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Old 08-29-2012, 10:31 PM   #21

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it's made in China, it'll break after the first use.
Keep believing that propaganda. And keep wondering where America's jobs have gone, and why.

The Chinese are very advanced in their civilization, They know how to use the brain. Lest you forget, this is a culture with 10,000 recipes for chicken.
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Old 08-29-2012, 10:31 PM   #22

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Keep believing that propaganda. And keep wondering where America's jobs have gone, and why.

The Chinese are very advanced in their civilization, They know how to use the brain. Lest you forget, this is a culture with 10,000 recipes for chicken.
the Chinese are not so advanced at their civilization that they are infallable to their own vanities
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Old 08-29-2012, 10:31 PM   #23

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China will have no reason to attack their best customer. It would serve no purpose. On the other hand, wealthy Chinese citizens will want and demand land, so China will have to find way to obtain land. I believe they will do that in two ways. The first will be by emigration and de facto colonization. That is already occurring. The second way will be by assimilation of neighboring countries. My guess is that North Korea is very high on that list. It wouldn't surprise me to see North Korea become a client state of China within 15 years. I doubt the new ruler in North Korea will be able to hold it all together there after daddy dies.
To say China will have no reason to attack their best customer is naive. Unless of course you got a good crystal ball that shows you the future. How can you say something like this? You don't know. And neither do I.

If China is smart, they will eventually follow our own post WW2 model, and enrich the multitudes, which then provides them an in house base of customers for their own products. They got over a billion of those potential customers. And those customers won't be buying American! China will see that would be a dumb move, sending their money to America. When they could keep all of it at home. Since they do seem to be more intelligent than us, no doubt to me that this is what they will do. They already have an old proven model that would show them the advantages of doing that, as they have our post WW2 model to copy. And unlike this Nation who only looks out for a few private enterprise rich, they won't submit to the urge of their own "few" to violate their own populace. And unlike us, they tend to plan long term, as do the Japanese.
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Old 08-29-2012, 10:31 PM   #24

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Keep believing that propaganda. And keep wondering where America's jobs have gone, and why.

The Chinese are very advanced in their civilization, They know how to use the brain. Lest you forget, this is a culture with 10,000 recipes for chicken.
My own experience with Chinese made power tools like Makita, is the quality NOW SUCKS from this once great and long lasting Japanese Brand. I still got a USA made fridge, made in the late 50's that still works. Try that with a cheap labor item from China.

But China is the oldest civilization on this globe. And they will eventually hand us our lunch. Time stops for no man.
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Old 08-29-2012, 10:31 PM   #25

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My own experience with Chinese made power tools like Makita, is the quality NOW SUCKS from this once great and long lasting Japanese Brand. I still got a USA made fridge, made in the late 50's that still works. Try that with a cheap labor item from China.

But China is the oldest civilization on this globe. And they will eventually hand us our lunch. Time stops for no man.
Japan used to have a reputation for making cheap crap.
China has a reputation for making cheap crap because that is what American business goes there to buy. They want to close the plant in Ohio, and make what they made there in China, and to justify it they want to pay next to nothing, and they buy cheap crap.
If you look at the last 3 or 4 thousand years, pick a year and odds are (unless you picked one of the last few hundred years, that China was the richest, most powerful, most technically advanced country in the world in that year.
That's the natural state of the world, there was a little aberration, power moved to Europe, and then to America, and now it's returning to it's natural home, China.
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Old 08-29-2012, 10:31 PM   #26

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The Mongols conquered more of the Earth than anyone in history
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Old 08-29-2012, 10:32 PM   #27

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If you look at the last 3 or 4 thousand years, pick a year and odds are (unless you picked one of the last few hundred years, that China was the richest, most powerful, most technically advanced country in the world in that year.
How wide was the gap between what the Emperor had at his disposal, and the average peasant?
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Old 08-29-2012, 10:32 PM   #28

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Japan used to have a reputation for making cheap crap.
China has a reputation for making cheap crap because that is what American business goes there to buy. They want to close the plant in Ohio, and make what they made there in China, and to justify it they want to pay next to nothing, and they buy cheap crap.
If you look at the last 3 or 4 thousand years, pick a year and odds are (unless you picked one of the last few hundred years, that China was the richest, most powerful, most technically advanced country in the world in that year.
That's the natural state of the world, there was a little aberration, power moved to Europe, and then to America, and now it's returning to it's natural home, China.
Well, not so sure the natural state of the world is for China to return to former glories. Yet, it is evident that China is indeed planning on replacing America as the leader and shaker of the modern world. And the sad thing is, the ludicrous thing is, the insane thing is, we are aiding them beyond their wildest imagination. I can only imagine at the conversations that go on behind closed Communist doors that speak to the grand stupidity of America, and how the greed of a few can completely destroy a once mighty Nation, that like the British Empire is winding down as China preps up to become the world's major creditor and producer of goods for the rest of the world.

I heard on C Span yesterday, from a global investor who moved his family to Singapore that astute Americans need to enroll their children into the Mandarin Chinese language classes ASAP. When the host on Washington Journal acted surprised, this guy acted surprised that this was NOT COMMON knowledge in this Nation today. It is the truth, is what it is. Being a rich investor, he knows what the trend is, and he said in 9 years, China would overtake the US in production and the size of the economy. China will be number one. And like the US once was, China is a creditior instead of a debtor. China loans money like we used to loan money to other nations. Today, we borrow!

He who is the creditior has the power and many of our previous foreign loans had strings attached, as China will have strings attached. And some think that China is not a threat? The next big war will be with China, how can it not be? And our business and trade policies have enabled this ascension of China, a Communist Nation, with little freedom for its people. We used to see that form of gov't as something we would in no way aid or support, yet what have we done? It is beyond craziness. It belongs in a sci fi tales written by a schizo.

Yet you see NO News coverage of this blatantly monumental news story, that will affect Americans in huge ways in the future. Which is sure proof to me that since a few corporations own the air waves, we are not being told the dangerous truth of what the current trend will lend not that far down the road. The effects are already felt in the snail pace unemployment recovery. We give tax breaks, to stimulate our economy, and those tax dollar fly overseas quicker than a New York second. You won't hear that on the news either.

The lack of coverage of issues that have and will direly affect Americans is scary. Instead, we are fed Jerry Springer entertainment from the major media outlets. A distraction as our Nation is bleeding itself to death, so that a few might amass great sums of money and wealth. While China is a lovin' it. And the 150 million Americans who don't watch any news today are oblivious to what is going on, IF the news even covered it, which they don't!

I heard it said this weekend on C Span that only 4.5 to 5 million Americans tune in to CNN, FOX, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, AND NBC for news. 5 million out of over 300 million. With 150 million getting no news at all in their average day. And apparently these 150 million could care less about what is going on in the world. Now, this is a perfect recipe for bad gov't, who represents the benefactors of the multitude of lobbiests in D.C. Hell, half of the folks that live here are too involved in their cell phones, ipods, video games, sports, and films to have any time to consider what is going on in the US in regards to being sold out to China. These distractions are the Soma of the 21st Century or so it seems.

We should all be very supicious of how the biggest story since WW2 is being ignored by all of the media. IF this would have happened in the 60's, the newspapers would be filled with stories of how this new economic model is destroying the middle class and working class of America.

I will bet you one thing. If the 500 million peasants don't create great chaos in China, and China is able to give these 500 million just a little higher standard of living, to placate them, as China's middle class grows expoentially, don't expect China to let in American made goods without tarriffs, because China knows it has to make and sell chinese goods to chinese in order to keep folks employed. They won't make the same mistake we made, by stopping production of goods, just to buy them from others. China will strive to employ its own people, and to be as self suffiecient as possible in so far as industry is involved. I will bet my life on it. China will not be driven to the great degree that the US is driven, by the greed of the few. And therefore will not have the inherit weakness that hurts National economies. China will take one aspect of Capitalism, the wealth producing aspect of it, and alter it, to a hybrid, that conquers a Capitalism built only upon the greed of a few. So far, they are proving that their model is eating our lunch, as they take advantage of the weakness of a greed driven Capitalistic model that we have morphed into with the rise of the Republican Party and its inane economic ideology, that is proving valuable to the Chinese.
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Old 08-29-2012, 10:32 PM   #29

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If America doesn't lead, someone else will.

It may be a surprise to some, but I am a liberal, a Democrat and generally find little positive about Republican actions.

However I believe Nixon had a vision and that he was right.
The World has to find a new way. The old pattern of western colonial dominance of the last 500 years is coming to end. Do we want to be a part of the future, or just a footnote?
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Old 08-29-2012, 10:32 PM   #30

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the Chinese are not so advanced at their civilization that they are infallable to their own vanities
ahoy Moonglow!

i find it kinda humorous, and slightly pathetic, that Americans hath been reduced to hoping the Chinese just screw it all up. that seems like a wretched hope to pin the future 'o our nation on.

- MeadHallPirate
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Old 08-29-2012, 10:32 PM   #31

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Japan used to have a reputation for making cheap crap.China has a reputation for making cheap crap because that is what American business goes there to buy. They want to close the plant in Ohio, and make what they made there in China, and to justify it they want to pay next to nothing, and they buy cheap crap.
If you look at the last 3 or 4 thousand years, pick a year and odds are (unless you picked one of the last few hundred years, that China was the richest, most powerful, most technically advanced country in the world in that year.
That's the natural state of the world, there was a little aberration, power moved to Europe, and then to America, and now it's returning to it's natural home, China.
ahoy Goober me old friend,

that bolded part be very true. a few decades ago, the skippers in Detroit used to laugh at the autos comin' outta Japan...they'd point'm and have a great, mirthful chortle at the shoddy workmanship.

who be laughin' now?

- MeadHallPirate
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Old 08-29-2012, 10:32 PM   #32

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ahoy Goober me old friend,

that bolded part be very true. a few decades ago, the skippers in Detroit used to laugh at the autos comin' outta Japan...they'd point'm and have a great, mirthful chortle at the shoddy workmanship.

who be laughin' now?

- MeadHallPirate
The Koreans?
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Old 08-29-2012, 10:32 PM   #33

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If America doesn't lead, someone else will.

It may be a surprise to some, but I am a liberal, a Democrat and generally find little positive about Republican actions.

However I believe Nixon had a vision and that he was right.
The World has to find a new way. The old pattern of western colonial dominance of the last 500 years is coming to end. Do we want to be a part of the future, or just a footnote?
If being part of that future means the US takes second place or worse, behind China, a Communist Nation, then I would opt NOT to join in the party.

The world has to find a new way? Preposterous. Who do you want calling the shots? China, or some free democracy? And oh, Nixon's vision has really monumentally served this Nation and her People, very, very well. It was a fuck up, a grand fuck up that set the stage for the demise of the USA. We joined hands with the commies cause a few could make some bucks utilizing a populace that were impoverished, and it made no difference if their form of gov't was communist. We used to consider communism as an enemy that threatened our own freedoms. We no longer do, at least it does not seem so. Instead, we enrich our enemies, IF a buck is to be made by a private investor. The Church of Business rules the Republican Party.

Today, commie money is as good as any money. And we have no problem with enriching a Nation who has no respect for freedom. And that has been one of the big changes. We would have been better served if we did not run to aid China, enabling our enemy, to our own demise. Yet this is the wisdom of the late and early 21st Century. You gotta be really greedy, so much so that greed trumps everything else. And of course, it has, and does, and will continue on, as the love of money is even more powerful than serving the best interest of the American People. The proverbial 30 pieces of silver never dies.
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Old 08-29-2012, 10:32 PM   #34

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ahoy Goober me old friend,

that bolded part be very true. a few decades ago, the skippers in Detroit used to laugh at the autos comin' outta Japan...they'd point'm and have a great, mirthful chortle at the shoddy workmanship.

who be laughin' now?

- MeadHallPirate
Actually I recall the cheap, high breakage transistor radios of the 50's, that were sold here, and were made in Japan.

The first Japanese car I ever experienced was a longer lasting car than American cars of that era. And since Japan made small fuel efficient cars, that first gas shortage we had in the 70's gave Japan a foothold in the market here. Used car lots were filled with gas guzzling muscle cars, that folks traded in to purchase a gas miser from Japan. I recall those times like it was yesterday.

Allowing Japanese cars in, was the beginning of the demise of American cars. And this allowing cheaper cars and other products in, was the beginning of the end of American industry. China won't succumb to that, IMO. They already know what happens when a nation allows in foreign made products with no protection of their own industry. You get high unemployment, and an attack on upward mobility in a workforce. You slide from the number one economy to the second, third, fourth or fifth place. It has been said China will overtake our economy in around 9 years if current trends continue.

We have imported, offshored our Nation as to weaken it expoentially. This happens when the only goal of business is to maximize profits, even if it brings a Nation to its knees by doing so. We used to have better sense, and knew better. Maximizing profits for a few is in control now, and its effects will be catastrophic for this Nation and our economy. We are being played like a accordian, by the Chinese. Yet our own workers feel no urge to dance in celebration. The only dancing is being done by a few very rich elites, while the Pubs clap to keep time as to encourage the dance that has raped the working class and middle class folks of this Nation. If this is supposed to trickle down to the rest of us, I am having a hard time seeing it. Hell, given the unheard of profits made by the few, we should be seeing a flourishing working and middle class today. Could it be, is it possible that trickle down economics was just another confidence job? If one looks around, it is pretty obvious as to the truth of trickle down economics.
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