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Old 04-16-2010, 01:36 AM   #1

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Default one-family-nepotism corruption caught red handed
This bastard 郝鹏俊 is CCP party brunch secretary, chief of Mineral Board, chief of Coal Mining Board - best part his is also the owner of monopoly coal mine! He started the coal mine company with personal funds, own it, run by his wife and brother in-law.

His wife BTW is his deputy bureau chief in stat-board!!

How familiar?

They together corrupted the funds, fraud everything from account to unlicensed purchase of explosives, and even evaded huge amount of tax!

Bravo! 20 years sentence to husband & 13 years to wife plus $170,000,000 fines!

Why is this so familiar to Singaporeans?


您的位置:新华网主页 - 新华法治
局长夫妻竟是不法煤老板 郝鹏俊夫妇被判重刑
2010年04月15日 20:54:55  来源: 新华网 【字号  留言 打印 关闭 【Email推荐:
  新华网太原4月15日电 山西蒲县煤炭局原党总支书记郝鹏俊因犯逃税罪、非法买卖爆炸物罪、挪用公款罪、贪污罪,15日被山西省蒲县 人民法院一审判处有期徒刑20年。郝鹏俊妻子蒲 县民政局原副局长于香婷因犯逃税罪、非法买卖爆炸物罪被判刑13年。郝鹏俊夫妇还被判处1.7亿元的巨额罚 金。
  郝鹏俊被捕前系蒲县煤炭局党总支书记,历任蒲县地矿局局长、煤炭局局长,郝鹏俊案是山西省煤焦领域反腐 败案件的一起典型案件。经法院审理查 明,2000年郝俊鹏出资成立蒲县成南岭煤业有限公司,并全面负责,是煤矿的实际控制人;其妻于香婷负责原 煤销售和财务;而公司法定代表人注册为于香婷弟 弟于小红。2003年至2008年,该公司在与蒲县远中洗煤厂等22家企业业务往来中,销售原煤直接收取差 价而不进行申报,逃税1871余万元,逃税额最 高占到应纳税额的82%。2006年8月至2008年1月,郝鹏俊先后安排冯记明、于小红采用虚构、夸大、 骗取等手段,两次超限额购买炸药共63.5吨、 雷管19万多枚。
  法院认为,郝鹏俊在任煤炭局局长期间,利用职务上便利,挪用公款23万元进行营利活动,数额巨大且拒不 退还,其行为构成挪用公款罪;侵吞公款25万元,事实清楚,证据充分,构成贪污罪。
  据了解,此前,郝鹏俊和于香婷已受到开除党籍和行政开除处分。蒲县纪委查明,郝鹏俊还存在编造虚假材料 获取煤矿采矿许可证,骗取退股登记,利用职权套取煤矿维简费,欠缴采矿权价款,弄虚作假为子女安排工作等问 题。
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Old 04-16-2010, 01:55 AM   #2

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Who is going to believe that such audacious corruption is possible without approval and supervision from higher authorities plus large scale collaborations from a big team of fellow corrupts?

Can they just close a case like that charging only few culprits?
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