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Old 08-30-2011, 08:05 AM   #21

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They will be your friend, as long as your life is good. They'll even be your friend if you're physically hurting from an injury or illness. But, if you're emotionally hurting, they either step out of your life or do a complete 180 on you and will call you "weak" or "crazy". If you confided in them in the past, or shared a secret with them, when they make that 180, they'll use that against you?
Probably many, if not most, people are, in fact and in most such situations, fair weather friends who would quietly abandon someone whose plight makes them uncomfortable (thereby proving that they did not ever love that person). I would call that a human more than a cultural trait.

If I didn't live in New York I personally wouldn't care if New York was nuked into oblivion with Manhattan being turned into a glass parking lot. Sure a lot of innocent people would suffer but I would consider them collateral damage since many liberal Jews and gentile liberals would die as well. I would consider the latter to be more important than the former and so I would be happy for New York be nuked.

Could it be that that's not because you're a WASP, but because you're an unfeeling sociopath? I wouldn't blame it on being a WASP... that's not a sufficient excuse. WASPs are supposed to keep their feelings hidden; that is not the same as absence of compassion, empathy etc.
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Old 08-30-2011, 08:11 AM   #22

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Well...when they are weak and crazy, yes.
What are you implying?
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Old 08-30-2011, 08:13 AM   #23

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Probably many, if not most, people are, in fact and in most such situations, fair weather friends who would quietly abandon someone whose plight makes them uncomfortable (thereby proving that they did not ever love that person). I would call that a human more than a cultural trait.

Could it be that that's not because you're a WASP, but because you're an unfeeling sociopath? I wouldn't blame it on being a WASP... that's not a sufficient excuse. WASPs are supposed to keep their feelings hidden; that is not the same as absence of compassion, empathy etc.
CodexVeritas is not a sociopath, if he was he wouldn't have any political convictions and instead of relishing the thought of people who he disagrees with suffering he would probably enjoy the suffering of anyone.

The odds of a true psychopath being interested in a board like this, which, let's face it, offers limited opportunities to scam money out of people or to find a boy/girl, is next to nil.

People on this forum are far more likely to be schizoid than they are to be psychopathic.

---------- Post added 2011-08-30 at 01:13 ----------

What are you implying?
What does it sound like? What are you inferring from what I said?
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Old 08-30-2011, 08:18 AM   #24

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What does it sound like? What are you inferring from what I said?
That you think I am crazy and weak. I got called those on three occasions:

1. My mother was sick and my grandmother died around the same time
2. My father died
3. I got arrested and was faced with possible jail time if I couldn't pay off the fine (which I couldn't afford to)
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Old 08-30-2011, 08:19 AM   #25

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That you think I am crazy and weak. I got called those on three occasions:
Wrong. I meant that there are people out there who are weak minded and there are people who are crazy, and that calling them those things, while insensitive, should not be a capital offence.

1. My mother was sick and my grandmother died around the same time
2. My father died
3. I got arrested and was faced with possible jail time
Well, my heart goes out to you on the first two counts, I guess no. 3 would depend on what happened.
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Old 08-30-2011, 08:40 AM   #26

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I guess no. 3 would depend on what happened.
My car was not street legal and I got pulled over. Kind of my fault, but kind of an excuse. I bought my car in the US and didn't get a part I needed to make it street legal in Canada installed (it was sitting in my trunk), mainly because I was very busy. Plus I was speeding and talking on my cell phone. Three tickets at once, mucho demerit points, big fine.

I worked it out that I can pay it in installments.
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Old 08-30-2011, 08:43 AM   #27

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I find the Dutch can be understanding, and will show vulnerability to you. But they are more pragmatic than many cultures (in my observation), but I'd say that's a good thing.

I'm not talking about not showing emotion, I'm talking about being insensitive to suffering.

I think the Anglo-Saxon propensity for this is the reason why most people who do mass shootings at schools or workplaces are either Anglos (Columbine shooters), Anglicized (Kimveer Gill, the East Indian-Canadian who shot up Dawson College in Montreal), or Anglophiles (Anders Behring Breivik).
Then how would you explain John Allen Muhammad (African-American) & Lee Boyd Malvo (Jamaican) who killed 10 during a 2002 spree, Seung-Hui Cho (Korean) who killed 32 at Virginia Tech in 2007, or Nidal Malik Hasan (Palestinian-American) who killed 14 at Fort Hood in 2009? There are also plenty of non-Anglo mass shooters outside of the U.S. as well:

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Old 08-30-2011, 08:46 AM   #28

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Islamic culture (Arabic, Turkish etc.) is arguably the most insensitive, criminal, insane and fucked up culture in the world, at least in the so called "civilised" world. Also Negroes tend to have a highly insensitive culture, Liberia comes to mind.
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Old 08-30-2011, 08:47 AM   #29

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My car was not street legal and I got pulled over. Kind of my fault, but kind of an excuse. I bought my car in the US and didn't get a part I needed to make it street legal in Canada installed (it was sitting in my trunk), mainly because I was very busy. Plus I was speeding and talking on my cell phone. Three tickets at once, mucho demerit points, big fine.

I worked it out that I can pay it in installments.
Ah, well I don't agree with speed limits or limitations on talking on your phone either.

Speeding is no crime if you can handle the car properly, what matters is whether anyone is actually harmed by the speeding, if they aren't then it is no big deal.
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Old 08-30-2011, 09:00 AM   #30

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New York does not really truly conform to any WASP culture so it is an anomaly in America. Indeed how can a state infested with Jews and Catholics (not to mention Hindus and Muslims and god knows what else etc..) be WASPy ? It can't. Therefore the genuine WASP shouldn't care about what happened on 9/11. For instance I am from New York but my ethnicity is like Scots-Irish (or at least more Scots-Irish than anything else) and when I saw what happened on T.V. on 9/11 with the planes crashing into the World Trade Center I was happy and celebrated in a joyful manner. I was the opposite of suffering emotionally I was actually rejoicing and jumping for joy. A real true dyed- in-the-wool WASP wouldn't really care if New York was obliterated by nuclear bombs or if it fell off the face of the earth or was drowned back under the ocean etc..
you are joking of course?
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Old 08-30-2011, 09:01 AM   #31

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Islamic culture (Arabic, Turkish etc.) is arguably the most insensitive, criminal, insane and fucked up culture in the world, at least in the so called "civilised" world. Also Negroes tend to have a highly insensitive culture, Liberia comes to mind.
I would say all cultures influenced by an Abrahamic religion share a certain tendency toward repression of 'shameful' desires and place great emphasis upon one's standing in the community. WASPs may not kill their kids for disobeying them, as happens in the Islamic/Pakistani 'honour killings', but I'm sure tremendous social pressure is applied.

Liberia is an abberation though, it is a mish-mash of different tribes, a bit like South Africa. Intolerance breeds insensitivity, and in places like Liberia there doesn't seem to be much co-operation between the tribes/factions.

---------- Post added 2011-08-30 at 02:02 ----------

you are joking of course?
I hope he says yes, I missed Angevin during his 6 month banishment, if the FBI catches wind of him he could be going away for a lot longer.
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Old 08-30-2011, 09:02 AM   #32

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CodexVeritas is not a sociopath, if he was he wouldn't have any political convictions and instead of relishing the thought of people who he disagrees with suffering he would probably enjoy the suffering of anyone.

The odds of a true psychopath being interested in a board like this, which, let's face it, offers limited opportunities to scam money out of people or to find a boy/girl, is next to nil.

People on this forum are far more likely to be schizoid than they are to be psychopathic.[COLOR="Silver"]
It's true that this forum is not a place to run a scam. However, indifference to others' death and suffering and absence of empathy to the degree that this person professes is a sociopathic trait, as is dehumanizing people with ease and regarding them as objects. Not all sociopaths are going to be the seductive con artist type out for money (not all even have that level of social skill or ambition).

Something is not right.
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Old 08-30-2011, 09:07 AM   #33

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I dont know if eg Americans could be considered that dry and cold, for sure some are but Americans produce and engage in lots of charities, plus Amerikans love fallen angels and people resurecting from ashes (ex addicts, former criminals being christians now etc).

On the contrary, apparently in Amerika people are indifferent to poverty or suffering of others, I read these endless stories about limos passing by hungry beggars and noone think its anything wrong, I dont know, I myself find people of India and some east Asians (Chinese) the most distant and cold, its in my my stereotype.
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Old 08-30-2011, 09:12 AM   #34

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I think Brazilians may be the harshest with beggars and street people. There are large numbers of children living on the streets of major Brazilian cities begging and stealing and whatnot and the police shoot them all the time and it's not considered a big deal.

I personally ignore street beggars but I see many people giving them money all the time.
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Old 08-30-2011, 09:23 AM   #35

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It's true that this forum is not a place to run a scam. However, indifference to others' death and suffering and absence of empathy to the degree that this person professes is a sociopathic trait, as is dehumanizing people with ease and regarding them as objects. Not all sociopaths are going to be the seductive con artist type out for money (not all even have that level of social skill or ambition).

Something is not right.
I can see your point, but I wouldn't apply the label sociopath to such an individual, I'd say they were schizoid and showing callous-unemotional traits. Psychopaths (the term sociopath is pretty ambiguous IMO, do you mean someone who fits the criterion set out by people like Cleckley and Hare or someone who is just anti-social?) would have no interest in sharing their views with a bunch of people online. For a start, psychopaths don't have a true personality, they just craft a persona to get something they want out of others; I don't see CV has done that. Also, what reward is there, except for a little attention and possibly the chance to upset or offend someone?

I agree about some psychopaths lacking social skill, they aren't all the chameleon-like charmers who can charm the birds out of the trees; some of them are just plain frightening. It makes me wonder whether it is an atavistic condition, I just don't see how some of them could have survived into civilisation, it is as though they are programmed for a different age.
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Old 08-30-2011, 09:30 AM   #36

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Then how would you explain John Allen Muhammad (African-American) & Lee Boyd Malvo (Jamaican)

Seung-Hui Cho (Korean) Anglicized

Nidal Malik Hasan (Palestinian-American) Anglicized.

I am pretty Anglicized myself, but I like to believe I've kept my sense of empathy for others. And even though I do indulge in it, I think their culture is sick (as much as I watch shows like CSI, play violent video games like Mortal Kombat, and listen to some violent rap), at least I have my own non-violent culture to go back to when I turn that shit off.

Though reality TV is the true showing of Anglo insensitivity. They love to screw eachother over and make eachother cry, and viewers revel in it. You couldn't pay me to watch that.
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Old 08-30-2011, 09:35 AM   #37

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Psychopaths (the term sociopath is pretty ambiguous IMO, do you mean someone who fits the criterion set out by people like Cleckley and Hare or someone who is just anti-social?) would have no interest in sharing their views with a bunch of people online.
That's where the narcissism comes in.

For a start, psychopaths don't have a true personality, they just craft a persona to get something they want out of others; I don't see CV has done that. Also, what reward is there, except for a little attention and possibly the chance to upset or offend someone?
What you're describing is a person like Patricia Highsmith's character Tom Ripley, who adapts like chameleon to exploit any situation. I don't think it's true that every psychopath or sociopath is like that -- it can just be someone who is a "moral idiot" incapable of normal feelings for other people, and thus a low inner threshhold against behavior that harms others. The inner ugliness and lack of empathy can be expressed in more than one way, not just conning or mercenary crime.

It makes me wonder whether it is an atavistic condition, I just don't see how some of them could have survived into civilisation, it is as though they are programmed for a different age.
I think that saying psychopathy is atavistic is an excessive insult against the people of the past. Morality may be different in different cultural contexts, but that does not mean that there is no humanity or moral feeling even when the behavior looks immoral to our eyes.
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Old 08-30-2011, 09:37 AM   #38

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I dont know if eg Americans could be considered that dry and cold, for sure some are but Americans produce and engage in lots of charities, plus Amerikans love fallen angels and people resurecting from ashes (ex addicts, former criminals being christians now etc).
Charity donations are tax deductible.
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Old 08-30-2011, 09:40 AM   #39

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I plus Amerikans love fallen angels and people resurecting from ashes (ex addicts, former criminals being christians now etc).
Yeah they sure as hell don't like them when they're going through those hardships, though.

An addict recovers they'll be like "Oh I'm so proud of you!" but while they were using they probably were like "Fuck him! I hope he ODs"
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Old 08-30-2011, 09:41 AM   #40

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I am pretty Anglicized myself, but I like to believe I've kept my sense of empathy for others. And even though I do indulge in it, I think their culture is sick (as much as I watch shows like CSI, play violent video games like Mortal Kombat, and listen to some violent rap), at least I have my own non-violent culture to go back to when I turn that shit off.
I can agree that there is something cold about Germanic Anglo-Saxon types, compared to our Gaelic neighbours anyway, but I don't think we have a sick mentality.

Our earliest Anglo-Saxon ancestors developed a conquering mentality, they were pirates and mercenaries who raped, pillaged, plundered and exterminated the indigenous Britons. A war mongering mentality may still exist among us, but it is not unique to Anglo-Saxons. For a start, almost every English person has Norman blood, the Normans had interbred with the Gauls; so some of that Anglo evil may have rubbed off on the French.

Rap is hardly Anglo-Saxon, the words are in English but that is about as close a connection as I can fathom. I don't think rap would find much of a home among Boston WASPs, for example.
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