Terrorism Discuss the War on Terrorism |
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#1 |
I'm rather tired of the back-and-forth "The US is a terrorist state!" "No, you kill innocents!" "No, you do!" So lets take a step back and set up a hypothetical, shall we?
It is 9/12/01, one day after the attacks, and you are POTUS. What would you do? What would you say? What would be your long-term plan, assuming you have 7 more years to be president? This question is particularly meant for those living outside the US, but anyone can respond. What would you, as POTUS, have done on 9/12/01? |
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#2 |
I'm rather tired of the back-and-forth "The US is a terrorist state!" "No, you kill innocents!" "No, you do!" So lets take a step back and set up a hypothetical, shall we? Policies should be enacted from the basis of reason and justness, not from knee-jerk reactions designed to get votes from the feeble-minded. |
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#3 |
As for things that relate to 9/11 specifically, I really wouldn't do anything. It was a freak occurrence and no amount of misguided authoritarian policies will prevent something like this from happening again. And, through your inaction, you could well be inviting more attacks... It's a risk you take while living, much like the risk everyone takes when they go outside. If your car was hit by lightning, would you never go into your car again? I know a guy who was attacked by a shark. Now, we have a hard time getting him into a swimming pool... Policies should be enacted from the basis of reason and justness, not from knee-jerk reactions designed to get votes from the feeble-minded. And you see no "justness" in retaliating for the attacks of 9/11? Holy Heavenly Fuck. Where do people like you come from? |
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#4 |
This is completely unsurprising... I know a guy who was attacked by a shark. Now, we have a hard time getting him into a swimming pool... And that guy is an idiot. With a political leader, it's almost equivalent to this guy forcing the whole city not to swim in swimming pools. And you see no "justness" in retaliating for the attacks of 9/11? Holy Heavenly Fuck. Where do people like you come from? Retaliating against whom? The people who committed 9/11 died in the crashes. No, I see no justness in killing unrelated innocents in foreign countries in order to quell your thirst for violence. |
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#5 |
Doubtful. Terrorism generally, by definition, attempts to achieve some sort of political goal through coercion. If there is no response, it appears to be ineffective. And that guy is an idiot. Clearly, you don't pick up on obvious sarcasm. But the guy doesn't surf anymore, that's for damn sure... Retaliating against whom? The people who committed 9/11 died in the crashes. No, I see no justness in killing unrelated innocents in foreign countries in order to quell your thirst for violence. The people on the planes died. However, the people who planned it, surveilled it, funded it, and provided logistics for it (let's just call them "Al Qaeda") did not die in the planes. Only a coward would not respond to 9/11... |
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#6 |
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#7 |
i would of done everything up to TORA BORA as we did it, after that I would of learned and sent about 5 divisions over to afghanstan followed the rat trails, and killed more before they exited to pakistan . I am not against Iraq , i am for it , but i at the time and today always felt we should of finished the fight in the stan before we headed west.......
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#8 |
I believe I've got a bit more knowledge in this area than you, so I'm going to leave this with a curt "You're wrong"... terrorism definition | Dictionary.com the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, esp. for political purposes. What knowledge do you have in the area? Clearly, you don't pick up on obvious sarcasm. But the guy doesn't surf anymore, that's for damn sure... The people on the planes died. However, the people who planned it, surveilled it, funded it, and provided logistics for it (let's just call them "Al Qaeda") did not die in the planes. So did you catch bin Laden, yet? Only a coward would not respond to 9/11... Nope, just someone who has a brain instead of just balls. The people who financed it/provided logistics are fundamentally in the same boat as the people who fed them or sold them weapons. The people who committed the crime are dead. The one's who planned it were likely less competent than those carrying it out. You think bin Laden has the skills to carry out such an attack? I doubt it. The way I see it, assembling such a group is sometimes a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Thanks to the Iraq invasion, they no longer have to pick out International terrorists and experts to kill Americans. They can just use retards if they so choose. |
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#9 |
I would do many things, some having nothing to do with 9/11, obviously, given the utter retardation of our policies. As for things that relate to 9/11 specifically, I really wouldn't do anything. It was a freak occurrence and no amount of misguided authoritarian policies will prevent something like this from happening again. It's a risk you take while living, much like the risk everyone takes when they go outside. If your car was hit by lightning, would you never go into your car again? |
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#10 |
A freak occurrence??? 19 men walked onto 4 different airliners from 3 different airports and it was a freak occurrence? I'd say maybe there were some minor security problems in place, huh? It was a direct result of our collective peaceful easy feeling that no one can do us harm. Not here. As well as a result of our retarded political correctness and not wanting to offend anybody. And, where are we headed back to? Yup. Right back there again. |
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#11 |
A freak occurrence??? |
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#13 |
*imagines what MeadHallPirate would have done, if he'd been the first Pirate POTUS*
mmmm.... ahoy Eagle7! i think i'd mobilize me great fleet and track down the villian who'd struck such a mighty blow to me country, and attempt to make an example 'o him, aye, though with limits. the idear 'o the hero vanquishing his foe, followin' him to the gates 'o hell, yet leaving a trail 'o ruin and despair behind him, whilst also leavin' his home in shambles whilst sating this thirst fer revenge and justice (queue credits, the swell of strings as the soundtrack rolls, panavision, dolby sound, 70mm) only works in movies, not real life. beyond that, i'd also be reviewing any lapses in me own intelligence forces here on the 'ol homefront, to make sure nothin' was missed that might prevent another attack. and that would be it, matey! *salutes* -MeadHallPirate |
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#14 |
blah, blah, blah, blah......... Yep, you guessed it, the US PUPPET FUCKING GOVERNMENT OF SAUDI ARABIA. So, what did we do to Saudi Arabia? Nothing of course, as we are scumbag hypocrites who care nothing about the truth, nothing about justice, we only care about protecting corporate profits and if you don't see this, then you blind. But of course you are blind, as your post proved. Blind as a bat. A typical flag waving American who is unable to use logic, reason, or common sense and enjoys allowing others to him what to think. baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. The war on terror is a scam. Just like the war on drugs is a scam. While we spend 50 billion a year to fight the ALLEGED war on drugs, US forces in Afghanistan look the other way while the poppies grow which SUPPLY OVER 90% OF THE WORLD'S HEROIN. Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. This country is screwed. We are screwed because the majority of the American people are no longer capable of common sense. No, why bother thinking at all when it is so much simpler to just wave the flag and allow others to tell us what to think? unflippingbelivable. |
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#16 |
*reads Norrin Radd's post and blinks* The initial denials of 9/11 by Bin Laden goes against the typical MO of terrorists. Why did he deny the most successful terrorist attack in history? Still, even if Bin Laden was guilty, for all we know, he is still alive. Second of all, I would not have rushed through the Patriot Act which is more about spying on US citizens than doing anything which deters terrorism. Third of all I would have made drastic investments into renewable energy. Fourth of all I would have not even thought about invading Iraq until Al Quada was totally wiped of the face of the earth. Fifth of all, I would not allow the poppies to grow in Afghanistan, unless I was willing to admit to the people that the war on drugs is a scam. So, I probably would let the poppies grow and just admit what ALL THINKING PEOPLE ALREADY KNOW, that the war on drugs is indeed a scam. Sixth of all, I would have brought the hammer down on Saudi Arabia. Seventh of all, I would have had the heads of numerous people within the US intelligence committee. (Figuratively, not literally) I am not sure what else I would have done, as I do not have access to all the pertinent info that I would have access to as president. Of course, I would have never been able to do any of these things I already listed, as the people who control the president would have had me killed within hours of making my intentions known. But most people are unable to admit that our president is a puppet, as most people are brainwashed morons who wouldn't know the truth if it walked up and bit them on the leg. |
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#17 |
Good post Norrid. I would have done most of what you mentioned above. But then again, you wouldnt come anywhere near bein president if your intentions were known. Actually this is why I sometimes think how someone like Obama made it to Presidential level. Were his promises made to win the elections, or were they REAL promises.
Anyways, time will tell. The reaction after 9/11 was a school yard reaction. America is not better today than it was 8 years ago. Its image is messed up and this is whats being denied by pro-Americans .... they cant come to admit that mistakes were made and this path leads no where. Obama proposed a change of path.... we will see what he has to offer to America and to the world. WS. |
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#18 |
You don't agree with the definition? What knowledge do you have in the area? My last several years in the Navy was spent working in the field... So did you catch bin Laden, yet? Not my job... Nope, just someone who has a brain instead of just balls. Well, thank you for confirming that which I've always suspected you lack... The people who financed it/provided logistics are fundamentally in the same boat as the people who fed them or sold them weapons. You don't think that selling them weapons is wrong? The people who committed the crime are dead. Your insight is fucking astounding... The one's who planned it were likely less competent than those carrying it out. Not true, and that statement shows your lack of understanding of how terrorist cells operate, and how they're organized... You think bin Laden has the skills to carry out such an attack? The skills? Yeah, he did. He wouldn't have been able to do it, however, because of his notoriety. He was a wanted man before 9/11. He didn't do it because he's at the top of the Al Qaeda food chain... I doubt it. People often doubt things they have no knowledge of... The way I see it, assembling such a group is sometimes a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Hardly. There's a never-ending line of people waiting to serve Allah... Thanks to the Iraq invasion, they no longer have to pick out International terrorists and experts to kill Americans. They can just use retards if they so choose. They pick those who ideologically opposed to the United States and what it stands for. Some may be retards. Some have been college graduates. The bottom line is that, once again, you argue from a position of ignorance, and little more. One of these days, you'll find yourself forced to admit that you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. This may not be that day, but it should be... |
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#19 |
Yeah, right. The people who funded these operations live, for the most part, in one country. You know, the same country where over half the hijackers came from, the country where the alleged leader of Al Quaeda came from, the country which half the suicide bombers in Iraq come from? Do you know which country this is? You're incapable of having a reasonable discussion on the topic, as your panty-twisted rant demonstrates... |
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#20 |
I'm rather tired of the back-and-forth "The US is a terrorist state!" "No, you kill innocents!" "No, you do!" So lets take a step back and set up a hypothetical, shall we? |
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