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Old 06-13-2011, 06:10 AM   #1

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Default Details of Chakvetadze Robbery Released

173 Operation "Oboznanie"

The family of Anna Chakvetadze known tenissistki found itself attacked by them robbers demands to release innocent prisoners and people find out who the roof of the Moldovan authorities have committed a crime

Jamal Chakvetadze in the procedure "opoznaniā»
On the night of 17 to 18 December 2007 at the luxury development of Vlasov Naro-Fominsk district, Moscow region, Birch Street, near one of the houses stopped the car. From it emerged six people in a gray camouflage uniforms and masks. One climbed over the low fence down, he hurt his hand on the metal protrusions, but the wound did not seem to notice: quickly opened the gate and let rest. The group moved to the wing hijackers - there lived a maid Olga Karalash. The clock was 3.00.

- Wake up! - Growled one of the intruders.

- What do you want? - Sleepily replied Olga, and she felt a strong blow to the head.

- How can I get in? - Calmly asked. Olga had to give up control of the garage, and attached to the house, through which you can easily get inside. Unknown tied by a cord Olga household appliances, and themselves up the stairs to the second floor of the house. By the way, they will notice a small table, cluttered with photos of tennis player Anna Chakvetadze, along with well-known personas: Yuri Luzhkov, Vyacheslav Fetisov, Boris Yeltsin ... Near - Baby, in which slept 9-year-old Roma. The door of his room shut tight and pushed into the master bedroom. At the same time including handheld flashlights - right in the face of a sleeping, Natalia and Jambul Chakvetadze.

- O Lord, for what? - Natalie screamed when she saw his face in front of a person in a black mask. It was immediately tied up and hit on the head. Jamal tried to turn his head, but received several severe blows with a metal object. As it turned out later, it was a pistol grip.

- Bastards! - Jamal howled, even having someone pay a severe slap in the face, but received a portion of blows to the head, he began to violently break out your hands, because of what Jamal had lost consciousness. Hearing the screams, woke up and Anna Chakvetadze. I tried to go into a dark corridor, but was on the bed - two strong young men threw her into the room and started beating him.

- All the surrender, just do not hurt us - meanwhile, came from the bedroom, where the hijackers tried to reason with Natalia.

- Where is the money?

- In the safe. Silence. Do not shout. They will not stop ... - kept saying she was her husband.

- Where are safe, as it is open? - Followed by a question. Natalia realized that this confident and boorish voice probably belongs to the leader.

In the next room bound Anna: she struggled so hard that she could calm down just a few hefty blows. She tied a cord, dragging the struggling hand at the wrist.

- Where "Rolex"? - Anna knew immediately: this is a watch which she gave in Belgium day ago - during the awarding ceremony tennis player Justine Henin-Hardenne, where the family Chakvetadze was among the honored guests.

- On a table in a casket - taking himself in hand, said tennis player.

- You play, play - and we still come to you! - Obchischaya room ernichali raiders.

"Yes, this just head" - tried to make out the robbers Natalia. Despite the grave danger - one of the unknown a few times puts a knife to her throat - a woman behaved calmly. She even managed to consider shoes raiders: they all scurried around the room in a sports shoe, except the "leader" - he sported on the parquet floor in slippers.

- What kind of code? - Asked her, a man who tried to open the safe. Natalia called the combination of numbers, but the door is not opened - it's very angry uninvited guests.

- You have a son there in the room, and now we descend to him - threatened to Natalia.

- Let me reveal herself - she said, but still succumbed to the safe robbers.

Pulling out all the content and adding it into the bag, the band quietly left the room.

- Now get back to you with a packet - finally someone who spoke.

- I think this is the end - for the first time Natalie gave vent to emotions ...

A minute, two, five - by all indications, the house was empty. Anna Chakvetadze was able to free his legs, roused his younger brother, who with the help of nail nippers bite the wire on its hands. Together, they were released and their parents with a housekeeper. Natalia rushed to the point guard at the end of the street. "Footprints shoes, protectors of the car, bloody glove" - ​​she recounted seen on the move traces of the crime. "The main thing - not a shot in the back" - for some reason thought she was already on its way to the checkpoint.

Criminal case

The house of the family Chakvetadze came two cars: one task force came from ATC "Aprelevsky", on the other - the brigade "first aid" admitted Jamal and Anna Chakvetadze. Soon made the first two operations (raiders, vylamyvaya hands, pulled him in the shoulder biarticular bags), the second was sent to restore the hand - the girl was dragged nerve at the wrist, because of what the brush to animate. SC Department of Internal Affairs of the Naro-Fominsk municipal district of Moscow region opened a criminal case number 114 987 on the fact of robbery (§ b. Part 4 of Art. 162 of the Criminal Code). According to property records, family Chakvetadze has suffered material damage amounting to six million rubles. Thanks Shamil Tarpishchev - known sports personalities and a family friend Chakvetadze - learned of the terrible robbery Moscow Region Governor Boris Gromov. It was he punished the leadership of the regional Interior Ministry State to find the criminals and to report back as soon as possible.

From the date of this order took about six months, and the names of the raiders were still unknown. The day is approaching a report to the governor ...

Once on the Road

July 9 staff ATC Krasnogorsk district was arrested on suspicion of robbery on the truck group of people: Anzori Arahmiya, Beridze Solomon, Robert Kochu, Sergei Zhernosek. The latter, a citizen of Belarus, and confessed: "We were going to rob a car. Beridze said that my goal - to catch up with the car "Gazel" honk them, waving out the window, showing that they have something wrong with the wheel, and pass on. We had three cars - the VAZ-2107 (I ran it), the VAZ-2109 and "Audi" 80. Then we were joined by another man named Anzori (Arahmiya), and Robert roaming. With us was a man named Yuri (he drove a foreign car.) When traveled "Gazelle", Solomon ordered to follow her. We went for "Audi" -80 and VAZ-2109. Stop the "Gazelle" I could not get VAZ-2109 stopped at gas stations, Solomon asked me to get up there ("Audi" went on) - he went to the store to buy a water. Suddenly, the machines ran the unknowns introduced by police and put handcuffs on me. "

During the interrogation Zhernosek told that it was his first job: "I have worked in the store in Khimki," Parts, "about six weeks, but returned to Polotsk. But then I was approached by my friend Timur - he offered a job in Moscow. In Moscow, he introduced me to Beridze Solomon. " Timur was a spouse of a cousin who was born in Vitebsk region, Dmitry Devakovicha, also arrived in Moscow to work - it was his duty vehicles distillation of dubious origin in Belarus. Devakovich settled in the Russian capital in the same apartment with Solomon Beridze. When his neighbor asked to issue certificate of insurance on the car, Devakovich kindly agreed to - then he realized that over time this voucher priobschat to the criminal case.

Meanwhile Krasnogorsk District Court ordered the arrest Zhernosek the accused was placed in the detention of Lobnya, where he unexpectedly confessed to committing several crimes. It happened after his case was transferred to State Ministry of Interior in the Moscow region, sharply mobilized its resources to investigate robberies.

Kadry operational seeds: D. Devakovič, S. Zhernosek, S. Beridze

The IVS Sergei Zhernosek pleaded guilty to robbery and home Chakvetadze. From his testimony: "I was tortured in Lobnya - current through the body was carried and beaten. Unable to withstand the torture, I was compelled to write a turnout of guilt, which I picked up a police officer by the name of Matthew. On the same day I arrived Kruglikova E. investigator, who told me to sign the minutes of the interrogation as a suspect in the case Chakvetadze. I told her that I was tortured. But she did not react to it. "

Lawyer Sergei Zhernosek Alexander Bykov named names of those who "handle" of his client: "They were operatives of the Regional State Ministry of Interior - Sour O. Solodovnik A. Nikitin, Pyhtarev A., Kagan, M. Voinov," On the evening of the same day operations group brought to the house Zhernosek Chakvetadze to verify readings on the spot.

- I was immediately alarmed candidacy "robber" - recalls Jamal Chakvetadze. - This guy always stuttered, confused the facts, I could not really paint a picture of the incident. In short, set on his bad.

Investigative actions were senior investigators first division of MF GUS and Catherine Elvira Kruglikova Trufanova. During the interrogation, ( video is in edition ) Zhernosek gave his "accomplices" in the case Chakvetadze: three Georgian accomplices Road robbery, as well as compatriot Dmitry Devakovicha, whom he called "the leader". With the latter, as it turned out he had a nodding acquaintance at home, saying that intersect at some entertainment. However, these liquid enough admissions to provincial investigators have mobile phone Devakovicha to wiretap and arrested July 29 at the outlet of the Belarusian railway station.

From the testimony of Devakovicha: "I was brought into the building SU MIA, one of the offices fasten my feet taped to a chair, hands behind his back in handcuffs. To the ears attached two wires that extended from the device, similar to the old phone. Someone turned the handle of the machine, and I began to shake and his eyes got out of their sockets, I bite tongue. I realized that connect the current. This lasted about two hours. Then I started to show photos: one of them was Georgian Solomon with a broken face beyond recognition. I was told that if I do not give testimony, I will look even worse. In the evening came a woman, I later learned that this investigator Kruglikova. She took out some paper and started writing down everything I said by the dictation of those who tortured me. "

Further events are in "scenario Zhernosek" - the District Court ordered his arrest and placed the suspect in the same lobninsky ITT. Subjected to pressure and detained Georgians ( video effects is in the wording ), and one of them - Anzori Arahmiya - died shortly thereafter in the chamber jail. As, however, claims investigation, Arahmiya died of an overdose drug, but that on the delivery of drugs into the detention facility was carried out at least a check, we do not know ...

After being detained, "the ringleader" Devakovicha led to the identification. From the testimony of Jamal Chakvetadze: "It was not recognition - me, in fact, it was necessary to simply point to Devakovicha. I was told that the man who robbed us, stands in the middle, he shod in sandals without socks. I was misled: said that the blood samples found on the glove, which threw out one of the robbers leaving the site, owned Devakovichu. "

Subsequently Chakvetadze sees the conclusion of a forensic expert, which is written: "The blood found on a glove, not descended from the suspects." But the investigation mechanism will not stop ...

V dome Chakvetadze

- Go on, take off one's shoes, lights, - welcome at the correspondent of the "New" Jamal Chakvetadze Vazhovich. On the site quietly, tennis court, built specially for her daughter, empty - Anya, in the words of his father, after the robbery was afraid to go home. It was here three years ago, on a sloping rolled her long and successful career - tennis player spent about six months to recover arms, but was never able to recruit former shape. But most importantly, according to her father, she was unable to heal the trauma of the moral: even now, years later, Anna sometimes wakes up in a hotel room in a cold sweat at exactly 3.00.

Jamal, in spite of the vast circle of influential friends, do not understand how to get the answer of those who forced his family to suffer: the real thieves and idlers of corrupt law enforcement system.

- Well, let's access to the governor, I was - so what? - Outraged Chakvetadze. - They do, it turns out, and Gromov cheated. What to do now? By the president, I can not get. Just think, this opera, like you, come here, drank whiskey and promised to find the culprits. I have them because once warned: "Guys, do your job - thanked." So they not only that put innocent people, and more money from me like stryasti.

- When you suspect them of cheating?

- When the detective called Oleg sour and said: "We found people who robbed you. These were the Georgians, and Belarusians. " I'm on the accents and recognize once or twice, so I told him: "Listen, I'm sure working Moldovans." - "Oh no, they were the ones we have. They all had already confessed, "- he replied. You bet they do not recognize - I then the same Sour said: "Something somewhere pasted over the place here and had a talk - here they are and tell." Even with this circus Zhernosek staged: it brought me to a site previously "processed", forced to speak any nonsense. He is constantly confused.

Unexpected witness

Gennady witness, never questioned the result
Chakvetadze finally doubts dispelled of involvement arrested a man named Gennady ( name known version ) - it appeared on the threshold of the house of Jamal, to shed light on the robbery.

- He said: "I know who you are robbed, - ready to help" - recalls Jamal. - I answered him: "With your testimony will involve real people - and you will receive 10 percent of the value of the property, which is true." And agreed. I immediately called sour, said that there is an important witness. But operas hesitated, and said that he was busy. I just flabbergasted that answer! Then I said, "witness", that will communicate with him myself, but the conversation will write to the video. He agreed.

Chakvetadze includes my video. Here is a conversation Jamal Chakvetadze and genes with contractions ( full video ).

- You know, when you go, check out the familiar "thou shalt come into the house - zametut intelligence." But I still decided to go to you. First, though, was looking for a house of Anna Kournikova - confused it with your daughter - smiles tightly knit man of 35 with a typical Moldovan accent, but after a minute it becomes serious, and pulls off a mobile battery from the phone: - as quietly ...

- You robbed six people - continues to Gene. - Their names: Roma Terentyev, Grisha Pope Yefim Eremenko, Victor Balagan, Eddie Russ and another man - his name I do not know, but I know that he is very serious. Once upon a time he worked with our Moldovan authority, known as Kelly, among the "victims" who were former deputy finance minister of Russia, Orbakaite, a kingpin ...

- That is, they robbed me ... They'll give you about themselves, whether that told? - Interested Chakvetadze.

- On the eve of New Year calls me my godfather Roma Terentyev (I baptized his son), said: "Come to us, we then successfully returned from Moscow, that is the center of Chisinau apartment rented, girls have." I came to him and saw him with Yefim Eremenko and Grisha Pop. They clock is expensive currency in front of me shaking: the euro, dollars, pounds ... I have then wondered where we have to Moldova pounds? They tell me: "That's worked in the home of tennis." - "What?" - "It is well known, the fifth person in the world ( fifth world number . - AS ), in her house everywhere pictures with the president, awards ... "So they told me to stop by your house, left Edik looking for a housekeeper, and themselves up to you. And then stremanulis, as seen in the house Edik - he gave the governess, and they were afraid that she would be able to somehow call the police.

- What do they annoy you so? - Asks Jamal.

- You know ... In fact, with Roma a long time I was on friendly terms. I have it with 14 years know. His mother had once worked at the station bar in Chisinau. We came to her in a bar, drinking coffee and talking. Her name is Praskovya. Then I had some weight and made her the director of this bar. I then engaged in car parts - had a lot of money and connections. But over time I Praskovya of affairs has survived. In general, I was thrown, but the money was not paid. Praskovya then bought himself a restaurant in Chisinau - "Pine forest" is called.

- How do they know about us? Who gave the tip?

- They helped some Zhilyaeva Elena - she seemed to current FSB colonel and curator of the Mytishchi district - a troubling response to Jamal, but Gene is switched to the things that were taken out of the house. These words lead Chakvetadze in a state of shock:

- They had a lot of gold jewelry with diamonds: watch "Constantine, Vacheron," ring "Moscow-80", because of which they have emerged strong conflict, a gold cigarette lighter. By the way, now lighter in one of our departments of Internal Affairs.

- How? - Amazed Chakvetadze. It turns out that these items do not fall into inventory.

- After returning from Moscow, covered the whole group - it was still connected with the affairs of old. Before you they worked on other people in Chisinau. And when they have had to pay off something. Part of the property is gone. A significant proportion of Roma took the stolen Terentyev - got little rest. After the history of our police and they have quarreled among themselves. This is because all have, and Yefim such as was not in the business. It is evident that he enjoys immunity from our services.

- Who are these guys?

- Grisha Pope - in Moldova in the authority. He once held our 15th band. And Yefim Eremenko - he, incidentally, was a witness at the wedding of Grisha - also sat, enjoyed the prestige ... Generally they come in your bag. Black, sport - suddenly recognized Gene. - They thought you have there money. Counted for greater earnings.

- And why they needed a bag - I was there only a laptop? And the money kept all sane people in the bank - Jamal wonders.

- I guess they still think that you carry money in it - with a smile answers.

... Rewinding the video again and again, Jamal says, "Gene, who so freely talks about his acquaintance, perhaps, that night, too, was in the house."

- When he said about the bag, I immediately realized that is fallen upon us Moldovans, which we hired for the construction of the garage. They are there every day say, but I just came home every day with this bag. I myself would like to find these Moldovans, but the foreman, who led them, has died. A consequence of this version is not interested. They generally do not care. And Gene - I somehow more confident that he too had been in our home. Just did not get their share, and decided that called for damages. A clock, cigarette lighter, pounds - as he learned about all this?

Chakvetadze was able to convince Gene to cooperate and even to speak in court, but a petition to call this person as a witness was denied. Jamal explains it simply:

- I was at all - in Kruglikova, Trufanova, at their head Konovalova, but no one I would not hear. I understand why: if started checking what has been said that man, it sure would have come out on the right track - in this case would have to admit that they took the innocent. And in addition to torture, which they are subjected to people, it would have been not just retirement, but also criminal charges against officials.

Without waiting for real action on the Russian services, even Jamal himself is traveling to Moldova. There he met with operatives of the criminal police, and promised solid reward for help in catching the perpetrators. But experts at a Moldovan Chakvetadze gave extracts from the personal files of people that said Gena (copy is in the wording), and promised to monitor developments. Open the same criminal proceedings in this case, as we reported in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Moldova is possible only on request from Russian law enforcement agencies.

Court of Justice. Sentence

In November 2010, in the Naro-Fominsk City Court of Moscow Region Jamal Chakvetadze told that recognize Dmitry Devakovicha pressure the police, said the "non-professional work of law enforcement", showed the court video with a "witness" Gena, and drew attention to the fact that the defendants had been tortured. Investigator Kruglikova due in court as a witness, dismissed the charges in the violent nature of the interrogation of the accused, "and Devakovich Zhernosek were in the normal state." She did not respond and photographs of suspects, on the face of which there were numerous bruises and wounds. Prosecutor Galkina maintained until the end of the investigation, despite the recognition of the victims. The judge issued a guilty verdict Zilina: Dmitry Devakovich, which "recognize" Chakvetadze, was little more than nine years, and the rest - eight.

After the meeting, with the words of Jamal Chakvetadze, the judge admitted the victim: make a sentence she could not - or would have lost the judicial robe. As reported by "Novaya Gazeta" at the State Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Moscow region, part of taking part in the operation of operatives was seconded to the Ministry of Internal Affairs unit, and a part - was dismissed. Investigators also Kruglikova and Trufanova their jobs saved. First Deputy Head of GSU State Ministry of Interior in Moscow Oblast Vyacheslav Vorontsov in an interview with the press service of the Investigative Committee under the Interior Ministry, for example, said: "Staff at GSU police department of the Moscow region successfully do their job. Including deputy chief of the first division of Lieutenant Colonel Justice Elvira Vasilevna Krooglikov, as well as translated from the unit in the second division senior investigator for especially important cases of Captain Justice Ekaterina Trufanova. "

I think that in addition to the establishment of justice, on which unsuccessfully insists family Chakvetadze, it would be nice and something else to install: how many people are serving their sentence in places not so remote, tortured, and to confess to crimes of which they hear first?

http://www.novayagazeta.ru/society/49911.html (Russian)

Above is Google translation.
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