Terrorism Discuss the War on Terrorism |
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Good show, keep it up old boy.
British Muslim groups denounce failed bomb attacks LONDON: Muslim groups in Britain, reacting to failed car bomb attacks in London and Glasgow, launched a campaign Friday to declare that terrorism is "not in our name" and contrary to Islamic teaching. Prime Minister Gordon Brown said he believed the police were making rapid progress in their investigation. "From what I know, we are getting to the bottom of this cell that has been responsible for what is happening," Brown said in an interview with British Broadcasting Corp. television. "Now of course it's got to go to court, police have got to continue their investigation, but I want people to know that we have acted very quickly, the authorities have acted very quickly, to deal with potential future incidents." In Australia on Friday, the police seized computers from two hospitals as they explored connections between a doctor arrested there and the British plotters. The Muslims United coalition placed advertisements in British national newspapers praising the emergency services as "courageous" and hailing the government's "calm and proportionate" reaction to the crisis. The "not in our name" theme was borrowed from mass protests in Britain against the invasion of Iraq. The ads also quoted the Koran: "Whoever kills an innocent soul, it is as if he killed the whole of mankind. And whoever saves one, it is as if he saved the whole of mankind." Organizers set up a Web site, http://www.Islamispeace.org.uk to promote its message. From IHT>> ... and from the http://www.Islamispeace.org.uk site: The Muslim communities across Britain are united in condemning the attempted bombings in London and Glasgow. We are united with the rest of the country at this critical time and are determined to work together to avert any such attacks targeting our fellow citizens, property and country. Islam forbids the killing of innocent people. We reject any heinous attempts to link such abhorrent acts to the teachings of Islam. British Muslims should not be held responsible for the acts of criminals. We commend the government for its efforts to respond to this crisis calmly and proportionately, and welcome both the Prime Minister Gordon Brown’s and the Home Secretary’s emphasis on the need to distinguish between the overwhelming majority of British Muslims who are law-abiding citizens and a few criminals who seek to inflict harm and terror on our country. We express support for the emergency services who are working tirelessly and courageously to avert these attacks and ensure the safety of our country. We urge the media and all politicians to continue to maintain the values of our open society, free from prejudice and discrimination, sustained by tolerance and mutual respect for all. We call on our government to work towards a just and lasting peace in areas of conflict around the world and to take the lead in helping eliminate the injustices and grievances that foment division and nurture violence. The unity of our society must be maintained and we must not allow divisions to emerge between us. We must remain friends, neighbours and colleagues, and take Britain forward as one nation – towards a Greater Britain. |
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