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Old 04-03-2011, 12:14 PM   #1

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SPIN METER: Competing, misleading claims on budget
(AP) – 3 hours ago

WASHINGTON (AP) — It sounds like a pretty good starting point for negotiations: The White House and Capitol Hill Democrats say they're ready to meet the GOP halfway in the latest round of budget talks, offering $50 billion in cuts compared with Republicans' proposed $100 billion worth of reductions.

"The White House has been willing to move halfway to where they are," said Gene Sperling, director of the White House National Economic Council. "Talking about negotiation and compromise, that's very important."

A news release from House Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer late Thursday posed this challenge: "Democrats meet Republicans halfway: When will Republicans agree to cut and compromise?"

Trouble is, neither the $50 billion nor the $100 billion figure holds up. And when they're translated into real numbers, the White House is arguably meeting the GOP just one-sixth of the way — not halfway at all.

The problem is that both sides are starting with President Barack Obama's proposed budget for 2011, which never came close to being enacted into law. Presidential budget blueprints never do. Nonetheless, the GOP suggested $100 billion in spending cuts from that proposal.

Compared with actual current spending levels, the GOP's proposed cuts come to around $60 billion.

The White House math is similarly fuzzy. The White House gets to its $50 billion figure by first counting $40 billion of proposed cuts from Obama's never-passed 2011 budget that were included in a proposed spending bill that itself was never enacted.


Do you see what we are dealing with? Both sides spin the BS and serve it up to you as truth. Both are pretty much only concerned with furthering themselves and those who bribe the best.
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Old 04-03-2011, 12:46 PM   #2

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Do you see what we are dealing with? Both sides spin the BS and serve it up to you as truth. Both are pretty much only concerned with furthering themselves and those who bribe the best.
Yes, America is being run by criminals, liars, idiots and theives. This has been going on since the creation of "The Federal Reserve," likely even before that.

We the sheep allow it. We get "the govt." we deserve, that's all.
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Old 04-03-2011, 03:36 PM   #3

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Yes, America is being run by criminals, liars, idiots and theives. This has been going on since the creation of "The Federal Reserve," likely even before that.

We the sheep allow it. We get "the govt." we deserve, that's all.
Only if your to cowardly to learn.
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Old 04-03-2011, 03:44 PM   #4

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Only if your to cowardly to learn.
Given where we are today ... you said it
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Old 04-03-2011, 03:50 PM   #5

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Given where we are today ... you said it
Given where we are today means nothing seeing as more and more people are learning for themselves and not relying on any one form of media, books, or source. The USA is coming out of the dark age of progressivism.
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Old 04-03-2011, 04:36 PM   #6

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Given where we are today means nothing seeing as more and more people are learning for themselves and not relying on any one form of media, books, or source. The USA is coming out of the dark age of progressivism.
Hopefully you're right, though I'm not so sure. People have always been selective about what information they will accept and/or reject. What magical kind event do you see changing this part of the human condition ?
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Old 04-04-2011, 12:16 AM   #7

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Hopefully you're right, though I'm not so sure. People have always been selective about what information they will accept and/or reject. What magical kind event do you see changing this part of the human condition ?
Sadly your right, the media basically just spins it how its viewers want to see it. In general it seems that people arent interested in seeing the opposing points of view. That magical event, I have actually detailed here (Tough Vote: Top Countries: Will China overtake the US?), the threat of China. Americans hate to be 2nd and that force could cause people to start using their brains again.
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Old 04-04-2011, 04:04 AM   #8

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Whatever bill passes Congress this year won't include entitlements, both sides are hoping growth will cut some of the budget. Obviously, something has to be done to curb entitlement growth and hoping for a pandemic ain't gonna be enough. The problem is the election cycles run together now and both sides only have one chance every 4 years to do this, and they just blew this one. I'm no fan of cutting SS but I don't see another option, medicare is too important and the health care bill is going to take years before it starts to cut the deficit. I'm not bagging on either side right now, I just see us kicking the can down the road again.
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Old 05-03-2011, 10:42 AM   #9

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By margins ranging between 75-80% in the latest WSJ/NBC poll, the public wants the Bush tax cuts to be eliminated, they want subsidies for big oil and gas stopped, and cuts to defense. The public also wants to see the retirement age go up to 69 by the year 2075 and for a cut in benefits to wealthier people.

That was a poll where 36% identified themselves as conservative, 38% as independent and 24% liberal.

Will the budget have any of that stuff in it? Of course it won't, because the country is center-left but Washington is right out to lunch.

WSJ/NBC News Poll Finds Support Lacking for Entitlement Reductions - WSJ.com
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Old 05-04-2011, 03:40 AM   #10

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They are saying "We'll meet them halfway" as a slogan now, which means it's a lie. And yes, it's actually only 1/6th of the way.
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Old 06-04-2011, 03:06 AM   #11

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SPIN METER: Competing, misleading claims on budget
(AP) – 3 hours ago

WASHINGTON (AP) — It sounds like a pretty good starting point for negotiations: The White House and Capitol Hill Democrats say they're ready to meet the GOP halfway in the latest round of budget talks, offering $50 billion in cuts compared with Republicans' proposed $100 billion worth of reductions.

"The White House has been willing to move halfway to where they are," said Gene Sperling, director of the White House National Economic Council. "Talking about negotiation and compromise, that's very important."

A news release from House Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer late Thursday posed this challenge: "Democrats meet Republicans halfway: When will Republicans agree to cut and compromise?"

Trouble is, neither the $50 billion nor the $100 billion figure holds up. And when they're translated into real numbers, the White House is arguably meeting the GOP just one-sixth of the way — not halfway at all.

The problem is that both sides are starting with President Barack Obama's proposed budget for 2011, which never came close to being enacted into law. Presidential budget blueprints never do. Nonetheless, the GOP suggested $100 billion in spending cuts from that proposal.

Compared with actual current spending levels, the GOP's proposed cuts come to around $60 billion.

The White House math is similarly fuzzy. The White House gets to its $50 billion figure by first counting $40 billion of proposed cuts from Obama's never-passed 2011 budget that were included in a proposed spending bill that itself was never enacted.


Do you see what we are dealing with? Both sides spin the BS and serve it up to you as truth. Both are pretty much only concerned with furthering themselves and those who bribe the best.
Sorry, when the democrats were driving the car it went into the ditch and fucked it up - they need to get into the back seat. They dont get the fucking keys...

Democrats are slimy little shits... If democrats are content with 10 bucks they'll ask for 25 then cry compromise.

If they get rid of their health care bullshit they may get compromise, if they pass the rejection of the health care funding in the senate they may get compromise.

I suppose the old saying goes "you fuck with a bull you'll get the horns."

Right now the liberals are jumping over fences while crying "victim."

Its been a while since there were real republicans... These Marxists posing as "liberals" or Democrats may have been viable competition to those RINO corporate fascist pukes but they aren't to real republicans.

There wont be any "deals" until some of Obama/Pelosi's bullshit is straight up unfunded indefinitely/foreseeable future or outright repealed.

The liberals dont have the ball anymore.
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Old 06-04-2011, 03:22 AM   #12

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Its been a while since there were real republicans.
ahoy Mr. Nick,

i think yer spot on, matey. Eisenhower would never recognize the scallywags who be in congress who claim to be "republicans".

- MeadHallPirate
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