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#21 |
Since when did the Vietnamese speak on behalf of Chinese?? The one-child policy is enforced at the provincial level and not at the national level so implementation varies across China. The Chinese government estimated that only 35.9% of the population today are still affected by the policy and many people simply refuse to abide by it so today. But they were able to bring birthrate down from 5.8 to 1.6/women which is pretty impressive. All across the developing world the birthday is usually double that of China's birthrate today. |
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#22 |
Thats because its is effectively a two-child policy in most parts fo China. If your first born was a girl, you can have another child but you have to wait 3-4 years. If your first born was mentally or physically disabled, you can have another child. Also note that ethnic minorites such as Uyghurs and Tibetans can have 3 or 4 children and are not included. Why China's economy grow,because we have large population,so we can produce cheap goods,it's called 人口红利.Now China's population became ageing every year,so in near future,the society will pay price for this stupid policy ---------- Post added 2010-11-10 at 13:20 ---------- Yeah but where did that heavy industry get us? we still can't even produce large cargo planes, large airliners, aircraft carriers, modern cars/trucks up to western standards, modern automotive engines, efficient turbofan engines/stealth technology for next generation fighter jets. Our steel industry is behind India's and we have to import subsystems for our military hardware from Russia/Israel and Ukraine. Basically when we were suppose to worry about feeding our people, we were developing nuclear weapons and building an army like North Korea today. Feeding people is more important to standing up to the world. I'm glad that now we're on the right track but I can't imagine what China would be like today if it had 300million more mouths to feed today under the same circumstances. 看问题应该全面,比如毛时代的农业 大家知道当时的水利规模大到什么程 ?当时每7000人就要有一个水库,* 大部分农民都参*过史*前例的水利 设。毛时代的水利建设使得*国农业 改变了*天吃*的状况,这个贡献怎 说都不为过。而改革开放以后水利就 怎么动过,*为官僚们知道,水利不 容易出政绩 还有化肥,毛主*是规定每 县都要有一个化肥厂,当然技术不行 浪费巨大,但种过地的人都知道化肥 对农业的意义 毛主*对农村的扫盲工作的 献也很大,1949年的时候,80%*国人是 文盲,而同时的台湾九成以上的人都 *,其高层人才也随着国民党逃台而 以补充。而当时的*国是什么程度, 大*计划招生7.5万,竟*足够的合* *毕业生报考!5亿人口的大国达到这 种程度不严重吗? *说,毛时代,人民生活水 不高。这个我承认,但请*记住,毛 代是积累经济,而邓发展的是消费经 济,消费经济自然人民生活水平得到 高,但不能就*否定毛的积累 其实毛泽东那时的计划经济体制是没 错的,甚至是很*确的,当时*国* 把苏联全套的设备,图纸,工艺技术 ,工作流程都搬来了*国,让*国在 *时间内由一个农业国二成为当时的一 拥有先进工业系统的国家。那时的很 多都成为了一代经典,比如东风系列 燃机车完全依照苏联的图纸制*,现 都还在使用。“解放牌”就不说了, 80年代都能看到它的身影。*国那时生 产的机床一直沿*到今天,*国也是 那个时候开始了飞机国产化的历程, *7我们现在依然在服役。*国当时在 通建设上也是成绩斐然的,最大的成 莫过于‘大三线’的开通,成昆,宝 成,襄渝,黔昆,湘黔铁路的开通, 得整个西南地区的社会经济发生了质 飞跃,大西南的历史至少一下*跃进 了50年。这一事件也使得西南各族人民 永远与祖国紧密地联系在了一起。可 毛那个时代对*国的技术发展是做出 很大的贡献。 |
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#23 |
It should be noted one child policy is part of the affirmative action by CCP policy only restricted to the Han Chinese like dsong2006 .
Minority Chinese like Masahiroguren ( purportedly Zhuang?) and Sahaliyan(Manchus?) are exempted completely. Other benefits include extra points addition to college enrollment and job employment. |
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#24 |
It should be noted one child policy is part of the affirmative action by CCP policy only restricted to the Han Chinese like dsong2006 . |
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#25 |
I agree with most of what you are saying, and I will concede that the early 30 years of leadership were instrumental in laying foundations of modern China and its place in the world albeit with heavy human cost but, I think you are missing the main point of what I am saying. I want to stress that the one-child-policy was a stimulating force in China's development not a inhibiting force. Think about it this way, 300million less children means 300million less mouths to feed, it means more resources could be invested in primary and secondary education which improved the overall literacy rate of China. It means greater investment in the children of my generation which will shape how China's future will unfold. In macroeconomic terms it means greater physical capital per person and greater human capital which will increase production rate and ultimately production quality. And since the One-Child Policy coincided with economic liberalization of Deng Xiaoping, it worked in conjunction with gai ge kai fang and not against it. Also think about the environment. Without it the desertification of northern China and the water crisis in China will be even worse to now, which is bad enough.
The one-child policy was a utilitarian decision that needed to be made even at the cost of suppressing the reproductive right of two generations of people. I think the future generations will look back to this and see the effects of the program and understand that it was it was a sacrifice that will ensure their lives will be infinitely better. |
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