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#1 |
10 July 2006
I think as orthodox christians in a professed democratic country we have an duty to come to support those countries of orthodox faith which are struggling to maintain their right to express their free will in a way pleasing to God. Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica is here in the United States outlining his plan for KOSOVO-Motejiha Region of Serbia, which for so many centuries have been under such brutal oppression. Please go to the Serbian Goverment Website, read the plan, and if you aren't aware of Serbian history please go to, and read the online history of Serbia that they have on their sight. It is very informative, and inspiring. Please write your senators and house representatives to support Kostunica's objectives to have Serbia have self determination concerning its Orthodox cultural heritage, its natural resources, and it political sovereignty. thanks. |
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#2 |
Justice for Serbia
By Vojislav Kostunica The demands for the independence of Kosovo present Southeast Europe and the rest of the world with a compelling question: Will absolute justice be made to yield to relative political interests -- and will authentic democratic values be sacrificed for a mere semblance of peace? To view the entire article, go to Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica is a very devout Orthodox Christian. I believe what he is trying to acheive is consistent with the legacy of St. Tsar Lazar. Please let us as Orthodox Christians support him. Again, go to, click on The Truth About Serbia and Yugoslavia and then click on the Serbian Project. It will prompt you to the online book of the history of Serbia, with a mostly Orthodox perspective. Again, thanks xenia |
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#3 |
12 July 2006
Just a quick note: The Albanians and the Muslims have displaced Serbian natives from Kosovo over many years, and with horrendous methods. As it stands the Albanian population wants to be able to vote, as did Montenegro did recently, to vote for independence. But this is not a fair election process as the Serbians have been forcibly removed from their lands and the population of Kosovo artificially increased by Albanians over many years using nefarious methods. The United States and other western countries want Kosovo to be independent to destabilize not only Serbia but other countries in the area. The resources that the Balkans have are very attractive to the West .Russia's emergence as a democratic leader is a threat to those interest as is Serbian and other Balkan countries self-hegemony in their own back yard. Spiritually there is a bigger picture, a more compelling understanding, however; these issues is what is on the surface. So please make yourselves informed and write your congressman. I don't know how to write to the other Orthodox Churches about this. As citizens of the United States we ought to make our voices heard. The United States, which in my opinion is trangressing its own democratic values, is conducting this foreign policy in the name of its people, that is in the name of you and me. Although it is documented that U.S. Congress only listens to those populations which it views can affect its chances of being re-elected, still, we must show that we are aware. I'm not afraid to say, that as a United States citizen, I'm very glad for the emergence of such people as Putin and Kostunica, and others like them in other historically Orthodox countries. In Christ xenia |
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#4 |
Russia challenges UN power to impose Kosovo ruling
Russia said on Thursday the United Nations had no authority to impose a solution on Serbia over the status of its breakaway Kosovo province and only a negotiated deal was acceptable. The statement by Russian U.N. Ambassador Vitaly Churkin was significant as the leaders of Kosovo and Serbia have dug in their heels in the international talks aimed at determining whether Kosovo wins independence or remains a part of Serbia, making an imposed solution more likely. "I stated today in the closed meeting of the Security Council that I do not believe that the international community has legal, political or moral ground to force Serbia into a solution on this issue," Churkin told reporters. "There is plenty of opportunity for the sides to have their discussions, and the only stable solution, the only solution good for regional and global stability, would be a solution negotiated between the two sides," Churkin said. Ethnic Albanians, 90 percent of the impoverished province's 2 million people, demand independence while Serbia insists Kosovo must remain within its borders, albeit with substantial autonomy. Kosovo has been run by the United Nations since June 1999 when NATO bombs drove out Serb forces accused of atrocities against civilians while battling a guerrilla insurgency. Martti Ahtisaari of Finland is leading the U.N.-backed process set up to determine Kosovo's eventual status. Direct talks on the fate of Kosovo began in February in Vienna, and he hopes for a result by the end of this year. Churkin spoke after Ahtisaari briefed the council -- and then talked to reporters -- on his talks. During the closed-door meeting, Serbian Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica again ruled out independence and accused the international community of seeking to change Serbia's borders by force, diplomats attending the session said. Ahtisaari, asked before Churkin spoke whether he thought a solution might have to be imposed because of Kostunica's hard line, said it was "entirely premature to start talking how the end result of this exercise is going to be." But other council diplomats said an imposed solution would clearly be in order if a deal could not be negotiated. Ahtisaari said he had strong council support for his work. "I think everyone is interested that we have a thorough process -- in the end of the day that we can say that we have done our utmost to try to find a negotiated settlement," he said. This is an example of paid news reporting, "but other council diplomats" what other? I found this at They have much more information for concerned Orthodox to look at. Is this going to be a prelude to WWIII? Please look at developments in Kosovo, and decide. I think this is an interesting blog too, and from the same source |
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#5 |
15 July 2006
I wanted to add another very good assessment of what is at state in the Balkan region. Here it is: I really highly recommend this. Folks may not be aware of the presence of Enron concerns in this area, and why destabilization may be of interest to U.S. Commercial development schemes in the area. |
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#6 |
Kosovo: Countdown to Serb Exodus
July 11th, 2006 Back in May, an internal UN document was leaked to the media in which the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) is planning to help facilitate Kosovo Serb exodus in an event of a status decision. A UNHCR spokeswoman confirmed the existence of this internal report to Reuters saying that its reason is to “be ready to help a certain number of people who may be affected by a decision”. As the UNHCR spokeswoman did not specify which status decision will trigger Kosovo Serb exodus it follows then that any decision on Kosovo’s status will be a trigger that will initiate a Muslim Albanian pogrom of Kosovo Christians. Last week, villagers in Kosovo Serb enclaves have been visited Read the rest of this at: |
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#7 |
A NATION REBORN Kostunica fulfills Serb prophecy? 'He would unite all the people, who would rise and chase out the Godless' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Posted: October 14, 2000 1:00 a.m. Eastern © 2000 Editor's note: Reporter Aleksandar Pavic has been in Belgrade covering Yugoslavia's historic election and its dramatic aftermath for By Aleksandar Pavic © 2000,, Inc. BELGRADE, Yugoslavia -- About a month before the Sept. 24 election day in Yugoslavia, then-presidential candidate Vojislav Kostunica visited the small Serbian village of Kremna. One of the first to greet him was Petar Tarabic, who came up to him and said, "Welcome, Mr. President, may the Lord bless you." These words had special meaning then, because Kremna was not just an ordinary village. It had been made famous by the Tarabic brothers, who lived in the second half of the 19th century and prophesied much of what would befall Serbia in the 20th century. They had predicted that Serbs would renounce their name, which they did by forming Yugoslavia in 1918. They predicted that a man who was not a Serb would come and rule for a long time, which corresponded to the 40-year rule of the communist leader Tito, who was not a Serb. They predicted the turmoil following Tito's death and a long war in which Serbia would not participate but would be blamed for, which corresponds to the wars in Croatia and Bosnia. After all that ended, "a man would come from the people, named after [the village from where he came] |
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#8 |
18 July 2006
The Serbs Admits Their Missteps; Will America's Orthodox throw stones? Diocese of the Serbian Orthodox Church in USA and Canada Contact Us | (626) 289 9061 Truth about Serbia and Recent Balkan War The Truth About Serbia and the Recent Balkan War Compliments of the Greek Orthodox Diocese of Denver ©1996 "And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." (John 8:32) Contents: Bosnia - The Bloodshed and the Blame by Nora Beloff A Commentary by Bishop Isaiah of Denver This pamphlet is dedicated to all the innocent victims of the civil war in the former Yugoslavia. Bosnia - The Bloodshed and the Blame (The following article was written by Ms. Nora Beloff, who was contacted at her home in England and gave permission to reprint this article. Ms. Beloff is the former chief political correspondent of the Observer, and the author of several books, including Tito's Flawed Legacy.) It is one of the paradoxes of Yugoslavia's tragic civil war that most of the leaders of the Jewish community favour the Croats and the Muslims, backed respectively by the Germans and the Islamic world, against the Serbs, who are fighting primarily to rescue Serb enclaves from what they see as ethnically and religiously biased rule. Every Jew must shudder at the words 'ethnic cleansing' or 'genocide' and this agonised sensitivity has been exploited, by selective reporting and unconfirmed atrocities, to make the Serbs appear as Hitlerite aggressors. Most Serbs see themselves, on the contrary, as protectors of the Serb minorities who are living inside the internationally recognised but multi-ethnic provinces of what had been Yugoslavia, as well as acquiring the access routes to reach them. Recognising this discrepancy in no way denies the appalling suffering imposed by the siege of Sarajevo and other contested areas, nor belittles the efforts to rescue Jews from this inferno. But what we also need to admit is the overwhelming evidence that, although the Serbs have the heaviest and most televisable guns, they have no monopoly on the slaughter and sadism. All three communities, Orthodox, Catholic and Muslim, incited by vicious nationalist leaders, are guilty of war crimes against hapless civilians who happen not to belong to their own ethnic group. In this respect, President Slobodan Milosevic of Serbia is no worse than President Franjo Tudjman of Croatia or President Alija Izetbegovic of Bosnia. Political and religious leaders, whether Jewish or not, cannot help being influenced by a public, enraged by daily TV news bites presented to them by reporters with no knowledge of the historical or political background and who compete against each other for the most easily accessible horrors, the bloodier the better. Wiser judgements might prevail if the origins of the present conflict were examined. For there is no good reason to suppose that the dreadful civil war need never have taken place, had it not been for German and, later, American promotion of unilateral declarations of independence by the component parts of the Yugoslav federation – despite both the mixed ethnic composition of the populations and the repeated warnings from France and Britain. The Tito brand of Communism was already in an advanced state of decomposition and, in any case, had never been run for the benefit of the Serbs. New forms of self-government within appropriate boundaries might, with the help of international mediators, have been negotiated, with little acrimony and skirmishes. For when the fighting stops, the contenders, at least those who survive, will have to go on living within the same geographically narrow confines, though the present violence may have indefinitely delayed the ultimately necessary reconciliation. The simplistic Western view is that the troubles started when Milosevic re-imposed Serb rule on the Albanian-inhabited Serb province of Kosovo. Like other Communist bosses, he had recognised that he could retain power only by playing up the nationalist issue. What the media ignore is that, in the late 1960s, Tito had transferred power from the Serbs to his Albanian cronies and, as I saw during my own visits, they built up local support by harassing and driving out the hated and vulnerable Serbs. The Serb response was, of course, excessive but so was the reaction of the Slovene and Croat nationalists who used the Kosovo issue to fuel hatred and fear of the Serbs and to incite war hysteria. Even so, violence might have been averted had the Austrians and Germans not encouraged the rupture and fostered the belief that the struggle for independence would have international support. German intervention was itself provocative. Jews should be the first to remember that, in 1941, after Belgrade had rebelled against allowing Yugoslavia to be incorporated into the Axis, an enraged Hitler had condemned the Serbs to rank with the Jews and gypsies as a people to be destroyed. He left the genocidal job to his Croat nominee, the extremist Ante Pavelic – whose daughter has now been re-admitted to Tudjman's Croatia, where she has registered a party aiming to rehabilitate her father......This article can be accessed by clicking on the following link. |
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#9 |
26 July 2006
Synaxis of Holy Archangel Gabriel I've started a blogspot on recent Serbian events. As many of you may know, Serbia and the Albanian Kosovo representatives are engaging in direct talks in Vienna. So far they are at an impasse, since Serbia can not allow the independence of the site where Tsar Lazar gave the ultimate sacrifice for the faith, and the Albanians are following in the legacy of Murad I, saying that there can not be "two rulers"---in this case, the Albanians do not want to consider the compromise solution which the Serbian government is offering. Please feel free to send any news developments of this to me; I'm relying on such news sites as Reuters et. al, and trying to make sense of it all from an Orthodox perspective. This is a small way I can help to keep the Orthodox Proselytes correctly and currently informed on these crucial developments that have portent for all Orthodox in the world. In Christ, xenia |
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