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Old 02-09-2009, 09:08 AM   #1

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Default NASA wants to BOMB the MOON!!!!!!!!!!!!??????
Sounds like the people who planned Council Woman Donna Reed Miller's and East Mt Airy Neighbor's Townhouse Project moved to work for NASA.

NASA's mission to bomb the Moon: Scientific American

I'm not a military person, but the moment I heard the Shock n Awe Plan, I knew that march into Baghdad was a march into an endless hell and nobody was going to win hearts and minds.

I'm not a City Planner , but the moment I saw the plans for the Devon/Sydney Street Townhouse Development, I knew it was a guarantee trouble and failure.

I'm not a astro scientist, but BOMBING THE MOON!!!??????

Are they for real?

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Old 02-09-2009, 01:55 PM   #2

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Actually I heard about this years and years ago. It's amazing how a headline can alter a view.

From what I remember, they want to disturb soil down a ways so they can analyze it. Since they can't get drilling equipment up there, but can put a little bomb on the surface, it makes complete sense.

link on another view.
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Old 02-09-2009, 01:57 PM   #3

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I'm not a military person, but the moment I heard the Shock n Awe Plan, I knew that march into Baghdad was a march into an endless hell and nobody was going to win hearts and minds.
As for shock and awe, it actually worked perfectly. You are putting two separate items together. One is military and one is political. The military part of the invasion went very well, the occupation part did not.
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Old 02-09-2009, 03:53 PM   #4

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They're not so much bombing the moon as shooting the moon. And anyone who plays cards has done that.

I actually think it's a great experiment.
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Old 02-09-2009, 05:00 PM   #5

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Yep, everything they have done to experiment with nature has worked out so well.

Like pesticides and hormones in the food chain.

What worked with Shock n Awe and how can you separate the follow up and say one worked but the rest of the plan didn't?

This is all leading to who gets to militarized and point bombs at the Earth. That's been the plan for years.

How do they know what the result of shock and awing the moon will be?

They could be spending all this brain power and money and cleaning up the Water here and developing renewable sources of natural energy instead of fracking the water to hell by poisoning the water with all this FRACKING for gas.

No, this kind of thinking "BOMBING the MOON as an Experiment" is leading to nothing but trouble.

But this kind of thinking will allow it to happen then something will get devastated-- just like everyone kept yacking about the Sydney/ Devon project while a real person was getting permanently and devastatingly harmed and you all just stood around and COMMENTED.

So we have water wars and we have fracking that is flaming water and now we are going to BOMB the moon which has so much influence on the tides and cycles of water here and we have NO Idea what the result will be.

Just bomb bomb bomb bomb. What a great EXPERIMENT.

Then we can point bombs at the Earth. One thing leads to another.

Just like Shock n Awe led to insanity.
Just like politicians getting invovled in digging up a chemically laced piece of badlands led to a disaster and destroyed a life. But Nobody cared.

So just go have your Opinions and walk right by and let people to get hurt . That is all anybody in this city does.

EXPERIMENT with the Balance of Nature.

What a great Experiment!

It will lead to pointing bombs at the Earth.
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Old 02-09-2009, 05:10 PM   #6

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Actually I heard about this years and years ago. It's amazing how a headline can alter a view.

From what I remember, they want to disturb soil down a ways so they can analyze it. Since they can't get drilling equipment up there, but can put a little bomb on the surface, it makes complete sense.

link on another view.
Read the comments on this article. Bombing the moon makes no sense what so ever. Focusing on cleaning up the mess SCIENCE did down here does make sense.

You can't break down and separate one action and ignore the results of that action and the fall out of that action as they did in Iraq or Sydney/ Devon.

The balance of nature is not a card game. Bombing anything is not a card game. Card games are just sitting around and bulshtting.
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Old 02-09-2009, 05:30 PM   #7

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I hope they find water ice on the moon. Preferably mango.
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Old 02-09-2009, 06:43 PM   #8

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I hope they find water ice on the moon. Preferably mango.
At least one of the engineers must be from Philadelphia.
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Old 02-09-2009, 07:31 PM   #9

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Everybody loves seeing ghosts in NASA's shadows...

Earth’s closest neighbor is holding a secret. In 1999, hints of that secret were revealed in the form of concentrated hydrogen signatures detected in permanently shadowed craters at the lunar poles by NASA’s Lunar Prospector. These readings may be an indication of lunar water and could have far-reaching implications as humans expand exploration past low-Earth orbit. The Lunar CRater Observing and Sensing Satellite (LCROSS) mission is seeking a definitive answer.

In April 2006, NASA selected the LCROSS proposal for a low-cost, fast-track companion mission to the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO). The main LCROSS mission objective is to confirm the presence or absence of water ice in a permanently shadowed crater near a lunar polar region.

LCROSS launched with the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) aboard an Atlas V rocket from Cape Canaveral, Fla., on June 18, 2009 at 2:32 p.m. PDT. The LCROSS shepherding spacecraft and the Atlas V’s Centaur upper stage rocket executed a fly-by of the moon on June 23, 2009 (LCROSS lunar swingby video stream coverage) and entered into an elongated Earth orbit to position LCROSS for impact on a lunar pole. On final approach, the shepherding spacecraft and Centaur will separate. The Centaur will act as a heavy impactor to create a debris plume that will rise above the lunar surface. Projected impact at the lunar South Pole is currently: Oct 9, 2009 at 4:30 a.m. PDT. Following four minutes behind, the shepherding spacecraft will fly through the debris plume, collecting and relaying data back to Earth before impacting the lunar surface and creating a second debris plume.

The debris plumes are expected to be visible from Earth- and space-based telescopes 10-to-12 inches and larger.
NASA - LCROSS: Mission Overview
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Old 02-09-2009, 10:01 PM   #10

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I thought they already blew up the Moon?
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Old 02-10-2009, 04:08 AM   #11

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Is this seriously news? Last I heard we bomb people and it usually doesn't make any sorta head line at all.

Oh wait...I guess those arn't really people...just a bunch of towel heads sitting on OUR oil.

No! No bombing the moon!
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Old 03-09-2009, 07:22 AM   #12

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Here's a blog link for Why it's not such a good idea and more history and perspective.

Do Not Bomb the Moon
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Old 03-09-2009, 07:49 AM   #13

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That is so Earthling.
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Old 03-09-2009, 02:24 PM   #14

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Here's a blog link for Why it's not such a good idea and more history and perspective.

Do Not Bomb the Moon
Madmags, I mean Whatever, if you are going to post a link to a counter view, maybe it should be one that is a little more legit. I don't know of any reputable paper or publisher who posts-

"Four minutes later, in a scheme apparently inspired by fanatical terrorist airline hijackers, the rest of the robotic LCROSS craft slams into the same area. Like crazed kamikaze paparazzi, the craft will snap photos and transmit data on the first strike back to NASA’s mad bombers "

This is line from a rebuttal on a scientific experiment. Can you see how someone might read this and laugh? I mean really, if someone thinks it's a bad idea, how about some facts and sticking to the point. Then I'll read it and use the information to make an educated decision.
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Old 03-09-2009, 02:25 PM   #15

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No, the bomb sunk into all the cheese and failed to blow.
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Old 03-09-2009, 04:33 PM   #16

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This is posted in the wrong forum. I think it belongs in the Galactic Politics section. (Vote Blorg!)

That said, I have no problem with bombing the moon, as long as the Dutch get the first piece of shrapnel. We'd be wise to not let that particular Sword of Damocles hang over our heads for too long.

And if they do find water or ice up there, I got dibs on the snow cone franchise. Signature flavor: Blue Moonbat.
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Old 03-09-2009, 05:11 PM   #17

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Oh, man, this is priceless.

Let us assume that ignorance will rule the day and plans go forward. What can we as surrealists or lunatics or astrologers or naturalists or anarcho-primitivists or Greens or werewolves or pagans or psychics or UFO groupies or other concerned members of the general public do? We must soothe the Moon, we bandage her. We implore other celestial bodies and entities to aid her. We will not let her endure this crime or its grim aftermath alone.
We need to communicate to the Moon. Talk to her in our dreams, trances, or meditations, and prepare her for this shock and wound as best we can. Hold her, send out imaginative protection to her, and put our dream bodies out there in front of the bomb. Collectively, we can sabotage the bombing or by imagining all manner of things going wrong, or encouraging the Moon to increase her own magnetic shields. Sing to her. Give her back just a tiny portion of all that she has done for us. We are all created from Moon dust.
We pledge solidarity with the Moon and promise we will do everything that we can to help heal her and to prevent any further such stupid, short-sighted, self-serving, man-made acts of obscene violence against her. Do these guys realize that they're talking about a giant floating rock?
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Old 03-09-2009, 05:34 PM   #18

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Can we get BaltBob to comment in this thread? It's really all that's missing.
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Old 03-09-2009, 10:58 PM   #19

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Can we get BaltBob to comment in this thread?
It's really all that's missing.
What do I say ?
Bomb the Cowards not the Moon.

Baltimore Bob
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Old 04-09-2009, 08:50 AM   #20

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Madmags, I mean Whatever, if you are going to post a link to a counter view, maybe it should be one that is a little more legit. I don't know of any reputable paper or publisher who posts-

"Four minutes later, in a scheme apparently inspired by fanatical terrorist airline hijackers, the rest of the robotic LCROSS craft slams into the same area. Like crazed kamikaze paparazzi, the craft will snap photos and transmit data on the first strike back to NASA’s mad bombers "

This is line from a rebuttal on a scientific experiment. Can you see how someone might read this and laugh? I mean really, if someone thinks it's a bad idea, how about some facts and sticking to the point. Then I'll read it and use the information to make an educated decision.
I know people have many strange ideas about the moon, But Scientic American wrote the article about it.

They are considered legit. That doesn't mean its a good idea. A lot of people are having gut reactions that it isn't a good idea and just because somebody doesn't write like newspaper columnist doesn't warrent heartless ridicule. They are human beings being expressive--but that doesn't seem to matter much to people in Philadelphia.

Don't tell me gut reactions should not be listened to. Science has often been myopically dangerous because it doesn't listen to gut reactions.

In fact the dangers inherent in any Person who considers themselves legit is that they are so full of themselves and indoctrinated into their training that they miss the obvious.

They can't really have a lot of facts about this Experiment until after the fact. It's never been done.

City Planning and Ward Leader and Council people are considered legit. Everybody thougt I was crazy to say there were all these things wrong with the Devon/Sydney street project and I wasn't legit yet it turned out I was right.

The People of Philadelphia are the most cruel people I have ever met.

None of you ever lifted a finger to help and all attacked me while I was already being abused and harmed continually-You are who Philadlephia really is.

You don't care about people and you don't care about anything except your own snotty comments and who you can attack next.

You're Cruel.

Mr Stock Man -you're a builder yet you never took any concern that I was getting hurt and you are the expert on building yet never protested the insanity that was happening and harming at Devon and Sydney. I guess the planners and builders and Legit Poltical involvement in this project thought they were entitled to hurt me because apparently I'm not even a legit human being - just something to kick around and beat up.

Many legit experts in this community just stand by and let people get hurt and have a very closed minds. Many of you are just mean and hurt people.

So called Experts and "legit" sources mess up all the time. Just look around at the state of the world. I would say the "legit" sources are the problem.

But go ahead and criticize everything and let people get hurt. I have learned that this is the nature of most people in Philadelphia that consider themselves the Legit Leadership and so-called experts.

Instead of people helping me and stopping the insanity and the crimes, people corrected spelling and complained about my writing style and how upset I was. Most of you would never survive the abuse I've received from the community and the hazards of the project, the crimes and the lies of the politicians and local leadership.- all considered legit.

As human beings most of you are not even worth talking to. You're simply the kind of people who walk past a neighbor getting hurt and don't help. No wonder you don't care if they Bomb the moon.
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