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Old 04-03-2012, 02:32 AM   #1

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Default 10K Protesters wants elected HK new CEO to FO!

振英未上任 萬人喊下台 中聯辦被批干選舉 梁:虛心聽意見

明報 – 21小時前


  • 查看相片數以千計市民身穿黑衣參與民陣發起的遊行,高舉「豺狼當道,港人憤怒」的標語,抗議中聯辦介入特首選舉,踐 踏一國兩制。(余俊亮攝)
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【明報專訊】「香港我主場,西環請離場!」大批市民昨日參與民陣發起的遊行,抗議中聯辦介入特首選舉;民陣 聲稱有1.5萬人出席,較預期多出兩倍,警方就估計高峰期有5300人。
其中多個大專學生組織自備道具、動員同學出席遊行,高舉自由、民主的「神主牌」,批評被疑是共產黨員的候任 特首梁振英靠中聯辦「上位」,擔憂他上任後會加快「一國一制」;有父母就帶小朋友遊行,嘆道﹕「若我們這班 大人也不發聲,小朋友將來會很淒慘。」
梁振英發聲明稱,尊重市民自由表達不同意見的權利,並會按照《基本法》嚴格落實一國兩制、港人治港及高度自 治。他強調明白市民關注2017年普選特首安排和《基本法》23條立法,他會虛心聽市民意見。
昨日是梁振英當選後的首個周日,數以千計市民下午3時許從遮打道出發,遊行往中聯辦,沿途高呼「梁振英,大 話精」及「梁振英下台」等口號,誓言要與梁「鬥到他下台為止」。
這次遊行的骨幹,不單包括泛民政黨及民間組織,還有一班大專學生。約30名浸大社工系學生「打頭陣」,頭掛 紅巾、扮演故事《小紅帽》的主角,諷刺梁振英有如故事中的狼般,先扮好人濟世為懷,後以鐵腕管治扼殺港人自 由。
理大社工系學生自製多架巨型道具坦克,希望透過藝術方式喚起港人關注言論及新聞自由被收窄的問題。他們到達 中聯辦後,更用坦克「輾過」民主紙牌,寓意民主不死。
「CY 咪再去西環,我哋至係你老闆!」、「我愛香港,不愛共產黨!」劉先生昨攜同分別6歲及4歲的小朋友遊行,他 批評中聯辦今次介入特首選舉「太過分、太肉 酸」,亦憂慮梁上台後會強推23條立法,「今次是為下一代出來,23條立法就好像頭上架起一把隨時會砍下來 的刀,扼殺港人的自由」。卓先生就自備「We are the 82.2%」的標語,諷刺早前在民間投票只取得17.8%市民支持的梁振英缺乏認受性,又批評本港傳媒在今 次選舉上歸邊,偏離公正立場。
「踩過狼皮,我做主人!」遊行人士抵達中聯辦後,踩過印上「豺狼當道,港人憤怒」的狼形橫額以 示抗議。
大會5時許宣布遊行結束後,近千名示威者續留守中聯辦外空地,要求到正門放下示威道具不果,一度與警方衝突 ,警方兩度施放胡椒噴霧(詳見另稿)。示威者最終在晚上10時半左右和平散去。
學者﹕非大日子 人數不算少
中大政治與行政學系高級導師蔡子強認為,梁振英未上任、什麼都未做已有數以千計人上街,反映市民對梁和中聯 辦涉干預本港事務反感。
他認為,昨日並非七一等「傳統大日子」,泛民未全力動員,單靠民陣發動遊行,「1.5萬人已經不算少,對梁 振英是警號」。
工黨主席李卓人稱,今次遊行數字反映民心所向,當中有特別多年輕學生參與,或因對核心價值態度曖昧的梁振英 ,踩中了年輕人最重視的原則問題。他又聲言,泛民未來會用盡議會空間與梁振英對抗,並會繼續推動民間動員, 將「反英抗暴」運動延續下去。
■明報報料熱線inews@mingpao.com/ 9181 4676

Chun-ying took office people shouting under the Taichung Liaison Office has been approved stem election beam: with an open mind to listen to the views
Ming Pao, Ming Pao Daily News - 21 hours ago
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College students wearing the "Little Red Riding Hood" satirical beam

The backbone of the procession, not including the Pan-Gerakan and non-governmental organizations, as well as a group of college students. About 30 BU social work students at the head, head hanging Hongjin play the protagonist of the story "Little Red Riding Hood", ironically, Leung Chun-ying like the story of the wolf-like, the first play the good guys save the world and caring, with an iron fist governance stifle Hong Kong people free.

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CY microphone to go West, Central, I Die to the Department of your boss, "I love Hong Kong, do not love the Communist Party!" Mr. Liu to bring children 6 years old and 4-year-old procession yesterday, he criticized the Liaison Office to intervene in this Chief Executive election "too much is too Rousuan" also worried that the beam came to power after a strong push in the legislation of 23, "This is out for the next generation, 23 legislation like the head set up one at any time will be cut down and the knife, strangle Hong Kong people's freedom. " Mr Zhuo would bring their own "We are the 82.2%" of the slogan, satire made only 17.8 percent of public support earlier vote in the civil Leung Chun-ying lack of acceptability, also criticized the local media to take sides in this election, the deviation from the fair ground.

Stepped skins, my master! "The procession arrived at the Liaison Office, stepped on the printed" wolf power and anger the people of Hong Kong, "the wolf-shaped banners in protest.

General Assembly five o'clock announced the end of the procession, nearly a thousand demonstrators continued the open space outside of the stay in the Liaison Office, the request to the main entrance to put down the demonstrations props to no avail, once clashed with police, police cast pepper spray twice (see draft). The demonstrators eventually dispersed peacefully around 22:30.

Scholars: a big day for the number of not less

Senior Tutor in Politics and Public Administration Ivan CHOY LEUNG Chun-ying, assumed office, and done nothing to have been thousands of people took to the streets, reflecting the antipathy of the people involved on the beam and the Liaison Office to intervene in the affairs of Hong Kong.

In his view, not seventy-one and other "traditional big day yesterday, Pan-China is not fully mobilized SNF alone to launch the procession," 1.5 million people have not less alarm, "Leung Chun-ying.

Labor Party Chairman Lee Cheuk-yan said the procession figures reflect the wishes of the people, particularly young students, or because of the ambiguous attitude on the core values ​​of Leung Chun-ying, stepped on the young people the most important issues of principle. He also declared that the pan-China will be the future exhaustion of Parliament space confrontation and Leung Chun-ying, and will continue to promote civil mobilization, anti-British uprising movement continue.

Ming Pao reporter

■ Ming Pao a rebellion hotline inews@mingpao.com / 9181 4676
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