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Old 03-27-2011, 05:22 PM   #1

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Default National/Racial/Ethnic Genetic Integration
In this thread, I want to discuss some sensitive topics… about Nationalism, Racism, and Ethnism. My main point will revolve around how people socially identify in order to integrate within particular societies. Social identity and 'Society' essentially are the same thing. People see-themselves as belonging to groups. This is normal & natural. It is important because those who are grouped-together are more powerful than loners/individuals. For example, it is easy mechanics to visualize a group of 50 predators versus 1 predator of the same time. The single loner will become dominated, and, may die due to exclusion. Exclusion is a very, very powerful factor of Humanity. I believe everybody experiences feelings of Exclusion/Inclusion, beginning from birth, according to Child Rearing and Parenting.

Parents allocate more resources to different children.

That said, I will speak about Nationalism. As Humanity has 'Evolved', people have developed larger & larger & larger social identities, including more & more people, in order to assert Superiority through Numbers against other people and nations as "outsiders" or "foreigners". For example, it is natural that Mankind wars against each-other. Warring is in our blood (as part of Masculinity and asserting Authority/Superiority against others). And within war, the side with "Quantity-advantage" would win if Quality is equal between them. Thus, in order to defeat Quantity, the disadvantaged side (in numbers) would need better 'Quality' males in order to survive. This is a general note about Quantity v Quality. This pertains to Physical Mechanics.

So Nations with both the largest numbers, including the most powerful men (Quality), become the most dominant. Every nation on Earth wants both Quality and Quantity. This composition, if dominant, becomes a 'powerful' nation of people. People seek to 'immigrate' into such (Host) nations. It is natural that people want to emigrate-out to lands with superior 'Opportunities'. In this sense, 'Opportunities' simply means Economic and Military Power. Men, women, and children, as a general rule, want to live within an "Ideal Society". People generally want to live within a society with the "greatest potential".

Now people obviously immigrate/emigrate for different reasons. So my previous point was a Generalized one… in particular cases, the reasoning & motivation to emigrate becomes contextualized and clarified. For example, a war occurs, and one side clearly will lose. So people emigrate in mass (retreat) or flee into different lands. The people don't want to die or become brutalized (raped/tortured/enslaved/etc.). Or, perhaps a family within a country becomes targeted by the police. Perhaps people are criminals fleeing the law. Perhaps people are poor. Perhaps people become spies, or warriors, and attempt to infiltrate an 'enemy' land.

Regardless of the reasoning for Emigration/Immigration… I will speak further toward the point. There are very specific 'Procedures' as to how anybody (man, woman, or child) genetically integrates into a Host Society.

Before I get into the physical mechanics of genetic integration ~ I need to make a point about Societies in general. Societies generally (or always) are built upon Culture and Religion. In other words, there is no such thing as an "Atheist Society" (yet). There maybe one someday, but, I don't think there ever has been, for reasons I shall explain… The reason societies need Culture/Religion is because people need 'Reasons' to remain loyal to each-other. There needs to exist a social trust, also known as (aka.) the "Social Contract Theory". If there does not exist a "Social Contract" then even parents can turn-against their children, siblings against siblings, etc. Families can "turn-on" each-other.

This is known as: Fratricide (killing one's brother), Infanticide (killing one's children), Patricide (killing one's father), etc.

Without a system of (Moral) 'Law', any & every society on Earth falls into Anarchy. People are compelled by Law, man-made or Divine (God Law), to follow rules and not turn-against one-another. This makes much more common, pragmatic sense, by how parents raise children with set rules & discipline. For example, if parents are raising children then any decent father/mother would prevent an infant from drinking bleach. That would be deadly to the infant. So parents protect their children from harm & death. In turn, (most) parents also disallow children to eat "junk food" in excess. Some parents are even much more strict about diet, some less so… Regardless, parents establish "Rules" as to what children may so or may not eat. And, parents also establish rules as to what children may so or may not do!

Does a parent allow a son to hit/beat other children?? I don't know. That depends on the parent(s), and, establishes the very concept of 'Morality'. Social Mores (ie. Morals) become developed through how Parents teach children, and why. Different parents have different Logic and Reasoning. For example, some parents may praise physical violence, and, encourage their children to beat other children. While most parents (within a given society) may discourage such a behavior. This differs from society-to-society. Different societies reflect different social 'Attitudes' and thus, different "Social-Morality" reflected by those general attitudes of parenting, child-rearing, and upbringing.

Through these generalized 'Attitudes', Culture emerges as a definitive social trend. For example, in the US, people are bound by strong ideals (ie. philosophical ideologies) pertaining to "Equality", "Human Rights", and "Opportunity". These generalized ideals allow more racial & ethnic inclusion compared to other nations around the world. But the very philosophical ideologies correlate to Culture. Cultures are built-upon ideals (ie. Ideal Society, and, Social Contract) as to how a Society should Be/Become. Every society and country around the world correlates to different Cultures. Most are Pagan and are rooted through regional, religious ancestry.

Religious ancestry is a genetic, psychological condition passed form generation-to-generation as to how any particular society Views the world. It's a "Perspective" on/of life. Different societies literally, actually see the world in different ways. Not only is this expressed through Culture/Religion, but language/linguistics too. In fact, linguistics maybe the primary quality of such psychology.

People think in the same way people speak.

Language and (social) thinking necessarily are connected-together.

So now I will arrive at the main point: Genetic Integration.

Genetic Integration necessarily implies that any particular man, woman, or child wants to integrate into a host society, for any given reason. For example, Islamic and Moslem people may want to integrate into foreign societies in order to spread their religion of Islam. Now while this may not be the intention of most (who emigrate), it is the intention of at least some. Or, for example a family maybe fleeing from a warzone/famine. Maybe a large population of people are seeking economic opportunities/prosperity.

For those who emigrate to a new land, they have an option: temporarily stay there, or, permanently stay there. For those who temporarily stay… these types do not count as proper "Genetic Integration". They may or may not interbreed with the host nation/society. But for those who permanently stay… there really is no 'choice' for the most part. Most immigrants are forced-into Genetic Integration.

But there are exceptions (which I will mention later)…

I'm going to take Russia as my next example. Because Russian-Slavs have a very specific look/appearance to them. If you want to emigrate to Russia (even though no sane person would want to) then you need to become 'accepted' by the Russian people. But Russians disallow certain types from integrating, and allow others.

All societies want "good genes" to integrate into them. In other words, if you are beautiful, rich, strong, and skilled (like a professional doctor) then you almost universally can integrate into any society on other. Because 'doctors' are valued everywhere. Perhaps the one exception to this rule is Xenophobia. If your 'race' does not match-up to the host 'race' then you maybecome rejected due to Cultural and/or Religious reasons. This creates divisions of Nationality, Race, and Ethnicity.

There are invisible social 'Borders' all across the world. Certain nationalities are unwelcome in others, races excluded from others, and ethnicities excluded from others. There exist invisible "walls". This goes even further… different Cultures/Ideologies do not integrate, and, different Religions do not integrate.

That depends on the type of Society one desires to integrate into…

But as a general rule, all societies on Earth want "good genes" to integrate. Now I will speak about my main point of how one goes about this. Using the Russians as the example, in order to become 'Accepted' by a society, you will want to "look-alike" the nation of people. This often means that you need to obtain a certain genetic phenotype. This is the "predominant phenotype" of any given society. For Russians, this look is more distinct. Most Russian females/women look-alike, as "Slavs/Balts". Thus you would need to seduce, mate with, and Marry a Slavic woman in order to become "Russian" (as an Ethnic/National identity). Furthermore, you would need to integrate into the "Slavic" race of people.

If you do not look alike this "Dominant, Genetic Phenotype" then you will not be "Russian-enough" to socially become accepted by other (Russians). In other words, even if you have $1000000 bank account, other Russians may one day decide: "We really don't like this Outsider/Foreigner", so they evict, or straight-up murder, and take all the money.

This occurs in the US too… many Mexican/Hispanic immigrants face threats of Deportation (Illegal Immigrants). But these immigrants also benefit the host nation (US) with very, very cheap (untaxed) labor. They make rich-elites within the host nation very rich! But they are not "genetically integrated" because they are 'Mexican' and 'Hispanic'. In order to truly "fit in", they need to become 'White' (as many ABF bring this point up). Just like in Russia, if you want to live in Russia (for whatever reason), then you need to (genetically) become 'Russian'.

This "genetic integration" means that you ought to look-alike the predominant phenotype of the Host Nation.

Have you ever noticed that there are distinct ethnic "looks"??

This is a primary example of how there is a genetic 'Average' within any given society/culture/religion, etc. about which people resembles the "norm". People automatically seek this out. In fact, I even will claim here that it's sub-conscious. People automatically detect if somebody is an "Outsider" or "Foreign" or not. And within any given society, individuals who represent the "insiders" keep mental note of who is "in" and who is "out".

And people who are "out" face 'Discrimination' of every kind imaginable. It is often hell, or very arduous, for a 'foreigner' to (genetically) become integrated into a host nation. It requires a lot of work, and, loyalty.

I believe the primary method of Genetic Integration (by outsiders) is for immigrant males to "prove their worth" and 'loyalty' through War. Thus, when males integrate into a new society, like Moslems in Amerika for example… then there is an unspoken mentality that one is not a true "Amerikan" unless he/she "fights & dies" for one's country. This means that, for example, that one has to "prove loyalty" to a nation of people in order to become considered "one of us".

I believe this is a general, genetic, psychological requirement of all nations of men, throughout human history. In order to become 'integrated' into a society, an "outsider" must become an "insider". And certain, distinct, phenotypical "looks" become apparent as these dominate given societies. For example, there is a distinct 'Mexican' look that differentiates Hispanics from say, Puerto Rico, Cubans, Ecquadorians, etc. Now I personally don't know the difference since I haven't been around enough Hispanics to tell straight-out. These 'looks' are learned through experience…

But, in-general, we (people, everybody), distinguish Ethnicities and Races apart, and then judge who "belongs where" based-upon where we subconsciously, mentally expect them to live. For example, if somebody looks 'Russian' then we don't presume they live in… Australia. But a given individual may defy the norm, and, live where we don't expect them to. Regardless, these certain 'looks' belong where people associate them into.

The benefits of "Genetic Integration" is social belonging into an "Ingroup". But these "Ingroups" have been around a long, long, long time. For example, if one wants to move to Germany and "become German" (as I hear many Turks want to?) then these people must serve under a host nation/country, Marry-into it, and, prove Loyalty. This "proving Loyalty" often only becomes proved through War. And, I will put a new Theory out right now as a Hypothesis:

Many wars may begin because foreign males genetically want to integrate into a Host Nation/Culture. This is just a possibility and I'm unsure about it. But, I guess that if a large amount (population) of foreigners want to "integrate" then wars become a great way to do so. What will happen is this… the males who feel like "outsiders" are more-than-willing to fight, because, this proves their loyalty… and after the war, the 'outsiders' are granted breeding-rites.

Furthermore, I think War and "Genetic Integration" mostly are the same thing.

Different Societies/Cultures, and those different 'looks', become preset by a minority groups of families & clans, and extended-families. For example, Paris Hilton is a 'Heiress' and she represents a "US citizen". She is rich, beautiful, and many men would want to have sex with her in order to "genetically integrate". But she doesn't look "Amerikan" per se, compared to, Russian/Slavic. She looks more 'Russian' as an ethnicity than anything. But this actually is a bad example because there is no set "Amerikan look" yet… due to all the ethnic & race-mixing going on.

I need to think of a better example…


Carlos Slim Helú is a better example. He has the 'Mexican' look, and, represents a powerful & wealthy family of Mexico. He represents "Mexico" as a phenotype and society. Because the 'Elites' of any given society/culture are what give it that distinct 'look'. It's about genetic & phenotypical commonality.

European nations are better examples because Europeans love to divide themselves whenever & wherever the first opportunities arise. Europeans love in-fighting, separating by any division they can find. This is due to the nature of "clan warfare". The European continent resembles a couple dozen countries of ancient human tribes who evolved into "Nation-states" and "City-states" that they are today. But these tribes kept that phenotypical 'look' amongst each country. Many people can differentiate who is an ethnic Italian, Swede, Brit, German, Pole, Russian, whatever.

In fact, Europeans are the best people to investigate regarding "Genetic Integration" because Europeans are most picky & learned about it. They've been doing it for the longest periods of time, centuries and millenniums now, about who belongs to "which group" based on looks-alone. For those of us emigrated 'Europeans' (New Worlders), "Genetic Integration" becomes easier/simpler as there are no (or less) predominant, phenotypical 'looks'. Clans have yet to emerge whereas they will in time.

Those in the Western Hemisphere retain ancestry through Europeans, Afrikans, and (most) conquered Native Indians.

Genetic Integration correlates to the different (genetic) Histories of given Societies. I will create another hypothesis, that, the longer a Society/Culture has existed… the more requirements there are for "Genetic Integration".

Finnland and Finns are a great example. They relateively are a "New People" and Ethnicity in European history. They don't have any set 'looks' or dominant phenotypes (yet defined). But, over time, if Finnland continues to exist (as a country) then there will emerge a true 'Finnish' type of look.

Final Point:

I think that there are international standards of 'Beauty' according to these predominant phenotypical types. In other words, people naturally and instinctively find 'Beauty' in those who match the "predominant types". And if there are true National/Racial/Ethnic hierarchies then they match-up according to who matches that "look".

But that (phenotypical) 'look' needs to become 1) Bred and 2) Established over time.

Men compete for this. And, by competing usually produce all the 'Good' aspects of any given society. Men and women both compete to acquire this 'look' because it poses as a universal standard of 'Beauty'. In other words, people hone-in on particular people as the "Representative" type of all other people associated with a given society. And this truly is what makes people "beautiful" according to… "wow, you are a beautiful… Romanian, or, Georgian, etc."

Beauty also belongs to "places of origin", societies, cultures, religions, traditions, geographies, etc.

Furthermore, I believe (social) 'benefits' of looking-alike these given predominant phenotypes are increased social 'goods'. In other words, if you are a "productive member of society" then you are given "increased beauty" as a standard of this "Genetic Integration". What one becomes "genetically integrated into" is a social standard, and phenomenon, of 'Beauty'.

A man, woman, or child, is "Beautiful" if he/she matches-up according to that very Social Norm, according to, distinct predominant phenotypes, etc.

Hmmm, I guess that's everything. I just kind-of winged all this stuff. So if it sounds unorganized that's because it is.

Anyway, I hope this is informative to you and worthwhile.

It seems Anthropological and I want to encourage people on ABF to encourage more information. That's why we're here. People should be thinking about these types of things.
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Old 03-27-2011, 05:39 PM   #2

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Physical Anthropology ---> Race & Ethnicity in Society.

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