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Old 10-27-2010, 02:37 AM   #21

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Is there a stereotype that Indians are not outgoing or shy or something? Honestly, I think that lack of balls can be attributed to not getting female attention - not saying Indians are all like this, but that's the case across the board and for all ethnicities. It's not solely because you're Indian imo.
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Old 10-27-2010, 03:29 AM   #22

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Maybe it's their accents:
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Old 10-27-2010, 03:47 AM   #23

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This does not help the cause:
Condoms 'too big' for Indian men kiddin

Think first generation indians come off as arrogant, but the ones who have grown up in the states tend to act like abercrombie and fitch poster kids so they have no problems with the white girls
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Old 10-27-2010, 09:22 AM   #24

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This does not help the cause:
Condoms 'too big' for Indian men kiddin

Think first generation indians come off as arrogant, but the ones who have grown up in the states tend to act like abercrombie and fitch poster kids so they have no problems with the white girls
Also the penis size thing is so skewed, they did it for some broke Indians in the slums and plus Indians come in too many different looks for them to say that but oh well, poverty makes you smaller I guess.

Eitherways, I have had no problems with White girls or Latinas, a lot of problems with Asian girls, no luck with Black girls.

---------- Post added 2010-10-26 at 21:59 ----------

for a dark skin brotha, he seems to have no problems with the Latinas lol
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Old 10-27-2010, 10:03 AM   #25

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since i live in australia, there are many different indians here, punjabis, northern indians, dravidians etc. I have friends from all those categories, and i can assure u its mainly to do with the accent and how "fresh" the indian is...for example, the darker more southern indians who only lived in australia for a few yrs or under 10 yrs have a much harder time getting with other chicks from different races.

While you get Punjabis, who are overall much ligther than the rest indians, and they seem to have a much more "mediterranean" type of look to them, not only that, they dont have an indian accent, they dont have any problems getting other chicks...for example, some of my punjabi friends, they had sex with and done stuff with chicks who are considered as "wogs" (greeks, serbians, italians) with white aussie girls, with middle eastern chicks etc.
But Im just referring to the Indians who live in Australia, i dont really know much how other Indians from other countries are doing.
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Old 10-27-2010, 10:24 AM   #26

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Here in Vancouver, we have mostly NW Indians and as long as they don't wear any headgear, they do OK. Two former girlfriends of mine said the hottest guy they've ever seen, they thought, was an Indian.

Generally, like in India, the lighter the skin, the better they do, plus, of course, height is important.
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Old 10-27-2010, 11:21 AM   #27

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like all those attacks against Indian students and that stuff, plus I have seen Indians go online and talk about the open racism they faced there

Here in the US the racism against Indian people isn't that high though
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Old 10-27-2010, 11:33 AM   #28

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like all those attacks against Indian students and that stuff, plus I have seen Indians go online and talk about the open racism they faced there

Here in the US the racism against Indian people isn't that high though
The reason why theres some racism going on in australia against indians is because of the huge indian immigration happening here. Alot of Indians are coming here and taking jobs that r worth like 20-25 bucks n hour, while they settle for 10 bucks n hour.
But this topic isnt about politics.

Its mainly to do with "attitude" for example, alot of these "fresh" indians dont have the style which girls from other ethnicities like. While other Indians, the non "fresh" ones have a cool style and dress well and have good haircuts and attitudes. Like I said, mainly Punjabis and North Indians posses this...Although some south Indians who im friends with are not "freshies" either, whites, wogs, asians, black chicks all like my south indian friends, they consider them good looking.
Its funny cos even Indians in Australia hate "freshie" Indians and think they r putting their own people down.

Also the whole Indian bashing which occured few yrs back wasnt actually by Aussies, but by Wog gangs in Melbourne and Sydney. It was the Lebs, Serbs, Turks, Italians etc who did the bashing.
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Old 10-29-2010, 12:32 AM   #29

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wow, so the poll speaks for itself eh
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Old 10-29-2010, 12:54 AM   #30

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It all has to do due with attitude and the ability to talk to women. Here in the US I've never had a problem meeting girls be they Indian, White, Chinese, etc. Lot of my Indian friends have white girlfriends and wives although I prefer North Indian women myself. Lot of it has to do with culture too. Ones brought up here like me who don't speak with an accent and are no less American than whites really don't have a problem. Although I do agree that Indians tend to have to bring more game to the table and be better looking than the average white guy to pull the same game it isn't impossible. Whites have it easiest since some of the ugliest white dudes I've ever seen have been with hot Asian girls. Anybody else notice this as well. Ugly white males with Asian girls?
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Old 10-29-2010, 01:03 AM   #31

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I voted no.

the first job where I used to work there were a bunch of Indian guys and there were also a lot of Russians but me and another Albo were the only Albos there.

there was this Indian guy I don't know maybe for like 5 months he had 3 Russian girlfriend and to tell you the truth he was a cool guy and the chicks he dated were pretty.

Also another Indian but he hooked up with a Vietnamese girl I guess she was ok she was average also my Albo friend used to date Puerto Rican she was damn nice.

p.s: I wasn't dating anyone, damn I am so embarrassed
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Old 10-29-2010, 01:29 AM   #32

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I voted no.

the first job where I used to work there were a bunch of Indian guys and there were also a lot of Russians but me and another Albo were the only Albos there.

there was this Indian guy I don't know maybe for like 5 months he had 3 Russian girlfriend and to tell you the truth he was a cool guy and the chicks he dated were pretty.

Also another Indian but he hooked up with a Vietnamese girl I guess she was ok she was average also my Albo friend used to date Puerto Rican she was damn nice.

p.s: I wasn't dating anyone, damn I am so embarrassed
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Old 10-29-2010, 02:58 AM   #33

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What an Albo?

Yes that is right I asked you what an Albo was.

Btw should I start putting up pics of my friends and you guys say how tough of a time they would have with the ladies based on looks alone?
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Old 10-29-2010, 03:48 AM   #34

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I think I have written this before on numerous occasions; it's all about the race ladder. Whites are at the top of the ladder, Indians and Blacks at the bottom. Feel free to search my posts.

If you take a look at this link, you will see that generally, Indian males are found less attractive as a prospective partner than any other race. White males are naturally the most sought after by women.


Look at this table:


Indians, together with blacks, are the two groups that receive the least amount of replies. As support for my thesis on the race ladder you can note that Indian women are almost twice as likely to respond to white men (30) as they are to Indian men (18).

I've had quite a few female Indian friends. The ONLY type of Indian males they could imagine as a partner are very very light-skinned ones. I mean, Indian men that you could mistake for being white European. The rest are just "disgusting slimy Indian boys!". My friends actually said that!

However, I have seen white British women with Indian men. Some of them even have kids together. They are very confused women who are allured by the idea of "an exotic man", and have of course no idea what they're getting themselves into. So that's where you might have an edge.
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Old 10-29-2010, 03:50 AM   #35

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Not funny man you should feel sorry for me

What an Albo?

Yes that is right I asked you what an Albo was.

Btw should I start putting up pics of my friends and you guys say how tough of a time they would have with the ladies based on looks alone?
Albo is an abbreviation for ALBANIAN .

you could post here PICs of your friends but I would suggest that you ask them first, if they don't approve then you should respect their Privacy, you can still find PICs of every kind of Indians on google and we can tell if they will have hard time or easy time.

I think these guys won't have any hard time with ladies:






This guy already has a hot girlfriend:

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Old 10-29-2010, 03:58 AM   #36

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I think I have written this before on numerous occasions; it's all about the race ladder. Whites are at the top of the ladder, Indians and Blacks at the bottom. Feel free to search my posts.
You're overemphasizing the importance of this "race ladder." Money, power, respect, and charisma supersedes any low "racial ladder" membership, in case people are blind (or living under a rock). Not to mention, this racial ladder that you're so faithful in, is not blind to gender in the dating game.
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Old 10-29-2010, 04:03 AM   #37

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I didn't even know there was a stereotype about that.

---------- Post added 2010-10-28 at 22:04 ----------

So, I voted yes.
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Old 10-29-2010, 04:26 AM   #38

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You're overemphasizing the importance of this "race latter." Money, power, respect, and charisma supersedes any low "racial ladder" membership, in case people are blind (or living under a rock). Not to mention, this racial ladder that you're so faithful in, is not blind to gender in the dating game.
Have you tried reading the link? The very point is that actual reply rates do not match the compatibility. This is after looks and height have been accounted for.

When I first started looking at first-contact attempts and who was writing who back, it was immediately obvious that the sender’s race was a huge factor. The takeaway here is that although race shouldn’t matter in messaging, it does. A lot. If we take Indians as an example the match percentage between Indian men and women is 57. Yet, Indian men receive a response only 18% of the time - while white men receive a reply 30% of the time. Logically, Indian women would be more familiar with men of their own race and therefore more inclined to respond to them. But they don't. What do you suppose could account for this?

We can also look at white women. Their compatibility with Indian men is 59, and with white men it's 62. But they respond to Indian men only 20% of the time, while they respond to white men almost 30% of the time (29). Again, actual preference differs a lot from the compatibility scores.

» White men get more responses. Whatever it is, white males just get more replies from almost every group. We were careful to preselect our data pool so that physical attractiveness (as measured by our site picture-rating utility) was roughly even across all the race/gender slices. For guys, we did likewise with height.
» White women prefer white men to the exclusion of everyone else—and Asian and Hispanic women prefer them even more exclusively. These three types of women only respond well to white men. More significantly, these groups’ reply rates to non-whites is terrible. Asian women write back non-white males at 21.9%, Hispanic women at 22.9%, and white women at 23.0%. It’s here where things get interesting, for white women in particular. If you look at the match-by-race table before this one, the “should-look-like” one, you see that white women have an above-average compatibility with almost every group. Yet they only reply well to guys who look like them. There’s more data on this towards the end of the post. Or do you suppose all the white males had an unusual amount of charisma, money and power? I'm sure the Indian men had just as much of it.
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Old 10-29-2010, 05:32 AM   #39

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it doesn't say anything about the case

I mean the differences are negligible

3 out of 10 women liked White men (39 is still pretty low)
2 out of 10 liked Indian men

Not to mention it has to do with replies only, MAJORITY of the Indian males on OkCupid are pervs sitting in New Delhi sending disturbing messages to women asking them if they can visit them in America and do them.

Believe me, I studied that thing because it came up on TIME Magazine, I asked on the forums at OkCupid, about 20 users gave me that exact reply. I didn't tell them my race/ethnicity at first, I just said that I have a friend who is Indian and they told me that the low reply rate has to do with the perverted guys in Delhi sending girls disturbing messages.

PLUS it is MAJOR skewed, Latinas like ASIAN GUYS more than Black guys? I have lived in NYC and visited out west, Latina with Black guy was so common that you started to wonder if Latinas even date any other type of guys.

Take my word for it, the OkCupid chart is skewed.

I mean just look around, it says that Asian men are more liked than Black men, obviously not here in the US, Black guys get more play than Asian guys do.

Also MOST Indian girls I have known here in the US, even the UBER Americanized ones are dating Indian guys, you see exceptions but they aren't flocking to guys of other ethnic groups.

Oh and obviously Black women should be easy for me to date and marry right? WRONG, Believe me, down south or up North, I have had the toughest times getting with Black girls.

Online dating surveys = load of crap because there are so many holes to them.

30 percent? Not that high.

Plus, Hispanic? What about Hispanic? They come in so many shades. I have a Dominican friend that looks JUST like a Black American guy and an Argentinian friend that looks like a White Scandinavian guy, it is so skewed because Hispanic can be anything.

Oh and here in the US, ever since 911, I can tell you Middle Eastern guys are not getting that much play from the ladies. Come to NYC, tell any Latinas or White girls here that you are Middle Eastern, they will do everything to avoid you.

---------- Post added 2010-10-28 at 17:41 ----------

OkCupid is a mostly White dating site, most Black girls I know have not even heard of it. You have to be White on the inside to even go on there.

Going on there I noticed this, 1 out of ever 30 girls was even worth looking at, the rest looked hideous. Pics were seriously photoshopped.

Obviously if you were to do that SAME survey on an Indian or Asian dating site, the results would come out significantly different.
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Old 10-29-2010, 07:39 AM   #40

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it doesn't say anything about the case

I mean the differences are negligible

3 out of 10 women liked White men (39 is still pretty low)
2 out of 10 liked Indian men

Not to mention it has to do with replies only, MAJORITY of the Indian males on OkCupid are pervs sitting in New Delhi sending disturbing messages to women asking them if they can visit them in America and do them.

Believe me, I studied that thing because it came up on TIME Magazine, I asked on the forums at OkCupid, about 20 users gave me that exact reply. I didn't tell them my race/ethnicity at first, I just said that I have a friend who is Indian and they told me that the low reply rate has to do with the perverted guys in Delhi sending girls disturbing messages.

PLUS it is MAJOR skewed, Latinas like ASIAN GUYS more than Black guys? I have lived in NYC and visited out west, Latina with Black guy was so common that you started to wonder if Latinas even date any other type of guys.

Take my word for it, the OkCupid chart is skewed.

I mean just look around, it says that Asian men are more liked than Black men, obviously not here in the US, Black guys get more play than Asian guys do.

Also MOST Indian girls I have known here in the US, even the UBER Americanized ones are dating Indian guys, you see exceptions but they aren't flocking to guys of other ethnic groups.

Oh and obviously Black women should be easy for me to date and marry right? WRONG, Believe me, down south or up North, I have had the toughest times getting with Black girls.

Online dating surveys = load of crap because there are so many holes to them.

30 percent? Not that high.

Plus, Hispanic? What about Hispanic? They come in so many shades. I have a Dominican friend that looks JUST like a Black American guy and an Argentinian friend that looks like a White Scandinavian guy, it is so skewed because Hispanic can be anything.

Oh and here in the US, ever since 911, I can tell you Middle Eastern guys are not getting that much play from the ladies. Come to NYC, tell any Latinas or White girls here that you are Middle Eastern, they will do everything to avoid you.

---------- Post added 2010-10-28 at 17:41 ----------

OkCupid is a mostly White dating site, most Black girls I know have not even heard of it. You have to be White on the inside to even go on there.

Going on there I noticed this, 1 out of ever 30 girls was even worth looking at, the rest looked hideous. Pics were seriously photoshopped.

Obviously if you were to do that SAME survey on an Indian or Asian dating site, the results would come out significantly different.
Is the difference negligible?

It's obvious that women probably don't reply to every message they get since they're probably overwhelmed with them. But let me put it like this:

A white man sends 100 messages and he gets 30 replies.
An Indian man sends 100 messages and he gets 20 replies.

Assuming everything else is equal, how can we explain this difference? Pure chance? If that was the case, we would not see the same pattern for Asians and Latinas as well.

Pervs from New Delhi give Indian men a bad rep

First of all, there are pervs in every category, meaning that women would proportionally have faced just as many pervs of other races. But okay, let's say that the proportion of pervs is bigger among Indians than among whites, for whatever reasons. Then we must ask ourselves what they are doing sending disturbing messages in the first place. Does this perhaps imply something about the nature/culture/hobbies of men from this region?

The statistics are skewed

The statistics are always skewed one way or another. This is the best comparison I have seen so far when it comes to attraction.

Indian girls date Indian guys

Since I'm not Indian I have no substantial knowledge of this topic. But considering the peculiarities of Indian culture (arranged marriages, social expectations, family pressures) it is not necessarily so that dating implies attraction. It can be so that Indian women who date Indian men do so because they are not able (socially, culturally, etc) to date up the race ladder.

OkCupid is implicitly White

I don't know about this, but I suppose it could be true in some ways. But I would also say that it is a good indicator of the relative mate-values on the western liberal dating market. AFAIK, this is the only dating market where people of all races participate actively. Basically, there are going to be few people of other races on the Indian/Asian/Black dating market.

Asian or Indian sites would give a different outcome

I am sure that they would. The preference for white men and women as partners would probably be much higher than on the American site.

Edit: For what it's worth, here's some anecdotal input on the subject:

As for Indian men, they were the hardest people to match of any group of men or women of any race. And, with so many Indian men moving into the Boston area for jobs in high tech, rarely a week passed without several inquiries from men from India or Pakistan.

One reason they were difficult to match is that only a handful of Indian women joined over the decades, compared to hundreds of Indian or Pakistani men. But another is that many women, even the self-described “worldly” ones, expressed the stereotypical belief that Indian men had antiquated views of women.

To some extent, these women were correct. For example, of all the men I spoke with who wanted to meet women much younger than themselves, the largest group was, in fact, Indian men. Many told me that it was quite common back “home” for men to date and marry women at least a decade younger than themselves. And they wondered why they could not do the same here … which further lowered their DQ. http://www.seacoastonline.com/apps/p...7/-1/OPINION05
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