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#21 |
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#22 |
So tell me. This statement "….The alternative would be that the NGB Commander, who is the ONLY NG 3-Star, will fill that slot as an additional duty until it becomes a voting job, whereapon the second 3-Star job would be created.” IS STILL WRONG. Is that nitpicking or expecting you to have a modicome of integrity and admit when you post bullshit? Which is it? The answer is pretty obvious to me. |
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#23 |
Corny..... NGR 600-100, Chapter 4-3 f and exception (10) apply: f. Grade. Because of the ARNG promotion system and requirement that all commissioned officers, unless specifically exempt, must be assigned to an authorized position, grade becomes a dominant factor in commissioned officer assignments. The applicable MTOE or TDA position will determine the highest authorized grade in which a commissioned officer may be assigned, except as modified below: (10) There is no limit on assigning a commissioned officer to a position calling for a higher grade. However, as a guideline, due to the increased responsibility and authority, a commissioned officer should not be assigned to a position more than one grade higher than that of the officer, except in the most unusual circumstances. Section IV Promotion of ARNG officers serving on Title 10 AGR Tours 8-20. Procedures b. States are only authorized to promote Title 10 AGR officers and continue them on active duty when the following conditions have been met: (1) The officer is eligible and qualified for promotion in accordance with all other provisions of this regulation (Federal recognition board is required unless the officer has been selected for promotion by the DA Mandatory Selection Board). (2) The officer is serving in a higher grade MTOE/TDA position and an appropriate grade authorization has been provided to the respective State by the National Guard Bureau, AGR Management Branch. So, the specific legislative change for the Chief of NGB Job resulted in a change of TDA, which is why the job now calls for a 4-Star, and this specific Lieutenant General became eligible for promotion under NGR 600-100. Chapter 4, Paragraph 3.f.(10). He got his 4th Star under NGR 600-100, Section IV, Chapter 8 Paragraph 20.b when the NGB AGR Management Branch provided Florida with the appropriate grade authorization. So, what I said earlier stands. States normally don’t have either the ability or need to promote past 2-Star, and normally there is only one unless TO&Es or TDA require otherwise, and these days the Flag Officer slots other than the State Adjutant General are AGR Positions. Further, when this guy’s time in the job ends, the only way he will be able to keep the rank will be to retire, since any other assignment for him will require him to revert to 2-Star rank. He will still be able to retire as a 4-Star under the “Highest Rank Held” rule however. |
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#24 |
It is Nitpicking because the proper response should have been the following: Let's review........... This statement "….The alternative would be that the NGB Commander, who is the ONLY NG 3-Star, will fill that slot as an additional duty until it becomes a voting job, whereapon the second 3-Star job would be created.” IS STILL WRONG. |
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#25 |
It is Nitpicking because the proper response should have been the following: The authority for General McKinley's appointment to 4-star grade was under 10 U.S.C. 601 and 10 U.S.C. 10502. He didn't "become eligible for promotion" because of a regulation change. Note that 10 U.S.C. 10502 allows the President to nominate an officer "above the grade of brigadier general" for the chief NGB billet. There are lots of two stars out there for him to choose from. It is not unheard of for general officers to skip grades, even in modern times. The president could nominate any 2-star meeting the prerequisites set forth in 10 U.S.C 10502. As for General McKinley's career prospects after his present assignment, age will probably preclude a follow-on assignment. 10 U.S.C. 14511 allows the President to defer a reserve O-9 or O-10 retirement until the first day of the month following said officer's 68th birthday, however. The president is at liberty to nominate him for any position of "importance and responsibility" under 10 U.S.C. 601. He is not confined solely to reserve or guard positions. Also of note, unless certain narrow exceptions apply ALL O-9 and O-10 officers face the possibility of reversion to their permanent grade (usually O-8) upon losing the position of importance and responsibility which carried the higher grade. This is why O-9s and O-10s have to be nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate for each new such position, and it's why you sometimes see officers drop in grade upon relief from such positions when no renomination is forthcoming (VADM Stufflebeem reverted to RADM, Gen Lavelle reverted to Maj Gen, etc.). |
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#26 |
But that isn't your original statement (and the only one I have challenged - in this thread). NGR 600-100’s provisions as I stated them will be repeated for every holder of that job because the Grade Authorization – which would ordinarily exist on its own in the Regular military, expires in the Guard if there is no current person qualified to step into the position, and they do NOT pass from State to State. Since the Chief of NGB position is a unique position, and since there are no 3-Stars or 4-Stars standing by to step into the position, one of the existing 2-Stars will have to step into the vacant position, putting on his Third Star when his State gets a Grade Authorization for that 3rd Star, followed by a request for the other authorization for the 4th Star when the new 3-Star fulfills his qualifications for the 4th Star. Always remember that – in the Guard – there are NO excess personnel in any grade, and it is axiomatic that we Guardsmen can spend our entire careers waiting for a slot to open up by someone Retiring, Dying, or Transferring to another Unit or State. This specific General – if he played the game properly – most likely let Florida know that since he was within a Year of his Mandatory Retirement, and would NOT return to his 2-Star Position [which otherwise would be held open with some else keeping the seat warm until his return] but would Retire right from his current 4-Star assignment. Once Florida received that letter, they would declare his 2-Star position Vacant, and find a suitable 1-Star to fill it unless the Chair Warmer actually qualified for that slot, whereapon he would be awarded the slot permanently, and Promoted accordingly. All of this holds true for the JCS position as well since it will also be held by a Guardsman on AGR Duty. States won’t actually cut orders for such an assignment until they have the new TDA and its concomitant Grade Authorization in their hands. Since no State has a spare 3- or 4-Star just laying about, they will have to find out if any of the State AGs want the job, and failing that, find a 1-Star that can fill the job until his/her State can promote him. In the meantime, the Chief of NGB will have to fill the chair during meetings until a qualified person gets and accepts the assignment, and can get transferred to new Quarters in DC or Virginia. If the States follow the tradition, the General they find to fill the job will be one who is close enough to his Mandatory Retirement date so that he can take the job, get it up and running, and retire on his 60th Birthday on time so he doesn’t have to come back and revert to 2-Stars until he does Retire. Different words, same meaning. |
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#27 |
Yes, those are my words, and I stand by them. My only crime was forgetting that I am a Guardsman talking with Regulars, who have little or no understanding of the differences between our two states of being inside the US Military, and certainly don’t know our lingo.. Could you explain to us again how a civilian military spouse could be charged with Adultery (or any other punitive article) under the UCMJ? That is one of my favorites. BTW: Different words usually = different meaning |
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#28 |
Yes, those are my words, and I stand by them. My only crime was forgetting that I am a Guardsman talking with Regulars, who have little or no understanding of the differences between our two states of being inside the US Military, and certainly don’t know our lingo.. So in addition to being a blowhard who makes a lot of mistakes yet childishly never admits to them, we can add ginormous hypocrisy to the Corny repertoire. |
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#29 |
Of course you stand by your words. No one expected any more from you. You always stand by your words, regardless of how incredibly WRONG they are. Your continued efforts to dig out of the hole while in reality just going deeper makes for some cheap entertainment. |
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#30 |
That's awesome. You think that we can't understand what you're blabbering about because we're not in the Guard. Yet you're always posting in the other sections of the forum about current, Active Duty issues. What's even better is that when you do so you usually relate whatever you're filibustering about to your Guard experience! |
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#31 |
Can I get at least ONE original thought here. Just one FRAPPING ORIGINAL THOUGHT !!!!
TRUTH.............. This statement "….The alternative would be that the NGB Commander, who is the ONLY NG 3-Star, will fill that slot as an additional duty until it becomes a voting job, whereapon the second 3-Star job would be created.” IS STILL WRONG. BTW: Anything more about the Tea Party opposition to the NY tax bill? Or their non-opposition? |
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#32 |
You want an original thought? How about this:
Whether you are right or not your smartass attitude makes you look like a tool and detracts from your argument. Can I get at least ONE original thought here. Just one FRAPPING ORIGINAL THOUGHT !!!! |
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#33 |
You want an original thought? How about this: |
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#34 |
You want an original thought? How about this: I would really like to hear what you would do in a situation like that. Then picture someone coming along and reading that bullshit and not seeing any counterpoint to it says...."oh, that must be right". Sorry, I would rather tilt at windmills. BTW: I accept the 'smartass' sobriquet but I would strongly suggest you invest a little time in reading the several threads of bullshit Corny has posted. I didn't start out as a smartass with him but as with anyone on these forums, if you are going to post bullshit expect some to call you on it. |
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#35 |
So, (seriously) I am assuming that you would have me just ignore the issue after X number of posts from someone who completely refuses to acknowledge posting complete bullshit? Incidentally, I have Grandchildren that are better behaved than you. Think about that. |
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#36 |
Actually, you and your friends have posted a lot of BS on this forum, and I generally let it ride because you have every right to present yourself as you wish to be. It really isn't any of my business how you present yourself. I only take umbrage when you try to make yourself look good to your buddies by putting me down in front of them. That behavior I won't let pass, and you set yourself up for me to be your foil at any time you open your mouth. By all means quote me any bullshit I have posted? Any post where I have posted non-facts (and haven't admitted the mistake)....any post where I allude to actions I can't support...any 'experiences' I have cited that later turned out to not have occurred quite as described. Any series of posts ad nuseum where I have refused to admit that I was wrong. You won’t let pass? Please tell me exactly what that means. As for your grandchildren, good for them. I am sure you are very proud of them. I am done thinking about it. |
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#37 |
Actually, you and your friends have posted a lot of BS on this forum, and I generally let it ride because you have every right to present yourself as you wish to be. It really isn't any of my business how you present yourself. I only take umbrage when you try to make yourself look good to your buddies by putting me down in front of them. That behavior I won't let pass, and you set yourself up for me to be your foil at any time you open your mouth. I do find it amusing that in your twisted mind you equate "having someone point out that something I posted was factually incorrect" with "putting you down". You need some therapy, old man. You may have grandchildren that are better behaved than me (which is an idiotic statement in and of itself), but I bet they have a better developed emotional maturity than you. That is, unless their parents allow them to be exposed to your influence. If that's the case then HURRAY, the world will have yet more people in it that are incapable of owning up to their actions. |
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