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Old 02-17-2010, 09:31 PM   #1

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Default PRC got smart, Japan became Sucker for USA
Beijing dumped USA Bonds & Debts, and became only 2nd largest debtor of USA. Japan is now the biggest sucker. No body want to take financial risk with Obama's govt and USA. No loans should be made to USA.


我国12月减持美债342亿美元 成第二大海外持有者
2010年02月17日 08:12:35  来源:新华网
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新华网北京2月16日电(记者安蓓、姚均芳)美国财政部16日公布的国际资本流动报告(TIC)显示,截至 2009年12月末,中国共持有7554亿美元美国国债,与11月份相比大幅减持342亿美元,由美国国债 最大海外持有者转成为第二大海外持有者。


报告还显示,日本在去年12月份增持115亿美元美国国债,以7688亿美元持有量成为美国国债的第一大海 外持有者。英国去年12月大幅增持美国国债249亿美元,持有量达3025亿美元,仍为第三大 海外持有者。

报告显示,2009年12月购买美国长期国债的海外资本净流入量为822亿美元,其中私人投资者净购入62 6亿美元,官方机构购买量为196亿美元。与此同时,美国居民购买外国长期债券为189亿美元 。
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Old 02-17-2010, 09:37 PM   #2

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It is better to have less sales these days the rather to let USA owe you debt. Their ability to repay is getting to be the ever increasing BIG QUESTION. You let the American to owe you a trillion they will enlarge it to 2 or 3 trillion and later like Brazil they will tell you that they can not pay and ask you WRITE OFF these debts, or they come and talk TERMS & CONDITION with you, using these huge debt to control you, and drag you through the shit with them.

China is smart to cut USA lose, if there is a sucker who want to be US's debtor, let the sucker be middle-man, sell COD to the sucker and let them mark-up to sell to USA. When USA die, PRC won't want to go down with it. Whoever the greedy sucker want to trust USA better suck up to Obama ASAP.


2010年02月17日 08:13:39  来源:新华网
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新华网华盛顿2月16日电(记者刘洪 刘丽娜)美国财政部16日公布的数据显示,去年12月日本增持美国国 债115亿美元,超过中国成为持有美国国债最多的国家。

根据美国财政部当天公布的数据,2009年12月份海外投资者减持美国国债530亿美元,减持幅度创历史新 高,远高于当年4月创下的445亿美元减持记录。

在持有美国国债的主要国家中,2009年12月份日本增持了115亿美元,至7688亿美元,成为美国最大 债权国。中国当月减持了342亿美元,现持有美国国债7554亿美元,降为美国第二大债权国。这也是中国连 续第二个月减持美国国债。

此外,英国当月增持了249亿美元美国国债,至3025亿美元;巴西增持了35亿美元,至1606亿美元; 俄罗斯减持了96亿美元,至1185亿美元。

·我国12月减持美债342亿美元 成第二大海外持有者

新华网北京2月16日电(记者安蓓、姚均芳)美国财政部16日公布的国际资本流动报告(TIC)显示,截至 2009年12月末,中国共持有7554亿美元美国国债,与11月份相比大幅减持342亿美元,由美国国债 最大海外持有者转成为第二大海外持有者。
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Old 02-18-2010, 03:09 PM   #3

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China losing appetite for US debt

February 17, 2010
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China's ownership of US government debt fell in December by the most since 2000, allowing Japan to regain the position as the largest foreign holder of Treasury securities.

Japan's holdings rose 1.5 per cent in December to $US768.8 billion ($858 billion) while China's dropped 4.3 per cent to $US755.4 billion, Treasury Department figures today showed. China allowed its short-term Treasury bills to mature and replaced them with a smaller amount of longer-term notes and bonds, the data showed.

China, with the world's largest central bank reserves, may be moving money to other investments from the relative safety of Treasuries as the US runs record budget deficits, economists said. China's Treasury holdings peaked at $US801.5 billion in May, and net sales in November and December were the first consecutive months of reductions since late 2007.

''If this scale of selling is sustained, then it would suggest that China is taking larger steps to diversify than it has in the past,'' said Win Thin, a senior currency strategist in New York at Brown Brothers Harriman, which manages about $US40 billion in assets.

While today's data are ''cause for modest concern that bears watching, we do not think the big global reserve managers are dumping US dollar assets on a sustained basis,'' Thin wrote in a research note after the report.

Bond yields

The yield on 10-year Treasuries climbed one basis point to 3.67 per cent as of 10:30 a.m. in Tokyo, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. Treasuries earlier rose after Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City President Thomas Hoenig said the US must take steps to reduce spending and increase revenue.

China had been the largest creditor abroad to the US since September 2008, when its holdings of Treasuries surpassed those of Japan. China's holdings of Treasury bills have shrunk to $US69.7 billion, about a third of the $US210.4 billion held in May, as the outlook for a recovery in the US remained unclear.

Chinese officials have over the past year expressed concern about an increase in US debt to fund the swelling fiscal deficit. Premier Wen Jiabao said in March 2009 he was ``worried'' about China's Treasury holdings and wanted assurances that the nation's US investments were safe, and central bank Governor Zhou Xiaochuan has proposed a new global currency to reduce reliance on the dollar.

Budget gap

Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner has sought to assure China that the US will close the budget gap and boost national savings over time.

Tension between the US and China has risen in the past few months over censorship of Google Inc., climate change and arms sales to Taiwan. President Barack Obama plans to meet the Dalai Lama in Washington on Feb. 18 even after China called on the US to cancel the gathering.

Total foreign holdings of Treasuries rose 17 per cent in 2009 to $US3.61 trillion as outstanding Treasury debt increased 25 per cent to $US7.27 trillion, according to Treasury data. Half of US debt is held by foreign investors, down from a peak of 55.7 per cent in April 2008.

''Foreign buying overall seems to have slowed, and what we've seen is the trend toward shifting bill holdings into nominal coupon Treasuries rather than an increase in overall Treasury holdings,'' said Michael Pond, an interest-rate strategist in New York at Barclays Capital Inc., one of 18 primary dealers that trade with the Federal Reserve. ''That's something the Treasury should be watching closely, the Treasury and the markets.''

Holdings of Treasury bills rose 17 per cent in 2009 to $US534.3 billion.

US investors have increased their holdings of Treasuries as they have increased their savings rate to 4.8 per cent at the end of 2009, according to the Commerce Department. The average savings rate for the previous five years was 2.1 per cent.

US households have owned a quarterly average of $US714.7 billion of Treasuries through the end of September 2009, compared with $US242.3 billion for the same period in 2008, Fed data show.
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Old 02-18-2010, 03:09 PM   #4

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China in record US debt sell-off

The Chinese sell-off means Japan is now the top holder of US Treasury bonds [EPA]

China sold a record amount of its US Treasury holdings in December, ceding its place as the world's biggest foreign holder of US debt to Japan.

According to Treasury figures released on Tuesday, Beijing sold off more than $34bn of its holdings in the final month of 2009, cutting its holding of US debt by just over 4 per cent to $755.4bn.

Japan now holds almost $11bn more US debt than China, with a total of nearly $769bn.

Japan had been the largest holder of US Treasury bonds until September 2008, when it was overtaken by China.

'Subtle message'

The Chinese sell-off of US bonds follows increasingly vocal concern from Beijing over the ballooning US deficit, and comes amid a deterioration in relations between the US and China on a range of fronts.

Eswar Prasad, a trade policy professor at Cornell University in New York state, said the Chinese sales of US Treasuries could contain "a subtle economic and political message" aimed at Washington.

"Chinese leaders are deploying their reserves to try and pressure the US to stop haranguing China about its currency and trade policies and to back off from interference in its domestic political and human rights issues," he told the AFP news agency.

In the latest spat between Beijing and Washington the White House has rejected a Chinese demand that Barack Obama, the US president, cancel his meeting this week with the Dalai Lama, the exiled Tibetan spiritual leader.

Complicating issues still further the rows over Tibet, a US arms sales to Taiwan, China's dispute with Google and a raft of others trade and currency disagreements, come at a time when Obama is seeking China's help to toughen sanctions on Iran.

Chinese dependence

However, US think-tank Stratfor in a note to clients on Tuesday said that while the debt sell-off may have political undertones, China remains fully aware of its own dependence on the US.

"While China may reduce its holdings of US debt in order to send a signal to Washington - though this is not necessarily the only reason it would do so - it has no intention of selling debt to the point that it wrecks the US economic recovery, since doing so would destroy China's own economic and socio-political stability," it said.

Analysts have speculated about political motives behind China's move [GALLO/GETTY]
China invests the bulk of its $2.2trn in foreign exchange reserves in US Treasury bonds which has virtually financed the snowballing US budget and current account deficits.

At the same time, despite recent increases in China's domestic consumption, its economy and millions of Chinese factory jobs remain highly dependent on US export markets.

Nonetheless, in recent months Chinese officials have repeatedly voiced concern about the mushrooming US debt, fearing it could erode the value of the dollar and its Treasury holding.

Last June Timothy Geithner, the US Treasury Secretary, travelled to Beijing to reassure Chinese leaders, saying their money is "very safe" and pledging to cut the deficit.
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Old 02-18-2010, 03:10 PM   #5

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China loses some interest in US bonds

Malaysia News.Net
Wednesday 17th February, 2010

China has become the second-biggest US debt holder after Japan.
China has become the second-biggest US debt holder after Japan.

The change in status has come after China cut its holdings by $34.2 billion following its decision to question whether US bonds are safe and whether the country can sustain its deficits.

The US Treasury has revealed net purchases of long-term stocks, bonds and notes only increased by $63.3 billion in December, which was down by half from the previous month.

China has also questioned the US dollar's role as the world's reserve currency.
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Old 02-18-2010, 08:56 PM   #6

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It is better to have less sales these days the rather to let USA owe you debt. Their ability to repay is getting to be the ever increasing BIG QUESTION. You let the American to owe you a trillion they will enlarge it to 2 or 3 trillion and later like Brazil they will tell you that they can not pay and ask you WRITE OFF these debts, or they come and talk TERMS & CONDITION with you, using these huge debt to control you, and drag you through the shit with them.

China is smart to cut USA lose, if there is a sucker who want to be US's debtor, let the sucker be middle-man, sell COD to the sucker and let them mark-up to sell to USA. When USA die, PRC won't want to go down with it. Whoever the greedy sucker want to trust USA better suck up to Obama ASAP.


2010年02月17日 08:13:39  来源:新华网
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新华网华盛顿2月16日电(记者刘洪 刘丽娜)美国财政部16日公布的数据显示,去年12月日本增持美国国 债115亿美元,超过中国成为持有美国国债最多的国家。

根据美国财政部当天公布的数据,2009年12月份海外投资者减持美国国债530亿美元,减持幅度创历史新 高,远高于当年4月创下的445亿美元减持记录。

在持有美国国债的主要国家中,2009年12月份日本增持了115亿美元,至7688亿美元,成为美国最大 债权国。中国当月减持了342亿美元,现持有美国国债7554亿美元,降为美国第二大债权国。这也是中国连 续第二个月减持美国国债。

此外,英国当月增持了249亿美元美国国债,至3025亿美元;巴西增持了35亿美元,至1606亿美元; 俄罗斯减持了96亿美元,至1185亿美元。

·我国12月减持美债342亿美元 成第二大海外持有者

新华网北京2月16日电(记者安蓓、姚均芳)美国财政部16日公布的国际资本流动报告(TIC)显示,截至 2009年12月末,中国共持有7554亿美元美国国债,与11月份相比大幅减持342亿美元,由美国国债 最大海外持有者转成为第二大海外持有者。

Most common peasants do not realize how currency is been manipulated .

There is reason to believe that one day . USA might demand a war with you .

Are countries ready ?
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