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Old 09-03-2011, 06:20 AM   #1

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Default Are Mexican's Native Americans or Spanish? I don't understand. Help.
Is this true? How can people not know their race? This video raised more questions in my head than answers. It's all very confusing. There seem to be different factions within the Mexican community on this subject which makes it hard for me to discern the truth in all of this.
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Old 09-03-2011, 08:21 AM   #2

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It is sorta hard to explain in some lines however i'll try to do it:

The Race topic is Taboo in Mexico and people are mislead about it at schools.

In mexican schools they teach you all mexicans are mestizos that is you're half amerind half spanish disregarding your phenotype thus, you can see a caucasic man thinking he's very amerind the same measure you can find very amerind looking people who think they're spaniards.

This of above obeys the belief all mexicans are mestizos so as one is supposed to be half and half, some people find more suitable or feel friendlier to one side while reject the other.

Mexico was created as a republic with the idea to leave all this racial issue behind and just name every citizen under mexican flag a mexican regardless racial origin. Despite of this the racist colonial heritage still remains and many amerind looking people feels annoyed if they are called indios, others, frequently caucasic looking, boast to be indios and hate spaniards -eventhough they look spaniards-.

Anyway, mexican society is a real mess hard to understand regarding this issue and the average mexican as he(she) is miseducated and dont know all the actual facts of mexico history and rarely know his heritage and background, they all go to the movie theatres and watch gringo TV shows and think it is better to look caucasic than indio so many of them live this delusion about them being caucasic because being caucasic is fashionable, is up to date, it's sexier.
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Old 09-03-2011, 08:36 AM   #3

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It is sorta hard to explain in some lines however i'll try to do it:

The Race topic is Taboo in Mexico and people are mislead about it at schools.

In mexican schools they teach you all mexicans are mestizos that is you're half amerind half spanish disregarding your phenotype thus, you can see a caucasic man thinking he's very amerind the same measure you can find very amerind looking people who think they're spaniards.

This of above obeys the belief all mexicans are mestizos so as one is supposed to be half and half, some people find more suitable or feel friendlier to one side while reject the other.

Mexico was created as a republic with the idea to leave all this racial issue behind and just name every citizen under mexican flag a mexican regardless racial origin. Despite of this the racist colonial heritage still remains and many amerind looking people feels annoyed if they are called indios, others, frequently caucasic looking, boast to be indios and hate spaniards -eventhough they look spaniards-.

Anyway, mexican society is a real mess hard to understand regarding this issue and the average mexican as he(she) is miseducated and dont know all the actual facts of mexico history and rarely know his heritage and background, they all go to the movie theatres and watch gringo TV shows and think it is better to look caucasic than indio so many of them live this delusion about them being caucasic because being caucasic is fashionable, is up to date, it's sexier.
This is similar to the PR case, being raised as triracials, pred mestizo and mulattoids wanting to be whites and whites wanting to be blacks lol!!
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Old 09-03-2011, 08:51 AM   #4

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I eat freshly prepared food by a father and son out of Mexico City, and their crew of girls. They are both lighter than me, the son is maybe 6'4 and the dad is my height around 6 feet. They buy all fresh local ingredients and are super proud of their establishment. Their food is the bomb, better than anything I had in California or Texas. They actually have straight up insulting stuff posted on laminates on the wall like Cali people who cook tamales in their garage don't know what real Mexican food is. Both of these guys look straight Spanish, skin and eyes lighter than mine. I love their food and eat there whenever I can.
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Old 09-03-2011, 08:56 AM   #5

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my moms friend knows that guy,
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Old 09-03-2011, 09:14 AM   #6

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my moms friend knows that guy,
Pepe you mean? Big up's to Pepe, he's the man.
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Old 09-03-2011, 11:08 AM   #7

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I eat freshly prepared food by a father and son out of Mexico City, and their crew of girls. They are both lighter than me, the son is maybe 6'4 and the dad is my height around 6 feet. They buy all fresh local ingredients and are super proud of their establishment. Their food is the bomb, better than anything I had in California or Texas. They actually have straight up insulting stuff posted on laminates on the wall like Cali people who cook tamales in their garage don't know what real Mexican food is. Both of these guys look straight Spanish, skin and eyes lighter than mine. I love their food and eat there whenever I can.
Believe me when I say I know people who look like those you say, and they, the ones that I know, speak shit about spaniards.

Many white people in mexico when they're asked what their feelings are about Spaniards, commonly answer this shit: "Damned spaniards I hate them because they came here and conquered us and were very cruel to our people"...... and you look at them and think: "damn this guy looks euro and he really hates spaniards and thinks he's an indio"...this is in fact another way of selfhating....
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Old 09-03-2011, 01:18 PM   #8

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Believe me when I say I know people who look like those you say, and they, the ones that I know, speak shit about spaniards.

Many white people in mexico when they're asked what their feelings are about Spaniards, commonly answer this shit: "Damned spaniards I hate them because they came here and conquered us and were very cruel to our people"...... and you look at them and think: "damn this guy looks euro and he really hates spaniards and thinks he's an indio"...this is in fact another way of selfhating....
Chicanos in the west coast that say this too and most of them are pred euro!
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Old 09-03-2011, 01:46 PM   #9

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I consider myself native american before Spaniard to be honest. I have native blood I'm sure of it, I'm genetically from two countries located in the new world and I live in a third country that I identify with so I am native american.

I know I will only have like 20% or 30% Spaniard in me like most mestizos.
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Old 09-03-2011, 01:59 PM   #10

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Northern Mexicans are castizos on average and Southern ones are the opposite. It's hard to find actual pure Spanish descended or pure Indigenous descended people. People that look like that exist but most look somehow intermediate. Hope that answers your question.
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Old 09-03-2011, 02:05 PM   #11

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I consider myself native american before Spaniard to be honest. I have native blood I'm sure of it, I'm genetically from two countries located in the new world and I live in a third country that I identify with so I am native american.

I know I will only have like 20% or 30% Spaniard in me like most mestizos.
If your going to identify with your native, Do you know or study any of your ancestral native dialect like nahualt, pipil, lenca, mayan?
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Old 09-03-2011, 02:12 PM   #12

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maybe if I had more time in life :P can't dedicate my life to novelties like that :P maybe when i retire
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Old 09-03-2011, 10:57 PM   #13

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I consider myself native american before Spaniard to be honest. I have native blood I'm sure of it, I'm genetically from two countries located in the new world and I live in a third country that I identify with so I am native american.

I know I will only have like 20% or 30% Spaniard in me like most mestizos.
Then you're in some way one of those reversal self haters, because I've seen your pictures and you don't look like a native american to me nor a mestizo, you clerly look castizo.

---------- Post added 2011-09-03 at 10:20 ----------

Chicanos in the west coast that say this too and most of them are pred euro!
Such as these douches?

It is because they are culturally confused, and then living in the States just get that confusion bigger.

Mexicans are racially confused.

In the late 1920 there was this state policy to identify the mexican people with the Aztec civilization in an attempt to give the country an identity, so all the mexicans would name ourselves "Aztecs" disregarding our phenotypes, our diversity and our individual heritage. Funny thing is that in schools -as I prev. mentioned- they teach you all mexicans are mestizos half spanish and half aztec -as if the other hundreds of amerind ethnicities didn't exist- and feed a constant hate toward spanish who are always portrayed like the villian of the story.

Thus since the elementary school they teach people to self hate because if we are half and half why is that one half -the euro- is so despicable?.

The reversal of this is the average self hater, the mestizo and indomestizo who hates amerind and lives a delusion of he being european looking.

This identity confusion leaded by a wrong state policy and a wrong approach at schools is in part the reason why mexico is a third world country cause a country whose citizens are so confused about themselves and practice self hating wouldn't be able to get rid the third world chains.
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Old 09-04-2011, 01:47 AM   #14

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If I was fully Mexican I would call myself Mexican not native american because Mexico was in fact a state in native america, but I'm from two different countries.

I may be mixed, but I can still identify with a group I feel culturally connected to, I don't think there is any self hate going on.

As an American, I can hate british people if I want and so can white Americans, but they are not being self hating either.
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Old 09-04-2011, 01:53 AM   #15

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If I was fully Mexican I would call myself Mexican not native american because Mexico was in fact a state in native america, but I'm from two different countries.

I may be mixed, but I can still identify with a group I feel culturally connected to, I don't think there is any self hate going on.

As an American, I can hate british people if I want and so can white Americans, but they are not being self hating either.
I dont think most americans hate british, there's a big connection among those two coutries England is the motherland to USA. Hating your motherland would make you a self hater.....
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Old 09-04-2011, 03:12 AM   #16

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It is because they are culturally confused, and then living in the States just get that confusion bigger.
I agree.
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Old 09-04-2011, 03:13 AM   #17

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It is sorta hard to explain in some lines however i'll try to do it:

The Race topic is Taboo in Mexico and people are mislead about it at schools.

In mexican schools they teach you all mexicans are mestizos that is you're half amerind half spanish disregarding your phenotype thus, you can see a caucasic man thinking he's very amerind the same measure you can find very amerind looking people who think they're spaniards.

This of above obeys the belief all mexicans are mestizos so as one is supposed to be half and half, some people find more suitable or feel friendlier to one side while reject the other.

Mexico was created as a republic with the idea to leave all this racial issue behind and just name every citizen under mexican flag a mexican regardless racial origin. Despite of this the racist colonial heritage still remains and many amerind looking people feels annoyed if they are called indios, others, frequently caucasic looking, boast to be indios and hate spaniards -eventhough they look spaniards-.

Anyway, mexican society is a real mess hard to understand regarding this issue and the average mexican as he(she) is miseducated and dont know all the actual facts of mexico history and rarely know his heritage and background, they all go to the movie theatres and watch gringo TV shows and think it is better to look caucasic than indio so many of them live this delusion about them being caucasic because being caucasic is fashionable, is up to date, it's sexier.
very much the same here the native pinoys hate it when u call them pango
and the mestizo pinoys don't like being called mestizos because it was engrained in the minds of pinoys their since they were children in the schools with their stupid fucking retarded filipino history classes until they reach college that they (mestizos) are part spaniards and the spaniards were the evil enemy.
Thats the mindset that i have when i was growing up i hated spain and spanish and being called mestizo but all is different now im glad i have seen the light and have seen how damn retarded the education this country provides.
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Old 09-04-2011, 03:58 AM   #18

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Northern Mexicans are castizos on average and Southern ones are the opposite. It's hard to find actual pure Spanish descended or pure Indigenous descended people. People that look like that exist but most look somehow intermediate. Hope that answers your question.
Yes it does I think. I've been watching these videos about our culture and it makes me very sad to see how confused our people are. I have just recently realized the scale of it.


Mexica Movement: NOT Hispanic! NOT Latino!

We are Nican Tlaca,
the Indigenous People

of Canada, U.S., Mexico,
"Central and South America"

We reject all European divisions of our continent.

We reject the artificial border divisions of our people.

We reject the White Supremacist ideology
that claims Europeans are permanently endowed
with the right to define who we are as a people.

We include "First Nation" and "Native American"

and "Indigenous People" all as one Nican Tlaca,
all as one Indigenous Nation.

We say, "No to occupation!"

We say, "This is still our continent!"
We say, "Europeans are the illegals---since 1492!"
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Old 09-04-2011, 06:03 AM   #19

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Yes it does I think. I've been watching these videos about our culture and it makes me very sad to see how confused our people are. I have just recently realized the scale of it.


Mexica Movement: NOT Hispanic! NOT Latino!

We are Nican Tlaca,
the Indigenous People

of Canada, U.S., Mexico,
"Central and South America"

We reject all European divisions of our continent.

We reject the artificial border divisions of our people.

We reject the White Supremacist ideology
that claims Europeans are permanently endowed
with the right to define who we are as a people.

We include "First Nation" and "Native American"

and "Indigenous People" all as one Nican Tlaca,
all as one Indigenous Nation.

We say, "No to occupation!"

We say, "This is still our continent!"
We say, "Europeans are the illegals---since 1492!"
Those are nothing but pure reversal self haters, they call themselves Mexica while they even can't trace their lineage to Aztecs and even worse, most of them look mestizos and castizos.

---------- Post added 2011-09-03 at 17:07 ----------

Lol! they use the image of Emiliano Zapata as a flag while zapata was a mestizo:

Unless they think those big moustaches were typical in native americans.

Those people only put Mexico to shame using and wasting the image of Mexican cultural representative elements for the sake of their racist movement agaist whites.

---------- Post added 2011-09-03 at 17:21 ----------


Some people think they can look native american just by lettting their hair to grow:


What is more stupid about them is that they claim "This Land is Our Land" and they call themselves Mexica movement.... Someone should give them some georgaphy lessons because the Aztec empire only occupied the mesoamerican lands and never reached that north to claim the lands of the United States as their homeland, is such case it should be the Cherokees, Black foot, Algonquins, Lakota, Seminole and many other tribes the ones who could claim those territories for them... but not an Aztec descendant.

It would be like the quechuas descendants wanting to claim Mexico's lands belong to them....
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Old 09-04-2011, 06:08 AM   #20

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Those are nothing but pure reversal self haters, they call themselves Mexica while they even can't trace their lineage to Aztecs and even worse, most of them look mestizos and castizos.
How are they reversal self-haters? Many of them are pure Natives. 30% of natives have little to no Spanish blood. We are a people. You should not deny us our existence.
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