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Old 04-02-2011, 04:46 PM   #1

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Default BN Political Murder almost Confirmed! 坚称赵明福颈伤非坠楼造成 普缇指圆形锉伤源自遭扼勒

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赵明福死因调查皇委会今天传召唯一坚持赵明福并非死于自杀的泰国法医普缇,今早起向赵明福死因调查皇委会供 证,坚持赵明福颈部的锉伤坠楼前已造成,惟赵明福坠楼前仍活著。

这名由雪州政府委任的法医证人,今早10点40分起在皇委会事务官阿玛吉星高级联邦律师盘诘时,这么供证指 出。


普缇强调,她是根据赵明福照片、验尸报告上看到颈部下逾一处锉伤(瘀伤),而这在为赵明福进行第二次验尸报 告后,掀开皮肤表层来看,却发现更多处溢血瘀伤。
她强调,颈部在一宗坠楼案中,是一个受保护的部位,因此当这个人是死在扣留期间(death custody),若这个部位出现“圆形”锉伤时,法医便须留意死者是否遭到扼颈(manual strangulation)。

“所有法医鉴证书籍都已说明,当一个人颈部有圆形瘀伤时便须留意扼颈的可能性,因这跟手指印吻合 。”


普缇指出,赵明福颈部锉伤也可能由钝物15秒按压造成,不管是将钝物压往死者,或把死者往钝物 压。

惟她说,不管怎样,赵明福遭到扼颈后仍活著,他是死于高处坠下身亡的,因他坠地后胸腔大量出血 。


普缇上午的供证重点在于仍强调包括颈部锉伤、头颅骨折的坠前伤势;不过,她跟去年8月18的供证内容已有所 不同,当时她强调赵明福坠时已不清醒,但今日改口为无从确认其神智。
普缇也提出跟本地法医不一样的说法,她强调赵明福脚部先著地的姿势,并不意味著赵明福坠地时一 定清醒。


本地法医及英国法医华恩兹在(Peter Venezis)之前的供证论点,在于赵明福脚部先著地,显示他调整姿势及阻挡跌势。


皇委会主席兼联邦法院法官冯正仁询问:“有专家指称,即使是自杀也可能会有阻挡跌势(自卫)反 应。”
普缇一口咬定说,她处理过的坠楼案中,只有10%的坠楼案出现手腕折裂,这是自保现象,至于处理过的自杀案 则不曾出现死者的手腕骨折,显示他们自杀时没有自卫行为。



再者,普缇认为,赵明福双脚坠地后,接下来重创的部位便是盘骨部分,显示他坠地后身子往后跌,这种触地顺序 下也更难以令她断定赵明福的下坠时的神智是否清醒。

普缇也不排除赵明福头颅骨的碎裂也可能是下坠前伤势,头颅这骨厚硬,相信不会令骨折延伸至头颅,惟这部分已 不重要,因这并非导致赵明福的死因。

普缇今天是在保镖陪同下赴皇委会供证,法庭也加强本身的保安。雪州政府也委派律师马力英迪斯代表普缇,以观 察员身份出席听证会。

普缇受聘于雪州政府,于2009年10月21日向验尸庭供证时发表震憾性的赵明福80%他杀、20%自杀供 证。

她当时也声称,赵明福尸体上的一些伤势是在坠楼之前发生,包括颈项伤势似乎遭人掐住,以及肛门的伤势看来是 遭硬物插入。
这也促成验尸官阿兹米尔谕令为赵明福进行第2次验尸,普缇与彼得同时以旁观法医身分,参加了2009年11 月23日的第二次验尸。

随后,普缇去年8月18日也就第二次验尸再向验尸庭供证坚称,赵明福并非自杀,且他坠楼时或并 不清醒。

皇委会于上月29日与30日传召英国法医彼得华恩兹(Peter Venizis),后者坚持其赵明福坠楼清醒论之余,还批评普缇不应在没证据下提出赵明福坠前伤势(颈部锉 伤)的论调。
彼得当时认为,颈部是衔接头部与胸部的部位,内有不少血管,因此人死后这些瘀伤会扩大、其颜色也会变深,容 易形成人造瘀伤。因此,唯有摘除了人脑、内脏并将颈部血管放血,才能确认真正瘀伤。

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Old 04-03-2011, 08:14 AM   #2

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Teoh alive during fall, says Dr Pornthip

By Boo Su-Lyn, The Malaysian Insider

KUALA LUMPUR, April 2 — Teoh Beng Hock was alive when he had fallen nearly ten floors, Thai forensic pathologist Dr Pornthip Rojanasunand told the royal panel investigating his death today.

But Dr Pornthip said she could not determine if the DAP political aide was conscious during his fatal plunge in 2009 outside the then Selangor Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) headquarters in Plaza Masalam in Shah Alam.

“He was alive on landing,” she told the Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) today.

Dr Pornthip also said Teoh’s state of consciousness could not be determined based on the fractures in his feet.

“Landing on (the) feet means nothing... I cannot go to that conclusion (that he was conscious when he fell),” said the flamboyant forensic expert.

Teoh’s body was found on the fifth-floor corridor of Plaza Masalam on July 16, 2009 after he was questioned overnight by MACC officers at their then-Selangor office on the 14th floor.

Dr Pornthip, who sports red and gold highlights in her spiky tousled hair, said she observed Teoh’s second post-mortem on November 22, 2009.

The first autopsy was conducted by local government pathologists Dr Khairul Azman Ibrahim and Dr Prashant Naresh Samberkar a day after Teoh’s death.

Dr Pornthip, who has 30 years’ experience in forensic pathology, said the injury on Teoh’s aorta indicated that Teoh was alive when he hit the ground.

“At that time, (the) heart was pumping,” said Dr Pornthip, 55.

The forensic expert, who is widely known as Dr Death in Thailand, said if Teoh had sustained wrist fractures, it might have indicated that the political secretary was conscious during his fall.

Dr Pornthip said wrist fractures would be caused by putting one’s arms out to break the fall.

Dr Khairul and Dr Prashant testified last month that Teoh probably jumped to his death as he had landed on his feet, which they said was indicated by fractures on both feet.

Local government forensic pathologist Dr Shahidan Md Noor, who conducted the second autopsy with Dr Pornthip, has also testified last month that Teoh was probably conscious when he fell because the 30-year-old political secretary’s body was slightly bent before he hit the ground as he landed on his right side.

British forensic expert Dr Peter Vanezis testified recently that Teoh was alive and conscious when he fell, but said he could not determine if Teoh had jumped or was pushed out the window.

Dr Pornthip said today that wrist fractures were not necessarily found in suicide cases based on her experience.

“Even if a person wants to commit suicide, when he jumps, he’ll try to break the fall?” asked MACC lawyer Datuk Seri Muhammad Shafee Abdullah.

“No, not always like that,” said Dr Pornthip.

Dr Pornthip also said Teoh’s neck bruises could be caused by manual strangulation or by someone hitting Teoh with a blunt object.

“I disagree that this (neck) wound (was) caused by fall from height,” she said.

“He died from fall from height but there is a wound on the neck (that) I still have questions (about),” she added.

Teoh was political secretary to Ean Yong Hian Wah at the time of his death.

The anti-graft officers were investigating a claim that Ean Yong was abusing state funds.

Ean Yong is a Selangor state executive councillor and Seri Kembangan assemblyman from the DAP.

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