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"Obama is bankrupting this country. If he does not cut spending drastically the economic crisis will continue. You can also be sure they will not let more economic crises go to waste
•Obama has shunned our best allies •Obama has submitted to our enemies •Obama’s environmental policy is anti-jobs during a time of very high unemployment •Obama’s energy policies are doubling the price of energy and destroying jobs and the middle-class •Obama’s health care plan is intrusive, expensive and unconstitutional and the extra bureaucracy will result in higher costs and health rationing choices made by medically uneducated idiots •Obama’s wars are not winnable •Obama’s immigration policy weakens America •Obama’s moral positions are anti-Bible and anti-Christ •Obama’s Justice Department is there for Obama and team and not for true American Justice •Obama’s position on religion is all-paths pluralism and universalism rather than the Christianity faith he claims •Obama has and will continue to put the UN and world organizations above US national sovereignty •Obama’s position on Israel, the Arabs and Iran will lead to world war •Obama’s position on dealing with China is for the US to continue to commit economic suicide by unfair trade •Obama’s nuclear arms agreement with Russia is naïve or a move made on purpose to destroy America as the remaining world superpower. •Obama’s abortion policy means death to many unborn •Obama’s homosexual policy and marriage policy is really pushing perversion in America. It will also weaken our military and it means Christian chaplains will now be muzzled •Obama’s military policies have produced the lowest morale in the military since Vietnam •Obama’s economic policy favor huge multi-national corporations and international bankers •Obama’s is creating a permanent slave underclass that will depend on statist socialist government for survival. Handouts are promised for votes •The Supreme Court will soon be filled with people who think like Communists and they will rule for decades. They will totally subvert what is left of our Constitution •Small businesses cannot survive the over regulation and taxes that the Obama administration has planned •Health care will deteriorate tremendously and you will be required to go through far less trained gate-keepers just to see a doctor and there will be a long wait unless you are one of the privileged class •Most of what is left of the middle-class will be government bureaucrat control freaks that totally support the UN agenda. •Savings and retirements will be wiped out through inflation •Housing will be affordable to everyone except the owner •Unemployment will remain in double digits and wages will fall rapidly relative to the real cost of living •America will be under the control of the UN on all world matters •With their CO2 climate change non reality, they will put the coal power plants out of business and electricity will soon double or triple in price and there will be rolling blackouts. Electric cars will become useless and outlawed for most •Gas will be well above $5 a gallon and you will also be taxed on how much you drive •Free speech will only exist for the politically correct leftists. Views of conservatives and religious people will be called hate speech •Free speech on the media and the Internet will cease •They will make it too expensive and too restrictive to have guns or ammo •Obama’s foreign policies will just lead to more wars" I don't care who called who what, you CANNOT post a shining piece of poo-fruit like this and then close the thread for comment. Not unless you want my head to explode. I intend to take each one of these on and when I am finished I believe we will know who the liars and idiots are without having to point out the obvious. Some of you might want to get your whiny pants ready. |
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