly for on leash girl. My dad had never experienced a dog fight with such powerful dogs. He tried everything finally got her away and the rescue bitch redirected on my dad. She grabbed his arm and pulled the 280 lb man to the ground. ( he was the only one home), the on leash bitch came to his rescue and she didn't have a mean streak in her. But she attacked the bitch latched to my dad. This gave him time to get to his feet and start again. He got them apart and long story short I was going to kill that bitch and my dad wouldn't allow me to, saying it was his fault she redirected. Needless to say I finally found a single dog home for her to go to and couldn't be happier I did. My dads arms look terrible and he had to lie to my mom who is semi nervous around pit bulls.
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Old 08-27-2010, 03:01 PM   #28

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Whomever said remain calm was right. The dogs aren't going to kill each other in 15 minutes or even 30 minutes. Leave them be until you've developed a strategy and obtained everything you need (i.e. breakstick, leash, collar-for those who refuse to leave a collar on their dogs, etc.).
Seen a 7min pitkill with one hold on the neck.

I'm also waiting for part 2..
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Old 08-27-2010, 03:14 PM   #29

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Without collars I say just grab neck skin. It is going to be a cluster f* but as long as you figure a way to get them apart.
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Old 08-27-2010, 03:29 PM   #30

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Ummmmm..... go and grab some damn collars, leashes and breaking sticks and refer to part one.

My friend actually had her dogs euthed by AC because she allowed them to get in a three dog scrap with no collars on IN PUBLIC. Three people struggled for who knows how long to try and break the fight up and it took ME to run home, grab some collars and leashes to get it under control in a matter of SECONDS, literally. Her stupidity about wanting her dogs to have the ''freedom'' of no collars literally lost them their LIFE. We are still friends but she knows not to bring this up as I get FURIOUS as I lectured her endlessly about her slack handling of her dogs telling her it was an accident waiting to happen.
You are so much more patient thn I am. I would have punched her in the face and stopped speaking to her. Hell, I ended a 12 year friendship because a friend allowed her intact male Pit Bull to breed with her intact female Boxer. I went on a rant about irresponsible ownership, the fact that there are mutts all over and purebreds dying in shelters etc etc and never answered another call or email from her. If she would have let a fight happen in public and caused the death of a dog she would have been drinking her lunch through some shiny new headgear holding her jaw together.

I have to say I totally agree with the people who say a break stick is it. I have only seen a couple serious fights, but neither was broken up by the back legs method and none of the dogs involved would have even noticed vinegar. I guess someone scared of redirection could use the wheelbarrow method if someone else has used a break stick to seperate the dogs. My personal dog seperation plan involves the dog between my legs being held firmly by my leg muscles, my one arm around the neck and a break stick in my other hand.
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Old 08-27-2010, 06:51 PM   #31

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There is only one reason where two bulldogs are fighting and shouldnt have a collar on, and during that time there are two people close by with a breaking stick in hand each.

To be 100% honest i couldnt give you a part two for that situation, ive never been dumb enough to have my self in one.

I dont have a place for dogs that redirect, no leeway at all, thats how i was taught. I will be stuffed if i am going to feed a dog that doesnt know who he is biting!
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Old 08-27-2010, 07:10 PM   #32

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well if you think all folk who have yard accidents are " dumb " just because they use runs instead of chains......

i guess you are just a cut above the rest of us
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Old 08-27-2010, 08:19 PM   #33

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There have ALWAYS been yard accidents... some of the greatest dogmen have lost dogs due to yard accidents over the years.
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Old 08-27-2010, 08:51 PM   #34

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I will use a door to break up fights, particularly if I'm alone at home. I will get one dog by the back legs and wheelbarrow them into a doorway such as the back door or the laundry room. Get their heads over the threshold and then grab the door knob and start closing it between them. You don't slam it, just use continual pressure. When the edge of the door gets on their mugs they will usually try to regrab and thats when you can get the door shut all the way. Sometimes the door shutting on them confuses them and they will just let go. The dogs are automatically separated this way. If my husband is at home we can break up a dog fight this way very quickly before they have the chance to do much damage to each other.
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Old 08-27-2010, 09:34 PM   #35

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it depends.... if the two dogs fighting are mine.. I would use a breakstick...
if the two dogs fighting are one of mine and one of yours, i would use a pistol...
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Old 08-27-2010, 10:13 PM   #36

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break stick is the way to go but if your in a jam and cant find yours or dont have one the water hose works great to course for the new owners if you get a break stick learn how to use it before a fight happends you dont want to hurt your dog because you THINK you know how to use one
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Old 08-28-2010, 01:34 AM   #37

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Yard accidents are a common thing. If you think that won't happen and you don't experience it when you are claiming you have yardful of dogs with years of experience.. then you don't have a real gamedog
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Old 08-28-2010, 04:59 AM   #38

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The issue i am seeing here is that because i have written a detailed post that realy was supposed to help someone in such a problem, which correct me if i am wrong is the point of this thread, am i being vilified because i claim that only idiots have dog in yard accidents with no collars on.

its true your an idiot if you have this happen with collarless dogs.
Ive never said once ive never had a accident, i said ive never been dumb enough to have two dogs fightinf without collars on. plain and simple really.

If i was never to have a yard accident i simply wouldnt even know how to seperate them in the first place would i.
Yes yard accidents happen but after seeing my friends 9yr old ex brood dog living out her days, get into an accident with a 55pound male 2yr old , i learnt a very valuble lesson, once i saw the damage inflicted after maybee 3 hours of time where they were able to get to each other, one dog was lost the other was in heavy care for nearly a week but she lived that game little bitch, i learned how easy connections can fail and how a little bit of neglegence gos far to a big problem.

The most i have at my place at once is 5 spots, so i am about 10 time less off a chance to have an issue if i am vigilant than a big yard.

Clueless , your joke was that yes a joke but i took a little offence by it as i was trying to save someone from any unwanted suffering yet instead of contribute youve had a laugh at my efforts and ask for another example?
Where is your example?

Rainmaker as someone who is apparently deeply involved in the American gamedog surley you would be someone who could make a huge contribution to others who have no experience on such a thread?

I am sorry but at the end of the day i was trying to help, at least i know now were to post my efforts.
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Old 08-28-2010, 05:32 AM   #39

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Well my concern and response is just about the kennel accidents. That happens to the best of us. I didn't say anything bad about you helping someone who needs added information.
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Old 08-28-2010, 06:26 AM   #40

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If the dogs don't have collars, then it's time to use some leash magic.

I've only done it a few times, and never for a fight, but for collarless dogs, or for dogs I think may bite me. Once when a stray, in heat female pit bull who was very DA came into my possession. I was hosing her off out back (and stupid me), she didn't have a collar on since I was washing pepper spray off her (which we used to get her away from our fence the night before since she was having a fence fight with Lucy and Vader). Old guy down the street was walking by with his yappy dogs, and she bolted for the fence to eat them. I grabbed the leash off the table out back (if it was Lucy I would have just picked her ass up but I knew nothing about this dog) and ran for the front.

She was trying to get through the fence at the dogs, and the dogs were trying to get at her (and their owner did nothing but lamely try to walk them away, which did not work, so he let them keep doing their thing, BTW I hate this guy). As quick as I could, I took one end of the leash, tossed it under her neck, and put the other end through the loop and dragged her away.

I've also done this with my room mate's dog who is completely nuts and has bitten a couple of people, because shar peis and shepherds should never EVER be bred to each other.

I can see this being my use of a leash if I have a dog without a collar, and I can't get a good hold on the neck.

---------- Post added at 11:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:23 PM ----------

Ummmmm..... go and grab some damn collars, leashes and breaking sticks and refer to part one.

My friend actually had her dogs euthed by AC because she allowed them to get in a three dog scrap with no collars on IN PUBLIC. Three people struggled for who knows how long to try and break the fight up and it took ME to run home, grab some collars and leashes to get it under control in a matter of SECONDS, literally. Her stupidity about wanting her dogs to have the ''freedom'' of no collars literally lost them their LIFE. We are still friends but she knows not to bring this up as I get FURIOUS as I lectured her endlessly about her slack handling of her dogs telling her it was an accident waiting to happen.
I'm going with MJ on this Zoe (as I so often do). This chick would be hospitalized if I heard about it, let alone was involved. Dog fight gets broken up, human fight begins.
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