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#1 |
Mr Anwar Ibrahim: Imprison me or not BN will be removed still">Malaysiakini.Com Chinese news URL">'Pakatan will prevail - with or without me' Athi Shankar | Feb 21, 10 5:58PM Opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim fired a stern warning to his detractors that the people would vote BN out of Putrajaya in the next polls, whether he is in jail or not."> I think this scenario is quite true, that regime change and reform is unstoppable by imprisoning the leaders of movement. It had been proven in the downing of Polish Communist Regime, that when Lech Walesa together with about 1600 other union leaders were imprisoned the political situation in Poland turned irreversibly against the communist regime. During that period of crucial change Lech Walesa & all of his key movement leaders were all already imprisoned by Polish Communist Regime and were not at all in control of situation outside the prisons. However the crucial shift of power still took place. This showed that imprisonment of the movement leadership can not stop the reform, and what have to change still will change, what have to be gone will still be gone. Strikes spread like wild fire across Poland and the Communist Regime were unable to control it at all even when key union leaders such as Lech Walesa were already put behind bars for over a year. In the end the Polish Communist Regime gave up and released their political prisoners, within 3 days after Walesa was released he managed to call of all the strikes and he soon became the new president. This is something that BN & famiLEE LEEgime have to painfully learn. When your powers are gone, they are gone, imprisoning your successors isn't going to make any difference. ![]() 安华一举戳破国阵鸡奸案迷思 “就算囚禁我也难阻改朝换代” 刘嘉铭 2月21日 晚上 10点39分 NONE自嘲半只脚已再度踏入牢房的国会在野党领袖安华今日向国阵政府发出强烈的警告,不管他是否会因为肛 交案而被定罪入牢,人民都会在下一届大选中改朝换代换政府。 “我要警告巫统、国阵、纳吉和他的妻子,他们不应误以为当我被监禁后,选民将回流。” 他表示,人民已对巫统主导的中央政府忍无可忍,且准备投选民联取而代之。唯独国阵存有一种假幻觉认为,一旦 他第二度肛交案入狱,人民将重投国阵怀抱。 安华是今天在威省与槟岛出席槟州副议长陈福良和峇都茅区州议员阿都马列(Abdul Malik)的新春团拜时,二度如此表示。槟首长林冠英也参与这两场团拜。 posted by uncleyap at" title="permanent link">12:33 AM |
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#2 |
It is the changes that registred in the people's minds. Reformasi was born from Anwar's first jail trip.Anwar suceeded in taken a major portion of Malay's votes, only the Chinese and the Indians' votes sustained the BN government then.
This time it will be different. The oppositions are more united and the race issues, which was always the bogeyman are inpotence. The decisions to let the houses of worships burnt was supposed to be the catalyst to larger evil plans but the unity of the people barred those few rentseekers really freaked out the adminstration. Their most potent weapon rendered useless by the people's collective refusal for reprisals.Their aim at Emergency Rule dashed and UMNO backfired big time. UNMO does not even possess half the Malays' votes and now even the non Malays hate them with a passion. The fear factor has been removed. Anwar counts but Anwar is expendable at the same time. The momentum of change is not reaching any equilibrium yet until the BN is toppled. Kudos to the people for not being blinkered anymore. |
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