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Old 03-23-2011, 05:17 PM   #21

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That's assuming the Dems only wanted to spend as much this year as they did last year; a pretty faulty assumption IMO.
I'm not sure what you're saying. The bill the dems are pushing for (via the senate) spends 2% more than the bill the GOP is pushing for (via the house). The dems want to spend a lot, and the GOP wants to spend just as much except for the final 2%.
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Old 03-23-2011, 05:18 PM   #22

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Well they wouldn't be a good solution, but if you look at from 2008 to 2010, where Democrats did control everything, ANYTHING would be better.
hail 9aces,

wouldn't it be fair to say that the Democrats controlled both houses 'o congress and the white house durin' the peak 'o the recession, just as the mighty waves 'o fiscal catastrophe smashed into the hull 'o our nation?

'twas all they could do to ride out the storm, make sure wall street was stabilized, and the rich remained protected from the worst 'o the weather.

taxes remained low....the President authorized further tax cuts through the stimulus, i mean, wouldn't that be at least a more honest view 'o the time the left controlled the levers 'o power, matey?

'tis a miracle that unemployment didn't reach 25%.

- MeadHallPirate
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Old 03-23-2011, 05:18 PM   #23

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Fine, give them the Senate and the White House so they actually do control things, then you get to complain it's their fault.

Until then, if you're going to complain, you get to yell at them both.
Oh yea, like all the money the GOP spent in 6 years of total control of the federal government under "W". Where they spent us into 2 wars, huge national deficits and debts and started this bad recession.

Of course, they made their owners, the super rich, a lot of money taken from the lower and middle clase.
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Old 03-23-2011, 05:19 PM   #24

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Is the one the GOP has better than what the Democrats have?
I think it would be hard to say that either party's bill is more than 2% better than the other party's bill. Its like buttered popcorn. If one person puts 98 sticks worth of butter on their popcorn and the other person puts 100 sticks worth of butter on their popcorn, can you really say the one who used only 98 sticks made "better popcorn" than the other one? Either way sounds pretty damn disgusting to me.
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Old 03-23-2011, 05:22 PM   #25

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Extended the Bush tax cuts, allowed busienss owners to not worry about the over regulation that was about to happen with Obama case...

btw, what has Reid and Obama done?
Yep, when the GOP held lower and middle Americans hostage, so that President Obama had to agree to letting the tax breaks for the super rich continue.

When President Obama had to forgo much of the ACA, so that the GOP, led by a ring in it's nose by the upper 2%, kept everyone from passing through 'secret holds' and filibusters.
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Old 03-23-2011, 05:24 PM   #26

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Well they wouldn't be a good solution, but if you look at from 2008 to 2010, where Democrats did control everything, ANYTHING would be better.
Yep, when America was reeling from the bad recession that started when the GOP had complete control of the federal government.

President Obama and the Dems did quite a good job in saving and then creating jobs and keeping the recession from being worse and to start turning it around.

Even though the GOP slowed it down as much as possible with a record number of Senate filibusters and secret holds.
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Old 03-23-2011, 05:43 PM   #27

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Yep, when the GOP held lower and middle Americans hostage, so that President Obama had to agree to letting the tax breaks for the super rich continue.

When President Obama had to forgo much of the ACA, so that the GOP, led by a ring in it's nose by the upper 2%, kept everyone from passing through 'secret holds' and filibusters.
Do you ever even have a clue what your talking about. The GOP held Americans hostage, and the Anointed One had to forgo much of Obamacare because of the GOP, what BS. I guess you need reminding, you Dem's controlled the white house and the Senate and the House. Yes you Dem's controlled, not the Republicans, and you Dem's could pass anything any time you wanted.
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Old 03-23-2011, 05:47 PM   #28

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All of you republicans are so jaded. Do you actually think these people give a rat's ass about you or the average working American? They don't. They care about one thing, gaining total control over the legislature. They will say whatever they have to. Play into your hate and intolerance by pushing petty social issues that have no impact whatsoever on our society as a whole. All in the name of gaining power.

The Democrats are no better really. Part of me thinks many of them are republicans who infiltrated the party to make sure they never get anything worthwhile done. At the end of the day even the democrats along with their President are really in this for themselves and the rewards that come with gaming the system for their masters in the business world looking to corner the market on world energy and usher in an era of Corporate Oligarchy where will have have no rights.

More and more I feel like this. As much as I want to believe in the left, I do not think they will ever come through and the right are nothing more than greedy warmongers looking to profit off the suffering of others and they do well because they play right into prejudices and do a great job of driving wedges between the American people.
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Old 03-23-2011, 05:49 PM   #29

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hail 9aces,

wouldn't it be fair to say that the Democrats controlled both houses 'o congress and the white house durin' the peak 'o the recession, just as the mighty waves 'o fiscal catastrophe smashed into the hull 'o our nation?
Lets be really fair and say the Senate and the House was controlled by the Dem's from January 2008, the recession started under Democrat control of both houses and have been in control for now over 4 yrs.

'tis a miracle that unemployment didn't reach 25%. Yes I know you think Obama is the Anointed One, as he promised unemployment would not exceed 8%. He and you liberals think he is the miracle worker.
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Old 03-23-2011, 05:57 PM   #30

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I know I am the only one here who thinks any recovery for our workers is a pipe dream, given the current economic model the US has embraced. But, I just cannot ignore what common sense tells me. We not only have millions unemployed, but we have millions under employed. And we had those under employers folks in vast numbers prior to the crash of 08. I know many of those people here in my area personally. In all age groups, but especially in the over 50 age group.

While the offshoring has slowed a little, it is still alive and well, and leaving for China and other slave labor areas steadily, slowing bleeding the host that I call America's Workers to death. When you are bleeding jobs, this makes it difficult for any strong job growth into the future. So, when the unemployment numbers do get better, it will be a snail creep, instead of the manner we saw it BEFORE offshoring so much of America's industry. And this means over the next decade or so, we will have an increase in America's poor. And even a loss in middle class, with wage stagnation the status quo. And that is the only place our current model can lead.

There is nothing wrong with fair trade. I believe in trade. I think it's the best thing since sliced bread. But we don't have anything close to fair trade when it comes to China, or any slave labor developing nation. Instead, we have a model that guts American industry, certain segments of it, and in the process displaces American jobs that some Americans cannot replace as they just are intellectually, average people. To say that some folks are not as smart as others, is not PC, but its the TRUTH. And American industry could and did use these people for decades. And there are a helluva more of those sorts of people than you would ever admit. I know scores of them just in my own area. These folks have been joining the poor ever since the Repub yielded to corporations and gave em tax breaks to relocate to China and Mexico and other diverse places.

So, you want jobs? Don't look to the Repubs to help out, unless you want to employ some Chinese. And don't look to the Dems either for that matter. But I will say this, and it's a fact. There are still a few Dems who actually "get it" in regards to the destructiveness of corporate globalization, and while they recognize it will not go away, they do seek to hogtie that fucker, so that it doesn't destroy our working and middle class folks. You indulge in globalization, you just don't give away the whole damn store in the process. And you don't do actions that destroys our own People, the folks these dirty politicians are SUPPOSED to be representing, instead of selling the People out to special interests with deep pockets.

You really want to get the gov't back working for the majority of the People? Public finance all elections for Congress and the Presidency. Making accepting contributions a jailable offense, because dirty money is ruling today.

I heard yesterday with Pawlinty, that if he won the primary to challenge Obama, it would cost him 1 BILLION bucks to win! 1 BILLION dollars for god's sake. There will be not strings attached to those donations, but ROPES. How in the hell can you expect these jackwags to represent the American People? You can't. And it is obvious, this money and politics has created a beast, that feeds on not green grass but green currency.

We gotta have real, and effective reforms in the election process. Give the media some tax breaks in exchange for them allowing equal time for each canidate, once a week 3 months prior to Nov of that election year. It't the public airwaves afterall! We own em. The People owns them.

Allow each canidate a few million bucks financed by taxes, and limit these fuckers. And pay extra attention, using the brightest lawyers, to alleviate the inevitable loopholes that always find their way in previous campaign reforms.

Only Draconian methods will put an end to this Oligarchy we have morphed into. Then we will have perhaps the first real representation of the American People in a long time, if ever.
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Old 03-23-2011, 05:59 PM   #31

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Yep, when America was reeling from the bad recession that started when the GOP had complete control of the federal government.

President Obama and the Dems did quite a good job in saving and then creating jobs and keeping the recession from being worse and to start turning it around.

Even though the GOP slowed it down as much as possible with a record number of Senate filibusters and secret holds.
Stop man.... yer killin me.....
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Old 03-23-2011, 06:12 PM   #32

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Yep, when America was reeling from the bad recession that started when the GOP had complete control of the federal government.

President Obama and the Dems did quite a good job in saving and then creating jobs and keeping the recession from being worse and to start turning it around.

Even though the GOP slowed it down as much as possible with a record number of Senate filibusters and secret holds.
Really? Looks like the real slide hit after the Democrats gained control of 2/3 of the branches of government in 2006, and fell off the cliff when they got all 3 in 2008.

Might wanna look at this United States GDP Growth Rate and go from 2000 to present. Lots of things there, jobless rate, GDP, others. Sadly for you, the data seems to disagree with your stance.

Good thing those pesky Republicans did slow things down a bit.
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Old 03-23-2011, 06:13 PM   #33

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Well for what Republican'ts are doing from coast to coast I can yell directly at THEM for. As it is they who are waging the war on the middle class, women, and children!

As to giving them full control of our government again? I doubt that is going to happen any time soon.
Look, I am as pissed off as you are. BUT, government today is nothing more than a battlefield, and most of what you see from both sides are tactics and strategic moves in the battle for personal and Party power into the future. FUCK the American People, they got better things to do. Of course, they do give just enough lip service to other things in order to make some think they are still doing their appointed jobs. And that is my perception, and I feel it is an accurate one.

This is all about a certain party getting and keeping power and position, and of course the personal ambitions of remaining a ruling elite. Royalty by any other name stinks as badly.

This explains how the Repubs during Bush Jr. could be hardly distinquishable from Liberal Dems on spending. They just refused to tax the rich enough to pay for their spending. And of course even that, lowering taxes and increasing spending, could have been a move to insure Obama would have a helluva fiscal mess on this hands, which eventually he would be blamed for all of it, which would help the Repubs in 2010 and 2012. It's not like I can trust the Repubs NOT to pull something like this, as they are known for dirty pool and questionable tactics. That always comes with the territory when power and personal ambition corrupts.
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Old 03-23-2011, 06:25 PM   #34

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Lets be really fair and say the Senate and the House was controlled by the Dem's from January 2008, the recession started under Democrat control of both houses and have been in control for now over 4 yrs.

Yes I know you think Obama is the Anointed One, as he promised unemployment would not exceed 8%. He and you liberals think he is the miracle worker.
And of course it took from Jan 08 to Fall of 08 for the the ENTIRE REASON for the crash to occur! NOPE. It took damn near 8 years, under Bush and the Repubs for this shit to happen. The Dems were in control in Congress for 7 months before the crash came down. They are miracle workers, but even they could not FIX what your team created. And the mess was so huge that it will take another 8 years to fix their fuckups. If not longer.

A great start to another fiscal mess is to wage at least two more very costly wars, and again, do not fund it with higher tax rates especially on the rich fuckers. And don't even put it in the budget this next time either! When you stop funding your wars with tax increases, you are not only not fiscially irresponsible, you are the worlds village idiot. And village idiots don't need to be doing shit that affects me. It ain't never good and I generally lose.
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Old 03-23-2011, 06:26 PM   #35

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My prediction before the election is coming true. Now with Republican'ts in many positions of power, they are wasting no time breaking government, and mortgaging our future.

Where are the freakin' jobs, mutha fucka's!? Where is the legislation to create jobs!?

Where is the freakin' fiscal responsibility, butt monkeys!? Reducing Federal, and State's revenues, while giving away tax breaks to the most prosperous among us. Could you people be more transparent?

We knew where this was going before you got started, but we kept getting reassurances that it wasn't the case, from the brain washed minions.

We're in an economic crisis, and the priority of the Greedy Old sycophant Party, is to attack women & children, with a plethora of measures which do absolutely nothing to address the issues they were supposedly elected to address? I don't remember anyone running on a platform to ban abortion, defund public education, and bust unions.

Are they so detached from reality? Or is this just a case of political ideology running unchecked? It's as if Republican'ts fear that they will never have an opportunity like this again, and are totally ignoring the plight of our country.

All I hear from these ideologs and their parrots here on USPOL, is that we're broke, and this is what cuts look like, or something to that effect. It is amazing just how ruinous Republican'ts are being, with their 'cuts.' They've had decades to perfect their anti-government, anti-people style of hatchetry, but I think what we are witnessing today is their Pièce de résistance.

As I predicted, we will see higher unemployment, and higher rates of foreclosures under this round of Republican't drool. And they don't care, because they're focused on two things, making the economic crisis worse (by not addressing the crisis and taking on social issues), and getting more money for their puppet masters.

And all the while, the young people in the Middle East are toppling their out-of-touch corrupt governments.

The sun is setting on despotic rule, and their day will come.
Hey Boehner! Where are the f'n' jobs!? Hey Angry American, the F'n jobs are in China, India, etc. where the hell have you been?
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Old 03-23-2011, 07:22 PM   #36

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I know I am the only one here who thinks any recovery for our workers is a pipe dream, given the current economic model the US has embraced. But, I just cannot ignore what common sense tells me. We not only have millions unemployed, but we have millions under employed. And we had those under employers folks in vast numbers prior to the crash of 08. I know many of those people here in my area personally. In all age groups, but especially in the over 50 age group.

While the offshoring has slowed a little, it is still alive and well, and leaving for China and other slave labor areas steadily, slowing bleeding the host that I call America's Workers to death. When you are bleeding jobs, this makes it difficult for any strong job growth into the future. So, when the unemployment numbers do get better, it will be a snail creep, instead of the manner we saw it BEFORE offshoring so much of America's industry. And this means over the next decade or so, we will have an increase in America's poor. And even a loss in middle class, with wage stagnation the status quo. And that is the only place our current model can lead.

There is nothing wrong with fair trade. I believe in trade. I think it's the best thing since sliced bread. But we don't have anything close to fair trade when it comes to China, or any slave labor developing nation. Instead, we have a model that guts American industry, certain segments of it, and in the process displaces American jobs that some Americans cannot replace as they just are intellectually, average people. To say that some folks are not as smart as others, is not PC, but its the TRUTH. And American industry could and did use these people for decades. And there are a helluva more of those sorts of people than you would ever admit. I know scores of them just in my own area. These folks have been joining the poor ever since the Repub yielded to corporations and gave em tax breaks to relocate to China and Mexico and other diverse places.

So, you want jobs? Don't look to the Repubs to help out, unless you want to employ some Chinese. And don't look to the Dems either for that matter. But I will say this, and it's a fact. There are still a few Dems who actually "get it" in regards to the destructiveness of corporate globalization, and while they recognize it will not go away, they do seek to hogtie that fucker, so that it doesn't destroy our working and middle class folks. You indulge in globalization, you just don't give away the whole damn store in the process. And you don't do actions that destroys our own People, the folks these dirty politicians are SUPPOSED to be representing, instead of selling the People out to special interests with deep pockets.

You really want to get the gov't back working for the majority of the People? Public finance all elections for Congress and the Presidency. Making accepting contributions a jailable offense, because dirty money is ruling today.

I heard yesterday with Pawlinty, that if he won the primary to challenge Obama, it would cost him 1 BILLION bucks to win! 1 BILLION dollars for god's sake. There will be not strings attached to those donations, but ROPES. How in the hell can you expect these jackwags to represent the American People? You can't. And it is obvious, this money and politics has created a beast, that feeds on not green grass but green currency.

We gotta have real, and effective reforms in the election process. Give the media some tax breaks in exchange for them allowing equal time for each canidate, once a week 3 months prior to Nov of that election year. It't the public airwaves afterall! We own em. The People owns them.

Allow each canidate a few million bucks financed by taxes, and limit these fuckers. And pay extra attention, using the brightest lawyers, to alleviate the inevitable loopholes that always find their way in previous campaign reforms.

Only Draconian methods will put an end to this Oligarchy we have morphed into. Then we will have perhaps the first real representation of the American People in a long time, if ever.
So if you want jobs, bring our oil jobs back home. Vote Republican, Democrats think oil is evil and could care less about American jobs. Bring home our 500+ billion a yr sent overseas and all the jobs that go with it and this country would boom. Democrats would never do that. Never.

One more thing the Democrats will not do is close our border, because again they don't care about jobs. Their fine outsourcing 20 million good American jobs right here at home, because they pander to the Mexican vote and throw the American worker under the bus.

Democrats have never been about jobs. You want jobs close the border and bring our oil jobs back home.
Nikitka is offline

Old 03-23-2011, 07:27 PM   #37

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And of course it took from Jan 08 to Fall of 08 for the the ENTIRE REASON for the crash to occur! NOPE. It took damn near 8 years, under Bush and the Repubs for this shit to happen. The Dems were in control in Congress for 7 months before the crash came down. They are miracle workers, but even they could not FIX what your team created. And the mess was so huge that it will take another 8 years to fix their fuckups. If not longer.

A great start to another fiscal mess is to wage at least two more very costly wars, and again, do not fund it with higher tax rates especially on the rich fuckers. And don't even put it in the budget this next time either! When you stop funding your wars with tax increases, you are not only not fiscially irresponsible, you are the worlds village idiot. And village idiots don't need to be doing shit that affects me. It ain't never good and I generally lose.
Spin it anyway you want but it was the Dem's that were in total control in January 08 and the recession started on their watch.

Yeah I know you liberals all hate the rich, and Obama started a third war that you failed to mention and he escalated the war in Afghanistan and did nothing to pay for any of it.
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Old 03-23-2011, 07:34 PM   #38

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My prediction before the election is coming true. Now with Republican'ts in many positions of power, they are wasting no time breaking government, and mortgaging our future.

Where are the freakin' jobs, mutha fucka's!? Where is the legislation to create jobs!?

Where is the freakin' fiscal responsibility, butt monkeys!? Reducing Federal, and State's revenues, while giving away tax breaks to the most prosperous among us. Could you people be more transparent?

We knew where this was going before you got started, but we kept getting reassurances that it wasn't the case, from the brain washed minions.

We're in an economic crisis, and the priority of the Greedy Old sycophant Party, is to attack women & children, with a plethora of measures which do absolutely nothing to address the issues they were supposedly elected to address? I don't remember anyone running on a platform to ban abortion, defund public education, and bust unions.

Are they so detached from reality? Or is this just a case of political ideology running unchecked? It's as if Republican'ts fear that they will never have an opportunity like this again, and are totally ignoring the plight of our country.

All I hear from these ideologs and their parrots here on USPOL, is that we're broke, and this is what cuts look like, or something to that effect. It is amazing just how ruinous Republican'ts are being, with their 'cuts.' They've had decades to perfect their anti-government, anti-people style of hatchetry, but I think what we are witnessing today is their Pièce de résistance.

As I predicted, we will see higher unemployment, and higher rates of foreclosures under this round of Republican't drool. And they don't care, because they're focused on two things, making the economic crisis worse (by not addressing the crisis and taking on social issues), and getting more money for their puppet masters.

And all the while, the young people in the Middle East are toppling their out-of-touch corrupt governments.

The sun is setting on despotic rule, and their day will come.
Hey Angry that's what everybody was saying about the Dem's, the Dem's controlled congress from January 08 and controlled the White House from 09 and even Obama promised unemployment would not go above 8%. And now you bitch because the Pub's only control one house of government and only now are screaming about jobs. What the fuck.

Why did you Dem's not bring our oil jobs back home, and close our border?
Nikitka is offline

Old 03-23-2011, 07:38 PM   #39

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You really want to get the gov't back working for the majority of the People? Public finance all elections for Congress and the Presidency. Making accepting contributions a jailable offense, because dirty money is ruling today.

I heard yesterday with Pawlinty, that if he won the primary to challenge Obama, it would cost him 1 BILLION bucks to win! 1 BILLION dollars for god's sake. There will be not strings attached to those donations, but ROPES. How in the hell can you expect these jackwags to represent the American People? You can't. And it is obvious, this money and politics has created a beast, that feeds on not green grass but green currency.

We gotta have real, and effective reforms in the election process. Give the media some tax breaks in exchange for them allowing equal time for each canidate, once a week 3 months prior to Nov of that election year. It't the public airwaves afterall! We own em. The People owns them.

Allow each canidate a few million bucks financed by taxes, and limit these fuckers. And pay extra attention, using the brightest lawyers, to alleviate the inevitable loopholes that always find their way in previous campaign reforms.

Only Draconian methods will put an end to this Oligarchy we have morphed into. Then we will have perhaps the first real representation of the American People in a long time, if ever.
Yup. Obama spent 2/3 of a billion dollars to get the White House, he'll spend more than that trying to keep it most likely. So it's understandable Pawlenty would say he'd need to spend a billion to match it. Think Obama isn't as much of a puppet to those who bought him?

Of course campaign finance is going to take those same greedy politicians who benefit the most from it to limit themselves. Think that's going to happen? Nope, until it all collapses around their heads they'll go right on as is.
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Old 03-23-2011, 07:57 PM   #40

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I think it would be hard to say that either party's bill is more than 2% better than the other party's bill. Its like buttered popcorn. If one person puts 98 sticks worth of butter on their popcorn and the other person puts 100 sticks worth of butter on their popcorn, can you really say the one who used only 98 sticks made "better popcorn" than the other one? Either way sounds pretty damn disgusting to me.
Holy shit.

Your inability to admit that the GOP's plan is better than the Dem's plan is fucking stunning...
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