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Old 03-21-2012, 01:53 PM   #1

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Default Taiwan mata caught Joint Venture with Protitution Syndicate. Free Fuck Loan Rental

應召站向警租屋 女大生供白嫖
自由時報自由時報 – 2012年3月21日 上午4:28

應召站向警租屋 女大生供白嫖放大照片

應召站向警租屋 女大生供白嫖

〔自由時報記者林俊宏、吳仁捷、李忠憲/綜合報導〕檢調偵辦新北市員警包庇楊育勝應召站案,昨約談赫然發現 ,涉案員警明知楊育勝被通緝,竟跟著他吃香喝辣,還接受性招待,專嫖幼齒女大學生,其中前板橋派出所巡佐吳 俊儒,更將房子租給應召站當「機房」,以接聽嫖客電話、調度馬伕載小姐外賣,辦案人員直呼「實 在荒唐!」

離譜! 掃黃遇見自己人

板橋警分局去年破獲楊育勝、陳雅文為首的應召站,查獲楊育勝旗下3名外籍女子賣淫,赫見前新北市警局110 勤務中心警員曾志朗在場,板橋分局展開自清,查出前板橋派出所巡佐吳俊儒的妻子,將她名下板橋南雅西路頂樓 加蓋處租給應召站業者陳雅文,而吳俊儒的同僚呂孟璁、曹怡傑,就租住在同樓層的隔間套房,偵查佐蘇福明也向 業者陳雅文借款。

警方說,吳俊儒是警專10期畢業,85年從保三調往板橋分局,期間擔任板橋所專案人員,呂孟璁、曹怡傑為組 員;吳俊儒吸收應召業者楊育勝、陳雅文當線民,去年9月13日楊育勝被發布通緝,陳雅文擔心自己也被通緝, 要求呂、蘇2警協助查詢警用電腦,已涉洩密與縱放通緝犯,而涉案員警若得知警方將臨檢,也馬上打電話用暗語 向陳嫌通風報信。

業者被通緝 警吃喝同行

檢調發現,楊育勝被通緝,卻還能開「奇蹟西藏:燻蒸足療館」按摩店為幌子,並媒介色情,這些員警都視而不見 ,還常一起吃喝。而應召旗下雖只有10個小姐,但多數是大學生,皮膚白皙、上圍傲人、身材玲瓏有致,涉案2 警愛上這粉味,楊育勝也故意拉攏員警,偶爾叫小姐全套服務「招待」警察好友。

楊育勝的應召站佈滿監視器,夾雜在老舊公寓及大樓間,外觀不起眼,但出入份子多,而接聽嫖客電話的「機房」 ,房東竟是警察,警方懷疑楊男利用警方身分掩護,以免鄰居察覺。

辦案人員從業者帳冊發現,涉案員警和楊嫌有多筆2000到6000元不等的金錢往來,懷疑是賄款,但涉案員 警指稱只是借貸,也沒接受性招待,其中2警被帶往調查局測謊。

4警被調職 1人查無不法

板橋警分局長艾鵬表示,板橋警方主動調查這起風紀案,認為巡佐吳俊儒、警員呂孟璁、偵查佐蘇福明涉嫌,案發 1週內將自檢報告函轉警察局政風室,去年12月6日將3員依涉及洩密、公務員包庇圖利使人為性交或猥褻罪等 ,函送板檢偵辦,並將吳俊儒調瑞芳分局警備隊、呂孟璁調大觀所、蘇福明調汐止分局,初步認為曹怡傑未涉不法 ,而曾志朗因行為不檢,記2小過調任新店分局。

今年2月24日,板橋分局配合地檢署指揮,過濾、補足該案事證,再移請檢方偵辦,檢調昨搜索5名員警住處, 帶回4人,連同借提的業者楊育勝,檢方複訊漏夜偵訊中。

Call station female students to the police rented for a white prostitute

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Liberty Times Liberal Times - March 21, 2012 morning 4:28
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The call station for a white prostitute female students to the police rented larger photo

Call station female students to the police rented for a white prostitute

[Liberty Times reporter Chun-Hung Lin, Wu Renjie, Li Zhongxian / roundup] Prosecutors Investigating new Taipei City police to cover up the Yang Yusheng summoned station case, yesterday interviewed was surprised to find, involving police officers knowingly Yang Yusheng wanted, actually followed his popular hot drink. also accepted hospitality, specifically prostitution Chicks female college students, which Itabashi police station, Sergeant Wu Junru, the house rented out to the call station when the "engine room", to answer clients calls, scheduling groom set out takeaway Miss investigators address him "is absurd!"

Outrageous! Anti-vice to meet their own people

Panchiao precinct office uncovered last year, Yang Yusheng, Yama Chan led by the call station, seized Yang Yusheng's three foreign women into prostitution He op. Taipei City Police Department 110 service center police officers Tseng Chih-lang presence Itabashi Branch commence self-cleaning, check Itabashi police station, Sergeant Wu Junru wife out of the top, her name the Banqiao Nanya West rooftop at leased summoned station industry by Yama Chan, Wu Junru colleagues Lvmeng Cong Cao Yijie, on the rental suites on the same floor of the compartment, The investigation Zuosufuming Yama Chan borrower to the industry.

Police said Wu Junru Police Academy graduated in 10, 85 years from the Conservative moved to Itabashi Branch, served as Itabashi the project staff, the Lv Mengcong, Cao Yijie for the crew; Wu Junru absorption summoned industry Yang Yusheng, Yama Chan when the line of China, last September 13 May, Yang Yusheng was issued arrest, Yama Chan worried about himself wanted to Lu Su police assistance inquiries police computer has been involved in the leak and vertical put wanted criminals involved in the police learned that the police will rummage, but also immediately called the code word to Chen is suspected of tipping off.

Industry were wanted by police eating and drinking peers

Prosecutors found that Yang Yusheng wanted, still able to open the "miracle of Tibet: under the guise of fumigation foot museum" massage parlors, and media pornography, the police turn a blind eye, and they often eat and drink. Summoned's only 10, Miss, but the majority of college students, fair-skinned, Wai proud, she is exquisite, involving two police fell in love with this Fenwei Yang Yusheng deliberately to draw the police, and occasionally a lady full-service " hospitality "police friend.

Yang Yusheng's summoned station filled with monitors, sandwiched between the old apartment and the building the appearance of the humble, but the access elements, while answering the "engine room" of the clients phone, the landlord was actually the police, the police suspect that Young male police identity cover to avoid neighbors aware.

Books found that practitioners of the investigators involved have pen ranging from 2000-6000 yuan of money between police and Young too, suspected bribes, but involved the police alleged that only loans, did not accept the sexual hospitality, of which two police were with to the Bureau of Investigation polygraph.

Four police be transferred to a check all

Itabashi police sub-director, said Ai Peng, Itabashi police initiate investigations into this windy discipline case that Sergeant Wu Junru the policemen Lvmeng Cong investigation Zuosufuming suspected crime within 1 week of self-test report letter turn the Police Department Civil Service Ethics Office, last year 12 6 January 3 by involving disclosure, civil servants to cover up for profit makes sexual intercourse or indecent assault, submit such investigation board inspection and tune Wu Junru Guard Juifang Branch, the Lv Mengcong tune Grand, the Su Fuming tune Sijhih Branch, preliminary that Cao Yijie not involved in illegal activities, while Tseng Chih-lang for misconduct, Hutchison smaller than transferred to the new store branch.

February 24 this year, Itabashi Branch with the Prosecutors Office for Command, filter, make up the case evidence, and then shift to please the prosecution investigators, prosecutors yesterday to search for five police residence, back to four people, together with the industry by mentioning Yang Yusheng, the prosecution complex information overnight interrogation.
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