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Old 03-05-2011, 12:50 PM   #21

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The problenm I have with feminism is that some women use it to dominate men and subyugate them to their will, I undertsand that women shoudln't be subyugated either, but the problem lies when both don't wan to be 505/50 and respect each other.I know I will be labeled as a male chauvinist for this, but I don't undertsand why women say they are the strongest sex, but they won't survive a fight with a man, some do provoke men and when the man respond they go to call the police for domestic violence or abuse, if they were the strongst sex they wouldn't have the need to do that, also when a man choose to not lay their hands down to a woman for respect but the woman is abusing of him, they are labeled as weakling.

Why?If the man hits a woman is an abusing maniac, but when he chooses not to, he is a weakling?
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Old 03-05-2011, 02:51 PM   #22

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Use your pimp hand, jib.
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Old 03-05-2011, 11:25 PM   #23

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That is a myth. Women have always worked and women have always done manual labor.
I did not say that women never worked. In ancient times, women sold goods in markets, they performed simple labor tasks and they worked in prostitution houses. However, most of the jobs required hard labor and systematic technical skills. Men were expected to bring home the bread when push came to shove while women were expected to stay home, care for the house and raise the children. It was a practical way of adapting to the environment.

I'm simply saying that the technological advances made during the industrial revolution opened more employment opportunities for women because it made labor easier.
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Old 03-05-2011, 11:29 PM   #24

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so to be feminine you have to wear makeup, and misrepresent your looks? Most women I know wear tight pants, that few men would wear. They wear dresses as well though, none of the feminist I know seem to find male style attractive. I do know maybe one very masculine girl, who may be a feminist, she dresses like a man, but I'm pretty sure she is into women (like that), and I never heard her call herself feminist. My professor in who introduced me to feminist theory wore pretty dark dress it seemed most days, usually long boots though, not high-heels, only a bit of makeup, she was already married, no need for her to fake her beauty. You realize a girl who is attractive without makeup is always attractive, I've seen girls who looks good with makeup, and horrible in the morning so I don't see makeup at all to be necessary to femininity, but I'm not the female, she's the one who decides what's feminine to her, not us dudes.

Make up does however make women more competitive as products, cause you can always enhance what you have if you understand the art (I've seen some bad make-up jobs) at the same time you are only competing for men as sexual objects, make up doesn't make you any better a girl. What looks feminine is a creation of man (or mankind), not an absolute abstract. John Paul Sartre was in love with a beautiful feminist, not because she wore a lot of makeup, but because she was beautiful without it.
So, men are products to women to. What would happen if a man dont shave or have a beer belly? It would be bad.

Anyway i think there are several kinds of femenist:


First Group "The hippies" (Simon, Janis Joplin, liberal Jewish women, other lesbs)
-Women have to be ugly and masculine because feminism is good.
-If men can we must
-They looked awful and talked dumb stuff about feminism. They are reactionary
-They end alone living with cats and no men would hit them.
-Men dont even see them as women

Note: This group has a subgroup very particular were non-hippie women are included: Thatcher, Condolesa Rice

Second Group "The Cats" (Marilyn Monroe, Eva Peron)
-Women have a social rol in the society, they understand it and exploit it to the best
-If men can we must
-They are hot and sexy, also smart. They are very feminine, but sometimes in excess.
-They get almost everything they want, but in the long run men will no respect them, also when they get old they would lose sexiness and approach.
-Only old men or men with low self esteem are into this kind of women


Third Group "The Real Women" (Girl next door, future wife)
-They are not femenist, they are Women are feel good with it. They have no complex. They are the normal girls that are pretty but not sluttish.
-They dont try to control the men.
-The typical girl next door
-She respect the others and respect herself
-They are happy.
-All the men want to marry this kind of women.
-In a relationship all the feeling with this kind of women are real, honest and reciprocal.
-It doesn't matter if she gets old because she is more than a object.


1)Simone (a hippie), 2) Eva Peron (a cat), 3) typical girls next door
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Old 03-06-2011, 01:32 AM   #25

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here is one of the absurdities that feminism (in the US of course) has produced:
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Old 03-06-2011, 03:31 AM   #26

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So, men are products to women to. What would happen if a man dont shave or have a beer belly? It would be bad.

Anyway i think there are several kinds of femenist:


First Group "The hippies" (Simon, Janis Joplin, liberal Jewish women, other lesbs)
-Women have to be ugly and masculine because feminism is good.
-If men can we must
-They looked awful and talked dumb stuff about feminism. They are reactionary
-They end alone living with cats and no men would hit them.
-Men dont even see them as women

Note: This group has a subgroup very particular were non-hippie women are included: Thatcher, Condolesa Rice

Second Group "The Cats" (Marilyn Monroe, Eva Peron)
-Women have a social rol in the society, they understand it and exploit it to the best
-If men can we must
-They are hot and sexy, also smart. They are very feminine, but sometimes in excess.
-They get almost everything they want, but in the long run men will no respect them, also when they get old they would lose sexiness and approach.
-Only old men or men with low self esteem are into this kind of women


Third Group "The Real Women" (Girl next door, future wife)
-They are not femenist, they are Women are feel good with it. They have no complex. They are the normal girls that are pretty but not sluttish.
-They dont try to control the men.
-The typical girl next door
-She respect the others and respect herself
-They are happy.
-All the men want to marry this kind of women.
-In a relationship all the feeling with this kind of women are real, honest and reciprocal.
-It doesn't matter if she gets old because she is more than a object.


1)Simone (a hippie), 2) Eva Peron (a cat), 3) typical girls next door
if it hadn't been for those damn feminist, we'd still be able to flaunt our unshaven face and beer belly, and basically buy chicks from their fathers. Actually, in terms of beard I think men started that trend, my girlfriend liked my beard, of course it hurts when you kiss. Many women actually modal their image of beauty, both in attraction and self-prentation on ours. Janis Joplin, all do respect isn't exactly considered to be a star feminist, she was a hippy rock singer, in fact most of those women aren't very significant feminist. Do Condolesa Rice and Thatcher even consider themselves feminist?

Some heterosexual female feminist theorist (intellectuals):

Gloria Steinem
Rebecca Walker
Bracha L. Ettinger
Lucy Irigary (The Sex Which is not one - maybe bisexual-very secretive about that)
Anna Kingsford
Marian Joan Elliott-Said (Poly Styrene-not really a theorist, but she was so damn cool)
Germaine Greer
Mary Wollstonecraft

take a read if you've got a moment

Feminist theory is way to diverse to be pigeonholed. One thing I will agree on is that it seems that a lot of female intellectuals are masculine, but I'm not sure that has to do with feminism, though intellectual women are less likely to simply "lay down and take it", than non-intellectuals. The whole thing about "the girl next store" sounds like bs to me. Personally I find all those traits reflect individuals, not philosophies (no contradiction to feminism). A feminist, rivals a controlling man, who says women "should be this way", but that does not make her any particular way except intelligent enough to tell when she's being played. A feminist chooses how to be. I like women who are independent enough to take care of themselves, don't need me, are not controlling (like many men and women are), not possessive, honest, respectfully, and real.

I don't find "girly girls" especially attractive. A lot of men I've noticed like weak women, who couldn't fend for themselves, makes them feel important and powerful, the damsel in distress, easy to take advantage of. I like a real women, who doesn't need a man to make her complete, she already comes complete. Who would fight to survive, a passionate women dedicated to the people she loves and always true to them. I don't see how being a feminist would deny any of these traits. I have known at least 5 women in my life that read and adapt feminist theory (though some might avoid the label because of the negativity associated with it), they were all pretty feminine, my ex gf being one of them, though she wasn't exactly the girl next door type, (she wore plenty of makeup). One was homosexual, and was a bit more masculine. I meet very masculine, controlling women however that are not feminist at all, some even embrace traditional forms of what I would call "male chauvinism", even against themselves.

It turns me off when a controlling women uses the label so freely, and knows nothing of theory while other women are scared to embrace what they believe in. In a way that is sort of a victory over feminism, that it's image deters. You really can't generalize these things at all. The girl next door could be a feminist. What makes you think your girl next door can't be a feminist? That's the issue right there, why feminists are still necessary to call you out. A women can be strong, and independent, and feminine. One of my best friends is a feminist, and if it wasn't for her clever sense of fashion, she could be the girl next door, just a filipina version.

---------- Post added 2011-03-05 at 15:57 ----------

here is one of the absurdities that feminism (in the US of course) has produced:
I use to know a female wrestler in HS, she probably thought she could beat up all the dudes, and she was tough, but she wasn't a feminist. She was little and built. Probably wrestled boys on her spare time.
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Old 03-06-2011, 04:06 AM   #27

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I like the girly girl because it is my opposite and i find they feminine.
Girly girls get more respect than the sluts feminist (Ukrainian FEMEN) or the tommy boys.

I like to open the door to a lady, i would never open the door to a feminist because she probably will answer that as an insult while the normal girl would feel honoured.
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Old 03-06-2011, 04:16 AM   #28

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I like the girly girl because it is my opposite and i find they feminine.
Girly girls get more respect than the sluts feminist (Ukrainian FEMEN) or the tommy boys.

I like to open the door to a lady, i would never open the door to a feminist because she probably will answer that as an insult while the normal girl would feel honoured.
Well I usually hold the door for whoever is behind me, male or women, and I haven't gotten a mean response yet, that's just common human curtsy to me. None of my feminist friends would say anything if you did them a favor, besides thank you. I don't know much about FEMEN, I know a lot of tom boys though, and I also don't find them very attractive on the surface. I consider myself to be pretty masculine, but I don't think of girly girls as my equal opposite in terms of character, I mean they could be but not generally. Some are like my deficient other, more repulsed by the masculine than anything else, so I don't see that as a compliment. My feminist friends are usually very creative and smart, but they also very feminine so I guess I just have a very different few than what seems to be common based on those who I associate with.
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Old 03-06-2011, 04:23 AM   #29

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Maybe there are different kind of feminist, i agree with the women rights and the right to vote but i disagree with burning bra or think the women should act as a man. I also disagree with topless or slutiness.
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Old 03-06-2011, 04:36 AM   #30

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I use to know a female wrestler in HS, she probably thought she could beat up all the dudes, and she was tough, but she wasn't a feminist. She was little and built. Probably wrestled boys on her spare time.
It's not much about girls that want to wrestle, but about the newspaper-comments this male highschool wrestler got, when he didn't want to wrestle a girl, you know, as if his attitude wasn't totally normal, but the "result of religious propaganda" (just because his father is accidentally a minister). It's in fact these "liberal" commentators that are brainwashed by an equality-idealogy which is held up like some kind of new religion.
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Old 03-06-2011, 09:08 AM   #31

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Use your pimp hand, jib.
No sir, they will have to learn their place, don't come with "woman power"and when a man confronts her come with "abuse". it makes women look pathethic and very coward.
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Old 03-06-2011, 12:08 PM   #32

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No sir, they will have to learn their place, don't come with "woman power"and when a man confronts her come with "abuse". it makes women look pathethic and very coward.
what do you mean "learn their place"? If a woman is pissed off she should be able to show it.
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Old 03-06-2011, 12:12 PM   #33

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i feel like this video is very appropriate for this thread
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Old 03-06-2011, 12:37 PM   #34

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No sir, they will have to learn their place, don't come with "woman power"and when a man confronts her come with "abuse". it makes women look pathethic and very coward.
That's the point of using the pimp hand. You can be all like, "make me dinner, woman!" If she starts steppin' you raise the almighty pimp hand to show who wears the pants. She'll be all like, "ok.. ok... I'll cook you a steak. Just... please put the pimp hand down!" You'll be all like waving the pimp hand in a threatening manner, "Once it's up..." She'll fall on her knees and like start groping at your zipper shouting, "Please, Jib! Please!" You'd smile and be like, "Alright.. okay... but it better be a damn good steak or the pimp hand comes back up!"

You feels me?
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Old 03-06-2011, 08:26 PM   #35

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what do you mean "learn their place"? If a woman is pissed off she should be able to show it.
Yes, but not abuse of it, things go bad when people abuse of things.I don't like that because she is a woman, she could be pissed and scream to me and hit me whenever she pleases, I am not her pet or anything for her to do as she please.

---------- Post added 2011-03-06 at 09:27 ----------

That's the point of using the pimp hand. You can be all like, "make me dinner, woman!" If she starts steppin' you raise the almighty pimp hand to show who wears the pants. She'll be all like, "ok.. ok... I'll cook you a steak. Just... please put the pimp hand down!" You'll be all like waving the pimp hand in a threatening manner, "Once it's up..." She'll fall on her knees and like start groping at your zipper shouting, "Please, Jib! Please!" You'd smile and be like, "Alright.. okay... but it better be a damn good steak or the pimp hand comes back up!"

You feels me?
I don't like that.
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Old 03-11-2011, 10:57 AM   #36

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Feminist theory is way to diverse to be pigeonholed.
Seriously. Feminism isn't monolithic. Women don't all agree with one another, there are plenty of disagreements within feminist though.
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Old 03-11-2011, 11:43 AM   #37

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Seriously. Feminism isn't monolithic. Women don't all agree with one another, there are plenty of disagreements within feminist though.
That's the problem. Many people think feminism is all about hating men, not wearing bras, and sleeping around. This is not true.

Traditional feminists can't stand those people.
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Old 03-11-2011, 12:04 PM   #38

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That's the problem. Many people think feminism is all about hating men, not wearing bras, and sleeping around. This is not true.

Traditional feminists can't stand those people.
I have to admit i was one of those that have a erroneous view of the Feminist. If women fight to have the same rights and space in the society im with them, but i dont like the idea of the woman acting like a man, nor the idea of a man acting like a woman neither.

I think the big problem of these times is the usurpation of causes in the name of another thing. Same happens with capitalism, human rights, animal rights, global warming, ecology, etc. I recall one of the founders of Greenpeace that is now against the greenpeace because they are different from the original concept.
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Old 03-11-2011, 12:43 PM   #39

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What is "traditional feminism"? Sounds imaginary…
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