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02-06-2012, 01:59 AM | #1 |
江苏响水疑犯遭刑讯逼供后死亡 被公安副局长强行火化 2012年02月05日 08:15:58 来源: 京华时报 新华微博 【字号:大 中 小】【打印】 【纠错】 疑犯遭刑讯逼供死亡,死者家属得到公安局178万元的赔款后,放弃尸检,死者尸体随即被火化。2月3日 ,江苏省盐城市东 台市法院开庭审理了响水县疑犯遭刑讯逼供死亡一案。庭上,因涉嫌刑讯逼供站在被告席上的响水县公安局原副局 长陈进兵,反告盐城市检察院在取证过程中也对他 进行了刑讯逼供。 >>指控 178万换来家属承诺书 公诉人称,2011年6月21日10时,盐城市响水县公安局原副局长、城东派出所原所长陈进兵,签字同 意两名民警将涉嫌盗窃罪的戴某从响水镇派 出所带到看守所进行“特讯”。当晚,戴某遭到两名民警和一名联防队员“悬挂、脚踢、殴打”等刑讯逼供后,身 体出现异常,被送往响水县人民医院后不治身亡。 陈进兵获悉后,当天向响水县公安局领导汇报。县公安局安排刑警大队法医对死者进行尸检发现,其四肢、手 腕有伤,下肢大腿处有皮下出血状况,认为是钝器外力所致。22日凌晨,响水县公安局召开党组扩大会议,讨论 如何处理戴某非正常死亡事件。 随后,陈进兵等人和死者妻子陈某等家属协商,陈某索赔200万元,警方答应尽量筹款,并起草了一份死者 家属承诺书。承诺书以死者亲属的名义,不要求尸检,要求立即火化尸体。 火化当天,陈进兵派响水县城东派出所教导员带着一张盖有响水县公安局公章的材料纸赶到殡仪馆,以备不时 之需。死者妻子陈某收下178万元赔款后,在承诺书上签了字。 违命火化死者尸体 公诉人称,陈进兵在赶往殡仪馆的路上,接到了县公安局局长王晓静下达的命令:“不准火化尸体。”在殡仪 馆外,另一位副局长孟海峰找到陈进兵,当面又说了“不准火化尸体”的命令。 火化过程中,护士给死者穿衣时,也接到县公安局法医“不准火化尸体”的电话通知,便将尸体推回了冷藏箱 内。城东派出所教导员打电话将此事告诉了 陈进兵。陈进兵向法医询问,法医说:“是局长王晓静不让火化的。”但陈进兵仍然让城东派出所教导员出示火化 证明,火化了戴某的尸体。此后,陈进兵又让城东 派出所人员为死者家属支付了火化费等费用,将刑讯逼供案的证据销毁。 >>申辩 曾遭检察院刑讯逼供 在法庭上,被告人陈进兵否认了盐城市检察院公诉书中的大部分陈述,“不清楚戴某具体在什么时间死亡”, “从未与死者家属商谈”,“没有起草过死者家属承诺书”,他称自己并不清楚此案细节,与此前他的供认差别很 大。 陈进兵说,此前所有的供认均不是他的本意,是因他遭到检察机关的刑讯逼供,不得已才写下的 。 陈进兵还称,他在接受市检察院工作人员讯问时,曾被用椅子殴打双腿,弄伤大拇指,并长期得不到休息。此外, 陈进兵称,他还遭到诱供,有检察官对其表示,只要他乖乖配合,就不会出大事。 对此,在庭的公诉人认为,陈进兵的供认有多份,分别在不同时间不同地点,由不同的检察官取证,内容基本 一致,即使存在少数检察官运用不合法的方式,也不能证明陈进兵此前的供认是虚假的。公诉人表示,将出示全程 录像录音,由法院判定市检察院是否有刑讯逼供行为。 责任不应由一人承担 据了解,对戴某进行刑讯逼供的两名民警此前已被判刑,分别是1年和2年有期徒刑。 陈进兵的辩护律师认为,陈进兵的行为是响水县公安局2011年6月22日凌晨党组扩大会议的决定,责任 不应由其一人承担。陈进兵的姐夫表示,陈进兵很可能是“替罪羊”。据了解,响水县公安局局长王晓静不久前被调离。 >>疑点 178万赔款从哪里来 对于178万元的巨额赔款,响水县警方表示,是由县公安局和城东派出所共同筹集,但未说明从何处筹集, 是否动用财政拨款。 刑讯逼供致人死亡,本应作为刑事案件移交司法机关追究刑事责任,而响水县公安局却能通过巨额赔款和死者 家属达成协议,不进行尸检就火化尸体。响水县公安局具体是如何与死者家属协商的,为何能隐匿案情,这是本案 最大的疑点。 据民间传闻,因分钱不均导致不和,死者家属一怒之下告到了盐城市检察院。 |
02-06-2012, 02:01 AM | #2 |
Jiangsu ring water suspects died after being torture by the Public Security Deputy Secretary for forcibly cremated
The suspect was torture to death, the family of the deceased to the Public Security Bureau, 1.78 million yuan of compensation to give up the autopsy, the dead body was immediately cremated. February 3, Yancheng City, Jiangsu Province, Dongtai the court hearing of the case the Xiangshui suspect was torture to death. The court, on suspicion of torture to the Xiangshui Public Security Bureau, former deputy director Chen Jinbing standing in the dock, turn against the Yancheng City Procuratorate in the evidence collection process against him torture. >> Allegations 1.78 million in exchange for the families of the undertaking The prosecutor said the June 21, 2011, Yancheng Xiangshui Public Security Bureau, former deputy director, former director Chen Jinbing east of the city police station, to sign an agreement Daimou two police suspected of theft from the ring for Township police station brought to the detention center for "special inquiry". That night, Daimou were two police and a defense team suspension, kicking, assault "torture, physical abnormalities, was sent to the Xiangshui People's Hospital where he died. After Chen Jinbing informed, to the Xiangshui Public Security Bureau reported. County Public Security Bureau of Interpol arrangements brigade forensic autopsy found that the deceased, their limbs, wrist injury, lower extremity thigh subcutaneous haemorrhage, that is blunt external force due. In the early morning of 22 Xiangshui Public Security Bureau held a party group of an enlarged meeting to discuss how to deal with Daimou non-normal deaths. Subsequently, the negotiation of the families of the Chenjin Bing, etc. and the deceased and his wife Chen, Chen claims two million yuan, the police promised to try to raise funds and the drafting of the undertaking of a family of the deceased. Undertaking on behalf of the relatives of the deceased, does not require an autopsy, called for an immediate cremation of corpses. Cremated the same day, Chen Jinbing sent the Xiangshui east of the city police station Instructor with a cover the Xiangshui Public Security Bureau official seal material paper rushed to the funeral parlor to prepare for contingencies. Deceased wife Chen accept the 1.78 million yuan compensation, on the undertaking signed. Disobedience cremated the body of the deceased Prosecutors said Chen Jinbing rushed to the funeral parlor on the road, received a county public security bureau, Wang Xiaojing, issued the command: "No cremation of dead bodies." Outside the funeral parlor, another deputy director of Meng Haifeng find Chenjin Bing, face to face added "No cremation of dead bodies." command. Cremation process, the nurse to the deceased dressed, also received the County Public Security Bureau forensic allowed to cremation of the body "phone call, put the body to push back a refrigerated box. Instructor of the east station called matter told Chenjin Bing. Chen Jinbing asked the forensic, forensic, said: "Secretary Wang Xiaojing not allow cremation but Chen Jinbing still east of the city police station instructor to produce a cremation certificate and cremated Daimou's body. Since then, Chen Jinbing letting east of the city police station personnel paid for the family of the deceased, cremation fees, destroyed evidence of the torture case. >> Defense Who have been Procuratorate torture In court, the defendant Chen Jinbing denied most of the statements of the Yancheng City Procuratorate indictment, "do not know Daimou death" at what particular time, "never to discuss with the family of the deceased," did not draft the undertaking of the family of the deceased ", he said he did not know the case details, and after his confession difference. The Chen Jinbing said that after the confession was not his intention, he was subjected to the torture of the procuratorial organs, a last resort before wrote. Chenjin Bing also said that he was to accept the staff interrogation of the City People's Procuratorate, was beaten with chair legs, injured his thumb, and long-term no rest. In addition, Chen Jinbing said he was trickery, prosecutors said its not a big, as long as he obediently with. In this regard, the tribunal prosecutor that confession Chen Jinbing multiple copies of different locations at different times by different prosecutors and evidence collection, the content is consistent, even in the presence of a small number of prosecutors to use the illegal way, we can not prove that Chen into soldiers, previous confession was false. The prosecutor said it would show the whole video recording, the court held that the City Procuratorate acts of torture. Responsibility should not be borne by one person It is understood that on Daimou two police torture had already been sentenced, respectively, 1 year and 2 years in prison. Chen Jinbing defense counsel believe that the, Chen Jinbing behavior is the Xiangshui Public Security Bureau Party Group to expand in the early morning of June 22, 2011 decision of the meeting, the responsibility should not by a bear. Chen Jinbing brother-in-law, Chen Jinbing is likely to be a "scapegoat". It is understood that the Xiangshui Public Security Bureau, the Secretary Wang Xiaojing recently been removed. >> Doubt 1.78 million reparations come from Huge indemnity of 178 million, the the Xiangshui police said that the county public security bureau and the east of the city police station to raise, but not where to raise, whether the use of financial allocations. Torture causing death, should handed over to judicial organs be held criminally responsible as a criminal case, the Xiangshui Public Security Bureau was able to reach an agreement by the huge amount of reparations and family of the deceased, not an autopsy on the cremation of the body. The Xiangshui Public Security Bureau is the specific consultation with the family of the deceased, why conceal the merits, this is the case the biggest doubt. According to popular rumor, because cents uneven result, the family of the deceased reported to huff Yancheng's Procuratorate. |
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