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#21 |
There is nothing wrong with hate provided only that it is targeted towards hateful things. It was intellectually dishonest of you to suggest or state in your second paragraph that their hatred is based only on the fact that blacks are less intelligent than whites. Since that kind of hatred would be somewhat similar to hating chimpanzees and dolphins for not being as intelligent as humans : very irrational and silly indeed. However, what you fail to mention is the fact that government statistics show that blacks commit a lot of crime and a significant portion of that crime is violent crime against whites. That is why when you combine those government statistical facts with the fact that blacks are less intelligent you get a perfectly justified hatred which is not irrational. Now personally if I was to start my own website (I used to have my own website but on a different topic) on this issue I would take a more intellectual approach but I do find their approach to be entertaining, sometimes, nonetheless, although less sophisticated in areas. Actually it seems that at the black American average IQ of 85 that is the IQ level where a lot of violent crime happens. I think that is why drunk whites can be so violent, too, because their IQ drops into this range perhaps. It is also below the threshold for being able to live in a first world industrialized nation. It's silly, anyway, to hate the entire race based such "evidence" anyhow. How is it justified for me to lynch you because your 8th cousin twice removed robbed somebody? It isn't. |
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#22 |
I take it you've never looked at these government statistics you're talking about. Otherwise you'd be aware of the staggering leadership Whites have over all minorities in crimes commited in this country. It's silly, anyway, to hate the entire race based such "evidence" anyhow. How is it justified for me to lynch you because your 8th cousin twice removed robbed somebody? It isn't. |
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#23 |
Why'd you edit it from North Jersey to Jersey? I see what you are saying but people a too quick to group the actions of few blacks to all Blacks. Its a huge double standard. Lets play that game........Does any one blame "White People" as a race for pedophilia in the Catholic church of the last 100 years? Is it rational to believe a priest will molest your kid? Probably not since even if they have a higher rate of committing sexual abuse it will still be a tiny minority, but I'm sure it has influenced many people. We live in a society that is taught to be afraid of everyone. That being said, I don't see this as a proper analogy to the Black population. When you constantly see a group of people, day after day, reinforcing stereotypes, then you can't help but believe it's true. There are many well mannered Blacks living in suburbia and in good sections of a city but when you constantly interact with Black people from the lower class, like the people I'm thinking about, it's easy to see that it has an effect on how they perceive Blacks. What about the meltdown of the Global and US Economy and the past recession? AIG? Lehman Brothers, GM, Citi, Blockbuster? Countrywide, etc Should we simply blame those failures on "White People" as a group? What about World War I and II, the international Arms race, fears of global Thermonuclear War, or Climate change? This doesn't work either. Sub-Sahara Africa was never a happy go lucky place for comparison and so there is no reason to think the people there are more moral and less violent. It's just that the continent of Africa isn't a major player on the world stage and so wars and problems there don't take a center stage, in most cases. A war between Somalia and Ethiopia in 2011 will not have the same impact on the world as the Franco-Prussian war of 1871. This is not a cultural bias but reality. France and Prussia (Germany) were major world players econmically and militarily. What happens between them may effect far off places in the world. Somalia and Ethiopia aren't major players in 2011. So it's not as if we can associate White people with being more likely to be corrupt or involved with bloody warfare. Every racial group does it but we're more likely to pay attention to nations who have much more of an impact on the world. That doesn't mean government corruption and bloody warfare doesn't occur among non-Whites. It does so much more often than among Whites. At this point you may say that if all racial/ethnic groups are prone to flaws of human nature then it would be wrong to associate a flaw with one group more than another. People interact with others, however, and note differences. If we have a population that commits a certain number of crimes as a group a year and look at another population that is 7x more likely to commit crimes than the former, then what we have is a particular type of behavior more common among one people that will be noted by others and taken into consideration when dealing with people from that group. Now people aren't going to just look at race. Race may be the main consdieration but a Black man in a business suit is not going to draw the same attention as a Black man wearing clothing associated with low class ghetto youth. People, including other Blacks, take into account many different signs that indicate trouble. I mentioned clothing but speech patterns and how the person carries himself also plays a role on whether we see someone as a threat or not. Any city with a large Black population is also going to have a large Black lower class that reinforce stereotypes that not only offend most people but can be a threat to our safety. So it's no wonder people, even hippy-like people like the fellow I mentioned, are going to hold Blacks in distain. One thing I noticed is that Blacks in the military have a high rate of intermarriage with other racial groups. Blacks who make it into the military are not typical of the Black population. They score higher on IQ tests than what is typical of the Black average (by the way, I think the Black average may be up to 90 but I forgot where I read that) and close to Whites in the military. Since the different racial groups in the military have a similar average IQ and values reinforced by a military environment, we don't see as much racial conflict. Although it's not a perfect situaton and I suspect standards have dropped since peace time. Look at the idiots drawing attention to the RACE of Barack Obama (Never mind the fact that he is Bi-racial) while at no time have there ever been issues with the RACE of the past 43. There was issue over Kennedy being Irish Catholic. He had to say publically he wouldn't allow the Vatican to influence him on American policies. That's religious and not racial but it's the same idea in that people were afraid he'd care about his own group more than their own. Although I agree the Obama stuff on that forum isn't all that sensible but these guys are extreme racist to the point, from what I've seen, they get annoyed if anyone even hints at Blacks being human. So Obama will get attacked on both his policies and his background. These guys aren't a threat to anyone but they are extreme in their hate toward Blacks. Their experiences, and personality type, explains what they post and why. You can find Blacks who are similar. Although I'm not sure of any forum that is focused on demeaning Whites. I have seen websites, however. I dont know of any minorities that just blanket groups entire people like this. its pretty ridiculous. Blacks certainly do the same. In fact, Blacks are more racist than Whites on average. They dilsike Jews and Koreans more than Whites. You're from Newark so you may remember when Booker was running for mayor the first time around and how James went on about how Booker was being funded by Jews, which he made up. James was playing off on Black anti-Semiticism. That doesn't work with most Whites. I've seen a poll years ago that showed Blacks were more racist than Whites but I can't seem to find any type of poll that compares the two groups racial view. I'll keep looking or if anyone can find one, please post it. White people should be relieved they are not stereotyped. Whites are stereotyped. There isn't any group or subculture that isn't stereotyped. For the most part White stereotypes, and I mean White in a generic sense leaving out ethnic group stereotypes, are mostly positive with the negative being along the lines as weak and naive but if most of these stereotypes are positive can we argue it's not earned? We could look at the positive stereotypes and then see if it matches reality. Then of course, as already mentioned, their are stereotypes of White ethnic groups. Spike Lee likes to portray Italians as dull and vulgar. That's his way of getting back at Italians he grew up around. I don't think I need to point out that Italians and Blacks in NYC have a spotty record with each other. While the Chinese, who have taken over parts of Little Italy to make it China Town, don't have a conflict with the Italians. Why is this? Despite cultural and racial differences both groups are similar enough in some of their values to not cause each other distress. If the world was to come to and end right now, it would probably be "White Peoples" fault. See how ridiculous that sounds? Duck and Cover! You're coming up with far fetch examples to prove a point instead of dealing with boring every day individuals who have to interact with a group of people who are more likely than others to offend their sensibilities, which is the people who deal with lower class ghetto Blacks. Poor Whites among certain subcultures have the same reputation. No one likes dealing with them. Stereotypes of peopel who live in trailer parks aren't exactly fictional and this poor view comes from other Whites who live around them. Many people live in poverty in the US but not every poor person is seen as trouble. There are subcultures that reinforce stereotypes. The thing is there are more, as a percentage to the group, of ghetto lower class Blacks than what is referred to as White trash. No one wants to live near either group and have distain for them. |
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#24 |
Blacks only make up 12% or 13% of the population and yet are about 50% of the prison population of the USA. That fact means that blacks commit about 9 times the crimes of whites. (That's NOT 9% -- it's 900%!) This means that if there were equal numbers of blacks and whites in our population, about NINE OF EVERY TEN CRIMINALS WOULD BE BLACK : therefore you have absolutely no point. To address your second point, while, say, a woman is more than a sum of her parts, simply because a woman is a discreet biological entity that performs functions only possible in complete form, "Black People" is a social construct that doesn't have any discreet or identifiable definition, nor true existence in any form. It's a concept created in the minds of men, and without people outside of the group "Black People" to identify them as such, you're left with nothing -- it is a category that some people choose to apply to certain people, and not all people's definition of such is even remotely similar. It's a logical error to even consider "Black People" an entity apart from its components, much less to apply some sort of additive characteristic to said grouping. Black individuals are perfectly capable of performing all of their functions as individuals, and are not more capable of, say, instilling hate as an entity any more than as an individual. So let me get this straight: are you seriously trying to argue philosophically that there's any sort of justification to hate Black people? Especially using your flawed logic I addressed earlier? |
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#25 |
See now, prison population is most certainly not a reflection of crime prevalence. Not even a good guess. You simply can't derive causation from correlation in a situation like this while ignoring the vast array of confounding variables known for a fact to exist; it's silly. Therefore, you have absolutely no point. |
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#26 |
Only when black crime averages equal white crime averages would the prison population be an accurate reflection of crime prevalence. The fact that the highest crime areas are still high Black areas tells me that we don't have nearly enough Blacks criminals in prison. In the Bike scenario you have ONLY 1 out of 100 people that will walk past and NOT let the white kid steal the bike, by actually calling the police. Only ONE person called the police. With the black kid EVERYONE immediately starts to call the police. So how would that math go? For every (1) bike that the Black guy steals the white guy could steal (99) Bikes? :lol In this scenario if there is a Jail for "Bike Thieves" and one hundred Blacks are in that jail how many white people would be in that jail?.........Maybe 1 or 2......Going by the ratio of calls to the police (1 of 100) how many SHOULD be in that jail? You do the math. ![]() ![]() This is what kind of people you are dealing with. I have no love for criminals so i dont really care too much for people in jail BUT if you think people are CONVICTED and prosecuted on an even/fair basis when it comes to race then you are out of touch with reality. I actually WORK for a law firm. I see some of the stuff every day. For any 30-40 Negroes that go to jail for something simple as having a bag o' weed I am sure there are maybe 500-1000 of white folks that get off scott free. Dont believe it, pull up a university study on the issue, better yet just take a look at the prison population. It is a direct reflection of what goes on in the Bike scenario above. SURE that Negro stealing the bike is guilty and belongs in jail, but there should be 100 white kids serving time with him. |
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#27 |
How can we put a percentage on who commits the most crime when not all criminals are arrested and convicted. Some people are acquitted in court. Also some folks (Negroes) are sought after more. Take a look a these scenarios: There is still demographic information on the perpetrators even without a conviction.
You can also make statistical inferences on the race of uncaught criminals based on the poroption of crime and convicted criminals in an area. White people are not sneaking into all black neighborhoods and committing all the unsolved crimes. |
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#28 |
White people are not sneaking into all black neighborhoods and committing all the unsolved crimes. Most serial killers and mass murderers are white. Most sadists and masochists are of european origin. The worst genocides have been committed by euros. Of the top ten most dangerous nations, measured by per capita murder rates: 5 are in Europe, the part of Europe with hardly any blacks: Russia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus. 3 are mestizo majority latin american nations: Colombia, Venezuela, Mexico 2 are majority black: South Africa, Jamaica Source: |
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#29 |
There is still demographic information on the perpetrators even without a conviction. The better question for public debate is this: do the actual government statistics bear out the claim that Blacks contribute disproportionately to the crime rate? Or is this largely a stereotype, which is driven by the disproportionate rate of ARRESTS and CONVICTIONS of Black people? And does the over-focus on Black crime conceal an alarmingly high crime rate within the white population? Source In the case of the Bicycle experiment we can clearly see that there would be an "alarmingly high crime rate within the white population" when it comes to bicycle theft because people were more focused on the Negro. I am not saying this will always be the case but it is a factor that must be added to the equation. Its somewhat simple minded and unsophisticated of a person to just say "Hey look who is in jail". That means that If I stole all these bikes: Attachment 57199 You could have literally stolen like a half a million bikes and put them in a football field. ![]() |
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#30 |
Only when black crime averages equal white crime averages would the prison population be an accurate reflection of crime prevalence. The fact that the highest crime areas are still high Black areas tells me that we don't have nearly enough Blacks criminals in prison. And lets not forget the mountains of wrongly accused Black prisoners put away by a system that literally targets Blacks and where police are fired for refusing to do so. Seems Texas got some issues. You wouldn't happen to be Texan, now would you? |
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#31 |
In the defense of the crime statistics, it's not because black people are predisposed to being criminals, it's because of their upbringing and the type of environment, neighborhood, and poverty levels they grow up in. Whites who grow up in the ghetto or trashy neighborhoods would commit just as many crimes, because it's nothing to do with genetics or race that causes people to commit crimes.
Also, if one believes certain races are genetically predisposed toward crime, who is "black" and who is "white"? Most black people in the US have white ancestry and I am sure a decent amount of US whites have black ancestry. Hell, even I probably do, I am half Azorean Portuguese after all. ![]() |
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#32 |
word.most crime has its roots in poverty and the things that come with it,lack of oppurtunities,lack of adequate schooling,and in most poor communities lack of family structure...lots of dads missing and moms working 2 or more jobs,when you got no one watching you you tend to run around and do dumb shit.thats how it starts..skipping school and hanging out and you start working your way up the ladder til your breaking into peoples houses and cars and shit.
ive lived in some grimey ass trailer parks and the white people there are just as criminal as other races,though admittedly they usually perpetrate other types of crimes,mostly drug related,but also alot of theft and unfortunately domestic battery(that goes on alot),they dont usually get involved in gangs. living there was like living in a fucking cops episode,every time id walk home at night it was the same thing...drunk white guy with mullet fights cops,white guy steals stereos from car,white guy is selling pills out of his house..all that shit. |
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#34 |
People who assert that Blacks are genetically prone to crime are using extremely selective samples, in case studies no less (!) -- very unscientific, very inaccurate. If I wanted to do the same, I'd compare Nigerian-American crime rates with trailerpark methlab dweller crime rates and laugh my ass off as I post "damning evidence" that "statistically proves" that Whites are genetically inferior to Blacks and more prone to delinquent, childish behavior. See how that works?
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#35 |
People who assert that Blacks are genetically prone to crime are using extremely selective samples, in case studies no less (!) -- very unscientific, very inaccurate. If I wanted to do the same, I'd compare Nigerian-American crime rates with trailerpark methlab dweller crime rates and laugh my ass off as I post "damning evidence" that "statistically proves" that Whites are genetically inferior to Blacks and more prone to delinquent, childish behavior. See how that works? |
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#36 |
Arrested Toronto Thief Stole a Record 2,396 Stolen Bicycles
Igor Kenk is a social worker and the owner of a used-bike shop in Toronto. Over his shop, a former police garage, it is filled with a record 2,396 stolen bikes arranged according to their brand names. Had to be a white dude And you know why he got away with stealing so many? Maybe "they" were too worried about that Negro and his stealing of 23.9 bikes. Remember for every 23.9 bikes a Negro will steal : Igor Kenk can steal 2,396 bikes. ![]() I am only kidding, this is funny though. |
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#37 |
Well yes. I mean, I see nothing incorrect about stating that the vast majority of crimes in the US are committed by black men, but anyone who says it's due to genetics comes across as ignorant. You do understand that Blacks are only ~12% of America, right? You think the vast majority of crimes in America are committed by 1/10 of our population, all Black? SMH. Listen up girl. Literal number of crimes committed by Whites vs. Blacks? Whites staggeringly outnumber Blacks. There's just no doubt about it, this is a statistical given that anybody will admit. It's just the crime rates in which Blacks allegedly lead, and these crime rates are assumed based on arrest rates. Now, if only arrest rates were an accurate reflection of actual crimes committed (in other words, if police targeted whites and blacks equally, which, again, it's a nonarguable given that they don't), it'd be a bit more understanding to assert Black crime rates as higher than White. |
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#38 |
Wait, you're serious? But I doubt that the black crime rate is alleged. it probably isn't that far from accurate. So instead of assuming that the crime rate is due to white racism, why not blame it on the fact that a significant amount of black children in the US live in impoverished areas, have an unfortunate lack of access to education, and grow up without fathers since black men are notorious for walking out on their families? ---------- Post added 2011-02-23 at 20:13 ---------- Oh btw I wasn't implying that ALL black men walk out on their families, but it is known that almost 50% of black children grow up without their father. ( Either way don't get me wrong, I'm not condoning stereotypes or racism. |
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#39 |
I got confused, sorry. Of course in terms of raw numbers, whites commit more crimes. |
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#40 |
Well, obviously crime rates are higher in impoverished areas. Seeing as there are quite a few Blacks who come up in these environments, sure, those Blacks are more prone to commit crime than other non-poverty-stricken Americans (be they Black, White, whatever). |
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