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#1 |
That while logical under our constitution controlling our borders in respect to entry or denial of entry of persons is constitutional yet on the other hand not constitutional in respect to deportation of those through what ever means find themselves on our soil thus subject to our laws and related circumstances here because starvation faced them whereof they came ?
Would it be better assuming the only crime committed is an effort to peacefully survive by working to allow immediate registration for such and make them TAXPAYERS simultaneously. ? The first step for a small business formation is to assess the market for the product or service to be offered determine ALL related cost and operational need, predicted cash flow for sustained growth and then if capital needs to be borrowed test fly a developed plan by themselves to demonstrate to a qualified lender the effectiveness of your plan. How many successful small businss owners past or present are there in Demcratic or Republican governmentle ranks who are available to evaluate such an undertaking without making the effort a giant useless giveaway ? Hind tit suckers and ass kissers are not needed. Do we have any who are not so inclined in government today? Bring back the guillotine ! Our survival depends on creating world wide markets of new spenders. |
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#2 |
How many successful small businss owners past or present are there in Demcratic or Republican governmentle ranks who are available to evaluate such an undertaking without making the effort a giant useless giveaway ? I checked how many engineers were in the Dutch parliament. There is 1 out of 150 representatives. I want more people in my parliament that suck at giving speaches and playing power games and just simply keep working at problems noone really cares about yet. |
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#4 |
Yes. Its real simple. If Illegals have somehow made it on US soil then they have to pay taxes. None of this work under the table and send your money back to your family in Mexico BS. You live here, you get free health care, dental, food stamps, etc. You have to pay taxes period. All of us citizens do and if you want to be one...Guess what...you got to pay taxes.
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#6 |
Would it be better assuming the only crime committed is an effort to peacefully survive by working to allow immediate registration for such and make them TAXPAYERS simultaneously. ? Developing worldwide markets is difficult, but not impossible. Airfare is already a worldwide market that is subdivided into international and domestic sub groups. Computers and cell phones are already a world wide market, but subdivided by region or nationality. Trying to get the world to agree to use 220V or 180V systems or DC or AC systems is another matter that goes beyond business and diplomacy. |
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#7 |
Yes. Its real simple. If Illegals have somehow made it on US soil then they have to pay taxes. None of this work under the table and send your money back to your family in Mexico BS. You live here, you get free health care, dental, food stamps, etc. You have to pay taxes period. All of us citizens do and if you want to be one...Guess what...you got to pay taxes. 1) Immigrants send money home to their parents for a variety of reasons including supporting such family members. It also has been done since the time this country was founded. Case in point was the Iirsh. Those that got jobs in the US after they arrived saved enough to have the rest of their family come. 2) USCIS immigration is one of the most complicated laws on the books, more complicated than the tax laws. That being said, Allowing businesses and the government to recruit immigrants from beyond the borders, and with government blessing, would go a long way in help solving the problem of illegal immigration. The other way would be economic aid directed at improving the economy of Mexico without glutunous greed from the carpetbaggers. 3) The underground economy is estimated at $1 trillion dollars or more. Most of it is done by US citizens. I know, I busted, or should say, audited a few thousand. This includes babysitting, extra income on fixing the car outside of your employment as a mechanic, black market illicit drugs and sex trade, and so forth while not reporting the income. But all groups, whether rich or poor, do tax evasion for one reason or another. It is not as one sided as you think. |
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#9 |
That while logical under our constitution controlling our borders in respect to entry or denial of entry of persons is constitutional yet on the other hand not constitutional in respect to deportation of those through what ever means find themselves on our soil thus subject to our laws and related circumstances here because starvation faced them whereof they came ? The work illegals do, is the work Americans dont want to do because the pay is too low. Its as much about citizens feeling work is beneath them as much as it's about people rather illegal migrants or not willing to take ANY job in order to survive. How do illegal migrants supply references when they have no work history to verify? Then how would it work employers selecting illegals over those born in the country or got permission to work? |
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#13 |
Does anyone seriously think lending money to some A.H. who can't even handle his/her own finances will create jobs ?
How many jobs other than "military service" have our politicians ever created. (except maybe how to run a whore house). Those with the "balls" who will face starvation and face danger in order to exist and support a family are the stock we need to rebuild our our nation. Who here is one who has chosen their parents ? Using illegals in industry is a national pasttime and carefully protected because they are cheap labor "without" defended rights or benefits. Let anyone who reaches our shores and enters our domain work with equal rights of the citizens in our country and let "water seek its own level". Its "not credit" we need it's "earned" CASH in the hands of the workers. (any workers) ! At the moment IMO: The "Savers" are being "Raped" and the "Thieves Rewarded" ! |
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#15 |
Three points for you: 2) USCIS immigration is one of the most complicated laws on the books, more complicated than the tax laws. That being said, Allowing businesses and the government to recruit immigrants from beyond the borders, and with government blessing, would go a long way in help solving the problem of illegal immigration. The other way would be economic aid directed at improving the economy of Mexico without glutunous greed from the carpetbaggers. 3) The underground economy is estimated at $1 trillion dollars or more. Most of it is done by US citizens. I know, I busted, or should say, audited a few thousand. This includes babysitting, extra income on fixing the car outside of your employment as a mechanic, black market illicit drugs and sex trade, and so forth while not reporting the income. But all groups, whether rich or poor, do tax evasion for one reason or another. It is not as one sided as you think. I was at a grocery store in Whittier Ca which is essentually East Los Angeles. I was the minority if you know what I mean. I was in line and the family in front of me was paying with food stamps. I started to look at the details and found that the lady had a Louis Vatton purse, the boy (probably 11-12) had a cell phone rivaling mine, and the little girl was adorrable in her $200 outfit. When I paid the lady said "you are paying with Cash?" I said "of coarse I am is there a problem?" She said "no its just that noone pays with cash at this store. They pay with food stamps" I said "technically they are paying with cash. My tax money pays for their food stamps." As I walk out to my car the lady who was in front of me gets the best of me again. My 2003 Z28 just didn't compare to her Escalade with spinning 22's. I realized I was in the wrong profession. If I could make myself illegal somehow I'd be rich. |
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#16 |
I was at a grocery store in Whittier Ca which is essentually East Los Angeles. I was the minority if you know what I mean. I was in line and the family in front of me was paying with food stamps. I started to look at the details and found that the lady had a Louis Vatton purse, the boy (probably 11-12) had a cell phone rivaling mine, and the little girl was adorrable in her $200 outfit. When I paid the lady said "you are paying with Cash?" I said "of coarse I am is there a problem?" She said "no its just that noone pays with cash at this store. They pay with food stamps" I said "technically they are paying with cash. My tax money pays for their food stamps." As I walk out to my car the lady who was in front of me gets the best of me again. My 2003 Z28 just didn't compare to her Escalade with spinning 22's. I realized I was in the wrong profession. If I could make myself illegal somehow I'd be rich. |
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#17 |
The work illegals do, is the work Americans dont want to do because the pay is too low. Its as much about citizens feeling work is beneath them as much as it's about people rather illegal migrants or not willing to take ANY job in order to survive. ![]() |
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#19 |
I don't but they spoke mexican. Had a bumper sticker that said I heart Jalisco, and they were blaring Mariachi music from the $5,000 stereo system that you and I bought for them. Nahuat, Yucatec Mixtec Zapotec (Binizaa) Tzeltal Maya (K'op o winik atel) Tzotzil Maya (Batsil k'op) Otomí (Hñä hñü) Totonac (Tachihuiin) Mazatec (Ha shuta enima) Ch'ol (Mayan) (Winik) Huastec (Téenek) Chinantec (Tsa jujmí) Mixe (Ayüük) Mazahua (Jñatho) Tarascan (P'urhépechas) Tlapanec (Me'phaa) Tarahumara (Rarámuri) Amuzgo (Tzañcue) Chatino (Cha'cña) Tojolab'al (Tojolwinik otik) Popoluca (Zoquean) (Tuncápxe) Chontal de Tabasco (Yokot t'an) Huichol (Wixárika) Mayo (Yoreme) Tepehuán (O'odham) Trique (Tinujéi) Cora (Naáyarite) Popoloca (Oto-manguean) Huave (Ikoods) Cuicatec (Nduudu yu) Yaqui (Yoreme) Q'anjob'al Tepehua (Hamasipini) Pame (Xigüe) Mam (Qyool) Chontal de Oaxaca (Slijuala sihanuk) Chuj Tacuate (Mixtec de Santa María Zacatepec) (Tu'un Va'a) Chichimeca jonaz (Úza) Guarijío (Makurawe) Chocho (Runixa ngiigua) Pima Bajo (O'odham) Q'eqchí (Q'eqchí) Lacandón (Hach t'an) Jakaltek (Poptí) (Abxubal) Matlatzinca/Ocuilteco (Tlahuica) Seri (Cmiique iitom) Ixcatec K'iche' Kaqchikel Paipai (Akwa'ala) Cucapá (Es péi) Mototzintleco (Qatok) Kumiai (Ti'pai) Pápago (Tohono O'odham) Kikapú (Kikapooa) Ixil Cochimí (Laymón, mti'pá) Kiliwa (Ko'lew) Aguacatec |
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#20 |
3) The underground economy is estimated at $1 trillion dollars or more. Most of it is done by US citizens. I know, I busted, or should say, audited a few thousand. This includes babysitting, extra income on fixing the car outside of your employment as a mechanic, black market illicit drugs and sex trade, and so forth while not reporting the income. But all groups, whether rich or poor, do tax evasion for one reason or another. It is not as one sided as you think. Wake up ! |
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