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Old 04-03-2010, 03:52 PM   #1

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Default God of Islam is 'biggest terrorist'
This is interesting. Here we have someone willing to tell the truth about "Islam" even if it gets him killed. which it might. Because he tells the truth.

Does he not ?


God of Islam is 'biggest terrorist'
Associated Press - 3/4/2010 7:30:00 AM

Yousef -- a convert to Christianity -- hurled his most inflammatory comments at Islam. Acknowledging that the comment would likely offend many people -- but that his goal is not to offend -- he said: "The biggest terrorist is Allah of the Quran, the god of the Quran, the god of Islam."

Yousef's father, senior Hamas leader Sheik Hassan Yousef, publicly disowned his son on Monday.

NEW YORK - The son of a Hamas leader who helped Israel's security forces kill and arrest members of the Islamic terrorist group says he's not afraid to die.

Mosab Hassan Yousef tells The Associated Press he's willing to speak out about Hamas' brutalities and the evils of Islam even if it gets him killed.

God of Islam is 'biggest terrorist'
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Old 04-03-2010, 04:07 PM   #2

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The biggest terrorist is imaginary? Color me surprised.

I'd say the biggest terrorist is Muhammad "Moose" Azzam, at a whopping 6 foot 11 inches.

LOL, "his goal is not to offend".
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Old 04-03-2010, 04:07 PM   #3

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This is interesting. Here we have someone willing to tell the truth about "Islam" even if it gets him killed. which it might. Because he tells the truth.

Does he not ?


God of Islam is 'biggest terrorist'
Associated Press - 3/4/2010 7:30:00 AM

Yousef -- a convert to Christianity -- hurled his most inflammatory comments at Islam. Acknowledging that the comment would likely offend many people -- but that his goal is not to offend -- he said: "The biggest terrorist is Allah of the Quran, the god of the Quran, the god of Islam."

Yousef's father, senior Hamas leader Sheik Hassan Yousef, publicly disowned his son on Monday.

NEW YORK - The son of a Hamas leader who helped Israel's security forces kill and arrest members of the Islamic terrorist group says he's not afraid to die.

Mosab Hassan Yousef tells The Associated Press he's willing to speak out about Hamas' brutalities and the evils of Islam even if it gets him killed.

God of Islam is 'biggest terrorist'
Shocking! Some guy trades in one set of fables and mythology for another set of fables and mythologies, and now he's badmouthing his old fables and mythology!

Gasp! Such truth!
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Old 04-03-2010, 04:14 PM   #4

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God save us from the zealotry of the convert.

C'mon, this is like all those.."I was a godless, dirty, homosexual but Je AY sus SAVED me" shits .....oh wait, you believe in them too, don't you?

Look, give it a rest, willya, the last time they tried to call a Crusade was when Acre fell in 1291. If a whole city being taken doesn't rile people enough two little buildings, esp nowadays, ain't gonna bother people at all.

And Allah IS the god of Christianity, at least Mohammed said so. (Now watch, he's gonna argue that Mohammed didn't know HIS OWN RELIGION)
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Old 04-03-2010, 04:23 PM   #5

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Trips, you do realise that the God of Islam is the God of Christanity/Judaism/Abraham? And that Allah is simply the Arabic word for god...
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Old 04-03-2010, 04:25 PM   #6

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Sounds like a kid that is pissed off at his old man to me
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Old 04-03-2010, 04:27 PM   #7

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Allah = God = Jehovah

it's all the same god, captain.
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Old 04-03-2010, 04:31 PM   #8

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Just in case any of us are still confused about this.


UK Muslim Leader: Islam Not a Religion of Peace
Anjem Choudary, a leading Muslim radical who says Islamic teachings are what shaped his pro-jihad message.

Although both George W. Bush and Barack Obama have declared that Islam is a religion of peace, Choudary begs to differ.

"You can't say that Islam is a religion of peace," Choudary told CBN News. "Because Islam does not mean peace. Islam means submission. So the Muslim is one who submits. There is a place for violence in Islam. There is a place for jihad in Islam."

Choudary is the leader of Islam4UK, a group recently banned in Britain under the country's counter-terrorism laws. He wants Islamic Sharia law to rule the United Kingdom and is working to make that dream a reality.

While Islamic radicals in the United States usually prefer to speak in more moderate tones while in public, masking their true agenda, Choudary has no such inhibitions.

He has praised the 9/11 hijackers and has called for the execution of Pope Benedict. He also stirred controversy recently when video emerged of him converting a 10-year-old British boy to Islam.

Choudary told CBN News his group is a "non-violent political and ideological movement" that resides in the UK under "a covenant of security."

Yet he openly praises violent jihad.

"The Koran is full of, you know, jihad is the most talked about duty in the Koran other than tawhid -- belief," he said. "Nothing else is mentioned more than the topic of fighting."

----more here:

UK Muslim Leader: Islam Not a Religion of Peace - World - CBN News - Christian News 24-7 - CBN.com
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Old 04-03-2010, 04:32 PM   #9

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Heh Cappie, You ever read the Old Testamant? I'm mean beyond the prohibition of same sex humpin'. Full of people killing children, wiping out entire populations ( because the Lord said so), stoning people for, lemme see, workin' on the Sabbath, homosexuality,adultry, I'm sure I'm leaving out tons of stuff. Angel of the Lord killing the first born, had to be some newborns in that mess, on and on. There's even an example of human sacrifice. If one is to read the OT in a literal sense as the commandments of a Righteous God, many actions today would be considered terrorism. I haven't read the Koran so personally I can't comment, and I can't stand it when someone uses the cafeteria on one or two quotes from the Bible or any other source for that matter, so I won't do that with some passage from the Koran.

Of course before someone accuses me, I'm not defending any form of terrorism or any belief, rather I am pointing out that reading ancient text and following those texts without applying reason and common sense will lead many down a path of horrific behavior.
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Old 04-03-2010, 04:34 PM   #10

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Trips, you do realise that the God of Islam is the God of Christanity/Judaism/Abraham? And that Allah is simply the Arabic word for god...
There is only one God.

The text you decide to use to describe how you live your life and follow God is what is in question, not the fact that there's one God.

Islam is spread by the sword. Convert or kill unbeleivers.
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Old 04-03-2010, 04:39 PM   #11

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There is only one God.

The text you decide to use to describe how you live your life and follow God is what is in question, not the fact that there's one God.

Islam is spread by the sword. Convert or kill unbeleivers.
Well, it's pretty much the same for Christians. They've just evolved to convert or let God kill unbelievers. Identical concept, one is just more PC than the other.
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Old 04-03-2010, 04:42 PM   #12

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A leading Islamic scholar has issued a fatwa in Britain condemning "terrorists" as the enemies of Islam, in a bid to deter young Muslims from extremism.

Muhammad Tahir ul-Qadri, head of the Minhaj ul-Quran religious and educational organisation, said suicide bombers were destined for hell as he released his 600-page edict in London on Tuesday.

"They can't claim that their suicide bombings are martyrdom operations and that they become the heroes of the Muslim Umma [the wider Muslim community], no, they become heroes of hellfire, and they are leading towards hellfire," he said.

"There is no place for any martyrdom and their act is never, ever to be considered Jihad," he said.

'No place in Islam'

At a news conference, ul-Qadri said Islam was a religion of peace that promotes beauty, "betterment", goodness and "negates all form of mischief and strife".

"Terrorism is terrorism, violence is violence and it has no place in Islamic teaching and no justification can be provided for it, or any kind of excuses or ifs or buts," he said.

A number of edicts condemning extremism have been made by Islamic groups since the September 11 attacks on the United States, but ul-Qadri insists his is the most wide-reaching.

"This is the first, most comprehensive fatwa on the subject of terrorism ever written," he told the Reuters news agency.

"I have tried to leave not a single stone unturned on this particular subject and I have tried to address every single question relevant to this subject."

Pakistan-born ul-Qadri, 59, has written about 350 books on Islam, and is a scholar of Sufism, a Muslim branch that focuses on peace, tolerance, and moderation.

The Quilliam Foundation, a UK counter-extremism think-tank, said the fatwa was "arguably the most comprehensive" theological refutation of Islamic extremism.

Tim Winter, a lecturer in Islamic studies at Cambridge University, said while ul-Qadri's step of declaring "miscreants as unbelievers" was unusual, it was unlikely extremists would take notice of his edict.

"Those who are already hardliners will pay no attention at all. But 'swing voters' - poorly educated and angry Muslims, who respect mainstream scholars, will probably take note," he told Reuters.

Ul-Qadri said he felt compelled to issue the edict because of concerns about the radicalisation of British Muslims at university campuses and because there had been a lack of condemnation of extremism by Muslim clerics and scholars.

The Minhaj-ul-Quran movement, founded in Pakistan in 1980, works around the globe to promote peace and interfaith dialogue
Al Jazeera English - Europe - Cleric issues anti-terror fatwa

now is it my turn to selectively pick articles that might show that judaism or whatever religion is not a religion of peace?

http://www.uspoliticsonline.com/huma...ree-world.html thread?
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Old 04-03-2010, 04:49 PM   #13

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Well, it's pretty much the same for Christians. They've just evolved to convert or let God kill unbelievers. Identical concept, one is just more PC than the other.
Or rather let unbelievers kill themselves Which they often do.

Of course Christians are supposed to try to help save people from themselves and their dangerous urges and tendencies but they don't do it by violence. If they do, they're not supposed to. Leave humans to mess anything up and they quickly do.
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Old 04-03-2010, 04:52 PM   #14

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So, Captain, if there was a gay Muslim having abortions, you'd be really unnerved, right?
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Old 04-03-2010, 04:52 PM   #15

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.......now is it my turn to selectively pick articles that might show that judaism or whatever religion is not a religion of peace?
If you want to

Through history people have killed each other over every kind of religion ... and idea.

Christians haven't flown any planes into any buildings for Jesus lately.

That I'm aware of at least.

Islam is still in it's violent stage it seems. May the world survive it.
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Old 04-03-2010, 04:52 PM   #16

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Heh Cappie, You ever read the Old Testamant? I'm mean beyond the prohibition of same sex humpin'. Full of people killing children, wiping out entire populations ( because the Lord said so), stoning people for, lemme see, workin' on the Sabbath, homosexuality,adultry, I'm sure I'm leaving out tons of stuff. Angel of the Lord killing the first born, had to be some newborns in that mess, on and on. There's even an example of human sacrifice. If one is to read the OT in a literal sense as the commandments of a Righteous God, many actions today would be considered terrorism. I haven't read the Koran so personally I can't comment, and I can't stand it when someone uses the cafeteria on one or two quotes from the Bible or any other source for that matter, so I won't do that with some passage from the Koran.

Of course before someone accuses me, I'm not defending any form of terrorism or any belief, rather I am pointing out that reading ancient text and following those texts without applying reason and common sense will lead many down a path of horrific behavior.
I agree. The OT portrays a god full of rage with serious anger management issues. And it's nice to see how quick people forget that only a few hundred years back Christians used the sword to convert people. Yes, I know that Christianity has changed but to me that's still no excuse to constantly belittle other people's faith. And please, I'm not making a generalisation here. In my opinion the majority of people, both Islam and Christianity, are peaceful people who just want to life their lives and take care of their families. And on both sides there are people full of hate against everyone who dares to believe different.
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Old 04-03-2010, 04:53 PM   #17

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Trips, you do realise that the God of Islam is the God of Christanity/Judaism/Abraham? And that Allah is simply the Arabic word for god...
Except, only Allah tells his followers to commit mass murder/jihad in his name.
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Old 04-03-2010, 04:54 PM   #18

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There is only one God.

The text you decide to use to describe how you live your life and follow God is what is in question, not the fact that there's one God.

Islam is spread by the sword. Convert or kill unbeleivers.
In your opinion their is...

Anyways, your both worshipping the same God any way your looking at it, just a Christians believe that their God is the same as the Jewish G-d but they've realised he's sent the Messigh. Now Islam simply believe thats they've recognised a further (and final) way for God to be worshipped. Its all a matter of opinion.

Thats an off repeated fallicy but untrue, indeed Islam was actually spread far more peacibly than Christianity at first. The Islamic theocracies of the past allowed non-believers to live under in their states without major penilties (thus the survival of major monestrys, Particianships for centuaries under the caphite) while the Christian fundimentalist states wiped out those who didn't agree with them-hell they even wiped out those who didn't agree with their specific brand of Christianity.

Lets compare the Islamic conquest of Byzantine Egypt with, for example, the Tutonic conquest of Lituania. The Alexandrian patrican was allowed to remain, the bascillica survived and Christians where left unhalmed in one instance while in the other thousands of Pagans where forced to convert or murdered by relgious franatics. Both where spreading their religion 'by the sword' but only one was forcing conversion.

Theres countless examples mate-the conquest of the Spain by the Moors. Barton estimates that after 70 years on from the Moorish conquest of Granada 67% of peasents remained Christian. On the other hand, after the reconquestia peasents who had converted where either killed, forced to convert or forced to leave the land their familly had farmed for generations.

OH, and your using Choudry as a 'UK islamic leader' please. Learn something about the man-this is someone who leads a group of about 30 people (islam 4 UK) and tried to march on Wotton Basset but could raise the people. Try the MCB for a decent Islamic leader in the UK, you know, someone who actually represents someone.
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Old 04-03-2010, 04:55 PM   #19

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So, Captain, if there was a gay Muslim having abortions, you'd be really unnerved, right?
I'd actually be surprised they were alive. Muslims kill "gays." They don't tolerate that shit at all.
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Old 04-03-2010, 04:56 PM   #20

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Except, only Allah tells his followers to commit mass murder/jihad in his name.
Jalihad means struggle, not 'mass murder' it dosn't even have to involve violence. Try reading the Hadiths mate...
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