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Old 09-04-2011, 09:45 PM   #21

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First off, we're all wearily familiar by this point, with the whole NWO bullshit. We know, alright. We know, because we've heard it all before, and from innumerable other crazies. Rogue elements, secret societies, shadowy entities operating at the highest levels of government, etc etc etc. Blah. You won't give it up though. It's too interesting and theatrical. I accept that.

Power is just power. It cannot corrupt, because it implies only capacity, not motive/agenda. Doctors and nurses have power. Are they corrupt when they improve lives, and cure people of illness?
You are sticking your head in the sand here. Just because people have been warning everybody about it, and it hasn't happened yet, doesn't mean it won't. If you want to give your freedom away to a totalitarian regime, move to China. I don't want any part of it. I rather decide for myself what is good for me. I don't need anybody else to tell me.

Doctors and nurses decide who lives and who dies on a regular basis, ecpecially if someone can't afford to pay the bill afterward, they just don't treat.

Besides, governmental power and the knowledge to bring healing to a sick person are completely different things. I asked you to provide evidence of just two totalitarian regimes that didn't go wrong for the people they rule. You couldn't do it... how about one, can you give me one.
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Old 09-04-2011, 09:46 PM   #22

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Jesus Christ had tremendous power. So much so, that he conceived of a new religion.

Hey, I guess he was corrupt.
Jesus Christ didn't start a religion, He ended religion. Unfortunately, man can't help himself. He will always be determined to rule over other men, so they created organized Christianity to do it.
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Old 09-04-2011, 09:50 PM   #23

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You are sticking your head in the sand here. Just because people have been warning everybody about it, and it hasn't happened yet, doesn't mean it won't. If you want to give your freedom away to a totalitarian regime, move to China. I don't want any part of it. I rather decide for myself what is good for me. I don't need anybody else to tell me.

Doctors and nurses decide who lives and who dies on a regular basis, ecpecially if someone can't afford to pay the bill afterward, they just don't treat.

Besides, governmental power and the knowledge to bring healing to a sick person are completely different things. I asked you to provide evidence of just two totalitarian regimes that didn't go wrong for the people they rule. You couldn't do it... how about one, can you give me one.
You're asking for evidence of no corruption in a totalitarian regime? Are you for real? By their very nature, they're corrupt.

What you're describing is global totalitarianism. There is none. Sure, we can make any number of predictions, and that's fine as far as it goes, but don't ask anyone to behave as if theoretical possibility were absolute certainty. Why should they?

As far as the medical establishment charging a fee for it's services, that's tangential. They power they wield is not one born of corruption. The power to save lives and alleviate suffering is hardly evil.
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Old 09-04-2011, 09:52 PM   #24

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This farcical supposition of the NWO falls by the wayside at several different points. Both here and at AWE, I've been at pains to explain just why.

It's not the conspiracy, so much as the motives of those who feel some need to believe it.
Tell me, if they are so good, careing and such a wonderful organization, why did they operate in secrecy for so many years? It's because their motives are not good at all. No man should "rule" over another. Our country was set up that the people should rule the government. I will always seriously question when ANYBODY wants to rule over me, as if they are better than me or have more knowledge than I do about what is good for me.

Still waiting on that one totalitarian regime broe.
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Old 09-04-2011, 09:52 PM   #25

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Old 09-04-2011, 09:53 PM   #26

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Old 09-04-2011, 09:54 PM   #27

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Jesus Christ didn't start a religion, He ended religion. Unfortunately, man can't help himself. He will always be determined to rule over other men, so they created organized Christianity to do it.
No. It was taken and exploited by the Church.

Christ embodied every positive quality of humanity. He also possessed tremendous 'power'. Power he could have utilised towards more nefarious ends, but didn't.

Your description of Christianity as being some mass produced instrument of domination, is psychotic at best. Of course he started Christianity. Shit, dude. It's named after him. lol And people aren't naturally inclined towards domination either.
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Old 09-04-2011, 09:57 PM   #28

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Old 09-04-2011, 09:57 PM   #29

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You're asking for evidence of no corruption in a totalitarian regime? Are you for real? By their very nature, they're corrupt.

What you're describing is global totalitarianism. There is none. Sure, we can make any number of predictions, and that's fine as far as it goes, but don't ask anyone to behave as if theoretical possibility were absolute certainty. Why should they?

As far as the medical establishment charging a fee for it's services, that's tangential. They power they wield is not one born of corruption. The power to save lives and alleviate suffering is hardly evil.
Exactly, no totalitarian government has ever been good. Now, they want to start a system of global "governance" that is not elected, does not speak for the people, has nobody to hold it accountable and trancends national soveriegnty (which means they operate above the law of the land). That will end as a totalitarian regime, it's set up that way. Tell me why I should take the chance that it won't go bad by giving up my freedom. By gaurding against the possibilty, we remain safe and free. By trusting them to rule with impunity, if they do go wrong, we won't be able to do anything about it. So, again, tell me why I should just let this happen.
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Old 09-04-2011, 09:58 PM   #30

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Tell me, if they are so good, careing and such a wonderful organization, why did they operate in secrecy for so many years? It's because their motives are not good at all. No man should "rule" over another. Our country was set up that the people should rule the government. I will always seriously question when ANYBODY wants to rule over me, as if they are better than me or have more knowledge than I do about what is good for me.

Still waiting on that one totalitarian regime broe.
Are we talking about the US government or the NWO? You seem to be confusing the two here. The NWO is supposedly a global hegemony, involving all nations, not just one. And secrecy alone is neither unique to any one organisation, nor a constant signature of government. You sound paranoid, more than anything else.

Yuu get no argument from me that big government is fucked up. That's not the issue here.
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Old 09-04-2011, 09:58 PM   #31

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Perfectly said!
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Old 09-04-2011, 10:01 PM   #32

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Exactly, no totalitarian government has ever been good. Now, they want to start a system of global "governance" that is not elected, does not speak for the people, has nobody to hold it accountable and trancends national soveriegnty (which means they operate above the law of the land). That will end as a totalitarian regime, it's set up that way. Tell me why I should take the chance that it won't go bad by giving up my freedom. By gaurding against the possibilty, we remain safe and free. By trusting them to rule with impunity, if they do go wrong, we won't be able to do anything about it. So, again, tell me why I should just let this happen.
Can we stay on track here?

How is this NWO operating right now, and controlling everything that ever happens in the world?

Who's 'they'?
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Old 09-04-2011, 10:02 PM   #33

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Are we talking about the US government or the NWO? You seem to be confusing the two here. The NWO is supposedly a global hegemony, involving all nations, not just one. And secrecy alone is neither unique to any one organisation, nor a constant signature of government. You sound paranoid, more than anything else.

Yuu get no argument from me that big government is fucked up. That's not the issue here.
I was referencing both actually. The US government was set up as a government ruled by the people. The NWO is set up as a totalirarian government that rules the people. It will be amazingly big, so it will be corrupt, even as the US government has corrupted the US Constitution and is now essentially rogue.
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Old 09-04-2011, 10:05 PM   #34

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I was referencing both actually. The US government was set up as a government ruled by the people. The NWO is set up as a totalirarian government that rules the people. It will be amazingly big, so it will be corrupt, even as the US government has corrupted the US Constitution and is now essentially rogue.
I asked Archaeus this earlier. I'll ask you the same now.

Where is this ultra-government? Where is it based? Who are it's members? What is it's agenda? How are they killing us all? How many have been murdered thus far?

I've already asked you why anyone should behave as if theoretical possibility were synonymous with absolute certainty.
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Old 09-04-2011, 10:10 PM   #35

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Can we stay on track here?

How is this NWO operating right now, and controlling everything that ever happens in the world?

Who's 'they'?
We are on a slippery slope is all I am saying. The NWO has already said that they should tax children, tax carbon output, let international law trancend national laws, etc...

I will not stand idly by while my freedom is stripped away in favor of a world government.
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Old 09-04-2011, 10:12 PM   #36

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We are on a slippery slope is all I am saying. The NWO has already said that they should tax children, tax carbon output, let international law trancend national laws, etc...

I will not stand idly by while my freedom is stripped away in favor of a world government.
Oh, that's all you're saying? No. You're saying a hell of a lot more than that. So much more that it beggars belief.

Who said kids should be taxed etc? The NWO? Who are they then? How do they control the world?
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Old 09-04-2011, 10:16 PM   #37

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I asked Archaeus this earlier. I'll ask you the same now.

Where is this ultra-government? Where is it based? Who are it's members? What is it's agenda? How are they killing us all? How many have been murdered thus far?

I've already asked you why anyone should behave as if theoretical possibility were synonymous with absolute certainty.
This government operates out of the UN at this point. It is simply biding it's time while it increases in power and influence. Atrocities are not yet being committed because the government has not fully come to fruition yet.

You asked why we should act as if this "theoretical possibility were synonymous with absolute certainty". My answer is in the form of a question...

Why should we take the chance of this NWO of becomung a totalitarian regime? You have to consider what the risks are. If we keep it from happening, we stay free and can determine our own lives. If we let it happen, no matter what they do, we won't have a voice or the ability to rpotect ourselves. So, again, why should I give up my freedon to a NWO that could very well enslave me?
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Old 09-04-2011, 10:20 PM   #38

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Oh, that's all you're saying? No. You're saying a hell of a lot more than that. So much more that it beggars belief.

Who said kids should be taxed etc? The NWO? Who are they then? How do they control the world?
Top United Nations Professor David Shearman said it. Not only that, they want to steal my weapons as well. The UN already has a policy against personal gun ownership. Why would they do that? Because they do not want an armed citizenry that could hold them accountable for their actions. There would be no reason to disarm the public if you intended to do right by them.
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Old 09-04-2011, 10:23 PM   #39

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This government operates out of the UN at this point. It is simply biding it's time while it increases in power and influence. Atrocities are not yet being committed because the government has not fully come to fruition yet.

You asked why we should act as if this "theoretical possibility were synonymous with absolute certainty". My answer is in the form of a question...

Why should we take the chance of this NWO of becomung a totalitarian regime? You have to consider what the risks are. If we keep it from happening, we stay free and can determine our own lives. If we let it happen, no matter what they do, we won't have a voice or the ability to rpotect ourselves. So, again, why should I give up my freedon to a NWO that could very well enslave me?
That's not the issue. You shouldn't willingly give up any freedoms if you can help it, of course. Who could say otherwise?

What I'm saying is that evidence of any corruption on the part of any nation's government, is not proof of any impending New World Order that controls the entire planet. That's not even a leap. It's a fairy tale.

The UN doesn't control the world. It's not even a cohesive platform. Look at how often it's member states disagree. Shit, America more or less told it to go fuck itself, after it ruled against action in Iraq. How the fuck is that a government? It's not even effective at co-ordinating efforts at summit meetings, let alone in pursuit of some mythical global experiment.
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Old 09-04-2011, 10:25 PM   #40

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