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Old 06-30-2010, 03:23 PM   #1

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Default When 1 poor peasant robbed another to survive... very sad
When a poor Taiwanese could no longer survive further without resorting to crime, he took out a knife to rob a woman. But he had only picked on a victim who is not in any less financial desperation.

When people are too poor to live, they are not afraid to die, nor afraid to go to jail.

A his knife point the woman did not submit nor fear, instead she cried out on her own desperate poverty crisis hysterically, it was to robber's complete surprise and he was shock and complete witless. In the end he had to kneel down & beg & offer to give that poor woman the money that he still got on himself!

He finally managed to calm her down, and she opened door for him to leave, the robbery was completely foiled. He thanked her for her forgiveness.

Very said social crisis is reflected isn't it?


婦遇劫狂嚎 匪「嚇」跪:不然換我給妳錢

更新日期:2010/06/29 04:11
〔記者黃其豪/台北報導〕台北縣本月中旬發生無厘頭打劫案,過程宛如周星馳電影情節,令人發噱;但劫匪和被 害女屋 主的對話,也顯示一對可憐人在北台灣謀生的艱困,令人辛酸。
「妳別怕,我只要錢!」馮姓男子打劫住在自家樓下的王姓單親媽,來自中國的王女 一見水果刀,就歇斯底里大哭大叫,喊著「我沒錢,你還要搶我」;馮某被突如其來的「轟天雷」嚇到,竟當場向 王女下跪、高舉雙手︰「拜託妳別再叫,要不然, 換我給妳錢,求求妳放過我…」,屋內陷入一片死寂,王女打破沉默說「我替你開門」,馮男接連鞠躬「感謝妳寬 宏大量」,落荒而逃。
為了3千元 搶樓下鄰居
王女事後向蘆洲警分局德音派出所報案,警方通知馮嫌到案,馮男承認犯行,警方依侵入住宅、恐嚇取財、妨害自 由等罪函送法辦。
身 高175公分的馮嫌昨受訪表示,他弟弟無業,欠債5萬元,只缺3000元就能還清,他想到過去疏於照顧親人 ,面對弟弟頭一遭向他求助,基於兄弟情誼,一時 失慮才做錯事,事後連出門都忐忑不安,深怕在樓梯間撞見對方;馮嫌說,他已經在找房子,會儘快搬離,好讓社 區住戶安心。
王女談及此事仍聲音 顫抖,她說,從中國貴州嫁到台灣,目前單身與兒子相依為命,案發當時的驚恐只能用「叫天天不應,叫地地不靈 」形容,由於嫌犯還沒搬走,每天仍生活在恐懼 中。
亮刀拍裸照 恐嚇別報案
警方調查,沒前科的26歲馮姓男子,14日到樓下的王女住處,佯稱「不好意思,樓上漏水,能不 能 進去查看,看一看就會走」,1小時後,他又持水果刀、相機,來到王女住處,悄悄將恐嚇字條遞給她,寫著「別 叫,我不想傷害人,別怕,我只要錢,不多,拜託 妳配合我,到我家裡談」。
單親媽大哭大叫 硬不從
王女大聲求救,馮嫌舉起相機,說「怕妳報警,所以我要拍裸照,把衣服脫 光」,王女聽到這裡,叫得更大聲,沒想到她的激烈反應,反倒把馮嫌嚇傻,趕緊把刀放在客廳茶几上,當場跪求 她別再叫,王女受到驚嚇,坐在沙發哭訴「我是單 親媽媽,沒錢,獨力扶養讀小學的兒子,最近在找工作,你還要搶我」。
匪頓生悔悟 要杯水走人
馮嫌似乎「觸景生情」,也說, 「我也有1個小孩,年紀還更小」,說著說著,高舉雙手跪著拜託「請別激動,我也很後悔,要不然換我給妳錢, 拜託妳別再叫了,妳只要給我一杯水,喝完我馬上 就會離開,求求妳放過我」。
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Old 06-30-2010, 04:06 PM   #2

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Why didn't that damn fool go and rob someone rich?
The people I despise most are those who rob or con people who are as poor or poorer than themselves.
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Old 06-30-2010, 04:33 PM   #3

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Why did that damn fool go and rob someone rich?
The people I despise most are those who rob or con people who are as poor or poorer than themselves.
Only few people can become Robin-hood .

PAp is Robbing-Hood. They rob and hoodwink peasants.

All bullies and exploitations shares the same relational characteristics like ecological food-chain, one can only bully or exploit or rob someone that is in a weaker and more vulnerable position then themselves within that chain. You can not reverse this rule normally, if you did than you had practically shifted or altered the chain, that means you upgraded your own position within that chain, and downgraded / lowered someone else.

Within a pack of animals when the dominating Lion King gets old / sick / weak, a younger / stronger challenger will fight or rebel and if successful, take over the dominating position, the ousted Lion King will usually die or leave with injuries and sooner or later die. The winer upgraded to become the new Lion King.
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