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Old 02-08-2012, 05:00 PM   #1

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Default Bank chief dare not report robbery but bandit reported himself! Car Sex Corruption!

银行行长与女下属玩"车震"被劫 双方不敢声张(图)
2012年02月08日 16:35:44
来源: 东南网

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  行长不敢报案,劫匪自己举报。时隔一年多后,其中一名朱姓劫匪因其他案子入狱,在看守所里举报“曾抢劫 行长”,帮助警方破案,因此获得轻判。
  昨日,“车震劫案”的最后一名落网的劫匪蔡某艺被思明区法院一审判处有期徒刑11年。另外,法院还判决 三劫匪要共同退赔行长的被劫损失。
  行长不敢报案 劫匪自己举报
  几年前,闹得沸沸扬扬的行长车震被劫案总算有结局了。而这一切,都要归功于举报“被劫行长 ”的劫匪朱某
  陈某提议,晚上到东坪山去抢劫,因为那里有很多有钱人开车去谈恋爱,而且很多人的关系不好说,他们怕关 系败露,未必敢报警。当天晚上,4人来到东坪山,抢劫一对情侣5000元。随后,陈某、朱某等陆续分开作案 。
  当朱某因其他案子入狱后,他举报了3个同伙犯下的这起打劫 “车震行长”一案。当然,这一起劫案,朱某没有参与。

  双方都有家室 玩车震被打劫
  于是3劫匪分好工,1人对付女的,另两人对付男的。随后,劫匪用铁锤将车窗砸破,陈某先拉开车门对车内 男子说,“哥们,看一下几点了”。车内男子抬起手时,却看到一把50多厘米长的砍刀。
  当时,车内男子还马上“来一脚”,要将进车的陈某踹出车外,就在他想开车逃跑时,蔡某滨扑过来,将车内 男子控制住。而车内的女子也早已被蔡某艺拎出来挟持。3人绑住这对男女,并从他们的手提包内搜出2000多 元现金、银行卡及两人的工作证。
  行长自认倒霉 法院判决还钱
  陈某等人拿到钱后,将副行长及女职员放走。不过,他们也很“狡猾”,还用单刃刀扎破行长的马自达轿车轮 胎,并驾车逃离现场。
  此前,朱某、陈某和蔡某滨已经相继落网。作案后,蔡某艺一直在逃,直到2011年9月7日,他在浙江省 杭州市江干区笕桥街道横塘村一出租房内被当地警方抓获到案。
  昨天,思明法院还判决蔡某艺及其两名同伙要再共同退赔2万多元给“受害的”副行长及其女下 属。(记者 陈捷 通讯员 思法/文 刘奎宁/图)


新华社会 > 正文
银行行长与女下属玩"车震"被劫 双方不敢声张(图)
2012年02月08日 16:35:44
来源: 东南网

【字号: 】【打印】

  行长与女下属山上玩"车震" 遇劫匪不敢声张甘吃哑巴亏
  厦门网-厦门商报讯 (商报记者 陈光豪 通讯员 思法)夜晚,东坪山上,一起抢劫案牵出了银行副行长与女下属的“车震门”。发生在多年前的这起案件,一度被 炒得沸沸扬扬,如今有了最近进展。记者昨日获悉,最后一名漏网之鱼终被法院判刑。
  2006年6月,朱某、蔡某艺、蔡某滨、陈某4人一番预谋后,提议晚上到东坪山去抢劫。他们认为,很多有钱人晚上开车去那约会,山上偏僻,便于抢劫,而 且一些人的关系不好说,未必敢报警。事后,他们或共同作案,或分开作案。
  当月12日晚上,蔡某艺、蔡某滨、陈某3人开着租来的汽车,携带仿真手枪、刀子、塑料电击 器、铁锤、塑料绳扣等作案工具,来到东坪山。
  当时,3人瞄上了一辆马自达轿车,这车上一男一女正在“车震”。3人挥起铁锤砸破车窗玻璃后,手持仿真 枪、刀子威胁车内的男女,接着用塑料绳扣捆绑两人的手脚,并从两人的包内分别劫取2000元、 500元。
  随后,3人进行分工。蔡某滨负责在马自达轿车内看管女子,并以塑料电击器冒充遥控炸弹,绑在男子的小腿 上进行威胁;蔡某艺负责驾驶租用来的汽车;陈某负责持刀胁迫男子。
  就这样,他们载着男子先后来到两家银行,逼男子使用两人的银行卡取现、转账,分别劫走男子3万元、女子 4000元。事后,蔡某艺3人将这对男女的手机扔掉,用刀子扎破男子的轿车轮胎,并逃离现场。
  2007年2月9日,就在案发后半年多,朱某因涉嫌抢劫罪落网。因为抢劫次数多、案值大,怕被重判,朱某的思想压力非常大。在民警的思想工作下,未参与 东坪山这起抢劫案的朱某举报了这起案件,并检举同伙,帮助警方成功破案。于是,行长“车震门” 浮出水面。
  2011年9月份,被网上追逃的蔡某艺在浙江杭州落网,他也是最后一名漏网之鱼。目前,其他同伙均已被 判刑入狱。
  思明区法院认为,蔡某艺伙同他人,以非法占有为目的,采取暴力手段,强取他人钱财,共计36500元, 数额巨大,其行为已构成抢劫罪。记者昨日获悉,思明区法院一审判处蔡某艺有期徒刑11年,剥夺政治权利1年 ,并处罚金1万元。

Governor of the Bank and female subordinates play "car shock" hijacked both sides Buganshengzhang (Figure)
February 08, 2012 Day 16:35:44
Source: Southeast Network
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The middle of the night, the mountains, a bank branch in Xiamen Vice-President and his female subordinate play "car shock" was robbed of 36,000 yuan, but not the police.

The governor did not dare report the robbers own report. After a lapse of more than a year, one of the Chus robbers to jail for any other case, reported in the detention center had robbery governor "to help police solve the case, so to obtain a lenient sentence.

Yesterday, car shock robbery last one netted robbers Cai Yi, Siming District, the Court of First Instance sentenced to 11 years in prison. In addition, the court also ordered the three robbers to make joint restitution of Governors of the losses were robbed.

Governor did not dare report the robbers Report

A few years ago, ignited the governor car shock was robbery finally ending the All this should be attributed to Report "hijacked the governor," the robbers Zhu.

It turned out that one day in early September 2006, Zhu money online, they find a good buddy Chen, Cai Moubin and Cai Yi.

Chen proposed that night to rob East Tsuboyama, because there are a lot of wealthy people can drive to fall in love, and many people can not say they were afraid of the relationship brought to light, may not dare to alarm. In the evening, four people came to East Pingshanyou, robbed a couple of 5000 yuan. Subsequently, Chen, Zhu successively separate crime.

Zhu is in jail for any other case, he reported three accomplices committed this robbery "car shock governor case. Of course, this with the robbery, Zhu did not participate.

On both sides married to play car shock has been robbed

Zhu's report was eventually proved to be true. The Tribunal found in the middle of the night of June 12, 2006, Chen, Cai Moubin and Cai Yi locked in an ambush when a goal - a black Mazda sedan parked on the roadside, body violent shaking.

So well on the three robbers work, a person to deal with a female, the other two deal with men. Subsequently, the robbers with a hammer the windows smashed, Chen first Lakaijumen car man said, "Man, look at the time it is. Car man raised his hand, but to see one over 50 cm long machete.

At that time, the car man immediately "to kick", you want the car Chen kick out of the bus when he wanted to drive to escape Caimou Bin flutter over the car man under control. The woman inside the car has already been Cai Yi carry out hostage. 3 people tied to this man and woman, and the seizure of more than 2000 yuan in cash from their handbags, bank cards and the two work permits.

Unexpectedly, both men and women had each married man is the deputy governor of a bank branch in Xiamen, the female is a female staff member of the same bank.

Seeing the handle and female colleagues to be controlled, the deputy governor had to drive alone to the foot of the bank ATM over 30,000 dollars ransom.

The governor Zirendaomei the judgment of the Court to repay

Chen and others got the money, let go of the Deputy Governors and female staff. However, they are also very cunning, also governor of the single blade knife punctured tire of Mazda cars, and car fled the scene.

For fear of the matter quiet! Has been no alarm, the deputy governor and female colleagues.

The deputy governor did not think a year later, the arrest of Zhu puts the matter as a "straw", exposing his accomplices in exchange for a lenient sentence. The deputy governor also had frankly stated to the police facts were robbed.

Previously, Zhu Chen and Cai Moubin already have been arrested. After committing the crime, Cai Yi has been on the run, until September 7, 2011, he was in a rented room in Beijing Haidian District jianqiao Wang Tong village, street by local police arrested appearing in court.

It is understood that the vice president of their female subordinates after Chen has been robbed restitution of more than 10,000 yuan.

Yesterday, Yasmin court also ordered Cai Yi and his two accomplices again to restitution of more than 20,000 yuan to the victims of vice president of its female subordinates. (Reporter Jay Chen correspondent Best method / Liu Kuining / Figure)

Xinhua News
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Governor of the Bank and female subordinates play "car shock" hijacked both sides Buganshengzhang (Figure)
February 08, 2012 Day 16:35:44
Source: Southeast Network
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Governor and women under the mountains to play "car shock" encountered robbers Buganshengzhang willing to eat yabakui

Xiamen - Xiamen Daily News (Chinese Commercial News reporter Chen Guanghao correspondent thought) night, Dongping mountains, a robbery pull the car door shock "Bank Vice President and his female subordinate. This case occurred many years ago, once fired storm, and now has been recent progress. Reporter learned yesterday, the last one slip through the net was eventually court sentencing.

The Governor "car shock" case of robbers

In June 2006, after some premeditated Zhu, Yi Cai, Cai Moubin, Chen proposed East Pingshan to rob at night. They believe that many rich people at night to drive to that appointment, remote mountains, easy to robbery, but some people can not say, may not dare to alarm. Later, they or common crime, or separated from committing the crime.

Night on the 12th of the month, Cai Yi, Cai Moubin, Chen drove a rental car to carry the simulation pistol, knife, plastic defibrillator, a hammer, plastic cord locks, and other tools of crime, to the east Tsuboyama.

At that time, took aim at a Mazda car, this car of a man and a woman is "car shock". 3 people wielded a hammer smashed car windows, armed with imitation guns, knives threat to the men and women inside the car, then two hands and feet tied up with plastic tie clip, rob from the two packages were 2000 yuan, 500 yuan .

Subsequently, a division of labor. Caimou Bin responsible for the custody of the woman in the Mazda car, and plastic defibrillator posing as remote-controlled bomb tied to threaten the man's leg; Cai Yi responsible for driving the rented car; Chen is responsible for a knife to stress man.

In this way, carrying the men have come to the two banks, and forced the men to use their bank card withdrawals and transfers, were robbed man of 30,000 yuan, 4000 yuan for women. Later, Cai Yi, these mobile phones for men and women to throw away the man's car tires, punctured with a knife, and fled the scene.

The couple is not a normal couple, they each married man Xiamen, a deputy governor of the bank branches, the woman is subordinate. Afraid of the things quiet!, Deputy Governor and his female subordinate willing to eat Yaba Kui has been no alarm.

Robbers blew the whistle on the "car shock door"

February 9, 2007, more than six months after the incident, Zhu arrested on suspicion of robbery. Because the number of robbery, the value of the case, the fear of heavy sentence, Zhu ideological pressure is very large. The ideological work of the police, did not participate in the East Tsuboyama robberies Zhu reported this case and report his associates to help the police solve the case successfully. So, the president "car shock door" surfaced.

September 2011, the online pursuit of Cai Arts arrested in Hangzhou, Zhejiang, and he is also the last one slip through the net. At present, the other accomplices have been sentenced to prison.

Siming District Court held that, Cai Yi, together with others for the purpose of illegal possession, to take violent means, strong to take money from others, for a total of 36,500 yuan, a huge amount of his behavior constituted a robbery. Reporter learned yesterday, Siming District Court of First Instance sentenced Cai Yi 11 years in prison and one year deprivation of political rights and fined 10,000 yuan.
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