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Old 05-07-2010, 01:41 AM   #1

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Default Wouldn't you believe it????
I have spent the whole day getting ready to take Brody to his first show. Then while checking gates I messed around & dropped my Doberman's XL Igloo dog house on my foot.

Needless to say, I squalled & was immobile while waves of pain swept over me. But after that I was fine - or so I thought. I drove around, ran a few errands & got home a hour or two later. Once I unlaced my shoe - BOOM! My foot is swollen, painful to the lightest touch, nearly the whole top of my foot is bruised, my toes are swollen & I even have a red spot on my foot where the dog house hit!

So I have spent the latter part of this afternoon elevating & icing, elevating & icing & trying to avoid going to the ER. Some of the bruising & swelling has gone down (but it is still noticeable). I just wrapped it in ace bandage, but I still need a cane to walk. So it looks like our first show may be off until IDK when.
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Old 05-07-2010, 01:48 AM   #2

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Old 05-07-2010, 01:50 AM   #3

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Ouch. Sorry to hear. Hope your foot is better fast.
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Old 05-07-2010, 02:13 AM   #4

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Ouch! I hope you feel better soon.
SallyIsNice5 is offline

Old 05-07-2010, 03:42 AM   #5

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ah, c'mon! suck it up for the show! :P

Sorry to hear about your owie.
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Old 05-07-2010, 04:47 AM   #6

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Reminds me of when my friends horse steped on my foot while she was asking me something. I screamed in my head and stood unable to move but unable to not stay standing as I was standing in the only place her horse could move to... I proceded to 'walk it off' (more or less hobble it off) and got on her horse to further explain what I was talking to her about and when I got done and landed on the ground I almost crumpled to the ground. Went and sat down and lone behold my foot was so swollen I couldnt get my boot back on once I took it off.. Im a very small boned person and her horse a good 1200lbs (rider included) steping on my foot, pivoting then steping off somehow didnt break a single bone, I just got a really bad case of tendonitis.. further flaired up when she steped on my same foot again a few months later and then I slamed a door on it... still never broke! Just hurt like all hell and to this day cold weather makes my foot ache lol

Hope your foot gets better! I can relate, its not fun at all!
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Old 06-06-2010, 01:10 PM   #7

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Owch! That had to hurt!

I had a simular occurance once.........

I was out at my dad's and he needed me to move some wooden palletts.I was in open toed sandals.The pallets were stacked as high as I am tall.I moved the first 2,and then the 3rd one fell and got hung up on the pallet below it,i gave it a quick tug.Mistake! The pallet underneath came down as i jerked the one on top of it and it hit me in the foot with the corner jamming itself on the bare section of my foot. I cussed and spat and yelled and hopped. I went to step down on my foot and felt 'grinding'-that wasn't good.I broke 2 bones in my foot(the 2 before the ones that meet up on the pinky-toe- the 3rd and 4th metatarsals) My foot was black and blue and purple,swollen and sore for a month and a half(its hard to even bruise me)

I feel your pain! if its not better in a day or so-see your family doctor.You may need it looked at.
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Old 06-06-2010, 01:33 PM   #8

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I feel your pain I recently sprained my ankle a few days ago and im still trying to be normal!! best of luck for a speedy recovery!
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Old 06-06-2010, 03:26 PM   #9

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Owww! Poor you!

Many years ago my brother got his hand stepped on by a horse. Swelling and bruising and the all. He didn't go to the ER and just iced it and wrapped it up. A couple years later he started having pain and my dad made him go in since he was still a minor. He ended up having surgery. Turns out, his hand was broken the whole time, never healed properly and they had to take bone from his hip to graft it.

Maybe you should go get it looked at...
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Old 06-06-2010, 05:38 PM   #10

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Sounds like it could be a break, with feet I don't think they really can do more than put you in a splint and tell you to hobble around on crutches for a while and stay off it. I'd get an xray though to be sure.
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Old 06-06-2010, 05:55 PM   #11

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Ditto. "Please have it looked at"

That really stinks. (the timing and the injury) I hope it's better soon.
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Old 06-07-2010, 12:44 AM   #12

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Thanks for the support & info!!

Well, I wrapped the tar out of my foot after some of the swelling went down & IDK if the wrapping helped or what, but after an hour or so I could hobble on it w/o a cane, then later actually walk on it. So we went to the show & hoped for the best. I rode the 5 hours down there with my foot wrapped & elevated.

When we got to the hotel my foot was still bruised, swollen & tender & I was still limping (I had taken the wrap off) but much better than it was earlier. I slept without the wrap & this morning I could actually get a shoe on my foot without yowling like a cat caught in a fence! I did however have to unlace the whole shoe, gently insert my foot & then lace the shoe back up. I laced it up as firmly as the pain would provide to lend support & went to the show!

Luckily, I was able to walk well at the show. It was unspeakably hot, but we chatted with a few friends. We even got to meet & speak with Mr. Boudreaux & he signed the pedigree of one of my heavy Boudreaux bred dogs, Eli Smoke! I know that's not a big deal to some, but it was a big deal to me, as he is one of my biggest idols in the breed!

It was my first meeting with him & I have to say for being the legend in the breed he is, he was a very gracious, extremely kind, down to earth gentleman. And to top it off despite Brody being his usual obnoxious self & acting like he had ADD x 100 in the ring, he actually brought home 2 ribbons & got his picture taken with Mr. Boudreaux!

Sadly, we had to leave once our classes were over. I would have liked to stay longer but it was as hot as the devil's oven down there, so as soon as Brody & I were done my husband packed himself & the dog up & sat in the truck (hint hint to me). When I didn't come to the truck fast enough, he came & got me! You know us dog people - get a couple of us together & we can talk for days!

When I got home just now & took my shoe off, a nasty dark bruise had developed near my big toe & my foot is still tender enough that I cannot even wear house shoes. I can wear socks without pain now though, so that is an improvement. lol.

I did hear a "pop" sound in my foot last night while we were driving to the show when I moved it once, but I didn't feel any pain or grinding. It was just a pop noise, but after it popped I was very careful not to move it for a while. But my foot was still wrapped pretty tightly in the ace bandage, so who knows what the pop was. But it has greatly improved. If it is still swollen tomorrow morning, I may go to my GP to have it looked at.

Thanks again & once I get pics I will try to post them!!
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Old 06-07-2010, 01:11 AM   #13

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Hope it feels better soon. Igloo dog houses are dangerous. I swear I've hurt myself on dog stuff more than anything
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Old 06-07-2010, 01:35 AM   #14

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Thanks. And aren't you right! I have gotten a nasty wasp sting (& found out I was allergic to wasps!) by moving a dog house & I have torn more clothing as well as received more scratches, bruises & got into more b!tchy arguments with my spouse than I care to count while working in the dog yard. Luckily, for the most part I have avoided serious injury.

Blessings & whisker kisses!
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