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12-09-2011, 09:16 PM | #1 |
Election portrait from an election 18 years ago, was kept by his old mom secretively. The candidate in the poster looked too much like himself. This Taiwanese man finally found his long lost brother after separating for 51 years.
His mom was in hardship after typhoon destroyed family farm 51 years ago, she could not feed her children so she gave away the 50 days old boy to a richer family, and all this while did not want to establish contact, even though she is knew that he became an election candidate 18 years ago. She just preserved a copy of his election portrait. That roused suspicion of the son. And he contacted his brother and established prove of their relations.太像了-18年前競選照...XN0Aw--;_ylv=3 太像了!18年前競選照 認出自己親哥哥 TVBS – 2011年12月9日 下午3:33 相關內容 親兄弟分隔51年,因為一張競選文宣一家團圓,新北市一名宋姓男子,上個月發現重病母親把一張18年前的競 選文宣藏在抽屜裡,發現當時競選板橋市代表的沈信麟,樣貌和自己頗為神似,一查之下發現沈信麟就是他失散多 年的親哥哥,當初因為家境不好,母親將他送養給其他人,一家人分開了51年,終於重逢。 就是這張18年前的競選文宣,促成了一家人的團圓。當初就是看到競選市民代表的沈信麟,和自己長得太像了, 一問之下才知道,自己原來和對方是一家人,相隔51年後,認祖歸宗。 當事人母親:「51年了。」 回想起50多年前的往事,老媽媽心裡滿是感概,做夢也沒想過,都已經84歲了,心裡始終掛念的,被送養的孩 子還會回來認親,她說家中排行老6的兒子出生那 年,剛好遇上颱風,種的菜全都泡湯,生活撐不下去,只好把出生50天的兒子,送到土城一戶有錢人家報戶口, 希望兒子能過得好一點,其他兒子要去相認,都被 她阻止。 當事人母親:「我知道兒子在哪裡,但我不去找他,會影響他們一家人生活,當初送給人家就好了,不要影響人家 的生活。」 也許真的是母子連心,兒子養母存放在抽屜的老文宣,曾經讓兒子姊姊起疑,加上太太也說候選人跟自己長得實在 神似,質疑自己身分,宋姓男子追查下才曉得,文宣上的人就是自己的親哥哥,一家人分隔將近半世紀,終於重逢 。 |
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