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#21 |
Oh, so you speak engrish? Very impressive--like wearing sunglasses at night and getting your hair permed like the faaaagot you are! Little puffter! your insults would carry much more weight if they came from a german, an englishman, a frenchman, or even a russian. but alas, you are a romanian. since you like to judge ethnicities on the basis of historical achievement...what has romania accomplished in the last 2000 years? nothing. in fact the phrase "romanian achievement" itself is an oxymoron. asides from impaling a few turks, your country has managed to get itself overran by almost every people that have ever inhabited the continent of eurasia. your country has conquered no one...your country has invented nothing. every accomplishment you claim, have little to do with romania. this is why you resort to white pride, because you cannot boast of anything that romania has done. forget about comparing your country to china. even comparing romania to south korea, or even taiwan would be an insult to them. you are deluded...and your posts reek of your inferiority...loud and true. never have i seen anyone so obsessed w/ asians that he must include them in every post. you have written about every asian stereotype that has ever existed and even made up a few more. guess what, this is the real fucking world, not some 19th century fantasyland. times have changed. asians live more on just half bowl of rice a day. asian countries having roaring, prosperous economies whose growth rates are unparalleled. and wherever east asians have immigrated to, their sons and daughters have become the bright and brightest in their country. we are in the highest income brackets, we send our kids to the best universities, and we live in the best houses. can romanians boast this? no. yes, what you say about asian women going after white men is true. unfortunately asian women are not going after you, or your kind...the funny looking eastern european with the strange accent. don't kid yourself. no east asian girl would touch girl would go near you...a clown who spends his days typing away angry white power messages on internet forums. your only hope is going back to some romanian village and show her your canadian passport in the hopes of getting her to come with you. |
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#22 |
HAHAHA Insulin, Jet power, first self-propelled flight (wright brothers used a catapult to get airborne) cybernetics....four things Romanians have invented in the last 100 years that are more important than all of east asia has innovated combined! See we just don't promote ourselves well--we innovate as well as anyone and pound-for-pound we are unmatched! Wake up, slope! Let's see Taiwan, Korea or even your China top that......seems your nation is the one that hasn't done anything lately----SNAP! All these things changed humanity more than your stuffed animals, pots and pans and dumplings ever will. And your accusations are false--I like and respect you race very much...just don't want to live in Hong Kong so Vancouver may have to be ditched as it is a lost cause. You go move to Rejkiavik and see if you like it! Being a visible minority is not fun for anyone, sorry it made your arse hurt so much that you had to attack a tiny nation that punches way above our weight--yet nobody knows! |
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#23 |
You're so stupid, don't you get that I have absolutely no accent whatsoever??? i have been with more asian girls than you have I guarantee that! Insulin, Jet power, first self-propelled flight (wright brothers used a catapult to get airborne) cybernetics....four things Romanians have invented in the last 100 years that are more important than all of east asia has innovated combined! See we just don't promote ourselves well--we innovate as well as anyone and pound-for-pound we are unmatched! Wake up, slope! who were they complied by...romanians, like you, with too much time on their hands? funny thing is...i don't even need a wikipedia article. a search for citations at pubmed alone (a database of medical journals compiled by NCBI) will show more chinese (or korean, taiwanese) authors than any fact ill be impressed if any romanian name show up at all Let's see Taiwan, Korea or even your China top that......seems your nation is the one that hasn't done anything lately----SNAP! And your accusations are false--I like and respect you race very much...just don't want to live in Hong Kong so Vancouver may have to be ditched as it is a lost cause. You go move to Rejkiavik and see if you like it! Being a visible minority is not fun for anyone, sorry it made your arse hurt so much that you had to attack a tiny nation that punches way above our weight--yet nobody knows! |
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#24 |
Check mate Lack Hung Dong!
Your weak rebuttal is hardly worth the designation! Got any facts to top that list? Or prove it is not 100% real? It is in engrish right? What else would I pull out when losers like you say Romania has done nothing for 2000 years but proof to the contrary--see how this debate thing works? I'll leave you with this song by a Romanian who will be topping your charts soon! See, Romania smashes China's ass in music and movies as well! PS, I'll give you the food, some of my favorite, for sure! Medicine--there are plenty of Romanian innovators there too, Insulin is not important? How about bacteriology? I think you're beat-Gnite! |
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#25 |
Check mate Lack Hung Dong! ![]() have a good night. im done wasting my time w/ you btw, to anyone else who's reading, i have no beef with romania. i spend about as much time thinking about romania as geto lives in reality. |
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#26 |
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#27 |
Yeaaaaah, you sure proved how much more 1.5 billion slopes innovated more for modern man than a nation of 25 million that has only enjoyed 40 year sof freedom in the last few centuries! ![]() |
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#28 |
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#29 |
Rice does have a point, though.
A well adjusted Asian is seen in a much more positive light than any new Eastern European immigrant. Here it's so bad that the word "Eastern European" automatically evokes an association with crime. And among Eastern Europeans the ones who are viewed with the most suspicion are the Romanians, especially since they entered the EU. Many would rather prefer to deal with a local Muslim of a brown complexion that any Romanian. Maybe Eastern Europeans will help with integration, cause you're the new scapegoat that the locals - including immigrants, may stand up against in union! I know it ain't fair, and that it's based on ignorance, but that's how it is as of now. |
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#30 |
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#31 |
This occurs in Muslim countries, never mind 'Western'.
In its continued efforts to bring unity among followers of different faiths, Minhaj-ul-Quran International (MQI) has an annual interfaith program at the time of Christmas at its central headquarters in Lahore. This year again the local Christian community was invited to celebrate Christmas at the MQI secretariat with their Muslim friends. Another great aim of this annual event is to show to the Christian minority of Pakistan and the wider Christian community, the true moderate face of Islam and to wash away misconceptions propped up by extremists who claim to represent the true Islam. |
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#32 |
This occurs in Muslim countries, never mind 'Western'. ---------- Post added 2010-10-21 at 14:13 ---------- Many would rather prefer to deal with a local Muslim of a brown complexion that any Romanian. |
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#33 |
This also happens in Muslim countries: |
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#34 |
Lol, you may be right there. I don't know, I was thinking of the recent portrayal in the press, and what people say - I don't think there are many "old" Romanian immigrants here. It may be a fault of the press, but it is like that, in general - but there are obviously exceptions as always. of course, plenty of eastern europeans have integrated into american/canadian society, notable ethnic groups being the polish in the US and ukrainians in canada. however, those ethnic groups have been immigrating to north america since since the middle of the 19th century, so they've had time to establish themselves here and acquire american/canadian cultural norms. same goes for the chinese and other asian americans. the successful asian american/canadian families have been here for generations and have no problems integrating themselves into society at large. they tend to live in the suburbs outside large cities like most middle class americans and have no problems interacting w/ the larger population. however, since the economic liberalization of china in the 1990's, there have been a new wave of chinese immigrants to the west. those chinese usually do not integrade, they tend to live in ethnic enclaves, don't learn the language well, and don't interact w/ the host population. i believe this is especially true of chinese in canada (and perhaps UK and australia as well). chinese in america tend to integrate better, since america has more stringent immigration standards, and selects for a higher quality of chinese immigrants. those in canada tend to be not as hard working, and many are there to take advantage of generous welfare benefits. that shit would never go down in the states, though. those who come to the states generally work hard and move up the ladder pretty fast, and become middle class. they move to the suburbs where the concentration of minorities are much lower, and send their kids to the suburban schools, whereby their kids are americanized. one generation later, these chinese americans are indistinguishable from the rest by their speech, culture, and mannerisms. |
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