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Old 01-06-2010, 08:35 PM   #21

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There was a guy in our dorm (1980's post-barracks bombing) from Lebanon who described it as the following: The arabs fight each other with huge blood feuds dating back centuries. Then Israel arrives, and all (or most) of the feuds stop and they all band together to fight the Israelis. If the Israelis were gone or somehow out of the picture, the arabs would go back to fighting each other to the death. Basically, "we hate each other, but we'll work together to fight our common enemy ... once he's gone we'll go back to fighting each other".
While I don't disagree... there is one more thing:

They aren't very good at it... fighting that is. And haven't been for 500 years more or less?

Face it... there are easy 100 million Arabs. There are 6-7 million Jews in Israel.

The Arabs should have been able to 'take them in 1949.
Or in 1967
Or in 1973

Or right this minute.

But they can't. They haven't been any good at fighting anyone... other than other Arabs... since 1549.

Now much of that has to do with technology. But much has to do with just how they fight... or don't fight. It's almost stylistic... Kabuki like.

The Jews on the other hand are fighting for their lives, and always have been. What the Jews will never ever do is 'quit' and go quietly to the ovens... never again.

So in the end... today, next week, next year, or whenever... one of the Muslim states will hit Israel with WMDs... maybe a nuke... maybe gas.

Then Israel will hit back with the 'Solomon' strategy. On of course it helps here if you went to Sunday School, but for those that didn't they plan... if they are to die, to take everyone else with them. 'Pull down the temple' as it were. The Arab people... the Muslim holy sites... and much of the Middle East will not survive. We're talking hundreds of millions of lives.

THEN there will be peace in the Middle East...
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Old 01-06-2010, 08:41 PM   #22

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How can there be peace in the middle east when Israel has anti-peace policies. Its existance revolves around fighting peace and spreading terrorism. They killed peace activists, humanitarian activists, anyone who wants to create peace ... they get brutally killed.

Their own IDF soldiers said after the war in Gaza they had orders to target anything that moves.... be it civilian or watever... it should be killed.

The Israeli people are cursed with this Israeli Government. The Middle East and The World at large is cursed with this virus. Jews, Muslims and Christians lived peacefully prior to 1948, why cant this happen again?

Read Haaretz,..even Israeli journalists have condemned the attack. Europe, Russia and the rest of the world condemned it. Guess who is shy of giving a clear and full condemnation? Yes you guessed right, America.

So America is also directly responsible for the absence of peace in the middle east.

Oh one last thing. To any pro israeli reader reading my post,... I dont give a **** if you think I am anti semitic. As an Arab, I am proud of my semitic routes. Go read up about semites and wipe some of that ignorance and brainwashing that Zionists have installed in your head.

There is no excuse whatsoever for the actions of Israel. Israel needs a regime change. The International Community needs to work somethin out,.. throw the current terrorist regime out and replace it with peace loving Israelis.

Jeez this is so effing unbelievable... they openly kill peace and humanitian activists and countries still have diplomatic ties with them. Treat them as Al Qaeda or some other terrorist group.

You could replace the word Isreal with any of several Arab nations, and everything would still read right.
Until you, and those who only advocate Jews, realize that atrocities and inhumane treatment occurs on your OWN side - you will never know peace.
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Old 01-06-2010, 08:59 PM   #23

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While I don't disagree... there is one more thing:

They aren't very good at it... fighting that is. And haven't been for 500 years more or less?

Face it... there are easy 100 million Arabs. There are 6-7 million Jews in Israel.

The Arabs should have been able to 'take them in 1949.
Or in 1967
Or in 1973

Or right this minute.

But they can't. They haven't been any good at fighting anyone... other than other Arabs... since 1549.

Now much of that has to do with technology. But much has to do with just how they fight... or don't fight. It's almost stylistic... Kabuki like.

The Jews on the other hand are fighting for their lives, and always have been. What the Jews will never ever do is 'quit' and go quietly to the ovens... never again.

So in the end... today, next week, next year, or whenever... one of the Muslim states will hit Israel with WMDs... maybe a nuke... maybe gas.

Then Israel will hit back with the 'Solomon' strategy. On of course it helps here if you went to Sunday School, but for those that didn't they plan... if they are to die, to take everyone else with them. 'Pull down the temple' as it were. The Arab people... the Muslim holy sites... and much of the Middle East will not survive. We're talking hundreds of millions of lives.

THEN there will be peace in the Middle East...
Think youre thinking of the story of SAMSON: a "judge" in ancient israel, possessed of god given strength from a promise his mother made to God about various eating and grooming habits. Eventually was betrayed by a whore he liked to frequent, who cut his hair off (breaking his promise to never do so) and getting him captured. He eventually regrows his hair and while blinded and chained to the pillars of a philistine palace as entertainment, beesheeches his Lord for a final gift of strength so he can bring down the house.

Otherwise, yeah pretty much. The israelis fight like honey badgers. Mean as fuck, vicious and aggressive as all hell, and they go straight for the nutsack, followed quickly by the throat.

Badass of the Week: Honey Badger (Ratel)

YouTube - MUST WATCH: Honey Badger-The Most Fearless Animal on Earth
(watch the video till the end. The honeybadger takes multiple strikes, on the face, from a king cobra (a human would be dead less than 30seconds after ONE strike). Afterwards he takes a quick nap, then gets up and eats the snake that he killed.
Thats how the israelis are.
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Old 01-07-2010, 03:16 AM   #24

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Like Hezzbollah? Or Al Queda? Its not just the Israelis that are starting shit, nor is it simply america's fault. The real problem is the Muslims and the Jews hate each other profusely because the killing has gone on too long, and both have various allies that excacerbate the conflict by butting into what is basically a family affair. It was originally for religious reasons, but now its just a blood fued.
But nobody is claiming violence for religious reasons.... Hizbullah havnt started "shit" for along time and I think the UN down south of Lebanon are keeping an eye on them.

Why are you protecting Israel. When it commits crimes against humanity... say it... condemn it. I am not protecting Hizbullah or Hamas here.... they all committed crimes... am talking about this particular incident where Israel was the main and only committer of crimes against humanity.

There is nothing religious about it... the peace convoy was not a religious convoy.

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Old 01-07-2010, 03:20 AM   #25

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You could replace the word Isreal with any of several Arab nations, and everything would still read right.
Until you, and those who only advocate Jews, realize that atrocities and inhumane treatment occurs on your OWN side - you will never know peace.
What happened couple of days ago was not carried out by an Arab country. Name one Arab country which has attacked a peace convoy.

Are you going to condemn what Israel did? Or are u supportive of what they did. There is no point blaming arab countries when they had nothing to do witht his.

The convoy was heading to Gaza on International Water to take AID to people who are already dying from starvation.

Peace activists from the ship said the Israeli attack was pure piracy.

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Old 01-07-2010, 03:26 AM   #26

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Why are some of you blaming Arabs/Hizbullah/Hamas for this attack.

There were two players in this game,.. Israeli Commandos and Humanitarian Ship... iamwhatiseem blames "several arab countries" ... like they could have done any of this.

Also, why twist it and say ... oh its history so its always goin to happen. Israel knows no mercy.... it has blocked off Gaza from the rest of the world.... and blocked any AID goin in to the territories.... it even stopped certain fruit juices from entering Gaza so that it deprives children and women from Vitamin C and this will lead to malnutrition and weak immunte system etc.

It had nothing to do with history or religion. It was an attack on peace activists who want to help Gazans and the envoy had people from all over the world including members of european parliaments.

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Old 01-07-2010, 03:43 AM   #27

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Anyways its about time the International Community takes more serious actions against Israel instead of just condemning the acts.

It is about time Israel is held accountable for its crimes in Gaza, its continuing illegal expansion program, its human rights abuses of palestinians and for their illegal nuclear weapons program.

Its really difficult to comprehend why israel is allowed to get away with all of this and yet Iraq is invaded on far less evidence (if any). Its disgusting how the IC keeps letting Israel get away with it when less provocative countries are sanctioned and attacked and invaded and threatened.

I really admire the courage of the Turkish Government and the way they have dealt with all of this

It was Israel's only real ally in the region and now this relationship is bein reviewed. I dont think any country should have any relationship with this barbaric state and policies of terrorism.

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Old 01-07-2010, 04:09 AM   #28

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If the ship had submitted to an inspection, and been cleared all the supplies could have been delivered. The intent of this group was never to deliver the supplies, but only to invoke a response from Israel.
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Old 02-06-2010, 08:12 AM   #29

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If the ship had submitted to an inspection, and been cleared all the supplies could have been delivered. The intent of this group was never to deliver the supplies, but only to invoke a response from Israel.
An inspection of the ships cargo at this point might confirm that war materials were being transported. If no war materials Israel indicates the legitimacy of any counter actions in any form that another country may take against them. Tit for tat !
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Old 02-06-2010, 08:16 AM   #30

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No way to tell of course, but consider weve only really been in the information age for a few decades. Eventually the Palestinians will learn.
Another provocative statement. Learn what ? To roll over and die ?
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Old 02-06-2010, 11:00 AM   #31

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But nobody is claiming violence for religious reasons.... Hizbullah havnt started "shit" for along time and I think the UN down south of Lebanon are keeping an eye on them.

Why are you protecting Israel. When it commits crimes against humanity... say it... condemn it. I am not protecting Hizbullah or Hamas here.... they all committed crimes... am talking about this particular incident where Israel was the main and only committer of crimes against humanity.

There is nothing religious about it... the peace convoy was not a religious convoy.

Perhaps youve forgotten the 2006 war?

2006 Lebanon War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Old 02-06-2010, 11:01 AM   #32

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Another provocative statement. Learn what ? To roll over and die ?
Yes, exactly.
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Old 02-06-2010, 11:40 AM   #33

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So long as the Palistinians are used as proxy's by governments and "charities" who long ago figured out they can not defeat Israel militarily.

This will end if a Western power other than Israel occupies the territories and engages in real nation building.
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Old 02-06-2010, 12:53 PM   #34

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I really don't know. But, the Balkans were a problem for generations. Then a dictator, Tito, took charge and stopped the fighting. He died and, bingo, the problems started again.

I remember a Kosovar being interviewed on U.S. television. The interviewer asked what the fight was about and he said, "Well, six hundred years ago they...." At that point I decided the problems wouldn't stop until one side was annhialated or an outside force stopped the hostilities.

I notice when people talk about peace in the middle east they only talk about the Isrealis and the Palestinians. I suppose they slept through the war between Iran and Iraq. I suppose the slaughter of the Kurds didn't concern them. Syria and Lebanon. Iraq and Kuwait. Egypt participated in the civil war in Yemen with Saudi Arabia support the other side. Egypt had a brief, four-day, border dispute with Libya.

Can a monarchy tolerate a neighboring democracy? Can a country that doesn't allow women to vote, or drive cars, tolerate a neighbor that does let women vote and drive cars?

I don't have much hope for more than a contentious peace.
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Old 02-06-2010, 09:19 PM   #35
Jon Woodgate

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There will be peace in the Middle East. When one of them buries a knife in the chest of the last of the people not of their tribe or faith faction. They will want to use a knife to see the look in the eyes of the other knowing they are the last.

My company did business there for over 20 years. I know very much of what I speak in this regard.

The peace of the grave is the only peace possible there.
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Old 02-07-2010, 02:35 AM   #36

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Peace will come when one side or the other is beaten. .....
I’m as surprised to type this as I am sure you are to read this but I agree with you.

War will not stop in an area until one side feels that it has been beaten, until one side loses they will think that they can still win the war and will continue fighting.

You may get periods of relative calm as the two sides are separated by a third party (UN?) but once the world loses interest or looks away the fighting will start up.

Someone has to lose before there will be peace in the Middle East.

And for what it’s worth, the same will happen in Afghanistan, the anti government elements will stop fighting for a couple of months, the west will declare victory and go home and the Taliban will rise again.
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Old 02-07-2010, 02:53 AM   #37

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You have a region where three major religions all claim that they were given the land by divine right, all have holy sites in the area ( often for the same event in their religious history) and all three religions basically hate each other and claim that they are acting in legitimate self defence.

(I know that in Middle East violence the Christians are only bit players but there are there and have participated in the violence.)

The ironic thing is that all three religions not only share the same roots but claim to have a belief in peace and coexistence with other religions.

I do not think that there will ever be peace in the region as the elites of these groups have too much invested in a culture of hatred and retaliation.
I don't thinl there will ever be peace for the simple reason of "time". There are very few members of the populace now who ever remember living in peace. There has been vary states of wars and fighting for more than 50 years now and I believe that has become entrenched in the culture, in much the same way that living in peace has become entrenched in the West. To create peace now you're essentially asking several generations, and millions of people to go against the only thing they know - conflict.

I also believe that as long as religion - any religion - holds such a dominant sway over a country or region, there will always be conflict. People who adhere to fundamentalist religiious views can never live in harmony with others, whether they be Muslim, Christian, Jew, et al. Fundamentalist religious views simply doesn't allow for tolerance of other religious views.

I applaud your question though. It's a very worthwile topic for discussion ... I only wish we didn't have to.
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Old 02-07-2010, 03:12 AM   #38

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There was a guy in our dorm (1980's post-barracks bombing) from Lebanon who described it as the following: The arabs fight each other with huge blood feuds dating back centuries. Then Israel arrives, and all (or most) of the feuds stop and they all band together to fight the Israelis. If the Israelis were gone or somehow out of the picture, the arabs would go back to fighting each other to the death. Basically, "we hate each other, but we'll work together to fight our common enemy ... once he's gone we'll go back to fighting each other".

So no, there really won't be peace in the middle east for a very very very very long time.

I've said this very thing numerous times. Israel is actually good for the Arab people as it gives them something to unite over. Your post shows that you have honest and informed knowledge of the situation. It did come from an Arab too and I've heard the very same thing many times. You can also see it from simply looking at history.
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Old 02-07-2010, 03:20 AM   #39

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Peace will come to the Middle East when almost everyone on the planet is convinced that it will never happen.
Most people are wrong most of the time.
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Old 02-07-2010, 03:32 AM   #40

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The Arabs actually fight each other even with Israel there. They are very good at multi-tasking. Heck, they even find time to kill Persians and Africans while they are trying to kill Jews.
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