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Old 03-16-2010, 06:16 PM   #1

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Default Thug-Sin's Thugs Casted Bloody Black Magic


Protesters pour blood at main gate of Government House

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Red-shirt protesters poured their pooled blood at the main gate of the Government House at 5 pm Tuesday.
Puddle of blood was seen on TV.

The protesters chanted cursing hymn after pouring the blood on the ground.

A Brahmin also put up a curse on the gate.

The Nation

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Old 03-16-2010, 09:35 PM   #2

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A process using syringes and needles to draw blood similar to the clinical blood test drawing from arms of 100K red shirts were used to draw up ONE TON of human blood to cast black magic.

This is on top of using grenade launcher to fire at army's camp. 6 grenades hit but only 4 managed to explode wounded 2 Thai soldiers.

Thug-Sin's thugs are really desperate.

Yet not as many and as strong as the Yellow Shirt who took over Govt House for month and took over Bangkok Airport as well. Although stronger they used only more peaceful and less bloody measures. They had used steel poles and plywood shields. The Yellow is more restrained and disciplined as well as trained. General Charmlong was backing and leading them.
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Old 03-16-2010, 10:04 PM   #3

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2010年03月16日 21:34:49  来源:新华网 【字号  留言 打印 关闭 【Email推荐:
3月16日,在泰国首都曼谷,反政府组织“红衫军”成员将血液泼洒在总理府门前。新华社/法新 新华网曼谷3月16日电 新华社记者史先振 张秋来
泰国当地时间下午4时,阳光依然刺眼,曼谷总理府旁彭世洛路上,数百名反政府的“红衫军”示威者正准备把自 己的血洒向这一泰国最高行政机关,欲通过这种和平流血的方式施压总理阿披实领导的政府,以达成解散议会重新 选举的诉求。
16日早晨8时开始,“红衫军”示威者在五马路繁华桥上的“红衫军”集会总部开始 发起抽血行动,每名献血者被抽取了10毫升血液。约40名属于反对党为泰党的国会下议院议员也参加了献血。 下午3时30分左右,采血行动结束。“红衫军” 领导人宣称,共采集到30万毫升的鲜血。
总理府前的马路上,数百名防暴警察手持警棍盾牌,组成两道人墙。总理府内,上 千防暴警察严阵以待,铁丝网、消防车各就各位。早在本月12日,阿披实就已离开总理府,前往陆军第11步兵 团栖身,并在那里拒绝了“红衫军”的最后通牒。 16日上午,他乘飞机离开曼谷,前往北部视察旱情。
随着示威者越聚越多,彭世洛路变得水泄不通,有人挥舞泰国国旗和红色旗帜,有人挥动手中的拍板,还有人向警 察喝倒彩,气氛趋于紧张。很快,乍都蓬、纳塔武等“红衫军”领导人也乘货车来到总理府前,他们向示威者展示 装在各种容器内的鲜血,并进行祈祷。
下午5时,有人冲破警方防线,前进到总理府正门前,并泼洒了第一桶血。距离总理府半公里的地方,曼谷市政府 准备了11辆救护车,为“红衫军”提供医疗救助。在集会现场,也有数名身穿红衫的医护人员为示威者提供消毒 棉球。
洒血开始10分钟后,“红衫军”领导人离开总理府,前往阿披实领导的民主党党部洒血。乍都蓬先前曾宣布,1 7日“红衫军”将前往阿披实的住宅继续洒血。
3月16日,在泰国首都曼谷,反政府组织“红衫军”成员将血液泼洒在总理府门前。新华社记者吕小 炜摄

2010年03月16日 21:34:49  来源:新华网 【字号  留言 打印 关闭 【Email推荐:

3月16日,在泰国首都曼谷,反政府组织“红衫军”成员准备将血液泼洒在总理府门前。新华社/路透 3月16日,在泰国首都曼谷,清洁工人在总理府门前清洁并消毒路面。新华社/路透 3月16日,在泰国首都曼谷,反政府组织“红衫军”成员准备将血液泼洒在总理府门前。
支持泰国前总理他信的反政府组织“红衫军”当地时间当天下午在总理府门前实施泼洒血液行动,以此向政府施压 ,要求解散国会下议院。 新华社/法新
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Old 03-16-2010, 10:08 PM   #4

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Fucking with Tomato Juice or what?

I hope Abhisit can take this..
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Old 03-16-2010, 10:57 PM   #5

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Thai protesters pour own blood outside govt HQ

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AP – Thai police officers stand next to sea of blood after protesters and supporters of ousted Prime

By DENIS D. GRAY, Associated Press Writer Denis D. Gray, Associated Press Writer – 1 hr 20 mins ago
BANGKOK – Thai protesters poured several jugs of their own blood at the front gate of the government headquarters and outside the ruling party's offices Tuesday in a symbolic sacrifice to press their demands for new elections.
Thousands of red-shirted demonstrators formed long lines to have their blood drawn by nurses, a day after their leaders vowed to collect 1 million cubic centimeters of blood — 264 gallons (1,000 liters) — to spill at Government House and other key locations.
A few teaspoons of blood were drawn from the veins of each volunteer and then transferred into dozens of large plastic water containers that were passed overhead through the crowd of cheering protesters before being delivered to Government House, the prime minister's office. Riot police allowed protest leaders to approach the white iron front gate and pour out the blood, which oozed under the gate as national television broadcast the images live.
Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva has not entered his office at Government House since the protests started on Friday.
"The blood of the common people is mixing together to fight for democracy," Nattawut Saikua, one of the protest leaders, told cheering supporters. "When Abhisit works in his office, he will be reminded that he is sitting on the people's blood."
As many as 100,000 Red Shirt protesters converged Sunday on the Thai capital to demand that Abhisit agree to dissolve parliament by midday Monday. Abhisit refused and blanketed the capital with security, but said his government was open to listening to what else the protesters had to say.
The Red Shirts include supporters of former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra and other activists who oppose the 2006 military coup that ousted him for alleged corruption and abuse of power. They believe Abhisit came to power illegitimately with the connivance of the military and other parts of the traditional ruling class who were alarmed by Thaksin's popularity.
Minutes after the blood was spilled Tuesday, a medical cleanup team provided by the government — wearing white coats, face masks and rubber gloves — hosed down the site. Health authorities had warned that the protest was unhygienic and risked spreading disease if infected blood splashed healthy bystanders.
Hundreds of protesters then marched and rode pickup trucks and motorcycles to the nearby ruling Democrat Party headquarters and splashed several more jugs of blood on the pavement outside. Some tried to push their way past riot police but eventually dispersed.
Protest leaders also threatened to spill blood outside Abhisit's home in an upscale Bangkok residential neighborhood if their demands were not met.
A protest leader, Weng Tochirakarn, said they had collected 500,000 cubic centimeters of blood — half of their goal — from 50,000 protesters.
Government spokesman Panitan Watanayagorn said authorities will allow the protest as long as it remains peaceful.
"If they want to throw it and have a photo op and have us clean it up later, I think it's fine," Panitan told a briefing of foreign media. He said health authorities were looking into whether "throwing blood on the streets violates health measures."
The "blood sacrifice" tactic has been slammed by the Red Cross as wasteful and unhygienic since diseases like hepatitis and HIV-AIDS can be spread if needles used to draw the blood are reused. Protest leaders insisted they would use new needles for each person.
"This blood belongs to fighters for democracy. What is its color? Red!" an announcer shouted as protest leaders were having their blood drawn Tuesday morning on a stage near a white tent where lines of donors formed.
Several orange-robed Buddhist monks, who are forbidden by law from taking part in political activities, were among the first in line with one proudly showing off a syringe filled with his blood.
"I believe (in our leaders) and find their strategies rational and acceptable. If they say that we soldier on, I'm ready," said Suriya Laemthong, 28, who said he had a fear of needles and shielded his eyes with a baseball cap and hand as a nurse pricked his arm. But Suriya said he doubted that the blood spilling would compel the government to step down.
Police Gen. Wichai Sangprapai said the number of demonstrators has dropped from its peak of roughly 100,000 on Sunday, estimating that some 90,000 still remained in the capital.
The protests to date been notably peaceful. Two soldiers were wounded Monday by four grenades that exploded inside a military compound, but the army did not blame the Red Shirts. Embassies, however, have issued warnings to their nationals of possible violence, and U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Kurt M. Campbell canceled a scheduled visit Tuesday.
Panitan, the government spokesman, said the majority of protesters appear to have peaceful intentions, but authorities have identified about 3,000 people "with a history of violence" who have "embedded themselves in the protest." He said authorities are following them closely.
Thaksin has twice spoken to the demonstrators by video, urging them to continue their struggle in a nonviolent fashion.
Thaksin is a billionaire businessman who fled Thailand in 2008 ahead of a conviction on a conflict of interest charge for which he was sentenced to two years in jail.
Thailand has been in constant political turmoil since early 2006, when anti-Thaksin demonstrations began. In 2008, when Thaksin's political allies came back to power for a year, his opponents occupied the prime minister's office compound for three months and seized Bangkok's two airports for a week.
Associated Press writers Thanyarat Doksone, Jocelyn Gecker and Kinan Suchaovanich and photographer David Longstreath contributed to this report.
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Old 03-17-2010, 09:39 AM   #6

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Officials move in quickly to scrub off blood

By The Nation
Published on March 17, 2010

Masked health officials diligently scrubbed away the blood the red shirts splattered at the gates of Government House and nearby roads yesterday evening.

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However, as soon as most of the red shirts left, trained officials started cleaning up. Since blood is considered infectious waste, authorities took all precautions and clean-up measures. Each cleaner had to wear gloves and keep his mouth and nose well covered.

Dr Chaiwan Charoencho-ketavee, director of BMA Medical College and Vajira Hospital, said the clean-up operation was conducted in accordance with academic principles.

"We also used disinfectant," he said.

After the initial scrub up by the health officials, cleaners from the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration had another go at the job. The cleaning teams also cleaned up the blood splashed at Democrat Party headquarters.

Meanwhile, chief royal Brahmin Phrarajakhru Varma Dhepmuni said the anointing of the blood at Government House's gates carried out by a man clad in white yesterday was not an auspicious ceremony.

"It was not a Brahmin ritual either," he said.

Meanwhile, many groups seeking support for the sick lambasted the red shirts for wasting their blood.

"Why don't they think of the patients who are waiting for blood? This blood could have been used to save lives," Saichol sae Lim said in her capacity as vice chairwoman of cancer care at Chi Dynamics Thailand.

Meanwhile, the Medical Council yesterday vowed to discuss the ethics of red-shirt leader Dr Weng Tojirakarn at next month's meeting.

"It's not appropriate for a doctor to draw blood in such a manner," secretary-general Samphan Komrit said.

Meanwhile, Public Health Minister Jurin Laksanawisit yesterday said eight red-shirt demonstrators suffered from diarrhoea.

Sources said they developed the symptoms after drinking a sweet beverage handed out for free at the rally site.
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Old 03-17-2010, 12:23 PM   #7

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Old 03-17-2010, 05:01 PM   #8

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Red shirts pour blood in front of PM's residence

By The Nation

Red Shirts protesters poured blood in front of Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva's residence in Soi Sukhumvit 31 on Wednesday.

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Red Shirts leader Nattawut Saikuea led the movement to the entrance of the Soi at about 11am and poured blood in front of the Prime Minister house.
They demanded for the prime minister to step down and dissolve the house.
The red shirts said that they will continue in doing this until they will get what they want even if it will take more than 4 days as planned
Earlier, Nattawut has agreed to a police commander Vichai sangprapai to send only red shirt representatives to do the action.
Nattawut said, himself doesn't know where the Prime Minister House is situated so he'd like to move the movement near the barricades first then he will confirm the number of representatives that will pour the blood in front of the house.
He also affirmed that there will be no violence as throwing things inside the house or break any belongings.
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