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12-23-2010, 10:34 PM | #1 |
When I was doing NS I heard my unit's officer was thunder-flashed while shitting.
But this happened in secondary school toilet. Students these days are quite terrorist. 教長前腳走 八德惡生竟炮炸如廁師 更新日期:2010/12/23 13:13 林志偉 霸凌事件頻傳的桃園八德國中,真的是一波未平,一波又起。今天媒體接到爆料說,就在前幾天教育部長吳清基到學校視察的當天下午,又有老師遭到霸凌,一名男老師在如廁的時候,突然被學生丟鞭炮,真的被嚇到 身心受創,面對層出不窮的霸凌事件,讓代理校長十分尷尬,而且決定針對之前的霸凌加害者,除了移送警方調查 之外,校方也會補記過處理。 八 德國中霸凌事件不斷,現在又有老師投書陳情,標題寫著「老師如廁,橫生顧忌」,再往下看,如廁竟然成為奢求 ,男老師被學生惡投鞭炮攻擊,身心驚嚇,最後卻 求訴無門。八德代理校長戴進明:「上洗手間被放鞭炮,講實在的,這樣子搞不好會拉到褲子,這個教育我們真的 要虛心檢討。」 用戲謔的口氣,想 要化解尷尬,因為事件發生在教育部長吳清基到校視察那天,但是類似事件層出不窮,像是日前有國一女生出面指 控,被同學圍毆,甚至強拍裸照,接著是有人被同 學用垃圾桶蓋頭,變成鬥毆事件,目前都還在調查中,最後是有學生嗆聲,要拿槍教訓老師,被函送法辦並記一大 過。 學生:「XXX,找人帶槍到學校開妳!」 學生飆髒話全被錄下來,22日才上任的戴進明,現在又要面對鞭炮炸老師事件,看的出來很頭痛。戴進明:「導 師已帶學生跟老師道歉,我們一樣按校規處理。」 校園暴力成為全國焦點,校方也強調基於一罪不兩罰,要是警方對學生有法律上的懲處,大過會撤銷,只希望學生 改過自新。 |
12-23-2010, 10:39 PM | #2 |
This case happened immediately after an official visit by Minister of Education, who is currently in deep water being forced to step down due to the school bully scandal.
Nearly a dozen of bullies stripped girl nude in the park at night to bully and abuse her and uploaded the handphone video on web recently. Just after the minister left visiting, the teacher in toilet got terrorized. The Head-Master already lost the job this week for the scandal. Will Minister get bombed in school the next time? |
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