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Old 01-07-2010, 11:15 PM   #1

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Anwar tells supporters not to join protests

Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim today discouraged Pakatan Rakyat supporters from joining in the protests organised for tomorrow against a court decision to allow a Catholic publication to use the term "Allah".
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Old 01-07-2010, 11:18 PM   #2

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虽然内政部亮绿灯允许回教林组织明日举办集会,抗议高庭允许天主教周刊《先锋报》马来文版使用“阿拉”字眼 的裁决,但是国会反对党领袖安华却呼吁公众勿出席明日的集会,因为这场争议应该透过对话的方式解决,而不是 继续煽动宗教及种族情绪。






安华指出,许多国际知名的回教学者都同意,回教允许基督徒使用“阿拉”字眼。不过他承认,国内回教徒的担忧 也是合理的,因为历史上曾发生基督徒滥用“阿拉”的字眼向回教徒传教的事件。

他主张必须分开处理这两项课题,并呼吁回教徒与非回教徒坐下来对话解决问题,而不是继续煽动宗教与种族情绪 。



“我肯定不鼓励,我的意见是你必须讨论,这是非常严肃的课题,涉及信仰,涉及回教徒和非回教徒。重要的是我 们必须加强了解,而不是在两个宗教社群之间散播不满和仇恨,这点非常关键。”




“我没有质疑任何人和平集会的权利,我质疑的是内政部的虚伪和矛盾,该部只协助举办他们所要的集会,但是却 殴打其他让他们感觉不舒适的和平集会。”

安华也不忘点出首相纳吉矛盾的立场,“一方面你允许示威,另一方面你呼吁保持冷静,两者明显有 出入”。

虽然纳吉日前疾呼各造保持冷静,不过在今早却符合内政部的说法,声称政府无法阻止回教徒明日在周五祈祷之后 于回教堂举行示威抗议。


另外,安华也将争议矛头指向“阿拉”案的当事人内政部,抨击该部在问题萌生早期,就应召集各宗教代表对话解 决争议,但却疏于职守,才酿成今日的风波。

“目前的阶段,我们能够做的就是呼吁冷静,让宗教机构、学者、回教组织与非回教组织,展开坦然的交流,这是 最佳的方式。”


安华是今早在吉隆坡回教法庭入禀口供书后,受询及“阿拉”字眼使用权的风波时,发表上述的意见 。

不过,他不愿正面回应本身是否支持高庭的裁决,仅是强调内政部早前没有召集各教代表对话明显失 职。

受询及民联是否须应表达共同立场,以及回教党早前表达的立场,安华并没有直接给予回答,只表示“我可以向他 们查询”。
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Old 01-07-2010, 11:41 PM   #3

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虽然内政部亮绿灯允许回教林组织明日举办集会,抗议高庭允许天主教周刊《先锋报》马来文版使用“阿拉”字眼 的裁决,但是国会反对党领袖安华却呼吁公众勿出席明日的集会,因为这场争议应该透过对话的方式解决,而不是 继续煽动宗教及种族情绪。






安华指出,许多国际知名的回教学者都同意,回教允许基督徒使用“阿拉”字眼。不过他承认,国内回教徒的担忧 也是合理的,因为历史上曾发生基督徒滥用“阿拉”的字眼向回教徒传教的事件。

他主张必须分开处理这两项课题,并呼吁回教徒与非回教徒坐下来对话解决问题,而不是继续煽动宗教与种族情绪 。



“我肯定不鼓励,我的意见是你必须讨论,这是非常严肃的课题,涉及信仰,涉及回教徒和非回教徒。重要的是我 们必须加强了解,而不是在两个宗教社群之间散播不满和仇恨,这点非常关键。”




“我没有质疑任何人和平集会的权利,我质疑的是内政部的虚伪和矛盾,该部只协助举办他们所要的集会,但是却 殴打其他让他们感觉不舒适的和平集会。”

安华也不忘点出首相纳吉矛盾的立场,“一方面你允许示威,另一方面你呼吁保持冷静,两者明显有 出入”。

虽然纳吉日前疾呼各造保持冷静,不过在今早却符合内政部的说法,声称政府无法阻止回教徒明日在周五祈祷之后 于回教堂举行示威抗议。


另外,安华也将争议矛头指向“阿拉”案的当事人内政部,抨击该部在问题萌生早期,就应召集各宗教代表对话解 决争议,但却疏于职守,才酿成今日的风波。

“目前的阶段,我们能够做的就是呼吁冷静,让宗教机构、学者、回教组织与非回教组织,展开坦然的交流,这是 最佳的方式。”


安华是今早在吉隆坡回教法庭入禀口供书后,受询及“阿拉”字眼使用权的风波时,发表上述的意见 。

不过,他不愿正面回应本身是否支持高庭的裁决,仅是强调内政部早前没有召集各教代表对话明显失 职。

受询及民联是否须应表达共同立场,以及回教党早前表达的立场,安华并没有直接给予回答,只表示“我可以向他 们查询”。
There is no coincident that I share the same attitude as Mr. Anwar towards racial and religious subjects, because that is the right attitude, and that is where LKy is very very wrong.

The taboo and ban against healthy and sensible discussion and exchanges is a naive evading strategy that famiLEE LEEgime had adopted in Singapore for the entire past under the control of incompetent famiLEE & PAp.

The exact opposite must be done, that is open frank serious and sincere exchanges and dialogs, sensible discussion, with cool and reasonable plus most importantly mutually respectful mindsets of matured and educated citizens.

The true meaning and value of LEADERSHIP (instead of LEEdership) here is to be able to affect necessary sensible and helpful influence into sensitive and important racial and religious harmony issues. This is the expected functions which political leaders hold their position for, and this is where our MILLION DOLLAR MINISTER HAD FAILED and DOUCHED DUTIES - by banning these subjects from being raised, and made them Taboo and completely swept under carpet to become a dangerous time bomb for Singaporean society.

Mr. Anwar had exhibited the quality of leadership which is clearly lacked by Lee Kuan Yew and all his million dollar ministers.

I particularly want to point out that LKy had made these subjects Taboo everywhere on media, TV, Speakers Corner, educational or academic debates, by laws and regulations, and the corrupted and incompetent famiLEE LEEgime punished people who raised these subjects. WHY? Because LKy is fearful and feeling absolutely insecure because he have no quality nor ability to provide the necessary leadership in these important areas.

As such, he is evasive and self-deceptive in total avoidance from these areas. He had always fear that someone would light up this dynamite inside his asshole where he is incapable of extinguishing the fuse. His stupid and rotten corrupt policy did Singapore in. This is corrupted and selfish because he tailored Singapore's law and system to suit his own incompetence and fear.

The Republic of Singapore belongs to us the citizens and not the PAp nor the famiLEE LEEgime, the system and law here are to be made to suit and serve the people instead of the corrupted and incompetent rulers.

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Old 01-07-2010, 11:42 PM   #4

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上午 10点53分

内政部长希山慕丁昨日表态允许回教徒针对“阿拉”字眼的裁决举行示威引发双重标准争议,结果首相纳吉今日辩 称,政府无法阻止回教徒在明日周五祈祷之后,在回教堂范围内举行示威。

询及政府允许抗议“阿拉”字眼的示威是否出现双重标准时,纳吉并没有正面回答,仅表示说:“如果他们在回教 堂集会,我们将无法阻止他们”。

相对于过去内政部和警方采取封锁街道及申请庭令阻扰兴权会、公选盟、废除英授数理集会的先发制人强硬镇压手 段有所不同,政府这次给予“默许”的立场,似乎是给了明天的系列示威活动“亮起绿灯”。




不过,纳吉强调,有关集会必须仅限于回教堂范围内,并且希望有关集会不会扩散和引起更严重的情 况。


他希望明日只是出现“最低程度”的示威,以免引起国内的紧张关系,因为他希望此事能够透过法庭 解决。




“每个人拥有不同的看法。如我所言,此事已经上诉到法庭,不过,我们仍然需要与不同的团体对话。 ”

吉隆坡高庭在2009年12月31日作出历史性判决,其中裁决天主教周刊《先锋报》可使用“阿拉”字眼,并 宣判内长和政府早前禁止该报使用有关字眼的决定“不合法及无效”。

这项裁决意味着,先锋报及其他的非回教刊物,将可以在他们出版的刊物中,在称呼“上帝”时,直接使用马来文 “阿拉”(Allah)的字眼。

这项裁决立即引起部分回教团体的不满,并且举行示威抗议,例如就有大约150名回教徒在1月3日在槟城举行 抗议。

如今在全国至少有5个地方将于本周五举办集会,其中“反对非穆斯林使用阿拉字眼”网站就同步号召4场集会, 时间都是在周五的穆斯林祈祷时段之后。

内政部长希山慕丁昨天更一反过去该部门严打街头示威的作风,宣布“不阻止”人们举行集会,以表达他们对高庭 “阿拉”案判决的不满,仅提醒这样的示威抗议不能够危害国家的安全。
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Old 01-07-2010, 11:52 PM   #5

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My Forum Posting on famiLEE LEEgime's Rotten Policy in Racial & Religious Harmony

There is no coincident that I share the same attitude as Mr. Anwar towards racial and religious subjects, because that is the right attitude, and that is where LKy is very very wrong.

The taboo and ban against healthy and sensible discussion and exchanges is a naive evading strategy that famiLEE LEEgime had adopted in Singapore for the entire past under the control of incompetent famiLEE & PAp.

The exact opposite must be done, that is open frank serious and sincere exchanges and dialogs, sensible discussion, with cool and reasonable plus most importantly mutually respectful mindsets of matured and educated citizens.

The true meaning and value of LEADERSHIP (instead of LEEdership) here is to be able to affect necessary sensible and helpful influence into sensitive and important racial and religious harmony issues. This is the expected functions which political leaders hold their position for, and this is where our MILLION DOLLAR MINISTER HAD FAILED and DOUCHED DUTIES - by banning these subjects from being raised, and made them Taboo and completely swept under carpet to become a dangerous time bomb for Singaporean society.

Mr. Anwar had exhibited the quality of leadership which is clearly lacked by Lee Kuan Yew and all his million dollar ministers.

I particularly want to point out that LKy had made these subjects Taboo everywhere on media, TV, Speakers Corner, educational or academic debates, by laws and regulations, and the corrupted and incompetent famiLEE LEEgime punished people who raised these subjects. WHY? Because LKy is fearful and feeling absolutely insecure because he have no quality nor ability to provide the necessary leadership in these important areas.

As such, he is evasive and self-deceptive in total avoidance from these areas. He had always fear that someone would light up this dynamite inside his asshole where he is incapable of extinguishing the fuse. His stupid and rotten corrupt policy did Singapore in. This is corrupted and selfish because he tailored Singapore's law and system to suit his own incompetence and fear.

The Republic of Singapore belongs to us the citizens and not the PAp nor the famiLEE LEEgime, the system and law here are to be made to suit and serve the people instead of the corrupted and incompetent rulers.

In every country of this world there is Racial & Religious Issues to be dealt with, and uniquely Singapore the famiLEE LEEgime had always adopted evasion and Taboo citing risk of uncontrollable disputes as excuses. I point out that does not happen in other countries most of the time as their Non-Million-Dollar governments and leaders could handle these issues and moderate the interactions between people within a reasonably peaceful atmosphere. Very obviously the famiLEE LEEgime and Lee Kuan Yew is incompetence as well as fearful to face this challenge and discharge their seriously important duties.

http://sammyboy.com/showpost.php?p=377389&postcount=3">Sammyboy.Com Thread

posted by uncleyap at http://uncleyap.blogspot.com/2010/01/my-forum-posting-on-familee-leegimes.html" title="permanent link">8:42 AM
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Old 01-09-2010, 05:03 PM   #6

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I actually enjoy discussing religious matters!

Too bad cannot get replies from people who fear touching on religious act!!!
I also enjoy that, but not many can interact well in this aspect across different culture.

LKy made it Taboo and Forbidden. The Racial & Religious Discussions are only for the ROYALS within the FORBIDDEN CITY inside Istana only.

Yes I can understand, but at this moment I can almost smell blood now, not from Malaysia but Indonesia instead. In Malaysia only a few Molotov Cocktails and a church fire, which are acts of several individuals. In Indonesia it can mean genocide as it happened before. Because it is such a big country compared to our Red Dot, the leaders can not have equal influences in every part of the country, and further it is usually too late when they began to take actions like sending troops.

In a tiny red dot however, Racial & Religious issues among Singaporeans were easy to settle, because we had been here together for 2 or more generations in the same educational system etc. However, this advantage is now gone, because the WRONGLY IMPLEMENTED IMMIGRATION POLICY brought in A SIGNIFICANTLY LARGER AMOUNT OF NEW IMMIGRANTS WITHIN DESPERATELY SHORT PERIOD. There is absolutely No Time for Sufficient Neutralization.

It created a dangerous cultural fault-line, timing up to a dangerous Racial / Religious / Cultural / Communal earthquake. This is the part that famiLEE LEEgime had ruin Singapore the most deeply all these years, and they have no chance to undo it at all.

If Singapore's education didn't failed, and citizens are matured, we should not be so primitive and unable to rationally and reasonably discuss and settle Racial & Religious matters among ourselves. Religious and Ethnic leaders are supposed to moderate and discipline the aggressive and unruly members of their own communities. Political leaders are supposed to make system fair and respectable. Legislators are supposed to draw down lines, that keep the dialogs within peaceful and non-destructive limits - but not to BLANKET BAN EVERYTHING. There are much experience that be learned from the history and current affairs of the world.

Uniquely Singapore, LKy & LEEgime have to forbid these essentially necessary and harmonious exchanges. And then claim to be a FIRST WORLD. If Malaysia & Indonesia ended up in violence this round over Allah that is because they are 3rd World, and that can be understood.

The famiLEE LEEgime's policy and system proved that they are corrupt and incompetent cowards. They had corruptly compromised our needs to suit their own incompetence in keeping up healthy exchanges in these subjects, they had during entire history of famiLEE LEEgime evaded these responsibilities and dare not face the reality.
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Old 01-09-2010, 05:07 PM   #7

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Indonesian Muslims and Christians Argue over Allah

By BARADAN KUPPUSAMY / KUALA LUMPUR Baradan Kuppusamy / Kuala Lumpur – Fri Jan 8, 6:55 pm ET
"Why are the Christians claiming Allah?" asks businessman Rahim Ismail, 47, his face contorted in rage and disbelief. He shakes his head and raises his voice while waiting for a taxi along Jalan Tun Razak, a main thoroughfare in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia's capital. "Everybody in the world knows Allah is the Muslim God and belongs to Muslims. I cannot understand why the Christians want to claim Allah as their God," Rahim says as passersby, mostly Muslims, gather around and nod in agreement.
The reason for their anger is a recent judgment by Malaysia's high court that the word Allah is not exclusive to Muslims. Judge Lau Bee Lan ruled that others, including Catholics who had been prohibited by the Home Ministry from using the word in their publications since 2007, can now use the term. She also rescinded the prohibition order that forbade the Malay-language edition of the Catholic monthly the Herald to use Allah to denote the Christian God. After widespread protests, however, the judge granted a stay order on Jan. 7, the same day the government appealed to the higher Court of Appeal to overturn the ruling.
The anger seemed to turn into violence late Thursday night after masked men on motorcycles firebombed three churches in the city, gutting the ground floor of the Metro Tabernacle Church, located in a commercial building in the Desa Melawati suburb of the capital. The attacks, which police said appeared uncoordinated, were condemned by the government, opposition MPs and Muslim clerics alike. On Friday, Muslims demonstrated in scores of mosques across the country, but the protest was peaceful. In the mosque in Kampung Baru, a Malay enclave in the city, Muslims held placards that read "Leave Islam alone! Treat us as you would treat yourself! Don't test our patience!" amid cries of "Allah is great!" (See pictures of Islam's soft revolution in Cairo.)
Because of Malaysia's ethnic makeup, religion is a sensitive issue, and any religious controversy is seen as a potential spark for unrest. Some 60% of Malaysia's 28 million people are Malay Muslim, while the rest are mainly ethnic Chinese, Indians or members of indigenous tribes, practicing various faiths including Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism and animism. Among Christians, the majority Catholics number about 650,000, or 3% of the population. Despite Malaysia's diverse national complexion, political Islam is a growing force, and the country operates under two sets of laws, one for Muslims, the other for everyone else. The authorities regard such compartmentalization as essential to maintaining social stability.
To many Malay Muslims, Lau's ruling crosses the line. Prominent Muslim clerics, lawmakers and government ministers have questioned the soundness of the judgment. A coalition of 27 Muslim NGOs wrote to the nine Malay sultans, each the head of Islam in their respective states, to intervene and help overturn the verdict. A Facebook campaign by Muslims started on Jan. 4 has attracted more than 100,000 supporters. Among them: Deputy Trade Minister Mukhriz Mahathir, son of former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad, who also waded into the controversy, saying the court is not a proper forum to decide an emotional religious issue. "The judgment is a mistake," says Nazri Aziz, Minister overseeing Parliamentary Affairs, speaking for many Malaysian Muslims. The few Muslims who have urged respect for judicial independence have been shouted down as traitors. "I can't understand how any Muslim can support this judgment," said legislator Zulkifli Noordin in a statement. (See pictures of Islam in Asia.)
The case arose after the Home Ministry prohibited the Herald from using Allah for God in its Malay-language versions in 2007. "We have been using the word for decades in our Malay-language Bibles and without problems," the Rev. Lawrence Andrew, editor of the Catholic publication, tells TIME. In May 2008 the Catholics decided to take the matter to court for a judicial review - and won. "It is a landmark decision ... fair and just," says Andrew. During the intermittent trial in the closing months of 2008, lawyers for the church argued that the word Allah predated Islam and was commonly used by Copts, Jews and Christians to denote God in many parts of the world. They argued that Allah is an Arabic word for God and has been used for decades by the church in Malaysia and Indonesia. And they said that the Herald uses the word Allah for God to meet the needs of its Malay-speaking worshippers on the island of Borneo. "Some people have got the idea that we are out to convert [Muslims]. That's not true," the lawyers said on behalf of the Herald.
Government lawyers countered that Allah denotes the Muslim God, is accepted as such around the world and is exclusively for Muslims. They said that if Catholics were allowed to use Allah, Muslims would be "confused." The confusion would worsen, they said, because Christians recognize a "trinity of gods" while Islam is "totally monotheistic." They said the proper word for God in the Malay language is Tuhan, not Allah. Lau held that the constitution guarantees freedom of religion and speech, and therefore Catholics can use the word Allah to denote God. She also overturned the Home Ministry order prohibiting the Herald from using the word. "The applicants have the right to use the word Allah in the exercise of their rights to freedom of speech and expression," she said.
Non-Muslim Malaysians worry that the vehement opposition to the Allah ruling reflects a growing Islamization in a multireligious society. Last October a Shari'a court sentenced a Muslim woman who drank beer to be caned in public; in another incident, in November, Muslims enraged over the construction of a Hindu temple near their homes demonstrated their anger with a severed cow's head. They kicked and stomped on the head, as Hindus - to whom cows are sacred - watched helplessly. As for the court ruling, bar-council president Ragunath Kesavan met Prime Minister Najib Razak on Thursday to discuss how to cool emotions. Says Kesavan: "We need to get the Muslim and Christian leaders together. They need to meet face to face and work out a compromise and not let this thing escalate."
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