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Old 08-05-2011, 06:26 PM   #1

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Default 陈水扁's foul filthy money STINKS TO HELL! Banker TBT want them out of vault! 臭钱!
Corrupt Bian's billions of cash rots and fungals in the vault. The banker who let Bian use vault Tak Boleh Tahan!

Bian's cash smells and rots and en-risk the priceless Chinese brush paintings that are within the safe security center.

Banker TBT and kept pushing Bian's wife etc to move filthy billions away and they kept ignoring him, eventually got disposed into secret bank A/Cs!


金改案 嫌扁錢髒臭 馬維建改存人頭戶

更新日期:2011/08/05 05:30 郭良傑/台北報導
元大金控總經理馬維建,昨天在金改案二審辯論庭上爆料,扁家七點四億元搬到他們家的保管室時,部分舊鈔發霉,又髒又臭,他擔心會 影響保管室內的名畫,趕緊將舊鈔存到銀行人頭戶。審判長張傳栗質疑「臭錢不就是A來的嗎?如果是貪汙的錢, 當然是髒的。」
張傳栗追問馬維建「為何要將錢存入人頭戶?」馬維建表示,扁家將錢放到他家,令他壓力很大,他曾請杜麗萍轉 告吳淑珍將錢搬走,但一直沒有回音。
馬維建說,扁家的七點四億有很多舊鈔,有些發霉,髒又臭,他擔心這些髒錢會汙染他家放在保管室內的名畫,趕 緊將這些舊鈔存到人頭戶,存錢時,銀行人員還問「這些錢那裡來的?」
馬維建說,他沒有幫扁家洗錢,吳淑珍請他幫忙理財,他從七點四億中拿出二億多,用四個人頭帳戶幫吳淑珍投資債券,獲利廿多 萬元美金。
陳致中說,開戶及銀行信託,都是遵照母親指示,如果他知道這些錢是犯罪所得,就不會幫母親開戶,「否則不是 惹禍上身?」
黃睿靚說,婆婆很防她,還說過「媳婦跟女兒不同」,要她不要管太多,做媳婦很辛苦,都要依照婆婆意思做事, 婆婆要她簽文件她就簽。
至於吳淑珍用呂和霖當人頭戶買兩戶寶徠豪宅,一戶給陳幸妤,陳幸妤強調,她一直以為寶徠是租的。審判長張傳 栗問她「妳媽媽可能比較疼女兒哦?」她急忙回答「怎麼可能!」她解釋說,如果是買的,她何必每 個月從丈夫趙建銘的戶頭匯十六萬元的租金呢?
包括前元大金總裁馬志玲、前國泰金控副董事長蔡鎮宇、前國泰世華銀行董事長李明賢等人,昨在辯論時都否認幫扁家洗錢,馬志玲、李明賢特別強 調與吳淑珍不認識,不可能幫扁家洗錢。
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Old 08-07-2011, 02:46 PM   #2

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his cases should have been dealed and settled...still on-going.
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Old 08-07-2011, 11:46 PM   #3

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his cases should have been dealed and settled...still on-going.
The most serious case Ah Bian is liable had not yet got any sign of prosecution.

That is treason that is death penalty liability. In which he at made application in USA Federal Court to demand Pentagon to exercise Occupational Power & Sovereignty on Taiwan, that he claimed that his role as Taiwanese President was a capacity of Proxy Ruler (aka puppet governance) for Washington which is supposed to be in control of Taiwan after WW2 that Japan had surrendered to USA and handed Taiwan over to USA.

As an ex-president to make such an assertion on compromised sovereignty of state is 100% treason, no escape. Yet the heat on this is too high that Ma Ying Jiu is unable to handle and had obviously put case on hold. Charging Ah Bian with a death liable charge will upset KMT Ma's vote. That is why Democracy is a very fragile vulnerable and weak system of Pussy. It is unable to put serious thing into right places at all, and any attempt to handle anything as strongly as necessary will break yourself as president / ruling party. Charging ex-president for money laundering about as hard as it can go, no further than that.
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Old 08-08-2011, 12:19 AM   #4

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Gong simi lancheow? Haven't die yet ah, Yap Keng Ho?

The most serious case Ah Bian is liable had not yet got any sign of prosecution.

That is treason that is death penalty liability. In which he at made application in USA Federal Court to demand Pentagon to exercise Occupational Power & Sovereignty on Taiwan, that he claimed that his role as Taiwanese President was a capacity of Proxy Ruler (aka puppet governance) for Washington which is supposed to be in control of Taiwan after WW2 that Japan had surrendered to USA and handed Taiwan over to USA.

As an ex-president to make such an assertion on compromised sovereignty of state is 100% treason, no escape. Yet the heat on this is too high that Ma Ying Jiu is unable to handle and had obviously put case on hold. Charging Ah Bian with a death liable charge will upset KMT Ma's vote. That is why Democracy is a very fragile vulnerable and weak system of Pussy. It is unable to put serious thing into right places at all, and any attempt to handle anything as strongly as necessary will break yourself as president / ruling party. Charging ex-president for money laundering about as hard as it can go, no further than that.
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