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Old 03-03-2011, 04:18 PM   #21

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Since no one here or in the media can agree on how to spell nutjob, I gave it my own twist. Anyhow, I got to thinking that if 'ol Dubya was still in office maybe Moe-Mar wouldn't have gone so far off the reservation. Huckabee shed some light on the post Obama world, he quoted Roosevelt on speak softly and carry a big stick, and that Obama's approach has been to apologize and throw the stick away, making the world a more dangerous place.
So back to it, do you think Moe-Mar would have reacted differently if Bush was still in office? I do.
Maybe because we are learning that sticking our nose into ME business is a bad idea. We did not incite that revolution, their people did and the President is smart to let the UN handle it. We are NOT the world's police. If the President were smart he would quietly start drawing down troops in A-stan and let that country deal with its own mess. This new uprising in the Muslim world, has nothing to do with us and it can turn out to be very beneficial to the world but if we start getting involved then this whole movement will turn into cries for holy war against the US and we will really start having hard times when they stop selling oil to us.
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Old 03-03-2011, 04:48 PM   #22

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Which would have been met with the proverbial middle finger extended in prior years. I fail to see the extraction of $1.5B as "lenient"; but that's politics for you. :: shrug ::
It's lenient in that it came up far short of what we requested, but we accepted.
Let's also not forget that the claim settlement deal was approved in the U.S. Senate (of which Mr. Obama was a part) by unanimous consent. S. 3370 [110th]: Libyan Claims Resolution Act (GovTrack.us)

To the extent this was "leniency" it was across the political spectrum. Sure thing, but Bush is the one who signed it into law when he had the power to veto it. Once again, I'm not doing this to put Bush in a negative light or anything. If anything, this helps show that Bush wasn't the crazy 'shoot first ask questions later' cowboy that the left often characterizes him as.

Well, you did say that President Bush was "much more lenient" than President Obama. I don't think it's a fair comparison at all for the reasons above-stated; nor was it necessary to refute the pussy/badass dichotomy you mention. Bush was much more lenient with Libya than Obama has been so far (and I did say that). I recognize that this is completely subject to change. I also recognize that the situation was much different under Bush, so the opportunity for leniency hasn't presented itself to Obama as it did for Bush. And yes, I think it's necessary in this particular discussion, as the OP claimed that Obama throw out the "big stick", implying that Bush always held onto it tightly. That's not the case and I was attempting to show it. They're both willing to negotiate, they're both willing to project power. That's all I'm really getting at. If you feel I'm trying to put Bush in a negative light, I can't really help with that, because I think I've been rather fair.
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Old 03-03-2011, 04:53 PM   #23

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Bush was much more lenient with Libya than Obama has been so far (and I did say that). I recognize that this is completely subject to change. And yes, I think it's necessary in this particular discussion, as the OP claimed that Obama throw out the "big stick", implying that Bush always held onto it tightly. That's not the case and I was attempting to show it. They're both willing to negotiate, they're both willing to project power. That's all I'm really getting at. If you feel I'm trying to put Bush in a negative light, I can't really help with that, because I think I've been rather fair.
I think your comparison is about as fair as if someone were to throw out this photo to suggest that Mr. Obama is the "lenient" one.

But we've both said our peace; no need to keep rehashing it.
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Old 03-03-2011, 05:02 PM   #24

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Get ready to pay big at the pump. Gadaffi has now teamed up with Chavez.....Sean Penn ought to like that.

Libyan Government Reportedly Accepts Venezuelan Plan to End Conflict - FoxNews.com

Where's a hawk POTUS when ya need one?
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Old 03-03-2011, 05:06 PM   #25

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I think your comparison is about as fair as if someone were to throw out this photo to suggest that Mr. Obama is the "lenient" one.

But we've both said our peace; no need to keep rehashing it.
I understand what you're saying, but we just disagree.

As it you said, the point wasn't even necessary to make or break my main argument, so with or without it, I think my main point stands. At this point, I think we're arguing for the sake of arguing, which is certainly something I've been known to do.
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Old 03-03-2011, 05:09 PM   #26

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I understand what you're saying, but we just disagree.

As it you said, the point wasn't even necessary to make or break my main argument, so with or without it, I think my main point stands. At this point, I think we're arguing for the sake of arguing, which is certainly something I've been known to do.
Fair enough. Now, let's make like Moammar and Barack and shake hands.
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Old 03-03-2011, 05:11 PM   #27

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Fair enough. Now, let's make like Moammar and Barack and shake hands.

That was good, Fidei...
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Old 03-03-2011, 05:11 PM   #28

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Get ready to pay big at the pump. Gadaffi has now teamed up with Chavez.....Sean Penn ought to like that.

Libyan Government Reportedly Accepts Venezuelan Plan to End Conflict - FoxNews.com

Where's a hawk POTUS when ya need one?
What would you have that "hawk POTUS" do, exactly?

How much more debt would you have us go into?
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Old 03-03-2011, 05:16 PM   #29

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That was good, Fidei...

Thank you sir.
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Old 03-03-2011, 05:17 PM   #30

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What would you have that "hawk POTUS" do, exactly?

How much more debt would you have us go into?
Damn the DEBT, pass the bullets.
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Old 03-03-2011, 05:41 PM   #31

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What would you have that "hawk POTUS" do, exactly?

How much more debt would you have us go into?
Do you remember the deal Reagan struck with Gaddaffi? Offered him a second round too. It sure seems funny that the same liberals who cry bloody murder when conservatives try to jerk the free 40az'r out of the mouths of entitlement sucking freeloaders don't give a rats ass when an evil dictator like Gaddaffi showers genocide down on his own countrymen.
Bombing of Libya - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

All I can say to the dove crowd is don't bitch at the pump. And for Christs sake, don't let anyone drill in ANWR.
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Old 03-03-2011, 05:56 PM   #32

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Do you remember the deal Reagan struck with Gaddaffi? Offered him a second round too. It sure seems funny that the same liberals who cry bloody murder when conservatives try to jerk the free 40az'r out of the mouths of entitlement sucking freeloaders don't give a rats ass when an evil dictator like Gaddaffi showers genocide down on his own countrymen.
Bombing of Libya - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

All I can say to the dove crowd is don't bitch at the pump. And for Christs sake, don't let anyone drill in ANWR.
Sorry, still not understanding exactly what you're asking for.

Airstrikes? Invasion? Again, at what cost? How much more would you have President Obama add to the National Debt to open a third theatre?

And, do you think that these attacks that you're asking for would really stabilize oil prices? Do you not see that the oil companies will use any excuse they can come up with to hike prices? Why do you think they end up so cash-rich that they literally don't know what to do with all their profits?
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Old 03-03-2011, 06:10 PM   #33

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So back to it, do you think Moe-Mar would have reacted differently if Bush was still in office? I do.
I think any Brotherly Leader and Guide or whatever his hippie title is who insists his people are just drugged by Al Qaeda while commanding his military to open fire on them is pretty much going to do it no matter what.
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Old 03-03-2011, 06:12 PM   #34

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Sorry, still not understanding exactly what you're asking for.

Airstrikes? Invasion? Again, at what cost? How much more would you have President Obama add to the National Debt to open a third theatre?

And, do you think that these attacks that you're asking for would really stabilize oil prices? Do you not see that the oil companies will use any excuse they can come up with to hike prices? Why do you think they end up so cash-rich that they literally don't know what to do with all their profits?
President Obama calls for the ouster of Libya's leader, saying his administration is 'looking at every option out there' to remove him from power from todays foxnews.com

Lets see if his parakeet ass will back up his alligator mouth. Just like Ayatollah Kohmeni knew Carter wouldn't act, Mohmar knows Obama won't do anything but make an annoying noise.
You can't have stable world markets with unstable dictators upsetting the world's cart. I think a man who's up to the job would use all available intel to pinpoint Gaddaffi's location and send him some air mail.
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Old 03-03-2011, 06:19 PM   #35

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from todays foxnews.com

Lets see if his parakeet ass will back up his alligator mouth. Just like Ayatollah Kohmeni knew Carter wouldn't act, Mohmar knows Obama won't do anything but make an annoying noise.
You can't have stable world markets with unstable dictators upsetting the world's cart. I think a man who's up to the job would use all available intel to pinpoint Gaddaffi's location and send him some air mail.
The problem with this particular situation is that Kadaffi (or however you want to spell it) is completely batshit insane. He's out of touch with reality, convinced of his own greatness, and determined to demonstrate his power. He would be using his forces to attack the rebels regardless of who was in office in the US - I guarantee you that the USA has not crossed the minds of the two squirrels dancing around in that cranium of his.

That said, there's a part of me that can't disagree that a well-placed 500-lb bomb could make a world of difference here. But, one has to wonder what a headless Libyan state would do - would it be any better without the Crazy Colonel at the helm? Would it be any less vicious? That's a really difficult question.
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Old 03-03-2011, 06:55 PM   #36

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I think that we have an answer to the question... at least as far as Libyans are concerned
The rebels, armed with rocket launchers, anti-aircraft guns and tanks, called Wednesday for U.N.-backed air strikes on foreign mercenaries it said were fighting for Gaddafi.

Opposition activists called for a no-fly zone, echoing a demand by Libya's deputy U.N. envoy, who now opposes Gaddafi.

"Bring Bush! Make a no fly zone, bomb the planes," shouted soldier-turned-rebel Nasr Ali, referring to a no-fly zone imposed on Iraq in 1991 by then U.S. President George Bush. Gaddafi bombs oil areas, faces crimes probe - Yahoo! News
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Old 03-03-2011, 07:08 PM   #37

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Libyan rebel says "Bring Bush!"

Libyan rebels are begging for the international community to establish a no fly zone in the skies over Libya. One soldier in the rebellion called upon the President of the United States to come to the aid of the Libyan people.

Not, however, the sitting President:

"'Bring Bush! Make a no fly zone, bomb the planes,' shouted soldier-turned-rebel Nasr Ali, referring to a no-fly zone imposed on Iraq in 1991 by then U.S. President George Bush."

It is unclear whether Nasr Ali was referring to the elder President Bush, who liberated Kuwait, or the younger President Bush, who liberated Afghanistan and Iraq. What is clear is that while the Libyan rebel may have a misunderstanding about who is in charge in the United States, he knows who would be more likely to come to the aid of the people of Libya as their dictator continues to slaughter them. It is not President Barack Obama.

Libyan Rebels: 'Bring Bush!', Beg for a No Fly Zone - Associated Content from Yahoo! - associatedcontent.com
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Old 03-03-2011, 07:12 PM   #38

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So fine, send Bush in a fighter plane.

Fuck it. Send his dad, too.
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Old 03-03-2011, 07:19 PM   #39

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Lets face it, we have nutjobs in the form of Gaddaffi, Ahmadinejad, Chavez, etc that are not only making this world an unstable place in general, but hurting the world economy. The UN won't do shit, people cry foul when the US does, and this doesn't do anything but empower these nuts and make them bolder.
This little burp will be nothing in comaprison when Iran finally twists off. Maybe Mohmar and Hugo will invite Ahmadinejad to their little brainstorming session.....hell, get Hezbollah and Al-Q in there too. Unlike Obama, these guys aren't about shooting hoops unless there are American heads in them.
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Old 03-03-2011, 08:13 PM   #40

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Lets face it, we have nutjobs in the form of Gaddaffi, Ahmadinejad, Chavez, etc that are not only making this world an unstable place in general, but hurting the world economy. The UN won't do shit, people cry foul when the US does, and this doesn't do anything but empower these nuts and make them bolder.
This little burp will be nothing in comaprison when Iran finally twists off. Maybe Mohmar and Hugo will invite Ahmadinejad to their little brainstorming session.....hell, get Hezbollah and Al-Q in there too. Unlike Obama, these guys aren't about shooting hoops unless there are American heads in them.
Yup... but don't expect too many here to understand this... to them, like Obama, it's the US that's the bad guys.

The guys fighting for their freedom on the ground understand, but not the crazed leftists here and in Europe
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