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Old 03-30-2011, 06:16 AM   #1

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Default Personal experience or do you Southern Europeans hate being called mixed?
Like a friend of mines who is Irish said to these Italian guys (who were pretty dark in terms of features) that Italy was invaded by Muslims and Moors and mixing happened. These Italian guys threw a huge fit and it ended in a disaster.

Not only there but also on other sites I notice that Spaniards and Italians hate it when someone brings up the point (not sure if fact) that some of them have Moorish blood in them or are mixed with brown somewhere down the line.

Now its not like I consider Italians or Spaniards to be non-Whites but I just wonder, does it really piss them off when people associate them with being anything close to non-White?

Most of my WASP friends play it off and some even claim to have native American and Black in them, a lot would even laugh it off if you call them Black and sarcastically reply to you.

Anyways someone bother to explain this?
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Old 03-30-2011, 06:33 AM   #2

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Like a friend of mines who is Irish said to these Italian guys (who were pretty dark in terms of features) that Italy was invaded by Muslims and Moors and mixing happened. These Italian guys threw a huge fit and it ended in a disaster.

Not only there but also on other sites I notice that Spaniards and Italians hate it when someone brings up the point (not sure if fact) that some of them have Moorish blood in them or are mixed with brown somewhere down the line.

Now its not like I consider Italians or Spaniards to be non-Whites but I just wonder, does it really piss them off when people associate them with being anything close to non-White?

Most of my WASP friends play it off and some even claim to have native American and Black in them, a lot would even laugh it off if you call them Black and sarcastically reply to you.

Anyways someone bother to explain this?
You'll get a short psychological diagnosis for free today. I think that due to your own insecurities by being Indian and serious issues with acceptance of your own person you will troll anybody who is less darker in appereance than you, making him mixed or non-white, that makes your day somehow better until you'll load another crap here. That's also quite common practice among members from another side of World to teach us Europeans who should we consider mixed, white etc. Furthermore I doubt that you honestly give a shit about any serious answer. You have Husky dog in your avatar or Alaskan , since I'm a fan of dogs I'll prevent myself from throwing some further intelectual vomits on your post. Take care
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Old 03-30-2011, 06:38 AM   #3

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Southern Europeans have minimal to none moorish admixture
and the few who Do have it from prehistoric times which isn't present in their phenotype at all
also ancient berber/arabs were as caucasoid a Europeans so I guess having berber or arab admixture doen't make someone less white the mixing between subraces/ethnicities of the same race isn't like the mixing of two different races,I don't personally consider the son/daughter of a pale lebanese Christian and an European or white American "racially" mixed
only ethnically or subracially or wathever
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Old 03-30-2011, 06:39 AM   #4

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I think important thing is that Islam is not very popular in Europe nowadays, so people may get oversensitive about having this type of ancestry. However, I dont think its a reason to be ashamed. I know one spanish girl who was very proud of having some Moroccan ancestor.
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Old 03-30-2011, 06:41 AM   #5

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They are also mixed with northern europeans. Visigoths, Lombards etc...

Italians look more wogy than Spaniards.
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Old 03-30-2011, 06:44 AM   #6

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You'll get a short psychological diagnosis for free today. I think that due to your own insecurities by being Indian and serious issues with acceptance of your own person you will troll anybody who is less darker in appereance than you, making him mixed or non-white, that makes your day somehow better until you'll load another crap here. That's also quite common practice among members from another side of World to teach us Europeans who should we consider mixed, white etc. Furthermore I doubt that you honestly give a shit about any serious answer. You have Husky dog in your avatar or Alaskan , since I'm a fan of dogs I'll prevent myself from throwing some further intelectual vomits on your post. Take care
WOOO boy talk about insecurity. Anyways Thor I hope I didn't piss your pale blondness off too bad, oh what was I thinking, vast majority of all Italians and Spaniards have Blonde hair and blue eyes, you would have to be an idiot to say they were a bit tanned or anything close to that.

---------- Post added 2011-03-29 at 18:45 ----------

I think important thing is that Islam is not very popular in Europe nowadays, so people may get oversensitive about having this type of ancestry. However, I dont think its a reason to be ashamed. I know one spanish girl who was very proud of having some Moroccan ancestor.
I mean if you don't believe me then there is a movie on this, it was this mafia movie where this guy calls Sicilians the N word and stuff.
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Old 03-30-2011, 06:50 AM   #7

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I mean if you don't believe me then there is a movie on this, it was this mafia movie where this guy calls Sicilians the N word and stuff.[/QUOTE]

I dont know, in mafia movies everyone calls everyone N
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Old 03-30-2011, 06:54 AM   #8

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WOOO boy talk about insecurity. Anyways Thor I hope I didn't piss your pale blondness off too bad, oh what was I thinking, vast majority of all Italians and Spaniards have Blonde hair and blue eyes, you would have to be an idiot to say they were a bit tanned or anything close to that.

---------- Post added 2011-03-29 at 18:45 ----------

I mean if you don't believe me then there is a movie on this, it was this mafia movie where this guy calls Sicilians the N word and stuff.
I'm not a Thor and I'm not pale blonde, I'm also not the one posting threads about how I don't like to be Indian. You're pulling some sentences from your ass. Your feelings towards Spaniards and Italians are called Stockholm syndrome, just admit it.
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Old 03-30-2011, 06:55 AM   #9

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Nobody in Europe love to be associated with muslims, not only south europeans, nobody want to be associated with a bad fame group (for example gypsies). The other reason is that it's false, and muslims are historical enemies (north africans and turks in the case of Spain).

The point is that bad fame groups are usually non-whites.
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Old 03-30-2011, 06:58 AM   #10

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I'm not a Thor and I'm not pale blonde, I'm also not the one posting threads about how I don't like to be Indian. You're pulling some sentences from your ass. Your feelings towards Spaniards and Italians are called Stockholm syndrome, just admit it.
that was a long time ago, months ago, you just displayed your heavy insecurity when I simply posted a question

now its not like im doing anything wrong buddy, you people are so White you make swedes and norwegians look like sub saharan Blacks, you guys are like the epitome of White

---------- Post added 2011-03-29 at 18:58 ----------

Nobody in Europe love to be associated with muslims, not only south europeans, nobody want to be associated with a bad fame group (for example gypsies). The other reason is that it's false, and muslims are historical enemies (north africans and turks in the case of Spain).

The point is that bad fame groups are usually non-whites.
ah okay, so it is kinda like telling a White Southerner in America that he has a native American or Black ancestor or a Black nationalist that he has White blood in him
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Old 03-30-2011, 07:00 AM   #11

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Afrocentrists and selfhating indian are so annoying...
they are obssesed with europeans,berbers,middle easterns
please guys talk about your own race
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Old 03-30-2011, 07:03 AM   #12

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Afrocentrists and selfhating indian are so annoying...
they are obssesed with europeans,berbers,middle easterns
please guys talk about your own race
Afrocentrists are annoying

selfhating Indians (know ur talkin about me) can be too

but facts are facts, Italians = epitome of White

Dark Italians = simply a myth, all have Blonde hair, scandinavians be hatin yo!
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Old 03-30-2011, 07:04 AM   #13

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that was a long time ago, months ago, you just displayed your heavy insecurity when I simply posted a question

now its not like im doing anything wrong buddy, you people are so White you make swedes and norwegians look like sub saharan Blacks, you guys are like the epitome of White

---------- Post added 2011-03-29 at 18:58 ----------

ah okay, so it is kinda like telling a White Southerner in America that he has a native American or Black ancestor or a Black nationalist that he has White blood in him
Seriously? Long time ago? Ok, you're the alpha now

I'm not a Spaniard, nor Italian. And why should I make Swedes and Norwegians look like sub saharan Blacks? What are you, wannabe Indian Dolph Lundgren or what?
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Old 03-30-2011, 07:05 AM   #14

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Afrocentrists are annoying

selfhating Indians (know ur talkin about me) can be too

but facts are facts, Italians = epitome of White

Dark Italians = simply a myth, all have Blonde hair, scandinavians be hatin yo!
If that's true(which isn't)
why does it bother you so much?
why do you care?
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Old 03-30-2011, 07:05 AM   #15

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Common sense your "Friend" used it as an insult, ofcourse they would get crazy, people have commonly used that same thing to insult mediterraneans since forever to claim they're not white. Those italians should have just been cool about it and insulted your friend back in a nice classy way i would have just said something along the lines of "Atleast those muslims made us drop dead sexy unlike you irish, you certainly could have used a little arab in your gene pool". Yes i am that much of a bastard ha, well your friend asked for it they should have gave him it.
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Old 03-30-2011, 07:05 AM   #16

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I'm not an expert, but wouldn't it make sense that since Italians & Spaniards etc come from the more sunny part of Europe they should have darker skin than northern Europeans anyway?

They reckon there is Iberian blood in Britain and Ireland which causes the tanned complexion (similar to those seen in Spain and Italy etc) one often sees in Welsh and Irish people , the result of an Iberian settlement here 15,000 years ago- long before the Moors invaded Europe. So if those Iberian genes alone can cause a dark, Mediterranean complexion in people that suggests the Italians/Spaniards could be dark by Northern European standards without there being any African or Arab ancestry there.

As for the issue of Whiteness, well being White generally implies that you are accepted as White in a given cultural setting ('Whiteness' in America for example encompasses a lot more ethnicities today than it did 200 years ago). I would consider southern Euros to be White, that's based on two things- firstly the fact that they have a European phenotype and secondly that they are Europeans culturally, whatever quantum of African blood they may have wouldn't change that.

White is not a very meaningful designation outside of ex-colonial nations with large White populations i.e. America, Canada, South Africa, Australia, NZ etc
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Old 03-30-2011, 07:07 AM   #17

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Afrocentrists and selfhating indian are so annoying...
they are obssesed with europeans,berbers,middle easterns
please guys talk about your own race
you guys aren't White
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Old 03-30-2011, 07:07 AM   #18

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you guys aren't White
I know but you afrocentrists and selfhating indians are obssesed you always try to blackwash us our history,Indocentrist and Dictator siesta even said ancient berbers were and looked like pople from Sudan and since you wish you were white or close to white you're jealous we berbers and arabs we're on average lighter and goodlooking than you but we're not guilty of your darker complexions
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Old 03-30-2011, 07:08 AM   #19

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I dont know, in mafia movies everyone calls everyone N
Italian-Americans are among the most racist people in America. Especially towards blacks.
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Old 03-30-2011, 07:09 AM   #20

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It's usually WASPs who don't like being called mixed... but they like to call everyone else mixed.
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